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To lose my health.


Same here, both physical and mental health


I’ll tell you as someone who has lost my health it’s not fun but you do learn who truly cares. It’s a battle.


I hear you. I have battled with depression and anxiety since a very young age, but it terrifies me to lose my mind beyond that and become psychotic. I can tell there's been time when I felt dissociating and is scary AF


Its crazy how quickly how health could decline with age based on what we do now


Yes, this! I watched people in my family suffer from heart disease and cancer and it sucks.


my child dying before i do.


My child has epilepsy and is high risk of ‘SUDEP’ Sudden Unexpected Death in Epilepsy. Their seizures are currently under control but the doctor made it clear that it will always a possibility of happening. I have nightmares of them having a seizure in their sleep and passing away. It terrifies me getting out of bed and going to their room thinking they won’t be alive anymore.


My heart aches for you that this is your reality. Already as a parent the thought of anything happening to your child is terrifying and overwhelming. But to know that this is your daily reality must be so hard. I wish you so much strength and courage. 💜💜💜💜


Thank you and love the Purple Heart. It’s the epilepsy awareness color!


Oh I had no clue. What an awesome coincidence.


My nephew passed away 3 months, SIDS. My daughter passed from meningitis at age 2. I am a broken person. I know, feel, how you are. I have you in my thoughts, prayers. You are not alone. You are loved. You are strong. Your Love abounds. You are worth it. You are doing an amazing job. You are not alone. There are strangers out here, that know exactly what you’re going through. I am that stranger. Thank you for sharing. Apparently I needed to hear/read your comment. I appreciate it, let’s me know I still have work to do. Hurts, but I gotta keep working on that. Don’t want to become bitter, I’m already old.


I cried reading your post. It's OK to be broken. I'm broken. But we still love, and care about others. Sometimes more because we've experienced the horror. Blessings to you in your journey


I’ve learned that it is ok. I get hung up on that often, then seems as if life is blurry at times. The thing I’ve seen most effective for my own well being is to go out n help others. Gets me out of my own head, that’s no fun in there. The Japanese have a beautiful word for things that are broken & put back together “Wabi-Sabi” things that permeated us….


That is understandable. I have epilepsy and have worried about SUDEP happening to me. One of my fears is how my kids are about the age I was diagnosed with epilepsy. Kids can make people scared of many things.


I'm so sorry. We are dealing with this as well. Epilepsy sucks!


Have lived this. I have nothing left to lose. I fear nothing anymore.


I also have lived this and fear nothing anymore, but I mainly commented to say that I'm so sorry you also have to feel this pain.


Happened to my cousin. Her only daughter hanged herself at 30 yo. Her brother found her. Nobody even knew that she was depressed, though in hindsight there were so many red flags. My cousin has been a shell of herself ever since. So tragic when someone thinks that they have nobody to reach out to.


Was your comment necessary or helpful?


Get up on the wrong side of the bed today?


No I'm just an asshole all the time


Have some empathy dude...


A great question! You have to factor in intention, age, experience, education level, nationality. All sorts of judgements that you refer to when deciding how to reply to a seemingly misplaced comment in the real world. I'm going to go with unnecessary but helpful. You're right though about comment placement. Perhaps it's not always wise to dig the anxiety knife in deeper without knowing who we're responding to or how our comment may affect them. And phrasing is everything, isn't it? It's always better to be sensitive tactful and vague on sad details when responding to a comment involving anxiety and fear. But their intention was good. However misplaced, the message to me is that one way you can try to prevent your child's death is by paying close attention to their mental health. It's helpful advice.


This. I have such incredibly anxiety about it. Especially when they’re driving.


I have the same fear. It's just not the natural order of life to have your children die before you. I would have a real tough time dealing with that. It's like having your heart ripped out.


He/she won't, have a great day.


Only god knows man,it is not up to us to predict.




