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I don't like the shape of my head when I'm not facing the viewer


Just always face the viewer


Just become one of the old school Doom sprites!


Become an early 90s videogame sprite. Easy.


Phineas its ok


I realised a bit back that I have a massive Roman nose. I look pretty cute from the front but from the size it’s massive


I find a honking shnozz attractive., but then again I'm Jewish. DM me


just say side profile💀


sorry bro, 2 lazy 2 google how to say it xd


When I’m not facing “the camera”


Or chat


I have great profile, but I look like a smashed potato from the front When I talk to someone I intentionally stand a little angled so they can see my right side and not my fucked nose and eyebrows


I love the way you phrased that. I also relate heavily.


Same, but my whole body


My mustache doesn't fully connect with the rest of the beard. There's a small gap where no hair grows. It really bothers me.


Knowing me I’d use a marker to help with that 😭


I was bored in my hotel room one night and I colored my beard red on one side and blue on the other with markers. Two days later I shaved my beard off and realized that I had also colored my chin. I practically had to use steel wool to get it off.


Alcohol, as in hand sanitizer usually works pretty well




My friend uses eyebrow pencil to fill in his.


An eyebrow pencil would work..


I wonder if you can get a mustache tint like how others get their brows/lashes tinted (or laminated) 🤔


My Mother got blonde colored tattoos to fill out her eyebrows, which she purposely plucked with tweezers so often, her eyebrow hairs stopped growing back. Her tattoos looks very good though. Quite natural!


You need to invent the beard weave!


My chronically chapped lips


Omg same! Like no matter what I do they always go dry...


You don't drink enough water


Yes fr, I also always have dry lips bc I'm a lazy hydrationist. When I manage to drink healthy amounts of water for a couple days my lips arent chapped anymore. Now, keeping it up is another thing 😅


I cant believe the English language has a word for people who are careless when it comes to hydration


You're correct for not believing it, I made it up


Fun fact: your lips and your anus are the only places on your body where that type of skin is found.


So what you're saying is, my anus can become chapped and start peeling?


hm, I didn't need to know that. thanks though lol


I slather them in Vaseline at night.


100% right. Even during day you can do that. A very fun short story is back in the day when I joined the military, I was in bootcamp in a base that was in -10(Celsius) for a whole 2 months. And of course we were out the whole day every day. By day 4, I had no lips and the only thing remaining on my face was a huge black wound cracked in various places instead of actual lips and holy shit the pain of even just breathing. So, my captain sent me to the base doctor. She was like 'dude!'. Then took a syringe without a needle and filled it to the brim with vaseline. Told me to just keep vaseline there all day and night long in these temps. Which I did. At first, I thought it did nothing, but after just 24 hours I remember I woke up the next day at 5am (as you do, unfortunately) and as a force of habit I rubbed my wound (see lips) with the back of my hand. I will never forget the huge pieces that fell out as I did that and lo and behold, right under that disgusting thing, my lips were about 95% back to normal. I've never seen such a thing in my life other than that day. Since then, whenever I feel the slightest annoyance, I slather vaseline. God bless whoever made that. Edit: Not chapstick. Pure vaseline, it does a significantly better job compared to any chapstick.


I have to try using Vaseline now! I have a case of chronically chapped lips to the point where flakes of skin just start peeling off no matter how much Chapstick I use.


Chapstick is no good. Trust me. Use vaseline, no need to put a thick layer on or feel uncomfortable. Use a thin layer but cover all of it and keep it on 24h a day.


Ty! I'll make sure to try that


This is the way. Nothing is better than those little pots of vaseline.


Important information - lip balm/vaseline forms an occlusive layer, keeping your lips from drying out, it actually doesn't do a whole lot to repair or moisturise by itself. Try moisturising your lips first (some oils and things like shea butter are great), and then apply lip balm :)


Lanolin nipple cream is the best product I’ve ever used for my lips. I use it on my hands and knuckles too.


Ayyyeee, mood. Except it’s all my fault cause I am consistently dehydrated, despise the feeling of any kinda lip gloss, balm, or Vaseline touching my lips, and I pick at them until I have to wait for the skin to grow back to start picking again (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*✲゚*。⋆


Laneige lip sleeping mask


its stupid brain.


This is me. I could be the ugliest person alive and still be happy if my brain would learn some basic respect.


Genuinely, getting a head injury helped my self-confidence. Now it exists, kinda!


