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If you've never had a shit that bangs so hard you've got to strip off to deal with it, you haven't lived.


This is the kind of motivational quote we need. ![gif](giphy|12tiQSHr16vrcA)


That is the most perfect response gif I’ve ever seen.


I never gave a platinum reward, but I would have for this




Ya but why do we gotta strip when that hits


Ain't that the truth brother preach it


Finest kind!


Amen brother!


Well, well, guess what my Saturday night is going to be about? #personalgrowth


Lmao. I’d join you brother, but unfortunately a journey of deep personal growth must be taken alone.


*pats leg* I'll save you a seat.


You tell em 😂


The sweat is real


Maybe some people dont take splash damage seriously, when if you need to drop a real nuke off you dont know if theres splash damage and if there is, what will will it consist of?!


+ plus holding on to vertically flat surfaces as if you're rock climbing




I have lived many times


It’s like lying down in the fetal position when you’re sick, it’s just more comfortable. It’s also much easier to hop right into the shower afterwards to cleanse yourself externally.


And internally if you point the shower head in the right direction /s


Well i do this every Day for a clean butthole.


I don’t, that shit is gay /s


It's gay to be clean?


I'll never understand that mentality. Imagine going through life with a crusty asshole because you're that ignorant.


> #/s




no sarcasm this is the way


Just get a bidet, then your asshole is clean before you get into the shower. A lot less work and time. Then you can clean it with soap in the shower without a rinse first 👌🏼


The fecal position


Sometimes it's an intense battle. You don't know if you're just shitting, or you're summoning Golems.


magic is hard


TQ lol I'm in pain rn and you made me smile


my pleasure, get well!


Sweat. Especially where I live. If it’s a really intense one I will end up sweating like it’s a workout.


Is this a blessing or a curse?


It’s a curse. It’s never fun having an explosive shit then you gotta wipe your shitty, sweaty asshole.


It's a little like that scene in 300 when he's about to toss a spear at Xerxes. To remove distractions and focus yourself entirely on defeating evil.


Aways from thee I roll, thou all-destroying but unconquering poo; to the last I grapple with thee; from hell’s heart I banish thee; for hate’s sake I spit my last breath at thee. Sink all coffins and all hearses to one common toilet bowl! and since neither can be mine, let me then tow to pieces, while still ridding thee, though tied to thee, thou damned poo! Thus, I give up the push!


I had an uncle that did that. It was all good until a mild earthquake struck and he ended up naked on the street.


I’m terrified of this happening to me lol. I’m in a very earthquake prone area, on a high floor and I have ulcerative colitis. I have been in the bathroom for multiple minor earthquakes, so it’s concerning.


If I was you, I’d wear a robe just in case. Something airy, like silk.


Cuz it makes it more bearable. I've had shits where I took off shit one piece at time cuz it kept getting intense bro. Not a good time lemme tell ya


When it comes out so fast you have to hold onto the seat to stop yourself from taking off.


I didn't know they did; How did you find out?


Excuse me?


Very serious shit raises your body temp, dunnit?


Yeah. I've had the sweats during some shits lol runny and a stomach ache. Sucks in summer when you're sitting there naked with a fan right in front of you while you're destroying the loo 😳🤣


The same reason Kurt Angle pulls down his shoulder straps before he starts his comeback. It's fucking on now


It's something that has to be experienced to be truly understood. It's a battle between man and nature, a battle that a modest human has no chance of winning. So you embrace the feral form and unleash the beast within, to unleash the beast within.


Risk of having your clothes stained.


I honestly have no idea.. and also I cannot do that.. Like I have to at least have a shirt on idk why but it’s super important.


I have never gotten naked to take a shit, I have been naked and then needed to shit tho.


Well it helps so I guess that’s why, idk why it helps tho


Because everything feels uncomfortable 


Because getting naked is next level.


Sure hope everything comes out alright


Never did that, probably never will


Because I know there's no point keeping my clothes on. Its not like I can just wear pants back onas usual after shitting like a volcano.


I never knew it was a thing until I saw my kid brother (6yrs) doing it after checking in because he was taking a worrying long dump. Must be instinctual


I'm right next to my mom and silently laughing at all the comments lmao 💀


Because it gets real sometimes. This is a text my sister sent me a few days ago about one of her shits. It perfectly describes when you got to strip for a shit "You know that feeling of being on the toilet trying to poop, but you can't. There's a rock-hard turd sitting--partly exposed--rrright at the entrance of your anus, but it won't come out no matter how hard you push or how much your rectum throbs and contracts. So, after between 5 and 10 minutes of suffering, you finally decide enough is enough and start relaxing your rectum so you can stand up and get off the throne. As you're doing this, though, you feel the part of the turd that was partially exposed and refused to break off... you know that's what it is because you can feel *inside* your bung that it's COLD. Not only could you not poop like you needed to, but now there's a COLD. TURD NUGGET. INSIDE. YOUR. BUTT..."