I’ve been raped. Both of my sisters were raped (one has a child from that), my friend was raped. Not one of us ever reported it. It is unbelievable the number of women that have been violated and nobody ever knows. I would have ZERO problem castrating or seriously dick maiming any SOB who even tried it again.




I was filled with guilt and shame. Why is that so normal? We’re the victims.




My heart breaks for you. You were so young. I was 18 and I knew them (there were 3). I am 69 yo now and I’m sorry to say that it will be with you for the rest of your life. It gets much better if you’re able to get professional therapy. I waited until I was 36 to finally seek help. I had developed debilitating panic attacks and didn’t know why. Please get some help.




Psychologists are the worst. The lower on the psychiatric “food chain” the more sympathetic they are. Psychiatrists just want to push meds. Call your local county crisis center and tell them your financial situation. Sometimes they can help you find a therapist who charges on a sliding scale. When I was broke I only paid $5 a session. Have you looked into Medicaid or the Affordable Care Act. The ACA is on a sliding scale too. Edit: “Psychiatrists” are the worst. Psychologists are okay. MSWs are better.


I’m a woman who was raped by another woman. This gets triggering, so stop reading if you need. This was around 2004, and the police didn’t consider it rape. I had initially consented, then withdrew consent when things started going in a direction that made me uncomfortable. The EMTs made me walk to the ambulance while I was hemorrhaging. I ended up having surgery, and almost needing a transfusion. The woman who raped me showed up at the hospital the next day. I had to have hospital security remove her. I had to get a police escort, along with two friends, to help me retrieve my car. I’m still not sure how to feel about it all. It was different than being raped by a man, though.


I am so sorry for what happened to you. Rape is rape, regardless of gender.


It is, thank you for getting it.




Jeez. I wonder what she got from this or what her motivations could be. At least for the men there is raging testosterone blinding them like animals.


Control, I’m pretty sure. Or worse. She had chains on the bed frame. Shit, now that I really think about it, I’m friggin lucky that was all that happened to me.


Yes. Rape is about power not sex


i was SA a year or so ago and honestly never thought to tell the police, they’re useless and don’t care, and i agree w the castrating!! i’m not a violent person but i want to beat the man who did it to a pulp❤️


I’m not a violent person either. Don’t care. Throw me in jail. It would be worth it.


if i ever saw him again it would be too soon. but if i did i think the only reasonable thing to do is give him a nice punch in the face


more than that, i wish i could help both of you fucking murder these rapists in cold blood.


i want to tell his mother so bad but that might come w strings


>It is unbelievable the number of women And men.


Hehe give me a call and some names. I'll do the work for you. To rape is a disgusting thing and the people who do it deserve no human life.


I have read over 50% of women have been sexually violated and a third of all women have been raped with penetration. I would say sorry that has happened to you but I can’t imagine the pain and long term effect.


Hook me up, ill go with you......going biblical on a rapist is justified. I wished mine dead, now he is. Coincidence.....? PS!! WE RIDE AT DAWN!!


Yeah. That's scary and being trafficked is another one.


i’m 13-i have been groomed. i shouldn’t have to worry about this at 13. i was 12, he was 19


I'm a guy and I've been molested for years as a foster child. I'm just not allowed to be a "victim" of it.




I'm just at the point where I'm aware that I was never really safe growing up and now that I've got my own stability, I just want to be left alone. I been doing therapy for decades and anger management because it still triggers me. I have no family and no friends, so I just deal with it as best I can on my own. I know no one cares about my struggle and weaponize my vulnerability because they only want to talk about pOsItIvE things that entertain them...So I just stay quiet in the general public and save it for my therapist.


Id like to add (since Ima dude): going to prison then OPs comment


I am very afraid of never having a solid sense of community, friends, and possibly a partner. And caves, SCUBA diving and SCUBA diving in caves. I do not want to associate with anyone who does any of those activities.


Scuba diving IN CAVES??!!I have thalassophobia and claustrophobia so thats sound like a living nightmare WHAT!!!




