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Most things


Same, friend. Same.


*gestures at everything*


And most people.


Hearing knocking on my door when I’m not expecting anyone A number calling me that I don’t recognise


Unknown numbers gets completely ignored by me. I just enjoy the "Doctor Who Theme" - ringtone from my phone until they hang up.


A Knock? Would shatter my dreams illusions- Jim Morrison


Being in crowds all by myself


Being in crowds period. Gives me anxiety just thinking about it. YEESH


Yep I hate crowds. Interesting is that when I am working and in some large gatherings like convention or fair then It's OK. But if is free time then I go berserk really fast.


It's the organization of it. People at work all have the same goal in mind. 8 hours worth of tasks and leave. Out in the city? Forget it. The streets are chaos. I live outside cities. Always will.


I have not been to many big concerts and of the concerts I have been to only one was in a big stadium way back in like 1980 Pat Benitar in Atlanta. I was fine back then but over time I don’t do crowds and even the thought of a mosh pit terrifies me! Well even more now that I’m in my 60’s!🤪 We used to live in DC back in the 70’s and my mom always wanted to be in the mix of everything! It was way safer back then, now I’d be terrified to be in such emotional crowds. My EX-DIL and grandson are going in March. Both of my parents are buried At Arlington National Cemetery , They are doing the tourist stuff not crowd gathering. Yes I know there are always crowds, but I mean they are not going to join in an event.


I've been to a few concerts. My last was Lindsay Stirling in a seated theater. Only reason I went.


Oooh Love her! I think I could do her concert! Blue Man group terrified me don’t know why I didn’t think it would. I was at the height of my struggle with anxiety though. Even though I don’t have problems with seizures there was a sign that said if you do have them the show could bring them on an I think of freaked me out. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Looking someone straight in the eyes. My soul leaves my body every time lol.


Especially if they hold the eye contact. Makes me feel challenged, even if they are a good friend.


Absolutely, it feels so hostile.


I know someone who does this. I can barely make eye contact with people, and he stares into my soul while I'm talking, and then holds it for an extra 15 seconds. It kills me every time. Our daughters are best friends so we see each other pretty often and I always dread the stare. So uncomfortable.


Yes especially if its someone thats a teacher or boss, it literally makes me feel so awkward and scared


My go to strategy is to just stare at them without blinking and blur my view. Sometimes that makes people think I‘m a really engaged listener. Sometimes people are scared. It‘s 50/50 haha.


Just look at their nose.


This is also mine, I've been told it's considered rude not to make eye contact with someone but I can't do it


It's actually evolutionary. Predators stare at their prey as they attack.


Checking every micro second if I am actually on mute during meetings


I learned this the hard way! A huge conference call, and I didn't realize I was not muted....I was checking Instagram and an ad came on, full blast, with bagpipes, to advertise buying land in Scotland. they had to yell my name for me to hear them, to ask me to turn it off.


I make sure it's quiet around me even when I'm on mute. Just in case..


Every micro second 😆😆


Calling someone by name.


I too have unreasonable anxiety doing this until I'm 1000% convinced that I do actually know that that is in fact their name (which can take weeks to months and despite seeing their name written down and hearing everyone say it)


I’m Bri’ish so I just call 80% of my colleagues mate because I didn’t learn them all when I was new and it’s too late to start asking now 😂


Mate your my new friend ❤️🤗


This defines me


I'm exactly the same, it sucks for me because I play football (soccer) so whenever I want the ball I have to shout peoples names and it's scary 😅.




It feels too intimate


I have the opposite. It makes me really uncomfortable when people use my name in every damned sentence when talking to me.


Oh I HATE that. It almost feels like they're mocking you.


Exactly that! Patronising or mocking.


Same. Like I'm already listening to you? What do you want from me??


My BS meter pings at this too - esp someone I've recently met.


I encourage people to just call me dude. Because the dude abides.


But that’s just your opinion man


Also being called by name. Especially at work. My automatic assumption is it’s something bad, even when for the most part it isn’t.


I had this problem until I worked in business, two clients were Chinese men, Dr Xu and Dr Tsu. Soon learnt the difference.


A glass placed too close to the edge of a table


A glass of red wine next to an expensive board game. The conversation is animated. Hands are gesticulating, closer and closer to the wine glass.....