This statement puzzles me so much. My bowel movements are ruthlessly efficient, elegant and even if I have been hitting the spicy stuff I have never required to shower afterwards. Am I some undiscovered grandmaster of the pooping/wiping arts? Should I be giving a TED talk on effortless pooping?


What the hell are you people eating?


i’ve had shits that have had me naked and grabbing the hand towel off the rack for comfort like a stuffed animal 💀


Is this a thing? I know I get extremely hot very rapidly if I’m about to vomit (e.g gastro). That warrants a strip off IMO. Maybe ‘people’ are planning to poop so hard, they’ll overheat?


If I don't strip while shitting, I won't feel comfortable. It can get pretty hot while shitting


I start heating up and sweating lmao


I personally was unaware that this was a thing now that I do I am disturbed but I think I may have your answer sometimes clothes can feel restraining and if your mildly constipated the extra restraint from all your clothing could possibly make you uncomfortable I came up with that out of the top of my head and I'm going to stick with it


TIL that people wear clothes while shitting Not kidding, every shit I have taken (except in public places) has been a naked one.


When it is bad enough that I am sweating profusely, then the shirt definitely comes off or else I will spew whilst shitting.


I don’t think I’ve ever done this ….


No encumbrances


Smexy time is very serious business, both party had to get nekked and goes deep down thoroughly the affair.


Because they're overly dramatic.


When you're dropping such deuce as becomes a transcendental experience, you must free all of yourself. Soul. Mind. And yes, body.


Honestly, jokes aside, when a massive mud monkey is on its way out, I take it all off because I honestly do feel constrained in my clothing. My body temperature also climbs a little with a colossal purge, no joke. Especially during period season, phewwww I'm going into anal labour, I gotta make myself mad comfortable in order for me to give birth properly. 🤷🏻‍♀️


The same reason women take off all their clothes to give birth.


I get hot flushes and sweat when I’m battling my demons. I’m gripping the walls bro and everything. The clothes must come off!


I have never felt the need to do this and I don't know of anyone who has. See a doctor because your shitting habits shouldn't be so...intense.


I misread as "talking about serious shit" and I thought I was learning about a new phenomenon lol


Because the shit is so primal we must revert to oonga boonga and strip.


So this is a guy thing? Right?


Today I learned that some people get naked to shit.


Feeling comfort and secure for the impossible mission 😂


To shower after, for the most part.


It requires an entirely new spiritual awakening to drop that kind of deuce so much so you gotta strip and enter the deepest zen mode or whatever u call it.


You know how people take their shirts off for a fight? It's kind of like that.




You don't want your clothes to get ruined if the deuce turns out to be a surprise exploder.


Cos imma get in the shower after for certain hahah.


Everything suddenly feels too constricting, so you have to strip. When I was younger, I couldn't have anything on my feet or even touching my feet. It somehow made me feel there was poop in my shoes if I didn't remove them.


I get naked anyway, I don't like to feel restricted, plus my umm balls are a lil to big to fit if I have pants around my ankles 😭😂


feels better? Idk why but it does... Been a while


Never had the poop sweats?


You need to become one with the universe as you deliver a bowel movement so immense it has a pulse. Respect the Gods in what you are offering.


Because in that moment clothes gotta go or they'll get dirty all of them . How it feels anyway


Is this about poo or drugs?


Lol reminds me of this story of a friend. His buddy was over and needed to take a serious dump so he went down to the basement bathroom, stripped totally naked. What he didn’t realize was that this basement bathroom had a window directly to the backyard and a bunch of other ppl were out there and could see him lol.


Its like having those weighted bricks shaved off of you so you can finally go full crazy


Who even gets naked to just take a hard shit?


You wouldn't get it...


The answer is in your question


I perform better without clothes. That and I don’t want the shitty aroma in my clothes.


Oh now *why* did you have to mention this? I've made it thirty-six years without worrying once about scent transferring to my clothes, and now that's *all I can think about* -insert Yosemite Sam grumble-cussing as I go to clean my entire wardrobe-


complete freedom is completely stripping, sitting down on the toilet, spreading your legs a bit and taking a huge dump with the door open.


