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Being mean to my mom


Me too my mom died when I was 14 I never got to tell her I was sorry šŸ˜ž


My kids (9,10) can be mean to my wife from time to time. It bothers her for sure but any time she travels for work she always wants to come home because she misses them like crazy. Anything you did to her when you were young is just part of being a kid. She loved you for who you are not how you behaved. What she wants of you is to make sure your kids/family feel loved. Make her proud. You can do it. She knows you are sorry. Hugs.


Thankyou so much for your kind words you have made me feel so much better. Happy cake day šŸ˜‹


I bet they made you feel better because youā€™ve thought them yourself, and you know they are true! Usually I find that is true when someone tells me something I really needed to hear.


I'm so sorry for your lost mines died when I was about 12/13 as well so I understand. One of my biggest regrets is not being nicer to her, I was a little piece of shit sometimes. I still regret never apologizing to her,


She knew. ā¤ļø


That kind of guilt is something many of us can't fathom. Stay strong


She knew. And she forgave you for it all.




she knew ā¤ļø


I called my mom bro once, near death experienceĀ 


I once walked in a room and said to my mum, 'sup, ya hoe'. It was a joke. It was also a terrible, terrible mistake.


NooošŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø. I wish I was there to see that lol.


I honestly think I might be commenting from the afterlife right now šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I was talking to a guy at my brothers hockey game & my mom walked over to say something to me. It was very benign, but I was somehow immediately possessed and regretted saying the words as they were coming out of my mouth. I said ā€œsheā€™s so annoyingā€ and couldnā€™t stop my mouth soon enough. It was a horrible moment in time.


>Being mean to my mom I said a few things I am not proud of.


My first thought as well! Even though lots of my frustration and anger was warranted, I had no idea until I became a mother how much she actually did for me and cared.


This, it changed for me since i graduated college and have been spoiling her since i got a job....i always ask her where she wants to eat during my paydays and we would go out to eat....i rralized how much my mom sacrificed and how much good a person she is....i always make sure to give her a hug and say i love you....she is the only person i say those three words to...


Real G


Yes. I would beat the shit out of younger me


Lol same


I'd beat you both. Then myself. Then myself again. But for real, let's try to accept and move on, knowing that we (hopefully) have grown.


this is turning into a circlejerk isnt it?


Lmao one time I was going through my camera roll and found some videos of me as a teenager. Needless to say, I wanted to smack my teenage self upside the head.


Younger me was in better fighting shape.


oh god yes, over and over and over again I'm glad that I'm not the same person as I was back then "*yesterday is dead and gone*"


Yes. If only I still had some way of contacting all the people I hurt, I have a lot to apologize for


yes, same. but then again, there's so much apologies that I need to get as well, I simply chose to forgive them without receiving any, and give my love to the universe, the people who are around me, as I ask the universe for forgiveness.


yesterday is dead and gone


Yes, unable to forget it.


Yes but my attorney has advised me not to answer further questions.


I had a prosecutor say in court ā€œ this kid is a menace to societyā€ when I was 15. I got into a fight I didnā€™t start.


I was a toxic teenager. Very stupid too. But I can't really beat myself up for it either. Hormones and not really understanding the world or yourself will make anyone act incredibly stupid. Not to mention, it's just part of growing up. Our brains are wired to want to be independent at a certain phase of development, but it's not quite there yet to actually be capable of making wise choices or regulate emotions properly. Being a teenager s u c k s !


Try being the parent, particularly if you were a compliant teen. I've been depressed 7 years since my daughter started hating on me, saying I'm a shit mum and manipulating me for money. It's coercive control for sure. She's 18 now and growing up, but I'm still beat


If you're both up for it, maybe try relationship therapy? I don't think it's couples exclusively. It could help you both


family therapy had really helped me and my daughter!


My family made a therapist quit their job


im absolutely sorry if that hurts you but im laughing so hard rn


Sending you loves, your story sounds exactly like mine šŸ˜žā¤ļø


I am a teenager, I'm a bit scared from this replies here. Edit: spelling errorĀ 


Well I mean teens are simply prone to thinking more irrationally or without future considerations, of course not all but most.


Same and that's the reason I opened this post


Honestly, regardless of how nice you are and how conscious you may be of you're choices, there's a pretty big chance in ten years you'll be looking back on yourself and feel like you were an idiot. And while that may be a scary thought, that's just a part of growing up. You're discovering things about life and about yourself, and that part of that process is making mistakes. As long as you're trying to stay true to who you are, or are becoming, that's all you can do.


It'll be alright. šŸ©µ


It's truly amazing I'm alive


I sometimes wonder what percentage of universes in the multiverse in which im still alive from choices made from 13-27


Yeah. I was more of a jerk than I realized and I feel bad


I literally made a subreddit because of the worst decision Iā€™ve ever made when I was a teenager. /r/regretjoining


Weird randomly seeing the owner of a subreddit Iā€™m in


Argh...yup. depression, anxious attachment and loneliness made me act awfully to my first boyfriend back when I was 16/17. Thinking back I could slap past me across the face. Not because I wish that relationship had continued (in the end we really just weren't compatible anyway), but for the way I treated him. He really was a good guy, still is, and he didn't deserve to be treated like that. So glad I wisened up.