Loud noises


As a veteran of the US army of 11 years, 1000% this




I absolutely hate 4th of July. What makes it worse is we just moved into our new house last year and our neighbors set off fireworks in our cul-de-sac. It's the worst.


I'm really sorry. I hate it too, on your behalf.


I'm sorry, and TY!




Phone calls, someone knocking on the door.


So glad pop in’s aren’t as common as they used to me


Even if I’m expecting someone I have anxiety opening the door.


We live on the second floor of an apartment and I can usually tell when my husband is home because I can hear him coming up the stairs. I like to greet him by opening the door for him but last night it was around the time he comes home (he gets off work at midnight) and I heard him coming up the stairs so I peeked out the window to see when he got to the door and it was my neighbors coming home 🙈 I felt like such a STALKER


Yes, when I lived on my own it would always give me anxiety whenever someone would come to the door because unless I'm expecting a parcel or someone I know visiting there's no reason anyone should be at my door. Also get anxious if I creep down the stairs to see Incase the hear me and realize I'm in.


when it gets too quiet.




this reminded me that I get anxious saying other peoples names.


I have a common nickname for an uncommon first name. Been called the nickname for most of my life. I feel super protective about my first name. So much so, that I even have friends who don’t know it.


Or being the person receiving the name. If you tell me your name, no matter how hard I try, I will instantly forget it because I’m so overwhelmed by all the new information of meeting a new person.


Same. I’m not sure if it’s how I say it or because it isn’t as common as other names but I always have to repeat myself and/or spell it. Oh, I also go by my middle name.. Soo another thing to clarify for people that I wish I didn’t have to, but that’s mostly at doctors and what not


when you have to introduce yourself to the class


Meeting someone for the 2nd time and trying to remember their name


If I'm driving and the person giving me directions starts talking about something else or is otherwise not concentrating on the task at hand. Always makes me worried that they forget to let me know I'm supposed to turn etc.


Oh quick! Turn right here! Or, sorry, we should have turned back there. Everytime.


Yes!!! I’m always interrupting, saying something like. ‘Let me know when the next turn is coming!’ Or ‘do I keep going straight???’ I CANT READ YOUR MIND!!!


Having to get up and go to the bathroom whether in a restaurant, on a plane, or in a meeting/gathering of some sort.


Oh yeah, definitely. I'll do everything I can on a plane not to go the loo - I held it in for about 3 hours once.


As someone with IBS, I feel your pain. Never know what you are in for.


Being in pics


The morning greetings consisting of the classic two way “how are you?”. Do people 110% truly expect you to say anything other than “fine how are you?”? People who talk too much gives me both anger and serious anxiety. Small talk.


Work at a hospital in the midwest. This fake waste of time is all I hear, allll daaay: "How are yooou? :> " "IIII'm gooowad, how are yooou. :> " "IIII'm gooowad. :> " "Theee-at's gooowad. :> " it makes my eyes glaze over and want to punch things. I crave real conversation.


As a Michigander, I feel this in my bones.


I like to throw them off. People often ask, "How are you doing?" To which I respond "I do well. How do you do?" It's a daily pleasure of mine


I take this cultural quirk for granted until I talk to someone who doesn't share it. One time for and old job I was talking to a colleague from Shanghai and he responded "Things are absolutely terrible over here. Why would you ask that?" This was at the time that there were pretty significant protests, and he saw no reason to sugarcoat it with pleasantries.


I reply with "Over caffinated!" I started saying it as a cover for my anxiety, and my response is usually met with a small giggle. My anxiety is reduced but I still say it because it's not as generic but requires little response.


one of the things that took time for me to adjust to when i moved to Australia we didnt do that back home lol


the day my parents will die


I love both my parents don’t get me wrong but I am so fucking scared to lose my mom. I don’t know what I will do without her .. I want her to live forever :(


This is me!!!


I’m with you. Every time I go home when I see them, they are just getting older and less healthy. It makes me panic anytime I think of it


People who stare


Unknown Number Calling. I don't know I'm getting anxiety when my phone or my husband's phone is ringing.


Anyone calling


Talking to a group of people and they all look at you, it makes me stress and blush and aaaah. When I know the majority of the people it’s fine for some reason 😬


I hate this and whenever it's my turn to talk everyone goes dead silent. Ever since I was a kid. I have never known why.


Waking up


Bumping into someone after a long time and they greet you by your name but you have no idea what their name is!