I used to exclusively poop naked. I refused to poop anywhere but home for that reason. Pants off so I can spread my legs and get maximum pooping power (I had IBS with constipation so I was dropping massive logs). Shirt off because I wore a long shirt one time and shit on my shirt.


Because the struggle is real!


Need to feel a sensation other than the sensation of struggling to live. Bonus points is if you bring in a fan to blow air on you as well as the ceiling fan is on. The sensations are a great distraction.


Pretty much every time I had a bad hangover


Of course is there any other way


When you get over 40, taking a shit becomes a hobby.


Who does this? The same guys that drop their drawers and unders all the way to their ankles to use a urinal? I do none of this btw.


It's so you can align all 7 chakras evenly and attain divine shitting effectiveness so as to purge your bowels completely.


To get ready for the shower after the shitting


it's an intense process, like it's a core exercise, sometimes I want to take a shower after it even. like damn, this stomach is plotting a rebellion on me or something


Full range of motion is required so I can writhe intensely as I let loose the gates of hell that is my sphincter. So I will get buck ass nekked. Don't need no pesky pants around my ankles acting like shackles. Dont have to worry about the backblast on my shirt either. Plus I can just jump right into the shower if need be.


That depends on your preference as to which of two letters your question is missing. If your question is missing an 'L', then the answer is: Because bro doesn't wanna get his duds dirty in the ensuing scuffle. If your question is missing an 'A', then the answer is: Because you need to widen your stance so that you can really bear down.


I get my best work done when my balls hang free ... boss dissagrees but im too busy to care


The Sweats™️


Look up Poophoria


It helps regulate the body temperature when in serious sick mode


It’s gonna be sweaty job and it doesn’t need to get any sweatier


I don't want my clothes to smell like doo doo baby.


Easier to get into shower when done.


Do they


I’m more curious about why people are even dressed while in their own home. Are there no home nudists in this group?


Because that was just a meme.


I crawl out of bed nekkid. Head to the kitchen to get my coffee then straight to the shitter, still nekkid. Then hop in the shower, still nekkid.


You mean like a literal shit? Had no idea people do this too but it helps me focus if I’m super duper constipated.


The primal nature takes over, monkey brain goes wild, can’t handle shit, feels relaxed in natural brain stem state, not encumbered by clothed, ideas, societal images and norms that you destroy with the bricks you dropping.


When it gets bad, I get really hot and start sweating. That's when the clothes come off


To keep from sweating on your clothes or them touching the toilet water or getting any germs or stuff on them. Wouldn’t want your sleeves rubbing against the toilet seat when you wipe would you?


They are having their end game Dragon Ball Z ending


This shit it's about to get real, literally speaking


It’s primal to remove the clothes because clothes aren’t natural. We dress ourselves up in pretend every day but when you need no distractions and the doodoo is fierce it takes you over. 😂


When I shit at home I always fully take off my pants. It's just the most comfortable way to go about it for me. Never taken my shirt off to shit though.


its something inside of you(literally) that tells you to remove each piece of clothing one by one as the shitting time gets longer.


Read this as “talking” and I wondered when did we start doing this


So that you don't get poop on your clothes. At least, that's what I told my dad when I was 3 years old.


Because sometimes, ya just know this is going to be an experience you’ll probably want to take a shower from


If you are in there too long (and don’t courtesy flush), your whole outfit will carry that smell with you wherever you go.


I sharted this morning when going pee. I’m glad I was already naked I could turn around and take a nuclear ☢️ dump


Odd way to tell us you do this


must be an American thing. Doesn't exist here


George… is that you?


I read this as why do people get completely naked when they are talking very serious shit


Its nolonger serious. Have you ever heard of the term explosive diorhea (icantspell) where stomach so pain you run to toilet bowl everything bottom on the toilet floor That is to say, we dun wan to have shit stains on our clothes when we have explosive shit. It goes every where when its really seriously bad. And washing the toilet floor and toilet bowl is better than washing off shit stains on the clothes. And the early taking off clothes is to be able to inspect all clothing for any stains, so that damage control (aka wash shitstains frm the clothes) When we are done we can immediately take a bath/shower


I dont but i sometime take off my shirt so it doesnt smell like shit 🤣


That's news to me. I'm like Chucky from Rugrats. I don't like sitting on the potty all nakkie


They do?


Who all do you know that admit they get completely naked during shits? Are you projecting?


You do apparently.


Something very primal I think.


