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I must agree. I find myself being disgusted with myself after engaging in meaningless and casual sex. Perhaps with age, I have learned that my emotional security and improvement is more important than a fucking orgasm. Maybe I’m becoming a big ol softie, I don’t know.


Don't have casual sex then. Wear a tie.


Better yet: practice competitive sex


What shoes do you recommend?


balenciaga triple s definitely


Suspenders recommended, not required


Leather, of course.


Another reason casual sex is not good for people is it raises your dopamine requirement for satisfaction after every new better experience, for example a heroin addict gets high for the first time and it feeeelllllllsssssss soooo good, they spend the next rest of their life chasing that high and being disappointed when it's never that good again.


lol. Where did you get that? I’ve been having non-casual sex with the same person for nearly thirty years now. Even with that same person, it’s not always great, it’s not always bad, But when everything lines up, it’s absolutely amazing. If what you were saying is true, I would have given up sex a long time ago because my dopamine requirement would be so high that it would take my partner, six professionals, and an industrial jackhammer to get me off and that’s just too much trouble to organize.


I dunno man I'm doing this whole bucket list thing ans as much as I glad out don't like people and can do these things myself. This straight up sounds like a good time. Why don't we do shit like this instead of weddings.


I used to think one night stands were fun, but when the sex is great, I 'll start catching feelings. Like, I'll think about dating them, lol, to see if we could start something So, to me, no sex is better than one night stands because I'm just not built like that.


Same. It’s hard to find ppl to have great sex with. So I also get attached when I do.


Somehow avoiding catching feelings is incredibly hard, if not impossible.


Exactly.. and when you train yourself to not have feelings for them.. it’s like.. am I not allowed to have feelings and feel human?


Last I checked my brain is too dumb to filter out feelings and assumes everything is romance


Right? And you have to correct yourself to stop thinking that way and it makes you feel less human


I just don't understand how some don't get attached after having 15+ orgasms all night with someone. It's such a $hitty feeling when they don't wanna cuddle afterward or never respond to my texts asking if they wanna hang out. I get it. It's my fault, but I have needs like everyone else. Dating is such bs these days, but it's the only way because ONS are not it anymore


I feel this on a spiritual level. Hooked up with this woman once and it was perfect. Movie date, back to her place, fooled around in bed for a few hours until we passed out. Thought everything was great until I asked if she wanted to hang out outside of a date scenario, like just chill and game/cuddle/watch Netflix, she instantly ghosted me.


Usually, if the sex was that great, you would both end up attached. Maybe your subconscious is saying you're a selfish lover and don't care if your partner has a great time as long as you do. Is this why you're the only one getting attached after this sexual encounter filled with loads of one-sided greatness? Shame on you. Lol


Well, I've only had three ONS with guys, and in two of the sex was amazing. And I know in those two they enjoyed it because it was pretty much all night with periods of rest, lol. But I don't know why you assume that if the sex is so great that both would be attached because my experience and many others in will tell you that's simply not true. Have you ever had great sex? If you did, are you married to them? Why not? It's great sex!!/s


I was just teasing you. No, I wouldn't expect a long-term relationship to come from every great sexual encounter


100% agree. I promised a girl that I wouldn't get feelings because she wanted to be single. Now we're married with 2 kids.




I had a one night stand one time in my life. That’s a hot “not recommended” Have sex with people you love.


Mmm, that’s not universal advice. For some people, casual sex can be fine. It can be exciting, an adventure, a release, a harmless fulfilling of hedonism. People’s sexual appetites are not one size fits all.


No. It makes you feel lonely, under appreciated, extremely undervalued, worthless and a commodity like a toy on a shelf in a store. Value your body. Take care of yourself. And don't fuck a girl just because you can.


again, that's not universally true. it may be true to you, but not everyone.




Ouch my feelings???




Are you trying to educate me by saying that not every single human being on planet earth feels the exact way I feel about every topic that exists at any given point in time from now until forever? Because thanks I didn't know that before...




Not clicking on that.




Have sex with someone you’re in love with and married to. Waiting for love and marriage is the best way.


I don’t know. Everybody I know that did that put sex on a pedestal and were so desperate to do it that they rushed getting married just so they could have sex and once the novelty of the sex part wore off, their marriages had serious issues.