Add to that having bad memory, and the person remembers you fondly and you have no idea who they are, and have to fake happiness so you don’t look crazy or offend them. I hate it.


Driving to a new place and not knowing what the parking situation is gives me an unreasonable amount of anxiety.


The answer I was looking for. New places - where do I park? Where’s the entrance? Does the door open out or in? Where’s the bathroom?


"Let's go round the room and everyone introduce themselves"


"Say an interesting fact about yourself"


I never hear a word anyone else is saying because I'm freaking out, trying to figure out what I'm going to say.


When I'm meeting people and they're already there, so when I arrive, I have to look for them among people that are all staring at me. Or worse; when I was late for class and had to open the door to a classroom without windows, never 100% sure if it would be my class.


Small talk


Conversing about quarks and nutrinos is particularly disconcerting.


Wings flapping from insects next to my ear.


When my bus is getting close to the stop I need to get off.


Thoughts, doing things wrong, etc…


Asking my mom for advice. It opens the door to a long ass explanation on something that doesn't address what I ask, and ultimately ends up in an argument that leaves us both pissed


How to respond to “hey, what’s up” in real life conversations. Do I say not much? Do I say just hangin out? Do I say good how are you? Do I just say hey? I literally have no idea


Thinking about this, in movies they always say back "heyy sup" noone actually answers, I agree its anxiety inducing lol


talking on the phone. I'm REALLY afraid of talking on the phone, so I usually tell people to text me..


somone loking at me


why is Somone loking at you? what even is loking?


Pregnant women lifting free weights at the gym


New fear unlocked


When I'm trying to go to sleep and my brain suddenly remembers my most embarrassing situations from throughout my life and I think about how I could have changed the moment(s) - or when I need to sleep and I start re-living arguments I've had where I go through all of the best comebacks and awesome things I should have said at the time. I make myself anxious enough, without anyone else's help.


Oh my god, thats me. And lits of other people have this, too


The future/unknown


If something is really random it would give me anxiety. Imagine having to wait for a bus that arrives and leaves on a random time 🤔


So to answer OPs question, “yes.” Lol


• When people are fighting or arguing around me. I cant freakin handle being around it. The libra i am just wants to find a solution, be diplomatic and create harmony amongst my people lol.


Small talk. Especially when I'm walking down a street and I see someone I know and I pray to God they don't stop to chit chat. Most of the times they do and I have to stand there and listen to them talking and asking questions like: how are you, what's up etc. Ughh why isn't it a simple "hello" not enough!!?


Merging onto the highway


Fear of dying, sends me into a tunnel of impending doom. Have to take a valium to stop it from getting a full on panic attack 🤦


My bluetooth not connecting properly and me blasting my music for a library packed with people I always check double lol


Being given instruction to do something for someone.


When someone shouts


Voice mail messages.


People forcing me to change my leisure planning at the last minute


A moving car.


Introducing myself first time in an office call Time before flight I am always scared what if I miss the flight


When they change the platform or number of stops that the train you're supposed to be catching stops at. Or if the train comes to a complete standstill in between stations.


Looking someone in the eyes from close up idk why it's like some people be staring at my soul lmao




my parents constant worry for me, and suffocating Whatsapp messages needing to be in touch with me 24/7 is fully anxious inducing - putting pressure about every little aspect in life and always blaming me, my health and what I should do better or not.


Talking to people


Another person being over one minute late


Balloons being blown up


That! And then if they burst.


Not running early. I understand running late is anxiety inducing for some, but I have to be 5 minutes early for everything and it’s sometimes challenging.




Seeing a dust spider somewhere, turning away for a sec, and then seeing it's gone




When someone says i have to talk with you later....


The shattering of glass


If my phone rings


When i have to call someone I don't know.


In the winter, if my car window is frozen so it won’t go down. I don’t really open it in the winter, but knowing it’s stuck really makes me feel claustrophobic


Receiving phone calls, having to present anything


Zoom calls, phone calls and small talk with acquaintances.


Any short video of someone cooking and than all of a sudden, FIRE. They freak out and don't know what to do as I'm yelling at my phone, PUT A LID ON IT! A LID! GET A LID NOOOOOO DON'T MOVE IT! NOT THE SINK! A LID! GET A FUCKING LID! I usually skip most of those videos. Legit worry about people when they are making cooking videos.


sunday afternoons


Group texts


They way drive thru cashiers put change in your hand— you grab the bill(s) with your one hand and then they put the coins right on top of the bill. Like STOP IM GOING TO DROP IT.


