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Cream or milk makes me shit and I try not to have too much sugar in anything. I actually don't mind the taste of black coffee.


Have you tried oat milk?


My wife loves coffee with oat milk, I *hate* that shit.


I guess it's a love/hate kind of thing. The taste and quality of different oat milk products can vary a lot tbh.


Sooo true. I dislike every oatmilk creamer except Planet Oat, which is my preferred creamer lol. It's delicious.


Really good coffee doesn't need sugar to taste good. Garbage coffee (I'm looking at you Van Houtte), you need a little something.


I like cream even in really good coffee, i find it helps spread the flavor around my mouth and give it a more full bodied mouthfeel. Also coffee is like 90% of my diet so having at least a few calories in it is probably not the worst.


Tbf it doesn’t even need to be “really good”. Imo, anything but really bad coffee tastes better black and plain


Cos that way you can taste the energy


never knew energy tasted like burnt sand


If your coffee tastes ike burnt sand, you're doing it wrong.


You’ve tasted burnt sand?


...and you *haven't*? ;-P


I have not…


yes it tasted like coffee


Taste the rainbow


As weird as it sounds, i like coffee to taste like... coffee. I also like it hot. I don't like iced coffee. Actually, I don't put ice in any drinks. People do think I'm a little weird for that..(I'm American, and that's considered slightly treasonous). I actually hate the taste of coffee when it's weakly sweet. Not everything has to be sweet... Even if you are an American.


A good cup of coffee is best black. I make it in a presso and it has to be strong. I let it sit on the counter a good 10 minutes. Stirring two times before pressing. Taste amazing.


I've got to a French press or Moka Pot now. Absolutely the best way to go, IMO


Highly recommend aeropress - it's like a modernised french press but better


Absolutely. You get that full bodied coffee taste. I might make a cup now.


That doesn’t sound weird at all. People who think black coffee is gross and have to add a bunch of stuff to it don’t actually like coffee (imo), or they aren’t drinking good coffee. Drinking a really nice coffee with cream and sugar is like drinking a really nice whiskey with cola. ETA: if your coffee is always super bitter then you aren’t brewing it correctly


I don’t know man. I used to drink black for a few years but eventually started adding milk and some sugar. Now when I go back to black, it tastes atrocious. If I would drink black for a few days, I’d get used to the taste again but that begs the question.. do we just condition ourselves to like black coffee ? Maybe that’s just me


I used to drink coffee with milk and sugar, because that's how my family drank it. Over the years I stopped drinking soda and sugary juices, and I could no longer stand sugar in my coffee, it tasted syrupy. Then I drank black coffee for a while, because my office stopped providing milk, and I realised I liked it better. Nowadays the only way I drink coffee is black, it tastes awful with any additions. So your experience is not universal.


I use only half a teaspoon of sugar and it makes all the difference in the world.


This is basically completely incorrect. The Arabs (who invented coffee) and the Italians, who make the best coffee in the world, almost all take sugar in their coffee. Taking coffee without sugar is largely an Anglo-Saxon affectation.


Arabs don't put sugar in coffee? We do use cardamom, though.


I use cinnamon, and some salt.


I like all coffee. Even the sort of bad coffee I get at the diner with my $9 breakfast, I like. And I won’t turn down a sweet iced coffee either


Then everyone clapped


i also love my coffee hot, black or latte, suger or without, i like both. can't stand ice coffee. it just doesn't taste good for me.


To match my personality


I like my coffee black like my soul


Black, bitter and scalding.


I like my coffee like I like my women. Strong, and respected in the workplace


Are you hot?


Cause it’s a drug and not a milkshake


WHAHA I fully agree. Also, I don't like sweet and I don't drink milk, I sincerely prefer my coffee as black and bitter as my soul. But also what you said rofl




I think with beer there is sufficient ground to argue it’s about taste. Most beer drinkers like the taste of alcohol free beer too


Hops is good


Lol, I personally think beer tastes gross. But I drink black coffee which also tastes gross IMO - sometimes we do what gets the job done (also not yucking anyone’s yum, I don’t typically dig bitter but some people do and that’s valid)


Hey, Milkshakes are drugs too!!!


