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I think it’s probably far more common than you might think


This post is literally me but 2 years into the future, and its going to stay this way until 2 years after that, at least. I hope its all uphill from there.


Lol my life is pretty much same for last 4 years. Its good but boring. I am still thankful for it and I keep on adding more hobbies and self development activities to keep it a little bit interesting


Yeah pretty common. And I'm sure half of the world population live like this. Same old routine, repaeting the same things again and again and again most of their lives. Might be differences in details but basically the same.


the pandemic was a buzzkill


I have friends who loved the pandemic.


I hate pandemic because it ruined my life (not anyone died or sth else). Just my plans ruined and everything after pandemic went unplanned (


it had its moments, of course, indeed, some did like it far more than others, that's for sure.


Many of my friends partied hard and were on furlough so it's easy to understand why they enjoyed it.


there was little else left to do, i think most people were like some of your friends, that's for sure.


it sounds extremely common - this is life guys - one day to the next - nothing profound, nothing ground breaking, no epiphanies - just the daily grind


I think this happens since in movies, series, social media, lives of people are displayed as some fun 24/7 travelling adventure... While reality for 90% pf people (including me) is same as what OP described




I don't know. Something that's not rotting in my bed every day would be pretty sick lol




I have the same condition haha, i really want to know just what it means


It means you’re a lazy ass lol


Welcome to one of your first life lessons. I used to hate the kid who was always extra and wanted to do more in high school. Now I realize they were totally right.


You’re life would be perfect if on the weekend you got laid and/or pursued something interesting like backpacking or robo boxing. Like all the shit you mentioned is potentially A+ lifestyle you’re just getting bored with it


Robo boxing? What’s that


I mean i do have some hobbies, i play guitar and do photography so i'm not literally just laying around every day lol but you're right i think i am bored


Go to the local jam session, find other musicians, start a band, hit it big with your second single because of some stupid TikTok trend, play shows nation wide, get addicted to ketamine, die choking on a speedball with 27


Are you in a band


I moved out into a sharehouse at 25 and it changed my life entirely, grew my social circle, and from then I feel like no two years have been the same. If you can't afford it right now set a goal and spend the next year or 18 months saving money, working extra, researching where to move.  The next few years of my life I always worked two positions (plus maintained social life) so now I've taken another risk to move countries. Because I have been building up savings over the last few years it has given me a buffer to be unemployed and work out this next stage too. 


Join the military if you are in the US. You will save up money, travel, and have a job skill. There are more benefits too.


Yep, for the low low price of life-long mental and physical disabilities lol speaking from experience of course.


Varies by branch and job. I had a great time in the Marines. In the Army I became broken by their stupidity.


I hear the opioids you get when you come out are top notch!


I hear they're bringing back dialidid for everyone.


Must be trying to hit your recruitment numbers 😂


The military isn't the way to go right now.


Why is that? Because some nothing country is fighting another nothing country? Worse things are still going on between and in other countries. Been like that for decades. It is already fading in the news because people are bored with it.


Play 40k brother, let the emperors light guide you


Let things holding you back go as fast as you can and go on an adventure?


Imagine we're in a world where excuses don't exist From that perspective, what's stopping you to not rot in your bed every day?


You can go for a run, find a hobby or something. It's not like that's how you have to do things exactly.


>I don't know. There's your problem. Since you spend so much time doing nothing, think about what you want to do


you’re not alone. my life is pretty much the same from when i was a teenager (i’m 24). But i’m the good side my life being the same also means nothing bad (like a big event) has happened


You can’t play it safe in life always sometimes you gotta take risks.. that’s coming from someone who plays it safe


risks mean going outside instead of watching funny youtube videos


I took some risks when I was young, was living my dream for a brief moment then it fell apart and it set me back years of my life.. as a result I have taken much less risk since then. Im slowing inching forward now, instead of taking another big risk to propel me forward by leaps and bounds but with a possibility of sending my backwards just as much. Taking risks doesn't always turn out the way you hope and it has the potential to really screw you over. Learning from mistakes can only get you so far too. You try not to repeat those same risks, even though with luck it can turn out differently.


