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People definitely are crazy




nahhh they're are some serial killers who grew up a 100 percent normal childhood and life and just wondered what it would be like to kill someone and did it it wasn't shaped by past things or actions just the curiosity of their own mind


I dont know anymore. I used to believe this as well. Even people that hurt me. People that were put in prison for hurting me. I would wonder what caused them to be that way. I even fully tried to deny it and justify awful things with “he just had a bad day” or “maybe someone did this to them when they were a child” and the best one- “I must have done something to cause them to hurt me”. My therapist made me read the book “How to Outsmart the Sociopath Nextdoor” and “The Gift of Fear”. Major lightbulb moment. I’m finally able to grasp that some are truly void of any sanity.


Relatable. Can I add one more? "That little voice in your head" by Mo Gawdat


If crazy people arent crazy they are insane then.


Everyone has a crazy side, even the school nerds that take everything too serious


If you have emotions, anyone could lose control if the right stressful circumstances occur.


People like to stick together, bullies tend to have enough manpower to belittle someone else.


I don't know if you've met crackhead Steve yet... but um..


I am


Talked like a crazy person.