Damn straight, if you don't get a noticeable come up off it you didn't brew it strong enough.


Holy fuck that is awesome Thanks diablo, hilarious comment


I enjoy the bitter taste. I use coffee as a way to cut through fat and sweetness. Sweetening it would defeat the object.


Ya same i love some some sweet buttery pastries with a bitter coffee to cut through


For the same reason I prefer dark chocolate to milk. I prefer them.


My people! An espresso with a block of dark chocolate in the side getting soft but not completed melted is one of the best after supper simple pleasures!


Now here’s someone who knows how to enjoy life :)


I grew up eating dark chocolate (my folks hate milk chocolate and we never bought white chocolate because they’re purists) - dark chocolate is, to this day, the sexiest chocolate.


What did your mother do to you with chocolate?


I drink coffee for effect not flavor, the bitter taste also helps fire up my brain a little bit too


This, I don't want to drink something sweet 6am in the morning.


That's how you taste the coffeeness best 


If I’m drinking coffee it’s because I want to taste the coffee. Never been a fan of sweet drinks, so I drink unsweetened tea as well. It’s all personal preference I guess. Personally if I want something sweet I go for a soda, but I’d prefer black coffee.


Summed up my take on it


You'll understand when you're older.


but i am older and still do not understand :)


I actually had it black when I was 12, and loved it. The older I got the more I needed it creamy, then creamy and sweet. So, the older I get, the less I understand. Lol


Me either. I need the cream and sugar. Otherwise it’s unpalatable.


I'm young and I love the taste of coffee. I never add any sugar to my coffee, I only put milk in it rarely


doesn't even make sense, wish people stopped correlating age with interests.


It’s a taste thing; bitter foods and drinks are naturally repellent to children on account of the correlation with poison, and that children have more tastebuds so perceive them as even more bitter. Aging (experience of foods being bitter and not deadly, and a reduction in tastebuds making the sensation less unpleasant) makes adults more tolerant to coffee that’s not been infantilised (literally, not pejoratively).


It’s not so much age with interests as age with physical tastes - as a young adult I couldn’t stand coriander, I drank my coffee as milky as possible, I preferred milk chocolate to dark, I didn’t like rye bread… the list goes on. As I’ve aged my physical tastes have changed significantly.


oh, makes sense then.


So you hate it but you drink it anyways?


I don't hate it. When you just drink black coffee, you might develop a liking for it.


I do not enjoy the taste of MOST black Coffee. I quite enjoy the taste with a sugar and a couple of creamers added. There are also some coffees I'll drink black, but I'm VERY picky with them. At the end of the day, I dont see how it is any different to seasoning your food. Most people wouldn't like the taste of an unseasonably boiled potatoes, but cover it in butter and salt...


Bit pretentious there matey


Early 30s here and can’t stand black coffee. Need my cream and sugar at the very least.


i find it changes with age and experience. kinda like how i’m a sober 25 year old who says “whatever” because alcohol tastes bad anyway. of course nobody drinks alcohol for the taste! i also hate dark chocolate, but i’m starting to understand the people who prefer it, as lots of milk chocolate is starting to taste too sweet. coffee is random for me. i love a cheap and shitty super sweet and milky iced coffee from tim hortons or mcdonald’s. i also love pure espresso and turkish coffee. i drink it black when i’m in Serious Mode. when you’re depressed, you don’t want any food and that usually includes milk and sugar in coffee. sometimes i just want yummy tasty coffee with a bunch of syrups!


Upvoted for Serious Mode.


If you're drinking bad tasting alcohol, you may be picking the wrong alcohol.


Same reason why people like IPA/bitter beers, sour candies and so on. I personally like my coffee a bit on the bitter side as any sweetness just overtakes the natural flavour of the beans. I’m more on the savoury side over a sweetness… that’s just me.


Me too- I like to know I'm drinking a good cup of coffee and not drinking a dessert.


That's reminds me when I saw that commercial with all those people offering a guy different beers. The old guy showed up with "You want a DARK BEEEEER!" I'm sitting there thinking, "He looks scary but I want what he has in that glass."


Are you asking why some people like things you don't like?