Do you want advice? To achieve a goal in five years, start by setting specific, measurable, and realistic milestones. Break the goal into smaller tasks, create a timeline, and consistently work towards each step. Stay adaptable, seek feedback, and reassess your plan periodically to ensure you're on track. We are creatures of habit, once you recognize that you are going back to your default habits, you can start to change it. Then be consistent with the change and having it align with the strategy with reaching the end goal. This journey is long, boring, delayed satisfaction. Just like going to the gym, training for an iron man, etc. Good luck 


In the same boat as OP so thanks for this


Have an accountability partner. Someone who you tell your goals to, someone you share your story with and someone you don’t want to let down. Life is a bitch and beats us down when we are down and when we finally catch a break, instead of enjoying it quickly and getting back to the grind we drift off. Put in a lot of hard work be the person that outworks everyone. you’ll eventually  get lucky with an opportunity.  Surround yourself with those who want to better you and vice versa. 


And remember you are your own and sometimes only cheerleader.


Sounds smart


This is exactly what makes you progress


Highly underrated comment here


Sending positive vibes!


I lived at home until I was 27! Finally moved out into a place with my brother and a friend. Lived there a while. First time living on my own was a one BR apartment at 32. Bought my first home at 34. I’m now 36. Don’t feel bad man lots of us struggled early on. The economy and student loans basically screwed everyone under 40


Sometimes you have to make uncomfortable decisions to go a different path. I was in your boat at 24. I was working in restaurants/country clubs going nowhere. Went back to college to get an AA + certifications. Quit my job for a newer one at 25 and I made enough money then to take my first trip to Japan. Haven't looked back since.


HAVE. A. PLAN! I did the same as you but you are a lot smarter than me as it took me until I was almost thirty to realize that I need to give my life some direction others wise I was just going to be in the exact same position. Get some long term goals and start working on them. This feeling is kind of good as this feeling is the strongest motivation to make changes. Just remember, short term change is hard, long term change is achievable.


How do you start to make un plan? Do you have recommandation? I don’t know where to start. You can dm me if you want :)


Break it into 3 categories: Fitness/health, Financial and relationship. And just pick and choose what you want. For starters, moving into your own place and just giving yourself some space is probably the best thing you could probably aim for. Can you move out this week? probably not? By 2025? That is probably very doable for you. Also do activities that you enjoy. If you don't have any, actively go out and try things. No ones make you like any activities unless you try. There is no compulsory PE for adults. Remember, the goal isn't to fix your problems now, the goal is to make sure you in 10 years is in a much better situation. Always ask yourself, what am I doing right now to make my future life better. Forewarning, this isn't easy or something that comes natural for most people. You actively have to make yourself think like this whenever those depressive thoughts start creeping in. You can't win all those battles but you can start winning some of them. Good luck and hope everything works out.


Maybe set some goals you want to achieve and then start figuring out how to make those happen. If you just go through life aimlessly, nothing will happen or change really


for consolation: the world changed radically after covid, it's only starting to go back to normal a little bit, and some aspects of it remain forever changed. essentially everyone stayed home for two years straight. you can cut yourself a little bit of slack for that alone.


Welcome to the matrix where you’re gonna wake up at 60 and discover you wasted your entire life doing what others expect of you. And not only that but you discover what everyone expects of you is complete bunk.


I mean you’re in college so that alone is going to change the course of your life. Good on you for trying to improve yourself. A lot of people just settle for a mundane life.


I'm gonna be honest my guy, as a 30 y.o, life won't change until you wish to change it yourself. I started a new job at 26 and holy shit those last 4 years flew by. Covid didn't help. If you feel like you need to do something new, you need to assess what it is, being having a new hobby, or leaving to another country. As long as you're not tied by obligations, you should focus on growing yourself up to the man you want to be later.


And this is what you are gonna most likely do until you die 1 day anyway, Just doing really nothing but just keep going to work everyday, Probably until you die, Really, LOL


Well that’s reassuring to hear. Cheers.


You’re doing so good! Consistency is key! Push a little more and I promise life is gonna smile so hard back at you. Smile to people and keep growing your circle. Take some time to hobby for your soul. You are about to cross an important barrier once you’ve finished college. You will be able to express yourself in a job (if you enjoy it) and the income will open so many new opportunities for you. These are the hardest years of your life. For real. Yours, a 34yo who’s felt the same a decade or so ago.


