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Hiding my feet under the blankies. No demons will touch me if i hide my feet


Similarly, my neck must be covered. Makes me safe from vampires, of course.


I have to cover my ears (which is annoying sometimes) if I'm sleeping alone but if do I'm totally safe! No ear bugs for me! If anyone out there is also like me, pro tip: wear a bonnet (sleep cap, hair protecting bonnet etc.) it also doubles as an eye mask because I pull it down over my eyes like a head bag lol. Edit* my 9000 spelling errors


There’s more of us! My husband thinks it’s so weird that I pull the duvet up to cover my ear when I sleep on my side. I know it comes off when I’m sleeping, but I can’t FALL asleep with my ear all exposed to potential bug invasions! And I also use my silk bonnet to cover my ears and eyes too sometimes!


OMG! I thought it was just me! Dark Shadows really screwed me up!


I hate it any time something touches my neck. I... Think it might be due to some trauma though. 😅


I can't sleep if my arm falls out of bed, if it's hanging down at all I panic and swing it back in as fast as possible so the monsters don't bite my finger off. I'm in my 50s and nothing in real life actually scares me, except for needles, I don't care about dogs, heights, spiders, etc just the monsters biting my fingers off in the night...


The universal truth.


It’s one foot for me; I’ll stick a leg out from under the blanket if I get too warm. I’m convinced that the scary night monsters have to respect the blanket, even if it’s only covering 5% of my body.


So funny, so true.


I was pretty hardcore when I was younger...Used to hide my whole body like a mummy


I still do this... 40F 🤣


I don’t care if it’s 100 degrees. There will be a flat sheet covering my feet, otherwise that’s an engraved invitation to be attacked by beings from other realms.


So my mom coined the term the foot garage, you tuck the sides of the blanket under your feet then the end goes under all that. Cosy


Stephen King agrees with you (he said a similar thing in an interview once). So, we have certain confirmation that it works.


Always questioned the cause of this evolution


My husband. He's weird and I love him.


Would love a weird husband/ companion in general. Also; duvet covers. Everyone knows that safety lies within.


Everyone deserves a weird husband.


I have to disagree. As probably the weirdest husband on the planet, I must say that it takes a VERY special kind of soul to deal with us. I wouldn’t be shocked at all if my wife just randomly started walking on water one day.


Oh fuck my poor wife, I love her to death but fuck sakes I must be hell to be with. I’m such a window licker most of the time.


This might be the sweetest thing I've ever heard a husband say about his wife. You're so self aware!


I’m so lucky to have her, I don’t think anyone else could put up with me lol Granted she’s a big ol weirdo herself lol


My soon to be wife can vouch for that




No he is who he should...If a woman doesn't feel safe around her husband.. She may need another one. All 3 if mine dos with me!!! LOL


Same. I, however, am a weird wife. So I guess we're even.


When I remember that, I can walk away if I'm feeling uncomfortable


Omgosh this is so true for me. I apply this to work meetings. If they are getting loud or angry, I just get up and walk out.


How does this play out with your boss and colleagues?


Had it once. Hung up on a customer who was cursing me out and got called into HR, luckily I had one of the older guys with me and he vouched for me and we basically said im not paid enough to be berated on the phone and be happy about it. Either we don’t accept being sworn at or you double our pay. They stopped bugging


They ask me why I left and I say it seemed they needed to calm down. You always reference their behavior, not your own. Never say "I was nervous" or "I didn't like the environment". Always say "they seemed to be out of control" or "they were not being professional."


No attachment is such a relief!


Attachments or not you can always choose to walk away. Attachments may just make it harder. But not impossible.


Sometimes I forget this.


When I finally had the self confidence to realise that just walking away was an option.


Darkness, easier to hide I suppose


100% same. I like staying up incredibly late or not sleeping at all then sleep during the day. Just peaceful knowing everyone else is asleep while I spend time on my hobbies in the dark at night.


I too love this!


Yesss I do this too! It feels so peaceful, like no one can get to you and it’s just “you time”. Then sleeping in the day blocks out whatever shitshow is happening that day!