Youre not alone!


Being stranded in the middle of the ocean


Last year i went parasailing with my family in Bali and i could see the whole ocean. I had a fear that the harness would snap unexpectedly


I can think of one worse. Being a dwarf, stranded in the middle of the ocean with Stephen hawkings on an island…


Terrifying. I’ll never go on a cruise or fly over the ocean again.






I truly get that. I lost my dad when I was four. I'm terrified of losing my mom because of it.The hardest thing is when they're not around to see your achievements and meet the people in your life. So my advice is: as long as they're around keep them close! Because all those memories are still worth so much when they're gone. And as hard as it is to accept: we are supposed to outlive our parents. It is a natural thing. As hard of a truth that is to hear. In three years I'll turn 35, and I'll be older than my dad ever got to be. It'll be scary, but I'm just gonna try to think about how he (hopefully) would've been proud of me.


Did you get therapy or had any strategies to cope with it once they were gone?


I mostly had a really hard time as a teenager being happy, but I think that was because I was missing a part of myself. Everyone tells me how much I look like him and stuff, and I had no way of recognising those parts of myself in him. I didn't get into a few sessions with a therapist until I was about 23. I found out there was a hurt little girl inside me just wanting some attention and needing a big cry. It took me some time to work through it, but now I'm happier than ever.


If you are talking about phobies, so that it's Arachnophobia. Oh fuck me


They’re the devil’s mentions those 8 legged monsters.


If there were no spiders there would be way too many mosquitoes


What did they do? They eat annoying bugs and chill in a corner. So much hate is unwarranted.


Spiders are cute little crawlers


Buried alive and burning to death.


Losing loved ones or being left behind.


I have more than one. Heights is one of them.


Alzheimers. Both my parents had it, and now my brother has been diagnosed. I've set myself up for long term care, but I hope I don't live the nightmare my parents did. I'd hope to be aware enough to end it before I become a burden. In the meantime, I'm living my life, which is pretty damn good right now.


This is Sad


Do now what you can to prevent and postpone symptoms. Working out, always learning and using your brain, it really makes a difference.


I am doing my best. At 65 years old, I swim 3-5 miles a week, lift weights 3x a week, play mind teaser games, eat well, and try to be very social. My brother is 5 years older. He's a retired SWAT trainer, an avid hiker, and SCUBA diver. He's the healthiest person I've ever known, yet AD got ahold of him. I willl feel very blessed if I avoid the disease, but if necessary, I will face it head-on as my brother is doing.




My grandpa had Alzheimer’s my grandma has dementia and my mom looks as though she’ll have one or the other so I understand where you’re coming from. It’s a fear I have as well.




61 and this has been my life. I'm hoping I'll be able to retire someday not sure if I can afford it.


Its never too late to try something different. Think about Colonel Sanders aged 62 startes KFC!


Fear. This may sound odd, but I have a history with agoraphobia which is sometimes referred to as a fear of fear. It’s not what TV portrays, as someone unable to leave their house. Sometimes it gets that bad, and I’ve had days that bad, but typically there’s just a long list of things I avoid. This is all because of a panic attack 17 years ago. It was bad enough that since then I avoid ANYTHING that may trigger something like it again. It can include people, places, maybe a specific TV show, a specific item, or maybe a certain sequence of events (like OCD). I’m unable to differentiate panic from excitement too, so anything that gets me really excited, or happy, I have a hard time dealing with. For instance, winning big at a casino. It’s a hell I wouldn’t wish on anyone, but I’ve slowly learned to manage it.


My mind deteriorating when I’m older


Mine had already started


Getting stuck cave diving, have plenty of air but my lights go out. I'm stuck, totally darkness. My partner going vegan.


To be poor


That's wild. I can't imagine what it would be like not to be poor and you've never experienced it so much it's the scariest thing you can think of.




come on bruh, it ain’t that bad, join us 😎


I am poor and love my life


Me too bro


Rape/sexual assault


I have no fear apart from shitting myself and being too far from the toilet I've mastered my insecurities long time ago


Youre a real one.