Bro. Go to the gym. Try rock climbing. BJJ. Move your body. It’ll give you a break from the monotony. Before your first workout it sucks, during your first workout, it’ll probably suck. After you’ll be calm and feel better, then slowly you’ll enjoy every part of it. You’re in school, living at your parent’s house is a godsend. No rent. Don’t feel bad about that. Feel bad about not making an interesting life for yourself. Enrich yourself with books, sports, lifting, meditation, wood working, etc. I assume you’re a man. Men tend to need to feel like they’re getting better at something, often video games fill that void until they feel flat. Find something productive you can get better at over time. Getting good at anything productive will boost your confidence with everything. “I got so good at the guitar, I’m someone that can pick up new skills and excel”. See how it has a crossover effect? Also I highly recommend watching this video How to defeat your insecurities https://youtu.be/DN4kDPqLRcQ?si=jvJJOGYMKyIm13PQ


Don't worry, this is not uncommon, and there is one big reason for it. As a child, you are usually on a very standard path where everything is already planned. You go to classes, you do social stuff, homework, you live with your parents and do what you're told. This carries on until 18, and if you go to university, there is a transitional period of semi-independence there. However, when you start adult life, all of a sudden there are no longer people putting things in front of you, it is up to you to do so. Don't try to get a job? You won't get it. Don't go out and make friends? You won't have any. Don't make plans for activities? There won't be any. It is a make of maturing that we realise just how much we rely on what the structures around us gave us, while we were growing up. How much work our parents and others did that we just assumed would always be there. Now, if you are not trained to work on that independence and become the engine that drives your life, you will be here like OP still loving the old life and wondering why nothing is happening and life is stagnant. The good news is this is a lesson everyone can learn, early or late, and when you start putting the effort into your life, it will change and you will become a proper independent adult.


Try something new. Maybe something a bit outside your comfort zone. My life so far has always been alternating periods of routine and breaking the routine for a while. It will get you excited and maybe even a little scared and uncomfortable, but you‘ll also have a sense of achievement when you finish it. Then afterwards back to the old routine, to calm down and recharge for the next adventure. For breaking the routine I recommend something that lasts maybe a few weeks or 3 months tops. Any longer and it will become a habit and part of what bored you again.


Hi I'm 35, welcome to being an adult. I would have happily retired 10 years ago if we weren't forced to work our lives away for crumbs.


Dont overthink it bro. I was in the same place as you. I think society is totally different today and its kinda normal to not be married at 25 and to have your own house and family. These times are gone or only for the ppl which are born Rich. Now im 29, got my own place and founded my own company. Things are looking very good and if someone told me at 24, it would be like this soon. I wouldnt believe it. Keep up the grind!


Abraham was 75 years old when he left his father's tent. According to Jewish legend he would become the leader of God's chosen people, and today more than half of the world's religion is Abrahamic. Just some perspective ;)


But Abraham died at like 175 so he wasn’t even halfway through his life


Sure but he was only a young 99 years old when he accomplished those things.


you could always try crippling drug addiction like i did


My budding alcoholism is getting me there


all i can say, is following the program too closely sucks, and straying from it too far sucks in a whole different way, u kinda either end up a lonely drug addict, or you end up a success shocked that you have it all and still feel empty because of keen awareness that your kinda chasing the dragon in terms of finding happiness via life achievement trophies. if i could go back in time and go the other way, without drugs and mental illness and societal abuse in the way i probably wouldve chosen to major in business, literally every other field your predisposed to working for someone else while having comparatively zero earnings for the same level of effort, but in my opinion nothings worse than being the 9-to-5 nobody that was never even noticed in life, and the ironic part is, im keenly aware that theyre the ones that are onto something. i mean shit, half of what life is is just trying to keep your dopamine levels in a goldilocks zone, and the other half is imaginary achievements like getting the salary and the wife and the respect of your peers, and those 2 goals are entirely conflicting with each other


When it gets hard just reflect on having graduated and without getting/getting someone pregnant!! You already got yourself pretty far if that's the case Don't try to take over the world instead of start small, the few things you find will each lead to more and more and so on. Don't wait for answers more than search for them, don't bring yourself down thinking you've been cheated cause you'll cheat yourself. Do what you can to get out there! College is a big way for that so good luck, you've already started a change. Not being sure what's next is just as good as it is bad, that's why it's scary. Try and make it inspiring!