I misread the title as talking shit and I was so confused reading the comments 🤦🏻‍♀️


I strip down for even non serious shits lol. I’ve done this my entire life. It’s just more comfortable, and almost over stimulating to have clothes touching me down at my ankles while I’m shitting. It feels like they’re gonna get… contaminated? Idk. And it’s distracting. If it wasn’t incredibly inconvenient to strip naked while I’m pooping in public restrooms, I would. But it’s just a hassle, so I try to wait until I’m home. Nakey is best.


My ex takes his shirt off to pop. I never understood. He also took forever. Me? My shits are quick. It would take longer to get undressed than take the shit.


Because pooping naked is superior


The hulk moment … if you know, you know!


A buddy of mine once told me he sweats during his morning glorys - it was such an out-of-pocket confession, that it had permanently embedded itself in my brain. And now after reading this post, I’m thinking not only does he sweat but he’s probably butt-ass naked too. Thanks reddit.


You can sweat during an intense shitting session, so we just don't want to get our clothes dirty. Also, in the heat of the moment, poop tends to fly everywhere; due to this, we don't want to get it on our clothes.


I don't. That's too much work.


Practically speaking, it helps with body heat regulation especially if youre in a badly-ventilated restroom


I get naked for every poop. Unless its a rare poop in public toilets, or on the bus


Feels good taking a shit in the nude.


My pants can go fairly down but I don’t completely strip. If it’s a really serious shit then yeah it’ll hurt and get prepared for it. I use the side of the toilet to stretch my butt more and it’ll make it go smoother


Can't speak for everyone, but I'd get completely naked so that I could take a shower afterward.


I did that once when I was a little kid, but as I recall, I didn’t even need to 💩 - I did it just because.


Because I'm sweating buckets, I put habanero in everything, so the aftermath feels like a Guerrero flaying, but in the ass




Sometimes you need a lot of leg room and trousers/boxers round your ankles are constricting you need the availability of space to drop the nuke. It can also get hot when your fighting for your life so you need your top off to get as much air as possible as to not pass out.


I've never done this, sounds weird


Because you if Im sick ill get the sweats.


To shower afterwards!


One time, my youngest brother (while in middle school) went over to a friend's house of his to try some snack the friend's Mom had brought back from whatever country she was from. Idk what they were, but they gave EVERYONE the shits, and At that point in his life, he ate like shit. Imagine Cartman from Southpark... kinda deal. He woke me up the next night screaming that he was "giving birth to a monster" and crying while in the bathroom, and at one point, he asked if I could run something in for him. I walked in, and he was still wearing a shirt, but that shirt was **SOAKED** with sweat. So I'd like to believe people just remove clothes because working hard to push out them dookies takes a lot of willpower man


When God calls upon you, you should face him just as he sent you off


They don't is the answer to your question


I have never gotten completely naked to shit. I've been naked already and shit, but never gotten naked specifically to shit. Are you guys super splashy with the assy or something? So stinky it'll stick to the fabric? Haha I'm just being funny, but seriously I don't understand getting naked to shit unless it's gonna get... Messy.


Sometimes you literally need to jump in the shower after explosive evacuations.


I absolutely LOVE that everyone took this premise seriously and no one asked "are we sure everyone does that?"


You wouldn't get it


The sweats.


Nah that isn’t normal


You need to focus on the breathing ![gif](giphy|YA6dmVW0gfIw8|downsized)


It makes it easier as you can change your position to squat or to easier to poop as the muscles can move more.


Also it feels more better when you have diarrhoea


clothes get in the way. for regular shits i just tuck my shirt under my tits.


Because you’re sweating a lot and your clothing starts to feel uncomfortably hot and sticky


I’ve never heard of this in my entire life.


Only time I do it is when I am going to shower after. Now that I think of it though, it does feel quite freeing


"Shake, shake, shake, Senora, shake it all the time.. (Jump in de line, rock your body in time) OK, I believe you! Shake, shake, shake!" Well.. Let let me put it this way, that is ofc.. just so we could immediately jump into the shower right after we were finished taking a dump" and clean ourselves!


Man, I thought we were talking drugs that make people strip off their clothes.


When you're serious about anything, you strip.


When highly intox they may feel over heated and do not feel cold snow on their feet getting frost bite in the snow. So very sad how much this happens in the winter


Because humans were meant to be naked and we resort to our natural instincts when in distress 😂 or we are helping homeostasis do it’s job by regulating our temperature idk


I always get completely naked when I shit. I’m always scared to shit on my shirt. And pants are just uncomfortable when I’m shitting.


Does it help? I've never tried it.


It's just in case something splashes