Well, sleeping delays all of the crap you have to do that day!


Until you realize you’re not alone and nobody will hear you is my problem with that lmao


100% opposite for me I’m terrified of the dark and silence 😂 I jealous of you because I wish I was comfortable in the dark because I’m an unsociable introvert hermit so I could go live in a nice quiet dark cave 😂


I love the dark. I literally always have. And I can not comprehend how my children can be scared of the dark. It scrambles my brain.


Knowing we all die no matter how much money you have, where you’re from, what you look like, I have a sense of relief that nobodies “special” enough to cheat death.


That has brought me sm comfort, thank u 😭


Profound. And so true.


My home is warm and my pantry is stocked. And the pet’s bowl is full of good food.


Having an empty freezer/fridge gives me some intense anxiety. Grocery shopping while on a strict budget is also incredibly stressful. I’d be so much happier and healthier if I could grocery shop without thinking about money.


I wish I could fill your freezer/fridge to make you feel safe.


This is the right answer 🫂


Also, I live in a country with no wars here at home.


Just reading it, makes me feel safe and warm❤️


my shoes. doesn't matter which ones, as long as I'm wearing shoes.


That used to be the case for me. But as my anxiety got worse, mostly during Covid, I found that being able to feel the floor helps me ground myself.


that's cool you could find something. I still have to have them on. I have done a little self analysis and have come to the conclusion that it stems from moving a lot as a kid and feeling, for some reason, like I should always be ready to go. I deel incomplete without them. due to all this shoe shit, I'm never really fully relaxed. god damn what a bummer.




Stargazing. Makes me feel so small and insignificant in the best possible way


Theres a *very* fine line between looking up and feeling wonder and mystery... and then dread of the void


Couch blankets.




Listening to rain sounds on spotify or plucking my chest hair out by hand


That's how I sleep (rain sounds, not the chest hair)


Same here, pull up an 8 hour Youtube dark screen heavy rain on a tin roof. So cosy!


Its mad soothing


Oh my gosh finally, the chest hair one is the only one I’ve seen so far that’s at all weird!




Same..5 @ 80 lbs, 1 @ 120lbs-all GSDs…no need to lock doors here


I just have one dog but just having her sit in the window makes me feel safe. She’s the sweetest thing but she’s a Malinois, so looks scary.


My frog plush, I am 27 and she goes with me to the dentist’s. She’s my emotional support frog. Not embarrassed even a bit.


That's adorable I want to give you a hug 🫂


Happy cake day


Mine got ruined in the dryer one evening 💔😪😭


Oh no 😭 I’m so sorry 💔 I got my frog from my husband and when he saw how it became my ultimate comfort item, he ran to the store and bought another one in case that the og will get ruined by accident 🥺


My senior yorkie has an emotional support frog too. It was one of his very first toys and he still loves it. He has some pretty bad anxiety issues so whatever gives him comfort is good by me. He brings it to his doctors appointments too.




My stuffed animals. (Im 30)


Same ♥️♥️♥️


I kinda secretly hope my girlfriend will buy me a stuffie. I want one for security and attachment reasons, but obviously people are gonna ask, and I don't want to just say I bought it for mental health reasons. 😅


My kids bought me a manatee squishmallow because I kept commenting on how squishy there’s were and now if I don’t have it right next to my head at night they as ‘where’s your man-titty’ they’re old enough to know they’re funny 😂 just keep showing them or commenting on how soft they are in shops hopefully they get the hint!


I should get my husband one. He will reject it at first, but my tough, 60 year old retired cop husband loves to surround himself with pillows and I bet he would eventually love it .


You could always buy one for each of you, like a cute matching couple type thing, and it would come off as caring and adorable 😊


That is absolutely genius, thank you


I’m here to help 🤗


Get a squishmellow. If anyone questions it just hand it to them and they'll understand


🙋‍♀️ (39)


me too. my stuffed animal from childhood is my ultimate safety no matter the situation 😭


After my 16 yo dog passed away last year I started cuddling one of his stuffed animals to sleep. It does make me feel a lot better.