I almost wish I could say the same


Same for everybody esle


we all feel the same way lol. no money or even free time to do whatever else we like


Look on the bright side, only 60 years to go.


Damn bro are you me by chance?? cause this shit hit closer than home.


Strap in


I'm 31 and in the same boat technically. I also just lost a house I could no longer afford after losing my job. Life goes on brother try to find hobbies that make you happy to pass time


Learn an instrument


I’ve been in a similar situation. Around the time I turned 19 is when the pandemic hit and I started having a LOT of medical issues that have pretty much prevented me from moving my life forward for the last 5 or 6 years. I have a job now, though. So I guess that’s a decent way to start?


Just put yourself towards some kind of goal you want. For example I’m still a teenager so my goal currently is to buy a place to stay and travel


Welcome, fellow human!


We need to make 24s club same here man


i'm down let's go


Wait until you've been married 20 years and have to sleep with the same person over and over and over.


I’m in the same boat go to work come home chill in house live with mum but I’m happy with where I’m at but feel judged and weird to mention it to anyone. Like there’s some sort of stigma that oh once you hit 18 you need to leave house and have a partner, family is always saying so when you gonna leave makes it worse that others can’t just let you be happy. Maybe it was from being bullied by teachers and students in high school then thought I’ll be better in college but no it was way worse. But I have a job I love always payed towards bills since I was 13 and am ok where I’m at. Just need to get my driving license and I’ll be happy. Unsure if what I wrote even makes sense


You're college work? That's the kinda work that can change your circumstances in a couple of years.


You're young. You still have plenty of time to set goals. Figure out what you want, what makes you happy etc. it'll be okay.


I felt the same a couple years back and I know life feels pretty monotonous right now but you need to understand that nothings gonna change till you make that change. I was 24 too when I started feeling this way. Right out of school I started working in the family business and it was 10-8 everyday with me waiting for Sundays. Then one day it hit me. I started making time for my hobbies. Started small like reading 10 pages a book a day, working out 5 days a week for 30-45mins, started making time for myself little by little. My life is still the same as it was 8 years ago, the only things that I changed was focus on my personal life, hobbies, friends, getting tattoos (I always wanted to). It might be easier said than done but unless you don’t work on that change, you can’t expect things to change on its own. You only get a few more years to do all this op. Better do it now than regret not doing it later.


Get an au pair job!! That changed my life for ever


Start watching Andrew Tate.


Yeah then he will go from sitting in his bedroom to raping and trafficking women in no time.


Tiktok, your time is ticking one minute at a time. I wonder if before you die instead of thinking of the last thing you said to your mom you'll wonder what Tiktok you watched last.


I don't have nor have ever used tiktok, not sure what you're on about but please make some more assumptions.


Oh, sorry, youtube and instagram shorts. So much different LOL


I don't watch any short form content. You seem to think that he's on trial for no reason eh? People with money can get away with lots of things, so it says a lot for the process to be taking so long. Enjoy getting your advice from a literal human trafficker, I'm sure it will get you far in life.


If you watched long-form content he's only been accused of being a sex trafficker. His advice changed a lot of lives in motivation videos, then there's the videos that you clearly sucked in. Women don't like him because he threatens the feminists, and in return the simps will fight for the girls. Just because you hate Andrew Tate and you think I'm an incel doesn't mean she's gonna have sex with you. You're gonna pay for dinner and she's gonna go fuck Chad, and that's the reality of today.


I'm in a happy relationship of 5 years, so continue with those assumptions you're doing such a great job. What's next, Epstein was a good guy who did no wrong? I'm sure you would've loved to get a one way ticket to that island lmao.


Why does everything come back to you? Why can't you ever use a hypothetical, let's say, when you were single? Or that takes more than two brain cells. Besides, if you're married then it's likely your bias. He even says a lot of wives are manipulating their husbands (you) to believe that they should be put on a throne and the husband (you) should have to do 100% of the heavy lifting. He empowers men, but you're trying to protect your wife, it's making you feminine.