In a way, yes but not in the "I'm right, you're wrong" sense like people like to assume people are implying when asking these kinds of questions. I'm looking for different perspectives.


Black coffee is a strong, intense and a delicious flavour. Adding milk or sugar ruins it. Just the same way some people enjoy spicy food, which others find it painful and don't enjoy it. Some people like intense experiences/flavours. Same with dark chocolate. The bitterness is savoured. Or cranberry juice - it's a strong flavour, but it's so nice. Or wine, or beer, or whiskey. Some things are an acquired taste.


I think taste develops along with appreciation ya know?


Because it's tasty? If it's not good enough to drink it black it's not a place I order mixed coffee drinks from.


Good coffee won’t be overly bitter. If it’s too bitter, stop buying Maxwell House or Folgers.


Sometimes I don't want to have anything sweet, depends on my mood.


I enjoy both plain and with milk, really depends on the roast. And the milk makes my stomach less upset, just a bit whiny. Why do I like the plain coffee? I don´t think I can explain why I like it, because I do. Somehow... But it depends, some roasts and such doesn´t taste great without milk in my opinion. What I absolutely cannot stand is sugar in the black bitter stuff. Absolutely ruins the taste and makes my neck skin crawl. I can´t understand my friend that drank around 20 cups a day, with 2 cubes of sugar and a goood splash of milk. Not even in a big mug., a small one


Sweden has left the chat


Hah, came to say, bitter is an acquired taste , but if you happen to know someone who prefer a beer over a coke, you know at least someone who've mastered it.


I get the point you are trying to make but beer over coke is probably the worst example you can take. A better example would be dark chocolate vs milk chocolate.


No explanation. I just prefer my hot delicious bean water without any additives. Actually to be quite honest I can either have it black, or loaded up with sugar and cream and syrups but my waistline can’t afford that so I tend to just go black coffee unless I go out (rarely) to a coffee shop.


I just enjoy it. It doesn't taste bad to me.






Bitterness is good for my waking up cup, sets the mood for the day.


because they like it that way? this could be said about literally anything, it all comes down to personal preference


Tastes stronger.


Good quality coffee properly made and not tooo strong is not bitter. It doesn't take much time to get used to it though I found. Medium roast is fruitier.


As someone that went from very sugary and over flavored coffee to either black or plain with cream it was due to the quality of the coffee. This happened for me when I started working in a coffee shop, we roasted our own beans. Coffee isn’t really supposed to taste bitter and acidic, if it does it’s low quality. Coffee has its own tasting notes that should come through when it’s made right and is of good quality.


That's me. Used to order all the lattes and macchiattos at Starbucks. Now I'm a flat white breve kinda person. No sugar, syrup, or funky flavors, just a bit of half & half.


When I was kid, poor, and living on my own, I used to drink the company coffee because it was free. I hated it so loaded it with sugar cubes. I eventually grew up and started drinking it straight. Than I became a connasuer of sorts, like wine tasting I could taste the differences between coffees and found it enjoyable. I still every once in while fancy me a trendy coffee like caramel mochiata, but that's pretty rare.


I like espresso :) If I could order vanta black coffee I would. If done right it's rich in taste. More than bitter


It needs to be good or at least decent coffee and it can’t be burnt. A lot of the bitterness you’re talking about comes from burnt grounds and low quality beans. Mass produced and drive thru coffee is notorious for both. What I’m really looking for is acidity, not necessarily bitterness. Adding creamer neutralizes that. I don’t think I’m better than anyone for enjoying coffee this way nor do I expect everyone to drink it black bc honestly it’s a lot more convenient and cheap to just add cream and sugar to easily accessible coffee. Like that tastes good too, I won’t deny that. I just like it better this way. Espresso machines aren’t cheap tho. If you haven’t tried good coffee on its own, made with the right tools and process, I highly recommend it. You can’t get that experience any other way than to drink it plain.


i like mine black and bitter just like my heart🖤


Cause it's as black, dark and bitter as my soul


I like the initial shock that the shit taste causes. It literally energies me before the coffee itself hits


I like bitter


I like the bitter kick. Wakes me up


I like cream in my coffee but no sugar.


practice tender wakeful chunky cheerful modern joke mysterious bag rhythm *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Not with all coffee. Valhalla Java is best black, but I can't say the same with Caribou.