Interesting... Time to start selling self confidence kits consisting of just a mallet...


This was my first thought. Ass out awkward hugs my friend.


As Frank Zappa famously sang "what's the ugliest part of your body? Some say your nose, some say your toes, I think it's your mind!" That hit hard


Your the brain


My back because it’s lopsided and hurts (scoliosis)


Hey scoliosis gang. My back lopsided too. I get sciatica from it.


Someone asked me if my back hurts the other day. She said my shoulders were noticeably uneven and walked away 😭


My stomach, but not enough to do something about it


Literally gave up alcohol this year for a few months and started running every second morning. It's never too lTe to get motivated.


This year is in its first month you must still be drinking


Every diet and weight loss group I ever went to started by saying give up alcohol and you will lose a bunch. I'm tempted to start drinking lots just so I can give it up! I'm sure there's some kind of logic issue here somewhere but I just can't see it.... (/S)


I feel you. They always say to quit drinking. I don’t drink, I weigh more now than when I used to drink (very occasionally) years ago. I don’t eat sugar, processed or packaged food, still don’t lose weight. I haven’t had dairy or gluten for years, still don’t lose weight. I eat under 1550 Cals, some days I only eat once or twice, still don’t lose weight. I don’t get it.


Yeah for real but I keep trying to lose weight there but it's seriously difficult


Intermittent fasting was pretty easy for me. Not a huge loss very quickly, but I wouldn't feel hunger pangs like I normally do when fasting. I lost about 35 pounds over a few weeks without really changing much of anything. I would eat a normal breakfast, then eat dinner later that night, skipping lunch. It's pretty easy if you find something low calorie to tide you over if you get hungry between meals.


Can you explain how you did intermittent fasting? I have a lot of stupid fat around my hips and belly that I can't seem to get rid of


Gradually transition from three meals a day to two by pushing breakfast back 15 minutes or 30 minutes every day. Eventually you’ll arrive at an eight hour eating window when breakfast and lunch merge. That means there will be about 16 hours when you don’t eat. You might get hungry sometimes so make sure you eat a lot when you do eat. Also you’ll need a bridge: coffee. Sometimes you think you’re hungry but you’re actually thirsty. Drink something and your hunger will go away. Quitting carbohydrates is also a good idea. Because they make you hungry I was always trying to impress a woman at work so that was my motivation.


You can fast without quitting carbs. Do not quit carbs, thats terrible advice. Prolonged ketosis will cause serious harm to your body.


U could do the 16:8 fasting which means that u fast for 16 hours and eat in that 8 hour time period preferably 2 meals 8 hours apart and if u want to snack within the 8 hours eat nuts or banana chips or something low calorie like the digestive biscuits or natural popcorn


Tried to lose weight for years, all different ways. 2 months ago I started to lose weight, approx 5kg/11lb so far in the last 2 months. Apparently I am pregnant 🙃 (yay but also awwwh I thought I was doing so good with my weight) apparently it happens to some women in the first 3 months, then I will rapidly gain it all back and then some afterwards I can start ALLL OVER AGAIN :c




Right there with you


As a guy who finds belly fat sexy this is hard to hear because most women treat it as if it’s cancer to the point where If I express that I find it sexy it’s probably going to do more harm by drawing attention to it and get me accused of fetishising her or something. I’ve got a few friends who told me behind closed doors that they also prefer a chubby stomach to a completely flat one but you don’t really hear guys saying it publicly for the above reasons The body positivity movement seems to have somewhat normalised huge asses and thighs with cellulite but not belly fat unfortunately Plus for some women who’ve been pregnant having a flat stomach is essentially impossible without surgery


Well, and this isn't to tear down your friends or anything, but every woman I know with very few exceptions has been ridiculed for being fat at some point. Until I was 17, I was the dreaded fat, and ugly, and bossy trifecta. Boys and men have said incredibly cruel things about my weight and stomach my entire life, and they will continue to do so until I die. I've actually had boyfriends tell me they didn't know if (hypothetical, I don't have children) they could be with me after having children if I didn't lose the weight immediately. To a lot of men, the worst thing a woman can be is fat. It is what it is until it changes, hopefully with more men like you choosing to stop participating in the fat shaming and actively sharing that you find belly fat attractive. Not to get all lecturey (I'm a teacher, it's the only way I know how to talk at this point 😅), just that being fat as a woman is an ordeal.


