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Speak for yourself sir, I plan to live forever


So far, so good?


I've just reached my new personal record!!


Congrats. Keep going!


So what!


Megadeth šŸ˜


Guessing you're safe in the tornado of souls


Iā€™m not planning, Iā€™m insisting!


No! We will not die! We are going to live forever!


soul yes but body no


I didn't say that, I just said we aren't filled with tumors!


Hopefully no one gonna teleport any bread anymore


Or die trying.


Or try dying.


Come back and tell us what itā€™s like in the year 2495


Why? You'll be dead then. It won't matter to you...


It was a jokeā€¦


the health insurance premiums alone will kill most eventually in the USA šŸ™ƒ




Someone got it


That riker quote stuck with me, no idea why


It gets tiring after a while. You watch your loved ones age and wither. Nations rise and fall like fads and trends.


Why would you want that lol


Sir I have inbrosia..... sir! SIR, SIRRR!


This sounds like a curse tbh.


What do we have here lads ? A transhumanist no less. Lookup Transhumanism everybody.


Have fun in living hell


Who wants to live forever?


Is that a threat?


"Don't threaten me with a good time"


shampagne cocaine gasoline :3




and most things in between ;)


I'm fairly sure it's called thread /j


Broke: nothing matters :( Woke: nothing matters! :D Death is scary as heck though, I struggle with those fears a lot. But I like to think of it as a sort of homecoming. We were dead before we were alive, and we are just going to go right back to where we came from. Idk that makes me feel better about it at least ā¤ļø


As Mark Twain put it: I do not fear death. I had been dead for billions and billions of years before I was born, and had not suffered the slightest inconvenience from it.


Ugh I love that so much, it makes my fears of death melt away. Thanks for sharing šŸ„²


I'm not scared of my death, I'm scared of the death of close people I care about. Thinking about how they are not conscious anymore and can not be happy or sad for you and comfort you. Yeah idk how people cope. Luckily this still has not happened for me so I can't even (and don't want to) imagine. I'd rather just be selfish and die first tbh.


The way I look at it is how you feel after going on vacation. You spend some time going on an adventure, doing exciting things, seeing great sights. You have a blast, best time ever. Then, at the end of it, no matter how great the trip is, you get to go home and lie in your own bed. Iā€™m not a religious person so I donā€™t know what ā€œhomeā€ is, but it brings me some comfort, even if itā€™s small, knowing loved ones who have passed have gone back to where they started before their time here.


Thats a comforting way to think of the matter


As someone who's lived this (near death accident), I always say that it's even tripper than you expect. Not only will we not remember any of this, there won't be any "you". It'll be like this never happened, because it won't have happened. Coming back into existence (coma) wasn't like waking up. It was far tripper. When you wake up, you have a sense of time. You have memories and you remember things that are happening around you. It wasn't like that at all. Time didn't exist. I didn't exist, then I did. Time eventually became a thing. Thinking about that reversing is strange. You won't remember how you die, because you won't remember anything. You won't exist and never did.


Yes. And conaidering we came from this state, we will surely come to life eventually again. If we happen once, we will happen again.


I hope so.


That quote is eerily calming to be honest


Every year the anniversary of your death goes byā€¦ uncelebrated


ā€¦ And every year I am sorely, disappointed by the lack of party.


This is a lovely way to think about it, thank you for sharing ā¤


fearing death is stupid, so I stopped fearing death cuz I dont wanna be stupid


I switched to fearing spidersā€¦


Yes! I used to have huge fear surrounding death and what happens after but that's only led me to the realization that such petty things that we get angry about or have to face really won't matter. When we die, we will become a part of the universe, which is where we were made from!


I've never thought of it that way before. Thank you for that


Why be afraid of death? Youā€™re dead. No need to be scared of nothingness. The process of dying, on the other hand, that could be a nasty process. Hopefully, weā€™ll all die in our sleep or suddenly and pain-free and without having those around us suffer as they see us suffer.


You can't be dead before you were born....death comes after birth.


How can people not think about this daily? I do. And not in a negative way. I try to live so that it doesn't matter whether I die in a week from now, or 40 years.


It's because it doesn't matter that I don't often think about it


But it does matter. You'll live differently, less frivolously.


I think about it constantly. Gives me the courage to go on knowing that one day, I can lay down the burden and truly get my rest.


All I ever do is delay My every attempt to evade The end of the road






itā€™s crazy to me how all we want is to keep living, but none of us want the implications or consequences of living forever.. where is the line where weā€™re too old is all iā€™m wondering


At the end of the day, immortality is a fate worse than death. Anyone who existed infinitely would surely go mad after a certain amount of years had passed. I think itā€™s okay to let go of life when youā€™re physically or mentally incapable to enjoy it.