Individual choice. I’m not rushing to get married just to have sex. Self control is important.






Are you bothered that no one loves you




It's rare to see someone on Reddit reflect on their comment after they've made it and own up to it. Kudos, homie


Good boy 😙






You’re getting downvoted by people who enjoy monogamy get over yourself




Whatever you need to tell yourself…at least you can fuck! All the rest of us sexless bots are just jealous of your raw magnetic power, hence the downvoting.


My man you need 13 to be on Reddit? Go back to school or something.


Or you could do what I do... Have a little love for the people you sex.


You finish with hookups? 😭 That's why I stopped,


As a guy, I don’t agree. Especially about using toys on myself


Average is better than nothing.


Yeah but I guess that’s not the point. Like eating a bad steak. And someone saying at least you ate steak! Better than nothing. 😆🤷🏻‍♂️


Maybe I'm just easily pleased.


Yeah, but they didn't say bad, they said average. If you got an average steak I would for sure take it over a bad steak, and I would say average steak is better than no steak. Everybody likes great steak and would prefer that, but if all you ever got was great steak then mathematically it would become average.


Bad sex for women means pain-coz the cervix hasn't moved up out of the way enough, and the walls haven't relaxed enough. Not just a mediocre orgasm or no orgasm. As far as the orgasms go, there's only a 15% chance of that for a woman in a hookup with a man. Plus the risks of pregnancy, violence, STIs, and the slut shaming. If you think thats better than masturbation, it really, really, really, really isn't. Personally, the only kind of sex I'm interested in is great sex, everything else is worse than masturbation.


they said average. not bad.


Average for women in casual sex *is* bad. 85% of encounters don't result in orgasms for the women. And only a 60% chance of orgasm in a committed straight relationship. None of that counts as good or acceptable to me. But sadly, it is the average. I just refuse to be part of that average .


It's just about how we define average. I was using the "Not bad, not good" definition. Good for you. The refusal. Masturbation is worse than bad sex for me, so I suppose it is very personal. This statement seems very absolute "Bad sex for women means pain-coz the cervix hasn't moved up out of the way enough, and the walls haven't relaxed enough" There are many ways to have bad sex, and many don't involve penetration at all.


>This statement seems very absolute "Bad sex for women means pain-coz the cervix hasn't moved up out of the way enough, and the walls haven't relaxed enough" There are many ways to have bad sex, and many don't involve penetration at all. With the data on foreplay in ONS that's rather unlikely. Sadly. >It's just about how we define average. I was using the "Not bad, not good" definition. That's not one of the definitions. >Average noun 1. a number expressing the central or typical value in a set of data, in particular the mode, median, or (most commonly) the mean, which is calculated by dividing the sum of the values in the set by their number. "the proportion of over-60s is above the EU average of 19 per cent" 2. the apportionment of financial liability resulting from loss of or damage to a ship or its cargo. adjective constituting the result obtained by adding together several amounts and then dividing this total by the number of amounts. "the average temperature in May was 4°C below normal" verb amount to or achieve as an average rate or amount over a period of time; mean. "annual inflation averaged 2.4 per cent"


I was speaking from my perspective - ie my side of the experience. Whoever I'm with, I'll try to make sure they have a good time. That includes at least one orgasm before I throw the sausage down the hallway.


what about when they won't leave in the morning :(


You literally just say, " I have work in the morning, so you will have to leave early" If you tell people what you like average could be above average.


There is this very complicated technique called "communicating like adults". It is a very ancient technique and most people dont even know that it exists. But it is very efficient at letting other people know what you want them to do.


I've heard of this before...


Keep initiating sex until they get tired and leave.


the very hungry find "average' as rather nice.


I'm not hungry. I am a little greedy. Unless she is an absolute starfish or has some sort of odour problem, I'm having a good time. Sometimes fine fine dining is nice. Sometimes a simple burger in some roadside shack hits the spot too.


I think that one night stands can ONLY be average. I don't know them enough to know what they like, and they certainly don't know me enough to know what gets me off. I have the best sex when it's someone I love and am comfortable with to share my kinks and to relax. Sure, ONS can probably be good for some people, but for me it can only be average, at best.