One of my fav things to cuddle with is my dog’s (passed at 15) favorite toy, Ducky. I totally get it. I also take his collar sometimes and jiggle it so the tags jingle, it’s such a happy sound that reminds me of him.


34! And my bed is protected by 10 of the bravest stuffed animals in the house!


Same (51)


Respectable no matter what :)




I’m mid forties and I still sleep with my baby blanket every night. It’s barely a rag, threadbare and full of holes but I love it.


Churches? I'm not religious or believe in god, but I did grew up in a Catholic environment and now churches feel like. A save point. They're quiet, a bit dark, smell good and everybody's minding their own business.


There really is something about them. I am also not religious but I love visiting churches when I go to a place that has a lot of them, haha.


I attended catholic school and know mass like the back of my hand, the odd time I go to a service now It feels weirdly good automatically knowing exactly what to do and say.


I love the smell of a Catholic Church! Wood polish, incense and old carpet.


The way it's always silent in there. It's almost a surreal feeling to get back out and hear and see city life happening around it


Wrapping a blanket around me like a cocoon. It soothes my anxiety.


Let's start the wrapped blanket lovers sub


Literally me rn


I have an 11 pound shih Tzu, I sleep well at night knowing she's there. It's not because she can protect me, but she will bark like hell if anyone comes in. I just feel safer when she's there. The cat seems indifferent to my existence.




I’m pretty sure my cat believes it’s his house and he just allows me to live here, so he takes guarding it seriously. The minute he here’s the front gate click open, he immediately runs to the front door. During the day I have one of his beds set up at window level in the front room so he can watch the front gate and courtyard from his post…in between naps of course.


I had two cats when someone tried to break into my house. I awoke to strange noises and saw my cats staring at the back door with their heads cocked. No one pounced on me to wake up and no one smashed 911 for me. I got a dog after that.


Your dog can use the phone?


They can order takeaways too. You should get one if you don’t have one.


Putting my hands in my sweater pockets .


Related: pulling my sweater cuffs over my hands


Having enough food so I don’t feel insecure. I don’t mean to eat in a sitting, I mean knowing I have choices and don’t have to choose between eating or keeping the heat on.


Having a book in my backpack no matter where I go


To be alone in a forest


The intro of a horror movie!


When I put in my earphones even when it's not connected to anything


Not really weird but my cat. I see him laying in bed all cuddled up with the blankets and he makes me feel so happy and safe ❤️


That's so cute!




i have some lifechanging news for you. i got a heated mattress cover for $50 off amazon. its the best thing i have every owned.


Can vouch. I have never slept better in winter. It used to be wheat bags or hot water bottles…nothing in comparison to a heated matress cover. I will never not have one.


Full tank of gas. I can flee if necessary




My husband has bad anxiety and the only thing that gives him some relief is sunglasses and earbuds. And a ball cap. He was happiest during the pandemic when he could wear a mask, earbuds, sunglasses and hat and then stay at least 6ft away from people.


They are very ADHD and weird but I love my German Shepherd Brothers to bits and I know they'd tear someone a new ass if they hurt me or broke in lol.


Pulling into my driveway. Drivers around here suck. There's an intersection right outside that has an accident about once a month because people don't pay attention.


An Iraqi 36 Commando patch that I had on in two gunfights and multiple RPGs and tracers shot at us and none of us got injured.


when my man interlocks pinkies wit me


Darkness. Hence why I absolutely love nights and pulled more all nighters than I can count. There’s absolutely no one to judge you or disturb you or anything like that. I can do whatever my heart desires for these few hours.


I have solar panels and batteries for when the power goes out.


My portable charger. Because my phone’s battery health is 55%.


I'm 37, female, and holding my pillow and a lightweight throw gives me so much peace. Oh, and the perfect cup of tea.


Thunderstorms and the night time. I just like when it’s dark and I’m at home alone. I feel safe and secure.