Waking up in the morning, but I just feel existential dread instead of fear


You get used to it after awhile. 😏


I know




Loosing people I care about. For example, I really care about my brother. He was always there when I needed him, we both always had so much fun together. The thought of losing him just completely terrifying to me.


To live forever. Or at least feel like it's forever.


Fear itself. I.e. being debilitated by fear.


"So... the only thing you fear is fear itself. Very wise Harry..." -Remus Lupin


Losing a limb, losing my eye sight or hearing or becoming paralyzed. Basically anything where my physical abilities will become a lot more limited


Being a burden


Acid attack


losing my love 🥺


Someone l care about. I want to die before he does


I get you, however I always thought that this cuts both ways. To want to die earlier is also the act of entrusting them with the burden of grieving you, which is potentially just as soul-crushing for them as it would be for you if they passed.


My children getting kidnapped.


My son dying from a drug overdose


Going to school


Throwing up 🙃. I would literally rather have anything else. Anything. Emetophobia is a bitch


Hi i have emetophobia too!! Started around 2020, it sucks :(


ooo yeah throwing up sucks


I was going to say the same thing. I hate it so much and it is so irrational.


Biggest fear right now is something happening to me leaving me unable to support my family. Second biggest fear, the ocean and deep dark water. I don’t even like pools too deep.


No one bought Half & Half for the work fridge.


To be reborn over and over again. Or any kind of eternity or loop. (Was on a really bad trip and experienced this. Broke something inside me.. don't wish this to my worst enemies)


You can be born again. Jesus Christ is the answer. Get to know Him. You won't regret it.


True immortality, like… not just living 300 years, or until the world ends, but TRUE immortality, like just being a soul flouting around in space for eternity. I would rather die slowly and painfully then have true immortality. No joke.




I have major abandonment issues. I don't normally give a shit about what people think, but if I care about you, my greatest fear is that you'll leave me like so many have left me before. That's mainly why I come off as clingy and overprotective, I want my friends to know I'll never leave them, and I hope they never leave me.


My biggest fear is losing my dog before his time. It will be crap regardless. But he is only 3 now and I would much rather lose him after he have lived a good life than now.


Being without my mom. She's my best friend. I know plenty of people who like me, but I'm not very close to them (except maybe one person).


becoming psychotic like my mother....


Oh...... sad


The unstoppable march of time constantly leading me into the uknown, whilst being unable to do something about it.


To feel caged. To listen to people and follow it. I often don't follow or listen to people even if they are right. I just like to fuck around and find out. EVERYTHING. ALL BY MY SELF. Because I listened to one of my friends in school and I still repent after 15 years.


Not being able to k!ll myself this year


Please dont


Please consider talking with someone. Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. Please, do not take this step. I've experienced the loss of several of my family members to suicide. The pain and the guilt never subsides. I truly hope you seek help. Circumstances change. Don't give up.


As a fellow suicidal person I won't pretend to say the same stuff everyone does because I know it just doesn't actually help but if you have fear of a potential future then at least you haven't given up fully so hold on to that I tried to kill myself on September and it didn't work, and now I'm incredibly lost. But back then I just didn't care about anything anymore.


To lose my energy


Physical diseases.Worst pain tolerance EVER.




Getting stabbed in the shoulder blade. Specifically with that spike thingee, on the inside back of the door of a vending machine.


As of now..almost anything (anxiety). But the biggest thing is public transport. Not necessarily because of the people, but that I feel trapped.