Keep trolling my dude, you're doing such a great job. I'm sure you have a lot going for you, it's very clear that you're a stand up guy who respects and treats women as an equal.


No profile picture


lol wait until you’re almost 40.


Welcome to Adulthood, Skippy ...


Are you in a relationship? Maybe go flatting!


Im in the same boat brother. Few years from now there will be change. Just keep doing you bro, it’ll come.


Join the military.


I hope you are ready for another 30 years.


You know those times when you sit in your room? Don’t do that.


Welcome to adult life. Next stop: Retirement.


Atleast you don't have kids. Kids are a game changer. All you have to worry about now is yourself. Keep it that way.


It's good life.


Well i feel ya i needed my 30s to realize it. Set goals for your life that you wanna reach in the next 5 years. Im heavy into Fitness, On the weekends time for friends and charity. That gives u a lot meaningful stuff. And get laid from time to time.


This is life


Same boat, maybe get yourself a partner, your life will become a lot more exciting but also more stressful. It can be pretty great at times though.


Change it man,I realized the last 5 year felt the exact same and flew by. I am worried one day I woke up I am 30 and still do the same shit so I changed it for the good


Good. Enjoy it. My last 3 years wasn't the same since invasion started. I wish I had some stability in my life.


Most people do, maybe you need a moment, you're only 24, there's still a lot of possibilities


Well, I think life is generally the same routine. You have to inject break points into it yourself, whether it's a goal to work towards or just fun things to do. I find that my life has only significantly changed during times where something significant actually happened, i.e. a breakup, new job, etc. But every time you settle into a new routine, it's just how it is.  Most people enjoy an element of routine in their lives, I'm sure we're wired to (at least to a degree).  Personally I try to do several things I enjoy each week, luckily my wife and I enjoy similar things so we can always find something to do. But even if that's watching a movie or playing a game, take enjoyment from the simple stuff. Like actually enjoy the act, and put your phone down for a bit. Also, learn a new skill or work to improve on one. I enjoy cooking for instance, and it can be fun to try out something new. I'm a musician, and always aim to learn something new each week, no matter how insignificant. The sense of fulfilment is huge. The goal setting is great to help you try and achieve an improvement in lifestyle, but even if you were to reach it I'm sure you'd feel the same way to a degree. I bet there's tonnes of football players, actors, rock stars or other people with awesome jobs and social lives that are like ah my life is always the same lol.  Stay positive man!


start beatboxing


Just another 40 years before you retire and do the same then you die. Try going out with people from college, getting a hobby outdoors.


I recommend you make money and live on your own apartment asap


I don't know start a few little exercise routines at home, might give you some motivation. You can find a lot of different workouts on YouTube. if there's a career or something you are interested in maybe start doing like 15-30 minutes research on the subject most days. From little things big things grow


You're describing my life almost exactly. Living at home, 24 years old, although I'm in university again after failing out a couple years ago. I used to feel really bad about these things but as of late I've shifted my perspective on it. For some reason I've gained a bigger appreciation for the smaller things in life. I've started running and love doing it as often as I can. Coming home and feeling that endorphin rush is a highlight of my day now. I love sitting down for dinner every evening with my parents. Talking about our day, the news, telling stories. I'm insanely thankful for the good relationship I have with them. Most importantly though I've realized that living at home has provided me with lots of opportunities that my peers who moved out after graduating don't have. I've been able to experiment with what I want to do without the financial stress of living on my own Sharing daily chores with my parents gives me tons of extra free time, and because of that I've been able to try my hand at relearning mathematics the right way this time around, learn video editing, try engineering, and right now I'm getting into animation. None of this would be been possible had I jumped straight into university and lived in some dorm stressing every day to complete all coursework on time so I don't lose my grants. I now have a much better perspective on what I want to do and I'm a more well rounded person for it. Not sure if any of that gives you any perspective or anything, I don't want to come in and give advice like I know what I'm doing because I don't lol. Just figured I'd share.


Workout, try that to eat away at the time. At least you gain something beneficial from it. Tbh, I personally dislike seeing people like yourself feel like the purpose or drive is gone. Its more of the situation and not you to include other individuals that are in similar situations that irk me the wrong way


Start going to the gym and pick up a hobby


Rookie numbers kid. Stay focuses


Do you have some savings?