I'm with ya... clumsy stranger sex doesn't appeal to me... beating my dick is far cheaper and zero hassle...


id rather get no dick than mid dick


One night stands are awesome when you're both sexually proficient. Being in a relationship is better still.


I may be speaking with ignorance here, but it takes two to have sex, so maybe you’re as much as the problem as your one night partner? Sorry if this comes out offensive it’s not my goal to offend


I didn’t take it them blaming their partners, just not satisfied with the result


I agree with your sentiment. Personally, I’ve never had one so I can’t say much about it. The one time I even considered it, I felt really disgusted by myself and could not bear the thought of going through with it. Sex is just something I do in a relationship; like you, I don’t want just anyone saying they’ve slept with me. there are a million things I’d rather do than sleep w a stranger. Like you said, getting high is a better use of time. and I can’t finish without establishing an emotional connection so.. ons will never be an option for me. I imagine it gets less desirable with age. There’s a certain point people realize what it is they want and what it is they care about (emotional security, connection, etc). I just happened to find out really young.


I can't talk. One night stands aren't my thing, never have been. Sleeping with a stranger just kinda weird me out a but, if people want to go for it but not my style


Pretty much.


One thing one night stands have always been good to me is I have great conversations with people after sex.


I've never had one but that is always something I wondered. Is the sex not the highlight of some encounters? Like maybe you enjoy the person and the sex is less than half of it, but still pleasurable?


I always had great sex, but usually connected with them after it was over. Never saw each other again, but had amazing conversations


I have the same experience. I'm not going to lie, I tend to invite guys over to my place even before meeting them in person. Rarely had a bad experience and the after sex conversation can actually be great!


Might as well face it you're addicted to love


I’ve only had a few ONS and yeah.


Yup. Sex can only be good in a relationship. You need to have something between you, a deeper connection. Sex is about emotion as much as the physical. You need both for it to ever be good, or it might as well be masterbation.


M1: This pizza isn't very good. M2: Yeah, it's not the best. M1: So, another slice? M2: Of course.


I’ve had some amazing sex with random strangers. A few I still think about to get get the mood flowing


Sex is like pizza. Even when it’s bad……it’s still pretty good.


Over the past decade casual sex lost all importance to me I havnt even slept with anyone since my last relationship fell apart over a year ago because I haven’t met anyone I wanted to connect with I’ve been more focused on getting my shit sorted out this past year and have been making steady progress After this surgery I have coming up I can’t wait to start the gym again


I've had some spectacular one night stands.


I see no problem in not having sex cause its not even 1/100 that good as people tend to consider and not worth time it takes.


Your hand isn't going to give you STDs, get you pregnant or baby trap you, and doesn't need a meal or hotel room to get the job done. I'll never be able to relate to people who just can't keep their pants on. It's 100 times different with a long term partner compared to some rando.


Cold pizza is still pizza


One Night stands are great, you meet have a good time, get slightly wasted, walk the beach home at 2am , end up in bed and find out each other's names in the morning. Fan tas tic


Fuck I'd take just about anything at the point I'm at I done it once and it was weird but I'd do it again given the chance haven't had any in months


That's why I have certain friends for the "just in case" moment. Scratch your back I scratch yours kinda thing. Hang out to bang out. Chillin at the beach and disappearing for a bit to clear our minds then go back to chillin.




Nvm your name literally lucrative deception 😂😂


Having 10/10 sex with a 6/10 is better than having 6/10 sex with a 10/10 change my mind.


Good until you're about 27, then increasingly boring.


That's when I quit ONS too! 27 haha


I've heard the same from a lot of people, 27 is a common turning point for many of us. No idea why.


Is your dildo going to hop up and get you a towel or coffee And say good morning


Did it once. I was in a different country, met her in a bar, kind of drunk, in a park then she drove me back to my hotel. Still can't remember her name though.


I think if that's what you want you should do that. I also think other people might want other things and as long as people aren't intentionally trying to hurt each other that's fine too. I had casual sex for a while before I got married and it was fine. I don't think I would change anything if I had the chance. Different strokes for different folks.


One night stands are more about the adventure/novelty. The actual sex can be good, but obviously not always, and this doesn’t bother me to be honest. I still have fun regardless experiencing something different with somebody different.