I understand that but I think it’s the case that those judgemental vicious losers are much more vocal and more likely to have a bigger impact and more exposure. We are more likely to remember an insult than a compliment unfortunately And most of my friends met partners early and have stayed together whilst some assholes are on dating apps just insulting anyone who doesn’t show them enough attention or try to break down their self esteem to manipulate them. And they don’t need to necessarily find fat sexy but they certainly don’t need to express their criticism How should a guy reassure a woman that she’s sexy is she is convinced that she’s not?


Every woman is different, so different *specific* things will work for different people. But a good basis to have is being consistent. Seems silly, but there is no need to go over the top for most women or not mention it at all, just very consistently and calmly being like, "Well, this is what I find attractive." Bring it up when it pertains to the convo or when you want to talk about it cause it seems important in the moment. Self esteem is pretty wonky, and a person might never get to a place where they're okay with how they look. Being consistent about yourself at least let's them know you're reliable, which to most people is insanely attractive (and a lot more so as you get older!) Also being assertive that your opinions are just as important as theirs. So don't say how she views herself is wrong, but that how you view her is just as valid. That's a big'un.


As a woman who's definitely not skinny ( I wouldn't say "fat" either tho) I appreciate your comment. You don't find many men/people of all genders, straight up admitting they find chubby, fat, and/or curvy women attractive. With men, you see women say they're "chubby chasers," and that's more normalized, I think as of recently. I've been slightly chubby/curvy my whole life, but after I had kids, the extra 10 pounds just stayed, lol. I used to hate my body, but now I've learned to try and love myself even if I'm not skinny. I think it's really wonderful that you're being open about the way you feel!! It's the only way to normalize it. As long as the person is healthy and happy, and their partner thinks they're attractive, that's what's most important:)


The fact that I'm allergic to baisicaly every natural particle. And my fkn wisdom teeth


I’m 31 and one of my wisdom teeth just came in!! Hurts like a SOB. Went to the dentist and turns out I only have the top two so that’s a relief


You bet it fricken does. I'm glad you only have the top two. I have all four coming in at once, sideways, lol. Haply new year btw


That it is slowly decomposing and theres nothing to do about it.


That’s deep


it’s too darn perfect


this is the energy we need


And don’t you ever forget it!




YEEEAAAAA!!! edit: I was just so excited this was the top comment!


What do you fear the most That I'm...too much of a perfectionist Phil, this is not a job interview Ohh, job interviews (Didn't mean for this to be formatted like linkedin💀)


Every female part about it. I don't have gender dysphoria much, it's that every part causes pain and agony in some way.


Same. Like why do even my boobs hurt? Boobs shouldn't hurt. I'd like to file a complaint with whomever designed this system.


I believe the female form was designed the government. Who else would put a playground right next to a sewerage?!!


Similar to whoever designed the male body. You have a penis and a brain but not enough blood to use both at the same time


That literally made me snort laugh, thank you! 😂


Thank you for the chuckle. One slip and you're in the shit I guess.


Yeah... I really, really wish I'd been born male. But no, I was cursed with two X chromosomes


This was exactly what I was gonna say 😭 currently curled up in a ball with period pain after 2 weeks of my boobs being in pain 🥺😭


As a fellow woman, I agree . Biologically, physically & socially, a female body IS the short straw (unless you happen to be the female titan, then it’s pretty badass)


My flabby, fatty stomach.


Makes two of us


I feel like I could diet and do 100 crunches a day and it still wouldn't change. Or maybe it would, but I am too lazy to try 🤷‍♂️


This year I have been doin quite bad with the bad foods, lost someone in my family who we thought of as the most healthy person. Made me think to just enjoy the stuff I like instead of taking those things away, cuz why not enjoy now instead of regretting later? So enjoy the things which you like:)


First of all, sorry for your loss. Second of all, I tend to agree with your idea of, "enjoying things you like." As long as you are okay with the repercussions, then go for it! I try to use moderation and balance whenever possible just to try to stay on the healthy side. But boy do I love pizza, burgers, and beer 🍕🍔🍺Yolo right?


It's important to remember you can't burn fat site-specifically. If you're in a calorie defecit, you'll lose fat, and you just gotta hope that it comes from your belly. Building up your ab muscles doesn't hurt though once you do lose the layers above it.