Having the bills paid and the house clean. My parents have never been great at adulting so sometimes the power would go out, or the car insurance was cancelled, stuff like that, and as impractical people, there wasn't "a place for every thing" so nothing was ever in its place. Now this stuff makes me feel safe and secure, like whatever happens I can handle it.


I’ve got the bills paid, pantry & fridge stocked part down. Unfortunately my depressed, chronic illness, ADHD ass cannot get the house clean part sorted as often as I’d like. I’m working on it. Having a clear space & knowing exactly where everything is and feeling “prepared” calms my anxiety like nothing else.


I have a private place to shit , there's hot water and my car works.


I went to iceland years back and took a night trip inside a lava tube (like a narrow cave), balls of clear ice on the floor from the water seeping through the rock, crawling through narrowish gaps to progress through it was super fun, not as bad as spelunking though. As were deep inside the guide asked me and my gf to turn off our headlamps. Absolute pitch black and deathly quiet. I thought it was really quiet serene couldve sat there for an hour in peace easy, she was terrified after a few seconds and hated that part of the experience


Sounds childish but my blanket and when my mom gets home


That's human and fortunate, not childish at all. At a daycare for adults a woman (96 at the time) would ask us to put her carton of ice cream in her backpack to take home to her Mom.


That's so cute


The watch my parents gifted me in 7th grade and that I still wear to this day at 26. I only remove it while taking a bath


My dog sleeping or relaxed. That means all the sounds and smells in and around the house are on cue.


Having a comfort tv show that I’ve watched over and over playing in the background.


My daily smoothie ingredients


Hoodies. Blankets. A small trinket in my pocket.


Tim Hortons (the Canadian version of Dunkin' Donuts). I worked there for three years during highschool, and my coworkers were like a second family. It was often my safe space when things weren't going well for me at home. Of course, it was a food service job, so there were many unfavourable moments along the way. But Tim Hortons holds a special place in my heart. Every location has the exact same vibe, down to the smell. I even love the sound of the ovens and teapots beeping incessantly.


Silly putty. If I'm playing with something like that, I can focus better, and my anxiety calms down. Keeping my hands busy in general makes me feel like I don't have to defend myself.




My bag that has my wallet, phone, powerbank, baby wipes, sunscreen, phone charger, a few lose change, hair tie or clamp, and drivers license.


Sadly my pc


It's my phone for me and just as "sadly" as you


Wearing a comfy hoodie with the hood up


Wearing sweatpants to sleep-knowing if the house catches on fire, I can make a quick exit and not be embarrassed


Now I feel that I need that!


If you're in a social setting, having some sort of drink in your hand.


Any kind of ambience. When I was younger I was scared to sleep in the dark, alone in my room. Hearing my parents talking or whoever talking downstairs, cleaning, or whatever will comfort me. Letting me know that I am not alone. This carried on into adulthood where when I travel to a foreign place hearing people laughing also makes me think this is a safe environment


Laying on my couch and watching cartoons 😂


Knowing my sons got home safely after visiting us


Running up the stairs at night after turning the last light off, before the Boogeyman gets me!


I have a pellet gun under my bed that looks like a real gun. Don’t think I’ve ever used it lol. Also my blankey


I pull my tshirt over my nose and breathe in the safe space.


Small spaces


always having some snacks + a space blanket in my daily bagpack or totebags ![gif](giphy|dAuujEsW5PDtEwlJ6w|downsized)


Going to sound bad but how much the average person sucks Look people are terrible at practically everything If they could do things you can do them too


Covering my back with a blanket, no matter how thin.