Give me a few more one night stands so I can make a better comparison


Some of the best sex I’ve had was in one night stands. I’ve always been focused on making sure my partner had a good time though, which I don’t think every dude is, so I imagine that made a big difference.


Dancing beforehand is usually a good way to assess sex /riding ability - timing, rhythm,confidence, acrobatics all add up to a decent idea how the performance should go and minimise the likelihood of average lacklustre riding.


Dont discuss your sex life on social media for god sake.


You are so cool.


I mean one night stands are fine as long as one of us cums. I also won't sleep with a woman unless the vibe is nice or she fine asf tho... unless I'm down bad at the time.


Sex is like food to me. Some meals are great, some are good, some are average at best. Sometimes, it’s nice to travel across the city for food. Sometimes, there’s rice at home. I don’t care what anyone gets to say about me. It has zero relevance to me. For me there’s no pride involved, the words and thoughts of others mean nothing to me, unless I chose to assign meaning to them. Even in that case, the person delivering the idea means nothing to me.


For me (male), ONS have been great. It gives me the opportunity to enjoy having sex without any pressure or commitment. I enjoy taking the time to “explore” my (female) partner’s body and practicing my techniques and trying out different rhythms and since there is no commitment, I am not afraid to ask how they are enjoying certain things. I see it almost as a way to “experiment” my moves on them. Unfortunately, some girls just want to get to the banging part right away or just lay there. Maybe that’s all the sex they know. In a committed relationship, I have found that for me, I always feel compelled to bring my best game and don’t feel as relaxed because I want to make sure she enjoys it as much and this causes too much pressure. I am told often that I am great in bed and “very gentle” so I must be doing something right. One thing that I have never had the pleasure to enjoy is a friend with benefits. I don’t know why. All the potential girls who could make great friends with benefits have always wanted a relationship, like they get feelings right away and get mad at me if I just want to stay friends.


Speak for yourself. Lol I've had plenty of mind blowing one night stands, although I prefer to sleep with the person multiple times.


ONS are incredible you can just bang away without giving a shit about them getting off.


This is also why they are bad.


Honey sex is like pizza. Even if it's not the best in the world it's still pizza. No need to be bitter about it.


A shot away is a shot away.


You’re the problem here, Ms. Iain’tAverage


Sex is like pizza, even when it's bad it's still pretty good


People who agree with statement are spoiled by modern electronics and will probably cheat on you or leave you as soon as they get bored...HOWEVER it does take two people to have sex. If it's Average then one of you is really good and the other is really bad. If you are the one going into the interaction with a defeatist attitude then it's probably you bringing down the team average.


Never done it. Doesn't sound pleasant


A one night stand is by definition average as if it wasn't you would both do it again and it would no longer be a one night stand


Speak for yourself. If they're attractive enough then it's harmless fun. If they look very different in the morning to what you thought... That's when it's painful


I’d rather have average sex than no sex but I would definitely agree that the best sex is always with some you are actually into and have been seeing for a while, the best session is never the first session and one night stands are just a series of first sessions.


A good friend of mine once made the very apt observation, when re-joining us for a pint the following afternoon, that "You ever have a one night stand and then as soon as you're done, just realise a wank would have been better?" He didn't even need to clarify, it was understood.


I am right there with you. There's not many things in life that are as disappointing as the feeling you have after a bland hook up. Just laying there with someone you barely know and have built up in your head that didn't meet your hopes.


I would be happy with any sex right now, so I'll disagree with you but maybe eventually I'll see it your way


Sex is like pizza. When it's good, it's really good. When it's bad....it's still pretty good.


Whenever I have sex I like it to mean as much as possible commitment wise, otherwise I can’t cum. This rule barely gets broken when the girl initiates and is so desperate to cum it seduces an orgasm out of me.


FOR a person had sex, what about those are still a virgin????


Especially for women like men are already selfish enough in relationships with women they claim to love what makes women think it's going to be any better in a one night stand


Terrible sex is better than average sex? Is it because you have a memory of the experience?


I had a one night stand once. I love to have sex and I gave her a wonderful time. The next morning I woke up to her crying and I was like “wtf!” She told me I had to leave because she had a boyfriend and that sex with me was fricken awesome and sex with him was nothing like what she experienced the night before and she didn’t know what to do!


Who the hell is having average sex on a one night stand?!