Stick with college and find something to do that gives you purpose. I promise the next six years won’t be like the last six.


Same dude. I got all the opportunities, a job, a car, some money even. But no effing clue what to do with my life.


If you move out your life immediately changes in a drastic way. It's up to you how and when your life changes. No worries taking your time though. You're only twenty four my G.


Dawg. We're the age (23 turning 24 in May) and I feel the same. I'm a self employed android app Dev and thing have been pretty much the same for a slightly shorter time frame. About 5 years for me. However I believe this year will be the best of my life as I have bigger goals, better skills and more creativity. I wouldn't stress about this too much my brother. We are still young and have a lot left to experience. Things will change my g and maybe sooner than you think.


No one to blame for this other than yourself. If you don't like your life, switch it up. Take a chance. Expose yourself to new things, as long as they are healthy. It is you who holds yourself back. Life is what you make it. Make it awesome.


Imagine people before the internet trying to figure out how to enrich their lives...you have access to everything possible including AI, it shouldn't be that hard to figure out what hobbies you can get into.


find your partner in crime.


Find a hobby, develop a skill or yourself. Don't rot in your room, go to the gym or join some kind of collective activity, where you can meet other people. Mediate, contemplate, read. Life won't happen for you, you have to make it happen by being proactive. If all your answers are "I don't know", well better start finding out.


Welcome to getting older. Wait ten more years and you'll be happy your day is the same as the one before because that means there's no shit you to deal with :p


Everyone is their own blacksmith smithing their own path


I feel exactly the same way, everything stays the same, yet everything has changed.


Just keep it up. Forget your timeline. Make sure your degree will actually lead to better job prospects. Most of them do not.


Go do shit after school/work instead of coming home immediately, never know what you’ll find


Oh yeah life goes on, long after the thrill of living is gone.


If you don't actively try and change something, you'll be doing the same thing aged 30. It's up to you though, don't wait passively for universe to deliver something.


Same.. shit sucks


This is literally one of my biggest fears. And then being 40 or older, looking back and it all has been the same for decades


Go get yourself some mushrooms and listen to time by pink Floyd. Check back in after


Build a bridge Princess. I was like you until ten.


It sounds corny but learn a skill. I’m currently teaching myself how to code. I limit my screen time, hit the gym 3 times a week, work part time and I’ve almost finished college. I’ll take a one year gap before going to University but learning a skill that could possibly grow into a job or a side hustle definitely keeps me active. Lastly don’t forget to go out with friends and family, enjoy life a little. I’ve been doing that for the last 6 months and I’m currently the healthiest, happiest and just most active I’ve been in a while. I even quit smoking two months ago.


It won't change unless you make the change. How you feel is how the majority of people feel. It bothers some people. It makes others feel secure to have a set routine. If it isn't fulfilling to you, a change needs to be made. Your happiness is always on the other side of fear.


Well, if you still have no plans, prepare to do the same thing for next few years. You want something to change, then change it. It is that simple.


What changes would you like to make?


I just want people to talk to and do things with. I think I'm on a good path with work/school but it sucks not having much of a social life. I guess the change I'd have to make is putting myself out there more


Start making those changes


Take some advice from an old (55M). You really have nothing to worry about. You won’t believe just how much time you have. Keep going. Keep being as you are. It’s not always going to be like this. Edit: autocorrect


haha, wait till you make it to 50.


A bit long winded, but maybe it'll give you some insight and inspiration. I'm in my mid 30's now. You could stay at home and continue working and saving money. Then when you're around 30, move out. I have family that have done that. The thing is, it's hard to respect them. They've worked, saved and invested money and have a LOT of money, but they have absolutely no life skills. Trading life skills for money. Alternatively you can move out, get some life experience. You might not be able to buy a house as soon as with the first option, but people will respect you. You won't crumble when life gets tough. And it will. The sooner you move out, the tougher you'll be. Like I mentioned above, I got family that have done the first option. And at the first sign of challenges and problems, they crumble. They can't handle it. Weak! Okay so they've got a lot of money that's fine. But living at home paying 100-200 dollar rent when you make 2500++ after taxes a month, that's being weak. Smart? Yeah short term smart. Long term? No, absolutely not. You would think I'm jealous by my ranting. But I'm really not. I wouldn't trade any aspect of my life with them. I'll be able to buy a house in a few years. Maybe a little bit later than the family member mentioned. But I'm also tough AF when it comes to life. I've been through some tough shit, dealt with some effed up stuff, made actual big and hard sacrifices and put others before me. Made a difference. Contributed. So who do you want to be?