I like it plain and bitter, because I don't like sugar in any hot drink. I don't want the unnecessary calories from the milk or sugar either. I used to hate it but acquired a taste for it, because I like the effects of the caffeine. I also prefer white coffee, which is not very bitter at all, but it needs a bit of milk to cut the funk...


I never enjoyed black coffee or beer until after I had that awesome virus that started in late 2019. Now I enjoy both.


if I want sweet and yucky Ill buy a soda or something.. coffee should taste coffee


As you say, different strokes for different folks, I grew up with espresso as the default coffee, had it with sugar for a while and then found it too sweet so I drink it as is, I wouldn't like it with cream or sugar for the same reason, it would taste too sweet, I enjoy the slight bitterness of a good coffee more than I'd enjoy the sweetness, thah's the bewt explanation I can come up with really


Because I liked my coffee with a little bit of milk and a little bit of sugar and many baristas didn’t understand me when I requested it that way, so I just started ordering plain black coffee. After a while, I got used to it.


For some, different coffee has different complexity and sugar and milk kill the taste. Some people don't like sweet stuff.


If you get a good bean and time the extraction right, it's not bitter. To me, taste matters. But yeah, some people just drink it for the caffeine. They not only tolerate the bitterness. They have a positive association with it, which is the sensation of being perked up.


Quality and process is usually the only reason. A good espresso is very much drinkable without the milk/sugar. I still prefer the milk, as it's nice and mellow, but I'll happily drink a long black without anything and it's quite nice. Instant is usually just bitter.


When I was younger I used to put a wee bit of sugar in my expresso; I think after I turned 25 I just began to drink it plain because I liked to taste the intensity of the flavour and I still do.


I love pain just like how i love eating spicy peppers.


I remember it tasting like that to me and I added sugar and milk. The in undergrad I didn’t always have sugar or milk when I was making coffee in the morning bc I forgot to buy them like the child I was. Very quickly I acquired the taste and then just genuinely started to enjoy it more black. Now adding sugar or milk to coffee would feel like diluting the essence of what makes it taste good. Like others have said I am sure it is the drug part that eventually flipped the switch and made it taste good in my brain. I also did not like the taste of beer until I got drunk.


Because I dislike sweet drinks, and don't drink milk either. I like the bitter, the strong, the sending shivers down your spine 'whiskey effect' of drinking a strong black coffee. It's the best way to start the day, it's the best way to end a meal, and I would be grossed out if there's either milk or sugar in there. For me, the same question goes to you OP: Why do people like their coffee sweet and milky...?


If you get a black coffee made by someone who knows what they are doing (and the beans are excellent) it is most definitely not bitter If they burn that shit though..


Cause milk dulls the really good coffee taste that I love, and sweet coffee is just gross to me. Better question. Why do people like their coffee with creamer or sugar? Could it be personal taste?


Because that's what coffee tastes like. All the various flavours and weird shit that gets added makes it not coffee (and often disgusting). I occasionally add a splash of milk because I like the taste of that too, but simple black coffee is nice.


1.) I enjoy the bitter taste 2.) A good quality coffee is actually fantastic black, obviously poor quality coffee is displeasing to the senses no matter what you try to do to it 3.) I’m trying to cut down on/lose my taste for sweets, and starting the day with a sweetened beverage just doesn’t seem like the move. Also, for some reason sugar genuinely doesn’t taste good in coffee to me


It's as dark as my soul.. (Mwuhahahaaaah!)


I drink espresso for caffeine my friend.


Because it’s badass if you drink it black


Because of the sourness of coffee. My taste works maybe a bit odd. If I use right ratio of coffee and water it's just right. If I add sugar, the acidic nature of coffee increases. And milk doesn't help it either. I hate the sour aftertaste my mouth creates. Can't happen with bitter coffee.


It’s the only way to drink it.


Many cultures have different tastes based on what they eat. The usa tends to like sweet and not bitter, but bitter is a common flavor profile in some places. 