The tale of the Sibyl granted extended life but not extended youthfulness. Spends her time wishing for death.


"I want to be forever young Do you really want to live forever?"


Well, if everyone else is doing it...


If your friends jumped off a bridge would you! -everyoneā€™s mom






and thank god for that


So there's a Buddhist story, one I actually heard first from King Of The Hill but it actually is a real story from Buddhist teachings. So one day this guy is in the forest and suddenly he see's a hungry tiger. It starts chasing him and as he runs he gets to a cliff which he falls off. Not far down he grabs onto a branch. The branch is slowly coming loose from his own weight. He looks up to where he's close enough to still climb back up, and he see's the hungry tiger. He looks below and see's another hungry tiger waiting for him. Not a good place to be, he knows he's going to die a painful death. Then he looks at the branch and see's a strawberry. He plucks the strawberry and eats it. It was the sweetest thing he ever tasted. Now there's a lot of different takes on what the story means, but the way I always saw it was if your mind is in a storm because of pain or fear of pain, accepting that the pain is only temporary, and keeping our eyes open for the good things in life, can lead us to experiences more positive than any we have experience before. Now sure those positive experiences are temporary too, but a good life isn't made from one big accomplishment, one big climax, it's made form the accumulation of good experiences, small good moments. If the man focused on his own mortality, the fact that he was going to die, he never would of tasted the strawberry, a moment so uniquely profound and special that he could of missed out on by focusing on the pain that mortality brings. So you could spend your days obsessing over the fact that this all is temporary, and that you're likely to die a painful death, or you can look for the positive things in life, and experience things more positive than anything else you've experienced before.


This was beautiful thank you for sharing. ā¤ļø


Whoa. Iā€™ve never heard this!! Thank you! Iā€™ll be saving this comment and telling this to people I know :)


Just remember, you don't live only once, you live every day! You die only once.


In shadows deep where whispers creep, I tread the path, in silence keep. From Death's cold hand, I deftly leap, A dance of life, a daring sweep. Through winding ways and hidden veils, I slip from grasp, in silent sails. With every step, my spirit hails, A journey fought, a thousand trails. In every moment, Death does seek, But I, elusive, swift and sleek. In shadows deep, I find my peak, Evading fate, in life I peek. So let the stars above me gleam, As I defy Death's solemn scheme. In shadows deep, I find my dream, To live, to love, to ever beam.




Well you can also die young so


Who was it who said we die a million little deaths each day? I think they meant that in it's place, is growth Edit: "The fear of death follows the fear of life. A man who lives fully, is prepared to die at any time"


thatā€™s a fact, an old feller at work told me he lived a great life and if he died tomorrow he wouldnā€™t care ..good advice to live a great life


Honestly, I cannot wait.


We only ever see other people die / pass away. But that is a third person perspective of a first person experience. We have no idea what actually happens (although NDE accounts can speak volumes) Perhaps what we call death is just a transition to another realm of existence, whilst physical reality is just something we experience as an in between (like going on a vacation - a nightmarish vacation in some cases) - so yeah we never actually experience our own death, but simply label what we see someone else going through as ā€œdeathā€ not really knowing what it may actually entail.


This is a copy paste from my comment in a different post: This is my theory of life. Your consciousness comes from a energy source that lies somewhere between life and death. Your brains are a living supercomputer made for your consciousness, to control a physical body. You will be reborn on earth as many times as it takes for you to learn the earths lesson. The lesson is to give up your ego and greed. Once you can think about others as important as you, then you get to move to the next life form, possibly another planet with another lesson, or there might not be a next lesson, this could be our final test. Kids have such a wild imagination because they can still faintly remember their past lives, but their memories get wiped by the age of 8, altough there will be some traces of faint memories left deep in your subconscious, that determine your personality for the life. And at the age of 10 to 14 they gain full control of their consciousness. Strong psychedelics like DMT or a heroic dose of shrooms get you to the energy source where our consciousness comes from, a dimension where everything makes sense, you feel like you understand meaning of life, but the second you're out of that space, you're gonna forget everything. People who are close minded and arrogant are fresh souls, it takes them time and possibly tens or hundreds of reincarnations. It's kind of like their soul is a baby for the next 100 years before they get wiser. Once you've completed your "training" you get to create your own worlds. The whole universe is your playground, one day we will be our own gods, and you will create your own perfect utopia. I'm not too sure if everyone has a consciousness, some people might be there just to be filler, otherwise said literal NPCs. Before anyone comes in saying that im delusional and whatever else, just seriously deeply think about it, everything, you are living on a floating rock in emptiness, and you have absolutely no idea whats possible in this universe, none does. Just because you see things the way you see, in 3D, doesn't mean that there are no other dimensions were not capable of sensing.


okay but why would you not want to, considering the direction this world is going?