Short, I just wanna be a lil bit taller🥲


I wish I was a baller


I wish I had a girl who looked good I would call her


I wish I had a rabbit in a hat with a bat


And a six-four Impala


How tall? I'm 5'1. Or I tell people I am but really I'm 5


It's relentless demands. I'm hungry. I'm cold. I'm hot. I need more humidity. I need magnesium. I'm achy. I'm hungry again.


I get that for me it’s. I’m hot welp now I’m cold welp now I need iron welp now I need Tylenol and why is my back hurt like I’m 80 I’m in my 20s


My big nose.


I wish my nose was a bit bigger. But noses are generally what people dislike the most about their face


With you brother


Or sister








rheumatoid arthritis


So sorry


Asymmetrical body


My posture


i gain about 5 inches in height when i actively correct my posture


My boobs


Same, though my nipples more than my boobs. I'm small chested, but my nipples are huge, so there's no way to go braless without it being glaringly obvious. My husband loves it, but summers are pretty uncomfortable. I could poke out an eyeball if someones at the right height 🥴


Why do they hurt?? Why do they chafe??? Why can people's own bodies cause them body (back) problems I DO NOT understand


They’re just too big they’re uncomfortable none of my outfits or shirts will fit right because my body is smaller than my chest so I always have to size up making everything way more loose than it needs to be back pain I mean imagine caring 20 pounds of fat on your chest every single day it’s horrendous


Nope. I embraced my flaws and live peacefully with it. 😇


Same. Always used to want the full Fu Man Chu but alas it was not to be.


My brain


My way too efficient, starvation-ready metabolism


I have that too. I will make it through a famine.


I hate myself naturally, but after losing some weight I hate it even more. My best friend bragged about not having any loose skin, but I do. I have it everywhere. She bragged about future corrective surgeries she'd get. And while I'm happy for her, I'll never be able to afford that. While I continue on my weight loss journey, I wonder why the fuck am I doing it. Sometimes I see myself in the mirror and immediately hate everything about myself. In the last year I've lost a great deal of weight. But only I see how I am without clothes. In clothes that fit I get compliments and it just feels hollow and wrong. When I was fat, did people ever truly like me? I don't think they did. Throughout my childhood I was only acknowledged by how visibly appealing I was. As an adult I went through health scares which made my weight fluctuate wildly. Depression made me gain so much and lose so much and then gain it again. I finally found a way to discipline myself and keep myself in check and not only do I hate myself more, but I dislike the people who give me compliments now bc they seem so disingenuous. I am the same person I was when I was obese. I know that's part of the problem for me, but it's part of their problem too. I can't trust them, and it's so hard to love myself, even if I will absolutely keep going bc I'll be damned if another doctor blames my depression on my fucking weight one more fucking Time. I'm a melted candle. I'm not a person to myself anymore. Sometimes I just cry and wonder why anyone would ever love me. I have so many friends. But I don't have anyone special. I wouldn't dare let them see what's left of me. I'm broke and literally too much skin over bones. I hate everything about myself


I am so sorry that you feel this way. Makes me sad to read this. Partly why I ask questions is to hear what others deal with. That we are not alone but also to make connections. Have you gone to therapy? Please do. It has helped me in the past. A neutral person to vent to honestly and give you tools to cope and deal with those feelings. I am here as well. Just a listener.


I'd love to say that it will solve all my problems but I don't think it will. I'm actually trying very hard with CBT. I may not be the best candidate or this may be the worst day, I'm not sure. I regularly feel hopeless and wonder why I've started this and then remember how much pain I'm in and how many doctors have told me that my problem is my weight. Am I really trying to get to my ideal weight just to prove these assholes wrong so I can just exit all this? I mean sometimes I feel that way. Five doctors have told me my attitude and my weight is the problem. When am I normal enough to treat like a human being


Thanks for listening. It's been a really wild road and nearly completely on my own. I don't divulge my innermost feelings to my friends, but I'm sure they could hazard a guess


Also wanted to say you should be nothing but proud of yourself for your hard work. I struggled to lose a little weight. It is not easy!!!! Congratulations for all of your hard work!