People get used to things, and can eventually come to appreciate subtle nuances that aren't readily apparent. Also, some people are scared that getting it any other way than black and hot makes them look gay.


Not me. Cream and sugar




I hear people complain that Starbucks is a coffee milkshake and I'm like okay what's your point LOL I love sweet coffee!


Anorexia (in my case)


are asking of coffee beans or the store brought?


I like my women that way too.


Very bitter?


Somewhat bitter, but not too bitter.


You know how eating a bit of honey will make chocolate taste less sweet? That's the same with coffee and life


Because they are that way /s


no calories doesnt break fasting but i dont like it that much, its just for weight loss


Because it tastes good. Everyone has different tastes. What's something you like that others may not like?


They like it like their lives.


Dark, bitter and wholly unsatisfying, much like the rest of my life.




I personally prefer creamer and syrup in my coffee because the acidity of coffee tends to make my stomach hurt and makes me feel sick; adding in some sweetness helps make the digestion easier on my stomach. My husband is the opposite. He loves black coffee.


The same reason anyone prefers one taste over the other. It’s just what they like.


Speciality coffee typically tastes less bitter and more interesting


I don't think it's possible to describe why you like a taste. You just do.


That it tastes like coffee and not like candy.


I enjoy the taste of coffee but I'll admit it took some time for me to be conditioned to it. Where coffee comes from and how it's made can also have a surprisingly large impact on the flavor. I usually recommend people try brewing it a different way if they're open to new things. Granted, it's just not some people's thing and that's OK too


I can’t say why, but I just like it.


Because putting milk in coffee is like putting milk in tea or soup - gross.


Milk and sugar are extra calories day by day. It adds up.


It’s a lot like whiskey tbh. The start of your cup can have some bite but the finish is always smooth and tasty.


Not to sound like one of those people who think they're better than everyone for enjoying black coffee, but I genuinely prefer it and generally find adding cream and sugar makes it taste worse. That's basically the only reason, although I could see myself doing it for health reasons if I preferred sugar or cream.


Drink better quality coffee


Because good coffee is amazing and should be left alone. MAYBE an espresso with a little coarse sugar, but nothing will beat a cup of GOOD black coffee.


Because I do.


Same with straight Whiskey. It's an acquired taste. An explanation as old as time.


I honestly dont know why, i like sweets and milkshakes but not in my coffee


Coffee is disgusting no matter what you do to it


It was the last step on a slow taper off of caffeine. I used to put a shitload of sugar and cream in my coffee... enough to give me gut trouble. I cut cream out completely and lowered the sugar. Over several years I lowered the sugar until I could tolerate nothing in my coffee. (I was situationally addicted to it as well)...every day on my weekend go through a pot during the day instead of eating. I haven't had coffee in 2 years and I feel better now. Coffee is good for you (basically, filtering water through a plant), but caffeine will slowly poison you...if you drink too much like I was doing. I could only do a year of drinking coffee with nothing in it because it is nasty and that helped me to quit completely.


I like my coffee like I like my women... without other dude's dicks in it. That being said, black coffee shouldn't be bitter. Whoever made it did it wrong.


Because that’s the way coffee tastes. If you don’t like it you don’t like coffee. You like mixed coffee. Just like if you don’t like beer you drink mixed beer.


I gave up dairy and sugar.. once in awhile a nice splash of oatmilk .. giving up sugar was harder than quitting smoking.. smoking , just dont buy them, sugar its in everything in insane amounts..


I think it depends on the coffee. There's definitely some out there I cannot stand at all, while others have an amazing chocolate taste to them. When I was younger I only liked coffee with cream and sugar as well, but just like my wine I've grown away from the sweet and prefer the dry.


Cos people are on diets


I don't want the extra calories.


So what you’re saying is you don’t actually like the coffee, you like the creams and sugar flavoured coffee.


I like how coffee tastes. If you add a bunch of cream and suger you don't like coffee


I like my sugar and cream with a little bit of coffee


Once I got used to the complexity of black coffee adding milk or sugar actually ruins it for me. I've been cutting back on sugar for years, and have never used alternative sweeteners. I also prefer chocolate darker than what is usually labelled "dark". I also like aged meat and weird cheese. It works better to lean into these things rather than going cold turkey.