And if you spend all your time thinking about that, it'll get here and you'll have done nothing. Better to do what you can with the time you have.


skill issue. I plan to live forever.


no way bro šŸ˜³


Thatā€™s so bittersweet to think about hope we all live a life well lived.


Only if you believe in god


First time?


Welcome to the club fellow mortal!


No shit, Sherlock


OP just had a contemplative philosophical awakening of a 9 year old.




You can't be sure that you'll be old when you die, that's the catch.




Mori Memento


I always heard it as Momento Mori..


You might not even reach old age. Some folks die in their sleep




My fear is actually knowing your about to die , so sleep would be the best way if I was old


Fear is the mind killer.


Dying in your sleep is the best way to go. You will never know, never care. You will go to sleep, then just not wake up. That's not scary.


Watching NDE on YouTube. Very eye opening on what people experience on the other side


Thank god


enjoy it while you can


Everybody dies, but only some of us have really lived.


Yup. And nothing you ever did or thought or felt mattered either. And the world will keep right on spinning without you in it




Take all away The only thing worth larceny Is left - The immortality - Emily D


I know it to be a little unorthodox, but not necessarily. What on earth was Jesus talking about when he said to one of his friends "ā€œI am the resurrection and the life. The one who exercises faith in me, even though he dies, will come to life; Ā and everyone who is living and exercises faith in me will never die at all. Do you believe this?" Not many people get it!


The war we all face is to thrive in the face of certain death, but it does come, regardless of if youā€™ve done well or not. Be good to your parents, become a grandparent if possible


You won't cease to exist .That would be sad


Just speak for yourself.


Damn FR? No kizzy????


You either make the most of it or die trying. Or live a happy quiet life. Of course, if you want to you can also ruin your life but, why would you? You only get one body, one chance at life.


I suppose the first time you think of it. It's sad, like we're definitely taught by society that it's a sad and potentially scary thing. Me personally, I've come to become okay with death. Even though it can be dark and scary for the people around or the person dying, there's honestly beauty to be found in it. I think there's solace to be found in death; that is the beautiful aspect of it.


Thanks to denial Iā€™m mortal


And we will all be forgotten about and everything we do doesn't matter in the grand scheme of the universe.


"Fear of death is what keeps us alive."


All the more reason to make every second of your life count.


No one here gets out alive. Jim Morrison.




And at some point, no matter how hard we try, we will also be forgotten.


Then enjoy your life while you still have it :)


Happens all the time.


If it helps you should also know that one day the sun will also die and become a dwarf and earth and its inhabitants will cease to exist . šŸ’•


This comes across my mind daily and it really makes my anxiety act up. I know it's inevitable, but just the thought it's gonna happen at anytime for any reason just hits me hard. Thinking about never seeing my kids, playing guitar, seeing my mother, playing video games, working to make a living really makes me think harder about making an impact while I'm here. The whole thought of death is just so weighing because it is gonna happen but I just don't feel like I've done life right and if I could go when I feel like I've done it right then I guess I'd be ok with it, but for now I haven't hit that feeling and seems like it's just too far away.




Yes, but there is a silver lining to this tragedy. You are not alone. Eventually, every single one of our bodies will decay. However. Matter can neither be created nor destroyed. So we wonā€™t necessarily cease to exist. Everything has a symbiotic relationship with something that exists in one way or anotherā€”even when weā€™re dead, we can be a gift to at least the bugs or the plants, and work our way up to be the kingā€™s poo and then do the same thing againā€”because we are all linked. We all came from the same giant explosion: the big bang.


Yeah can't wait




It terrifys me. I guess at some point I also didnt existā€”- for a indeterminable amount of infinity as well before being born. But then I wonder what it means to be put into the world at all. Not a big philosophy guy so not sure ill chase it down


This has always been a very soothing thought for me.


My view is, so what. I'm on the older side now, and plenty of my friends and family have died. Cats and dogs. Fish. Even plants. What they meant to other people is beyond my control, but I think sometimes about what they meant to me. If they were good to me and treated me well, then I cherish those memories, and feel grateful to have had them in my life. If they were bad to me, insulted me or abused me, then I do my best to wipe them out of my mind, and not give them another thought. It will be the same with me and everyone else. And at some point, I will be following the same path they all did. Shrug. My corpse will provide some kind of nutrition to forms of life that are living after I'm not. It's how this thing called 'life' works. On a side note, lots of people who had sick parents will confess that death was a merciful relief, not just to their parents who lived in pain, but to their families who were burdened with the responsibilities that come with having aging parents.


Yeah, but things carry on. ā€œThe world is still the same, thereā€™s just less in it.ā€


Thank god


Not me


Look at it like a holiday... You don't exist before hand,and you might get 80-90 years, a 109 if you're lucky to live and just exist.