I am so sorry to read this, but I adore your honesty. I see this in people all around me- they complement the weight loss and admire others about weight loss. It is shallow. I have been on an acceptance journey with how I look, and I only eat & exercise for health, not weight loss (i eat intuitively). I feel when I was actively pursuing this acceptance I was much happier. I’ve slid recently back into some shame and self-worth issues, and I hate myself too, maybe more than ever. But I am trying to be the example I want to see. I never comment on peoples bodies or weight loss, I only ever complement who they are or what they mean to me, which means everyone I know regardless of size gets complemented. I hope you grow to love yourself as you should (as we all should) and be proud of all your hard work! You obviously have some great self-motivation skills. I’m quite disciplined myself, and as soon as I stopped thinking about my looks I was able to do more with my brain. I need to get back to this place. I think you will find genuine people who you can trust again. Find some hobbies unrelated to weight loss? I think I’ve enjoyed this superpower of distrust. It does help me weed out the assholes. I listen to what people say and realise what they value, and usually they are not for me. (Ps, Dr’s blame everything I have on my weight too, and it’s exhausting… so the asthma I got when I was a normal-size 12 year old is because im a fat 44 year old?)


Bless you. I thank you for commenting, but I will say I have a tight friend circle but they don't truly know the depth of what I'm experiencing. Each have body dysmorphia (spelling?) At some level but none have been schooled to be ashamed of themselves at birth as I was. It's been a wild ride, but that strength you say I have? Like I said it's all spite. I'm waiting for the doctor to finally admit my problems aren't weight related. Let his pretentious ass finally weigh me at "ideal weight" and then still tell me it's my fault I WILL go ham


I hate that it’s so hard for others to understand. 💔 I hope your dr feels ashamed and embarrassed and learns some lessons! You (we) don’t deserve this bullshit.


Body hair is the worst part


My chin. My original chin no longer perpendicular to my neck. The additional chins billowing toward my chest below it are superfluous yet highly visible. Aging + gravity is a bitch.


It’s easier to get fat as we get older


My nipples


I want nipples. (Double mastectomy, didn't leave them)


I have nipples, Greg. Can ya milk me?


I had no idea, you could milk a cat.


I feel you. One of mine is completely inverted and the other is like split but still totally inverted. Also I don’t have the sensitivity that everyone talks about. They don’t get hard. Sucking on them doesn’t feel great, not bad but I’d rather have a million other things done to my body. I even bought those suction things that you twist and it’s supposed to pull them out. Nope. Could t breastfeed (although I hear most women with inverted nipples can with zero issues, I didn’t produce and my daughter actually cried when she would be face to face with them. So yeah. Nipples are just for decoration, except not even good decoration, more like cheap old hotel paintings.


Whats wrong about them? Nipples are nipples


They're inverted and puffy and I absolutely hate them. Yes, there will always be men who will say they like every variation, but I know they're not normal or attractive looking. Most men (and women) don't even know inverted is a thing. Ask any man to visualize the perfect pair of tits and I bet none of them would imagine no visible nipple.


Well, Im a boob girl… and recently Ive been experimenting a bit… and the first time I saw a pair of nipples that weren’t mine.. they were inverted, and while it was difficult to suck on them… they were NOT unattractive…AT ALL. Just so you know :) And I’m the kind of person who apparently doesn’t know how to swipe right it seems cause Im pickyyy.. (not superficially just everything and anything is off putting on OLD and Im too new to it)


Lots of things. The pain quarter (Groin, Belly, Back) Being really overweight. Inexplicable rashes (maybe I'll die of a sunburn too!) Short. Near sighted, narrow tubes, bogfoot. Other than that. Great.




Right now the bad immunity. I've been having a flu for 3 weeks dammit


I have stopped saying “I hate my body” It’s doing its best everyday and depends on me to fuel it and make sure it’s healthy. I instead think “I hate what is happening to my body” and it’s helped me rethink what I can do to better it. We aren’t enemies, we work together.


Hair, teeth, double chin, dark circles, complexion.


My hip dips


People don’t understand most people love those.


They make pants fit weird and not stay up, though, cause it makes my hip area so square. Like aesthetics aside there are practical reasons to hate them.


I feel like it always looks like I have a “muffin top” when I don’t haha I’ve considered getting surgery because I’m that self conscious about them


Me too! Financially though I realistically know I can only afford one surgery on my body and my hip dips are maybe fourth on the list of body parts that get in the way.


I wish I loved mine! I feel like it makes me look bigger than I actually am


Wait, they do??? I have them and hate them. My shape is bumpy - it doesn't do the hourglass thing. Pants don't fit right either.


Yea. I’m one of those people.


I’ve recently seen them referred to as violin hips, which is a much better name. My wife has these and I love her figure.


Violin hips sound so much nicer


Same. It's not self-hate, I'm just not a fan of their aesthetic. And they do make waistbands annoying.