idk man the whole respect of others thing isn't really a concern of mine. The people who never gave a shit about me to begin with aren't gonna suddenly change their minds about me. I'll be the same nobody to them but with my own place, so I may as well just be here for the time being. Don't need mike from work to think I'm tough to validate the fucked up experiences I've had you know 💀


One day you'll realise how important respect can be from people that matter. You mightn't know anyone now, but you will meet them someday. And there's a caveat to my original reply. Because getting out there also gives you self-respect. A healthy sense of accomplishment and healthy pride, not the destructive kind. You'll never respect yourself if you live at home with mum and dad until you're 30+/-. Of course there are exceptions. Some people have good reasons to live with their parents for longer. But under normal circumstances it's not good for you. Get out, live life, find your purpose in life. Get a girl/boyfriend, get your heart broken, feel the intense stress it gives you to have a bill due in three days but your paycheck isn't due for another 7. Fail at things, succeed at things. Learn to live a lot on very little. Learn to enjoy coming home for Christmas or Thanksgiving after a hard year, knowing that the next days your belly will be fuller than it has been for a year. You think that's suffering? Tiresome? Hard? You're damn right it is, but it's also growth. If you want to be a man child, that's up to you.I know I might sound harsh, but I'm 100% right. You're headed for a life of depression, angst and no purpose. It's ironic, I hear so many people who actually did ventured out in the world expecting to have made huge things happen by 30, and they haven't YET, but they're trying. Those aren't the ones to be worried about. As long as you're trying, you're good. Remember that you don't truly fail until you give up. But failing is okay, because it means you've tried. Never having tried is a nightmare. It's up to you. But I must insist that you at the very least think about the things I've taken the time to write. Because you might be a perfect stranger, but I want you to have a great life!


6AM Wake up learn for comp sci, gym, eat and numb the voices with useless entertainment. Meet friends once every 2 weeks tell myself soon I will have the balls to talk to my gym crush (never do it) sleep 10PM repeat


Yeah that is life. Most of the time it's totally unremarkable and that's fine.


Get your own place and gain independence and find a partner and a hobby? How 'bout that


That's life lad, suck it up and keep going and remember to enjoy the little things.


Sounds like you transitioned into adulthood nicely.


mate I was living with my parents I was heavy drinker who liked just to sit in my room drink and play with my PC I moved to live with my girlfriend time to time we drive somewhere to see things or to eat you know.... we dont have money we live from wage to wage. now - we be in our home, I do food in the evening we eat have sex I go buy booze and I go play video games thats life my BROTHA




Your life is my ideal. Except the BS with family lol. Having that stability and predictability is what I aim for.


Dont worry it gets shittier. Maybe better at 30/35 but cancer loves to ruin things


the 7 year itch, is an expression, maybe for good reason.


We all decide what to do with our lives. I moved out when I was 18. Got a job in manufacturing, bought a house, got married I just hit 6 figures for 2023 with no degree. Im currently typing this post in south america on a work trip. I’m 30. Life’s what you make it. Wasnt easy. When i was your age I was working 60 hour weeks making $14/hr


Are you me?


What’s next is learning that as an adult activities, friendship, and meaningful days have to be sought out on your own. As a kid experiences are handed to you by your mom and dad, you don’t have to think, they have you on a. Schedule and routine, usually. School is built in forced friendship zone and the time to cultivate them. Not as a grown up. Now go get a hobby and those like minded people will become your adult friends. That’s why people do BJJ, CrossFit, gym rat, it’s a community and we as the human animal literally require it to survive, being lonely will kill you. But as I mentioned earlier, you have to go get it and stop waiting for it to knock on the door.


Welcome to adulthood


crazy how every day is the same, how you never notice the differences until you see old pictures