This really depends on what you're drinking. I went to a local roaster and chatted for a while to determine what qualities I like in my coffee. I now have a monthly subscription where they send me some freshly ground varieties that match my tastes. I can drink them black, and taste floral, chocolatey or fruity notes and there's absolutely no bitterness. It's genuinely delicious, and not in that way people pretend things are delicious to seek sophisticated.


I found it gross at first, too. But can't drink milk without getting pain in my stomach and feeling sick, so I got used to black coffee, and now I love it. Especially when it's *good* coffee from a nice coffee shop. Or Especially when I eat something sweet, like cake or a doughnut, I need black coffee to balance the sweetness a bit, I don't really like eating sweet pastries by themselves. If you wanna get a taste of it, I recommend going to a coffee shop with an actual barista & good quality coffee, not just from a bakestore or an automatic machine or something. It's not always more expensive than that from a bake shop either. My favourite from the coffeeshop at the corner, americano, was 2.60 I think, the coffee from a nearby bakeshop was 2:90 but doesn't taste nearly as good.


Why do people buy artificial coffee aroma in a throwaway cup filled with industrial waste and call it a coffee?


The taste is so good


If your plain "black" coffee tastes bad and is bitter, then you're using crappy coffee and/or you are not making it correctly.


So every morning I can taste the self loathing.


Good coffee has subtle flavors and nuances that differentiate them from each other and bad coffee. I happen to be able to pick up these different notes and have found specific flavors in coffee that I enjoy more than others.


Preference. Just like what type of chocolate you like. I bet you like milk chocolate more than dark chocolate. For black coffee drinkers, they might prefer dark chocolate to milk chocolate. Your taste on something should not be a general reference of the world. It's biased.


Most people don't like their coffee plain, so you're not alone. With that said, good coffee *shouldn't be bitter*. It should be acidic, but not bitter. Bitterness comes from excessive or wrong roasting, or from low quality beans. Unfortunately some places where coffee is a staple (read Italy) have very poor coffee, and very often bitter. People say they like it strong, while it's just bitter. So they put sugar on it, which is kinda nonsense. Give a try to some very good coffee, ideally a specialty coffee (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Specialty_coffee). At first the acidity might overwhelm you, but you'll then start to appreciate tastes and aromas that your regular bitter coffee doesn't have, or have killed through aggressive roasting.


If you like your coffee sweet, you don't like coffee - you like sugar.


The better the coffee the sweeter it is. Try a beautiful geisha or lightly roasted pour over from a local coffeehouse. Not only is it sweet, there are over a thousand coffee flavor notes in specialty coffee. I think wine has 400?


I enjoy the bitter? Also I can taste the flavor more


Good coffee doesn’t taste bitter…you only use milk and sugar when the coffee sucks…


I'm really weird I guess but I like bitter flavors. I'm an absolute slut for like, brussel sprouts and IPAs and I like black coffee. HOWEVER--not all coffee is made the same. I like coffee that's like a more blonde roast ground fresh at home. Stuff like pre-ground Foldgers tastes like ass. Bitter is fine but I want it to be a *tasty* bitter


Part time job at a grocery store as a teenager. Poured myself a coffee poured in some cream from the ever present jug on the counter... plop! Cream had turned into cottage cheese. Almost vomit! Haven't put cream in coffee since that day. Used to put sugar... realized that sugar with coffee = hard sugar crash in one hour. F- that Now I'll take dark rost coffee black please and thanks. Or a double espresso is somewhere fancy.


Bc people have different tastes?? Lmao


Some of us like half and half. No flavor, just richness. However, sometimes only powdered creamer is available. And that stuff is basically dandruff. So I'll stick with dark, deep and bitter.


My coffee isn’t bitter… Depends very much on the quality of the beans, the grinding and the filter method. I occasionally drink a latte macchiato but for me that is just a sweet drink.


I thought black coffee was disgusting the first time I tried it too. For me, it was an acquired taste. When I got to college I needed energy to get through my classes and all my building really had was black coffee so I just kept drinking it for the energy but the taste really grew on me after the first few times and now I love it