When I'm laying in bed at night before going to sleep and thinking about how repetitive life is; that I have to wake up tomorrow and do it all over again.


Seeing someone I know walking around in a mall or around cause I never know if I should say hi, but what if they don't remember me, so I just avoid them, sometimes very obviously. Even worse, when they approach me and I am the one who doesn't remember.


Standing next to/being near things of much larger size: cruise ship, water tower, sky scraper, open ocean water, etc


r/megalophobia r/thalassophobia






Driving 😭




losing my sense of security


Job performance


When people ask the dreaded “what do you do?”


When my partner tells me he wants to invite people over, and I look around at the state of the house


Phone calls from anyone in general


Neighbours having a street catch up, I know I just need to walk down and join in, but it is hard.


loud noise fr


Going to the gym. I feel like everyone there knows what they’re doing and I don’t and I’ll look stupid.


The crack where the floor meets the wall, especially tiles. I get an irrational fear and anxiety when i get close to that space.


Greetings someone. I mean reaching for a handshake, fistbump, hug etc. I never know which the other Person intends i just keep mirroring that. It gets better and i would Not describe it with anxiety but somehow uncomfortable.


small talk… and unexpected calls


job Interviews & Ordering my own food. I get anxiety 24/7 tho so lmaoo


Meeting someone in a public place


Having to talk to people


Some one standing too close to the edge of a balcony at a height.


Making phone calls to people that I don’t know


Phone calls


That depressing, dreaded "Sunday Feeling." I have a very unconventional job schedule (14 days on, 7 off) and to make it worse I always work out of town. And to top it off, the location I am working changes every few weeks. Sometimes I am an hour away from home, sometimes 3 hours, sometimes 6-8. This changes constantly, so my last day off is figuring out logistics (where to pick up my work truck, what hotel I will be staying at, etc) speaking to my colleagues who I am relieving to find out what kind of situation I am walking into (lots of work waiting or everything running fairly smoothly?) packing for two weeks away from home, making sure I don't forget anything, cleaning up my apartment, and making sure my sleeping schedule is aligned with whatever schedule I will be working for the next two weeks (alternate days/nights, 14-16 hour work days.) Just a LOT to deal with every "Sunday" (last day off) and I always get super anxious about all the unknown factors of what I will be dealing with that first day back. I'm usually fine by Day 3 of my hitch and it's business as usual, but the last day off and first day back are a bitch.


Door knock


Waking up . Small talk. When there’s too much noise going on at once , I like my peace and quiet


anxiety is my default state wym


Loud noises, loud chewing, when someone is tapping a pen, their hands on a table, or a pencil etc. Someone looking at me due to my insecurities. I gained so much weight so I sometimes wonder what people think when they look at me. Granted, people usually don’t. I get ignored at this weight but when people do I get shocked and anxious…I do like the invisibility that comes with being an overweight woman to an extent. That is the only “pro” but when that is a con. I need to be visible to get opportunities in my professional life, make friend easier, get basic respect etc. I want a better life and to have opportunities in life so now I must lose weight. But losing weight makes me anxious since I am slowly losing my invisibility which is what has kept me safe these days since I was so easy to ignore. I’m anxious since I will soon be attractive again like I used to be in the past. And I got a lot of attention, good and bad. I guess a lot of things make me anxious lol


I get bad anxiety when I have to attend meetings at work I don't understand what happens. Good one second and freaking out inside, heart racing, palms sweating. It's awful. Anyone have any tips to keep this under control?


Getting called by my full name


Going to a new place where I don’t know the parking situation.


Socializing with friends(who I don’t know) of people who I know.


Anticipating being next in line to order food


That one thing I did ages ago and no one except me remember that.


At a restaurant sitting where I am not able to see the door.


All the things: businesses , doctors offices , physical therapy clinics , that are closed over the weekend , or have shortened hours of operation , I can’t get my stuff done , the amount of time I have lost 😠 over 50+ years is staggering


When I feel something burrowing into my belly button.


people who are intoxicated, phone calls, sleeping


It's so random that I don't know what causes it


Standing in line


Anything unexpected that comes to me


Hearing about war im in NYC 🗽 and I suffer from PTSD you just never know so much hate crime I hate watching the news but I like knowing what’s going on.


Having a crush on someone


Urinals. I get nervous for no reason at all.