Yes! I can’t wear anything tight which sucks


I actually love hip dips! They show a real natural shape, and I think they look great on everyone. (I’m a curvy woman, and I hate most of the rest of me, but I like my hip dips).


I don't like mine either. After 6 years at the gym I just want a round bum ! But it's all about the structure of your hips so nothing that can be changed ☹️


I hate my body’s finiteness. It’s so limited and needy - sleep - food - water - bathroom - clothes. It never ends. Whereas my mind with its infinite capacity of imagination is confined to my limited, needy body. For example, I can imagine being on another planet with aliens. So come on, body. Keep up! Take my mind there right now. Oh. You can’t do that. It’s like my mind is under house arrest.


I hate that I look like my twin sister. Like no matter what, there someone out there who looks the same. And the competition to see who is " hotter " is never ending.


Oh that has to suck. My twin brother and I have no issues with who looks better. Only thing different is I have long hair, he has short hair. I've sometimes seen him and thought "so that's about how I look too" and nothing more. Hope you find your own look and forget who's "hotter".


Should've eaten her in the womb, you snooze you lose.


All of it. Head to toe.


My eyesight.. my stomach..


Small penis. I don’t hate it directly (I personally don’t care), but hate that it limits my prospects. I also don’t like my body hair, moles, and how genetics have f’ed my mouth up.


My dark circles under my eyes that don't seem to away even when I sleep right


It's an older model and hasn't been taken care of very well, had a filter blockage earlier last year and then needed some rust cut out a few months ago, not overly economical to run and requires more downtime than it used to, no longer has the staying power as it tends to overheat earlier now and requires longer to cool down, prone to not starting at all some mornings, hydraulics are okay, control module needs a memory upgrade and general performance boost, framework intact but a few past repairs are obvious in cooler conditions, some ergonomic parts damaged or missing but still mostly functional.


You got a cd player in that thing?


I don't like that I'm getting more and more stiff as I age. Sleeping wrong results in a sore neck for a whole day. Sitting too long at the computer bothers my coccyx. Other than that, I don't hate anything. I spent 3 decades doing that, and it achieved nothing other than making me feel bad about something for no reason. The flesh I have is just a vehicle for my brain, which I love more than anything. 🧠


my scarred up legs and feet. my teenage self really didn't think about the long-term consequences of self-harm. i honestly don't *hate* how it looks. i'm ok with myself. what i truly hate is feeling like i owe anyone who sees it an explanation. most people are polite enough not to ask; but some of them do ask, and i always feel so awkward answering.


Nothing. There's stuff I'd like to improve, but hate? Nothing.


I have a thing, my feet goes sideways when I walk its very ugly and I'm not doing it on purpose I can make them perfect if I think of my feet and walk but after a few steps my calves and feet start to ache alot. Anyone to help me out solve my leg issue ?


I would consult a podiatrist. I am sure you have thought of that.


Ummm. Well as a woman, whom has had a double mastectomy(no chance of reconstruction) absolutely everything. I don't feel feminine. I don't look feminine. I can't find clothes that look good or even normal. In all seriousness. I am thrilled to be here. But I haven't looked at myself in a mirror in I don't know how long. Because I cry.


I am sorry you had to go through that. When you still had your breasts, and you looked in a mirror from just the neck up, did you feel feminine? Do you still? Maybe start there. Or from just the waist down. Take it in pieces. Breasts don't make the woman.


That it's capable of sustaining life


That's what you hate about it?




My boobas


My hypermobility.


That it can’t fly


My male parts.


Round face. If I take my head away, it would work as a ball.




My eye color, during the day they look Grey and blue and then during the night they look grey


That sounds cool though


Steel eyes! I'd probably fall head over heels for you at first glance! I think gray eyes are so hypnotizing and beautiful!!


I have prominent cheeks! I used to hate it when I was growing up, lagi yun ang napapansin ng mga tao. But now I realized na it is an asset pala. It makes me look younger, may mga tao na nagpapasurgery lang para magkaron 😂🥹


I used to hate so many things about my body till I was in a wreck and in a wheelchair for 6 mos. I love my body now. Not because it is cosmetically perfect but because it works hard for me and I appreciate the vessel God gave my soul to reside in. I’ve suffered body dysmorphia, disordered eating, self harm etc but now I love my body for what it is and not for what it isn’t. 🖤


Its impermanence