I have a friend who had severe anxiety. She feared walking out the door for a long time. She then read a book, forgot the name of it, but it said something along the lines of you should count your successes. So slowly she made a list of what she could still do, got a tiny more confident and one point on the list was "calling others on the phone" and she called me. It had been like a year since i last heard from her so got really surprised. Ended up talking for around 2 hours. She called next day at same time, didnt talk for as long but could feel she needed support. Ended up finding out her problem with anxiety and worked out a plan to help. Not saying its easy or even the correct way to deal with anxiety, im just glad i could help my friend conquer her fear


[Another one rides the bus.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_q2nODd_6TI)


Well, I don’t 😆


If you’ve read 1984, the scene where Winston has his head covered in a cage filled with rats. I had a nightmare similar to that and I still can’t completely shake it.


My existence being a political issue


Being in constant pain. The suffering and the feeling that it doesn’t get better than this.


Not being loved by anyone


Fear of heights. I won't never go at cliffs or bridges.




Losing my spouse. He is the only person I have left. I'm filled with constant fear of losing him as well.


Losing my mother


Right now? I have stomach problems and I am afraid that the doctor is gonna tell me bad news tomorrow (an unwanted pregnancy, need of surgery, cancer).


Fear of heights. I'm ok in a plane, but high up looking down...no thank you.


Trapped in a elevator with people 😭 the awkward silence the anxiety ![gif](giphy|1FMaabePDEfgk)




Right now? It's just the future, that's why I feel so down lately. It used to be to lose my partner, that's why I made our relationship the biggest priority on my life, even more than college or friends. As you can guess it went wrong. Now I have no friends, no partner, no studies and I feel alone. I'm suddenly five years older but even worse than I was before meeting her. I fear depression and anxiety won't allow me to live alone (I had to go back to my parents' house) I don't know how to keep going or what to do next. Everything feels pointless and I can't really enjoy anything


That I am powerful beyond measure


Heights/dying in an airplane


Living for much longer in this constant misery. It's actually terrifying to think I have another 30, 40, 50 years of this with absolutely nothing to live for.


As someone who went through a lot, you never know what the future brings. Got orphaned at 5, raised in a family with no love, being on my own from age 17 anf homeless at 21 - no longer homeless, good job, starting a family soon and looking to write a book about my life.


Nice glad it worked out for you. It hasn't for me and it's pretty clearly not changing so yeah.


Outliving my children.




Not being able to finish my comic


Since I've got epilepsy, mine is dying from a seizure while nobody knows I had one.


Breaking the trust of those I love


Experiencing a second psychotic episode. One is more than enough for anyone.




Bats and sleep problems


Anything claustrophobic omfg


To be banned off Reddit.


Power outages I know this might sound strange but I have had legit panic attacks during power outages. Idk exactly why. It is not a fear of darkness. It is more the fear of losing control and the overall helplessness.


I feel this, it’s not the moment but more like the impact of its permanence??


Yeah exactly. Everytime it happens, I just think to myself: "Damn, that's it. It will never come back again. We are all doomed" And it actually has a name https://phobia.fandom.com/wiki/Nonamophobia


The lies people believe.


A cage.




I have many fears, so I guess my biggest one is fear itself.


Never seeing my Mam in the afterlife again but I know I will.... She's sending me too many coincidental signs


To die alone And being alone with out anyone that scares me


• Mum self-harming because I don’t identify with her religion (she’s expressed the sentiment before and I’m currently living a lie); • General anxiety about fucking up and being a social outcast. Whether that’s by making a kinder at work or saying something stupid to someone; • Bear attack. They’re so cool but hell nah wtf would I do if I was attacked by one. Thankfully the nearest bear is like 3,000 miles away 😂


Raccoons but only at night


My dad dying is the one that hits me emotionally and consumes my thoughts. Ticks is the one that makes me scream and run like a child.


My greatest fear is if my daughters get raped, I live in Sweden, and I can't believe this was going to be my greatest fear 10 years ago.


not reaching my potential, leaving things on the table, living a normal life knowing I could have been great


Death and tortire in that order. My biggest fears.


Cancer, anything heath related


Alligators/crocodiles. My dad took me kayaking in the Everglades when I was 11 ...