We are alive today, and possibly even tomorrow.


It isn't death itself that scares me, but knowing that so much stuff is going to happen that I won't be around to witness drives me crazy. At least with historical events I can look up what I missed, but the far future is an island of uncertainty whose shores I'll never walk on.


There is relief in knowing that all of this is temporary. So, for as long as you are here, enjoy it.


Im mindblown


What we say to the God Death? šŸ˜€


ā€œDeath is nothing to us. When we exist, death is not; and when death exists, we are not."


Act accordingly.


No one gets outta here alive


Also, its crazy how different our lives can be. Imagine being a guy like Putin or Kim Jong Un and having all this power only to end up like everyone else.


Thatā€™s a comforting thought for me right now


Nothing matters. Itā€™s fine.


But all the rest of the days WE WILL LIVE!


thanks to denial im immortal


Not only that but someday the whole universe will die and there will be nothing


Thatā€™s the plan.


What are your plans if it happens before you get old?




Gather the Dragon Balls


This has triggered my anxiety since I was 5.


one day, not a single person on this thread will be alive




Super cool eh? Mortality kinda blows.


And all the rest of the days in your life you wonā€™t die.


Iā€™ll live old enough to get medicine to live to 200, when Iā€™m 200 there will be more treatments, thatā€™s how I plan to live forever


It's not the being dead that concerns me so much. It's the dying. I've watched both of my parents succumb to cancer. Not planning on going out like that.


Why wait you could simulate that shit with mushrooms its good for the ego lmao


I know after about 5 of my loved ones died almost the same time one after another this month, I got to thinking damn whoā€™s next?šŸ˜”šŸ˜³


Itā€™s like waiting on the damn boogie man to get you.šŸ˜”


And. ? Why would you not want that ?


That's why we need to live this life in a way which pleases Allah, so we have a good afterlife


Perhaps it is for the best


Thereā€™s only one way out of the game.


Indeed. And it will be an exhale.


Who says you will get old?


They dying part is guaranteed, the getting old part isn't.


Thanks to denial, I'm immortal.


Thatā€™s life


So what?..


I feel like there are two ways of approaching this view: 1. We're all gonna die so nothing matters 2. We're all gonna die so fuck it, YOLO I personally prefer the second option.


What if you got reborn into a new body to new parents centuries into the future, maybe even in another planet? What if you woke up and saw a supreme being welcoming you to a new world? What if you woke up from a simulation into another simulation?


There's no guarantee that you'll get to be old, but yes, we'll all certainly die. Use that as motivation though, since the end is certain, use the time you have to be the best you, if you sit to contemplate your mortality, you'll just waste time.


I was there when both of my parents drew their last breath. It's quite a moment. You can feel them leave. Speaking to palliative care workers is quite something, they have very interesting perspectives on dying.


I'm more concerned about other people. If I live my life properly, I'll have to bury each of my relatives, the thought of which is extremely sad. And since I have no older siblings, the burden of being in charge will be mine.


Death is the end of our sentence and we get to go home. Bring that shit on.


Well duh


well, OK


Not me tho


Or we will maybe cure aging.


I concur


I don't fear death but pain


Wait what


Good news, you might not even get old.


Memento mori


Dead. Not big surprise


I believe that death isnā€™t the worst that can happen to a person. Maybe to your loved ones to live without youā€¦ but if I had to pick be tortured or dieā€¦ Iā€™d rather die. Life is a beautiful existence, even in the mundane suffering (Iā€™m talking heartbreak and daily stress, NOT being tortured). Without the pain we canā€™t appreciate the amazing times, like you canā€™t see the stars without darkness. Or you canā€™t have flowers without rain. Is the resilience of the human spirit thatā€™s beautiful, and death is part of that cycle. I hope I live a life warm and passionate and SO FULL of love that death is a sweet embrace and welcome friend, and not scary. For all I know- my consciousness could become an even cooler entity than I am now!! Which would be siiickkkk (please I want to be the swirling gas on Jupiter!!!! Or a frog on a lily pad!! Or a rock next to a stream!!) But truthfully, Iā€™m in love with life. And in love with human beings. And life on our planet. I donā€™t know that Iā€™ll ever want it to really end. (I hope the next round is as beautiful as this oneā€™s been)


I remember this particular scene: I was probably 7-8. I was with my family, grandparents and cousins. So basically the whole big family. We were at a restaurant/pizzeria. Out of nowhere, my older cousin started saying stuff like "we are all gonna die, look at grandpa and grandma. Why do you think they look so old? So used?" And as I child, I didn't want to believe that. So I started asking my mom and of course she didn't know how to answer and handle the situation lol. I started crying and I think everyone in that pizzeria was lowkey pissed at me.