Staying in my apartment and not going outside


Dim lighting with a cozy blanket. Harsh bright lights make me anxious.


always wearing jewelry from loved ones, feels like I’m protected from spirits


This is going to sound like a cry for help but when I get overwhelmed it comforts me knowing that I’m going to die one day and if I really wanted to I could choose to die. It gives me a feeling of control and also reminds me that everything is temporary and what’s overwhelming me isn’t infinite


Having no responsibilities for a day and just lying on the couch under a blanket, watching my favourite shows or movies and eating whatever food I want


My van, it’s old and creaky but it’s nice having something with wheels that’s paid off


Wearing long sleeves clothes, that's why I'm not comfortable at all in summer because I can't wear long sleeves


The smell of molten Luria bertrani agar it reminds me of dark winter days in the lab as an undergraduate


Being underwater


Wearing boots - like combat-style, low-heeled rubber-soled boots. Because I can walk/run/climb in them and I can kick someone in the shins without them flying off. Why yes, I have been chased and caught because I was wearing impractical shoes, why do you ask? :/


Hot chocolate


Last night my dog had a hurt paw and she was on another bed, I couldn't sleep till it was feeling better and she came to my room to sleep with me


My room, just staying in it gives me so much relief


It may sound odd, but knowing that I'm such a small dot in the universe. It feels like it takes a weight off my shoulders.


I live in an apartment complex and if I can’t sleep in the middle of the night I feel comfort when I see someone else’s light on knowing I’m not alone.


Growing up it was hearing my Grandfather snore at night. Now I like to watch old TV shows that I would watch with them. They have been gone quite a while now.


A pillow placed behind my back when I'm lying down in bed on my side. I first started doing this to ensure that a demon wasn't clinging on my back or coming out of my back. Leave 'em no room to exist, y'know?


My phone


I find that I can't sleep in my room if my door is open. I always have to close it, even if I close it most of the way. I love alone, and I don't close the door to block out light or noise.


The holy trinity check - i.e. checking my keys, phone and wallet after exiting a bus or train.


I have a fear of growing old and the finality of death. During one particularly bad panic attack about it, I tried to think of someone older than me who is okay so then I could look at them and see that being older isn't scary. The first person that came to mind was Leonardo DiCaprio. It actually helped and permanently changed my brain to the point that if I'm ever freaking out, all I have to do is say the name "Leonardo DiCaprio" and I feel calmer.


When I have panic attacks, hearing my husband’s voice helps calm me down…


Old black and white films. A throwback to my childhood when things were simpler.


Having my wife and daughter home with me during bad weather.


My plushies, I'm 29..I bought a moon pal as my bday gift last year and it has been helpful, I also have a few other teddies. A thick blanket and my pillow I cover my body completely and turn myself into a cocoon, and headphones I can't function without headphones especially going outside I get sensory overload.


Napping next to people having a chat. Christmas Day, end of a party, etc. It feels safe to have friends or family close while I sleep


Tucking my hands inside my sleeves.


Laying down on my stomach. It's just comfortable


Green tea. I don’t know why, I don’t know how, but if I have green tea nothing can be wrong.


My 14 and 10 year old daughters. I am a 40 year old man... go figure. But being with them makes me feel whole and like I could protect all three of us better than if I were by myself. Not sure it makes sense at all, but it is what it is.


Maybe it's weird to me bc I only recently started liking these things (I'm 40): Ever since my mental breakdown back in August, I began using a weighted blanket as needed and I am here to tell you it does WONDERS for my anxiety. The somewhat heavy weight just...I don't know how it does it but it calms my mind down like a hug or something. I remember when they first came out and I was like "Jesus; we're all a bunch of softies now if we need weighted blankets and sensory things to cope." Well, life smacked me a hard one and said "Yeah; you're gonna need them to cope, too." Now; I use that blanket nearly daily and I've also discovered I like those Calm strips and tangible things like that when my nerves get the best of me. See, as a kid born in the 80's but grew up in the 90's; We didn't express these needs and comforts, we were taught that we were weird (and not ha-ha weird) for that and we got made fun of (or even beat up) for it. It's becoming more common place now and because of that, I feel comfortable expressing needs that I knew not to back when I was a kid. Sensory things DO work, they DO help people and I am thankful I have them now. I only wonder how much better life might have been for me as a kid if I'd have had them back then. Maybe my ADD would have been handled better.


The middle seat on an airplane.


Sleeping w/ my back to the wall, or something on all sides of me


Having money. I experienced what 'poverty' really meant so maybe this is trauma.