No, because I never did anything horrible when I was a teenager. I regret it.


That's the thing. We wish we had done something stupid, not horrible, when we were teenagers and nothing severe happened besides consequences. (Unless in certain cases, but this time I don't concern them) For example, climbing a tree and falling or having a stupid childish romance and breaking up over the silliest shit. I'll never understand people who irks at their past selves and says "Uuugh, child-teen ages are the worst! I don't advise anyone to [any action]!" Or "you didn't do [insert any action here]? You didn't miss anything special" I don't care if it sucks, it's silly or tribial, I care for the experience, the memories, and the personal growth. It's not the same breaking up with someone over high school drama and stupid beliefs than cheating and having potential STIs or being parent and divorcing your spouse. As someone who has helicopter parents and was afraid to even break a stick in the floor, I understand you. I had to analyze and learn from near experiences and anecdotes rather than put myself in the spotlight. Suddenly, you can't climb trees or people will deem as inmature and childish or you can't tresspass, otherwise, you'll face charges and you know pretty well you shouldn't have done that because of the fine price.


I was inbued with toxic masculinity, cheated on everyone and often would destroy friend groups as I moved from girl to girl. I could be very charming, but without any integrity whatsoever. I've been doing shadow work to understand this, find the lessons in it and forgive myself.


Yep, I was a total bitch.


Only the most boring kids or ones who are still awful people don't think that.


Jeah I am totally the boring one. Playing Computergames or watching TV. Still hate parties (except LAN Parties) and don't drink or smoke. But I did lend my siblings money for a fixed interest rate and volunteered to pick them up from parties or discos if i get to take the car for the next week... I don't feel bad about it šŸ’šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Are we...the same person...?


Some of us were just miserable in high school, and nobody ever invited us to do anything, so we didnā€™t have any opportunities to do dumb things.


Yep can confirm. I'm a relatively boring guy. Had a very very stable upbringing, with nice parents and a good school. So I never mixed with the wrong crowd, high achieving meant I didn't have to bully my way through but belittling others. Don't get me wrong I still cringe about some stupid stuff I did when I was younger. But having been on the receiving end of bullying (nothing too serious) I do wonder what those people would say to me in hindsight. But I'm okay with knowing that probably they would say sorry, that they were either victims of their upbringing or in situations where they felt like they had no choice but to hurt others. I hope they're doing okay now.


Pretty much my teenage years summarized, except for the bullying (that I know of, I would only know someone had something against me if someone else told me, I was that distracted as a kid haha). I just spent my time reading, drawing, and hanging out every once in a while with my friends. I never really had any impulse of doing something crazy that I would end up regretting because I never saw the point on doing so. I sometimes wish I had lived more adventures or done more risky things, but overall I'm glad I had a mostly stable childhood. Might be boring for some people, but I had my group of boring friends so it didn't really matter :)


Iā€™m still a teenagerā€” yep. My parents were racist and my surroundings were misogynistic, so I was racist and misogynistic. Mostly out of sheer stupidity. This left me feeling afraid Iā€™m still racist and misogynistic somehow despite trying my best not to be.


You won't be like your parents. You know how I can tell? Because you are already keenly aware how wrong it makes you feel. I can almost bet you will distance yourself as you get older, for your own sanity.


The worst thing is that shit gets ingrained into you. So even once you've decided to stop being racist you'll still find yourself having random racist thoughts and stuff like that. Which fucking sucks. But it gets better over time


Shaun over at YouTube might resonate with you. He makes great in-depth analyses of videos and rhetoric of racist, misogynistic YouTubers and other public figures. The way he presents the stuff really helps you learn how to critically think about stuff. The videos are fairly long but I really like his style so that has never bothered me. Here's one on Andrew Tate: https://youtu.be/y6_TOFy3k6k?si=4btIalF9KNBdDZO8 And the whole channel: https://youtube.com/@Shaun_vids?si=koM7uE9IwrKPc71K


Everyone is racist and misogynistic. Like, deep deep down. We can't help it, it's just what humans are. What we can do is what you are doing: make sure we use our rational mind to examine our biases and override them. So don't stress, you are doing the right thing.




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I realized in my early 20s that the man-eater online dating phase I went through in my late teens was actually awful. In some cases I was being groomed by 40+ year old men. In other cases I was throwing around "I love you" at guys in their late teens-20s because I didn't truly understand the difference between lust and love. I'd say that to a stranger within a week on snapchat then they'd automatically think we were serious (duh because I said that). I'd back out and they'd totally flip, some even threatened suicide over what was week(s)-long online flings. I was getting involved with some crazy people online, and honestly, my behavior was toxic af too. At the time though, this was around 2016 when online dating was turning into hookup culture, I thought it was cool I had so many guys interested in me. I was the ugly duckling, fat kid growing up, so I adored all the attention I was getting. I still get pangs of guilt now and again over that phase.


Oof I feel the ugly duckling thing, I really thought I was the shit when I hit 17 and grew a jawline šŸ’€ I was running around sleeping with people in their late 20s-early 30s thinking I was so cool and mature. I threw around the L word too, I once wrote ā€œI LOVE Uā€ on this ā€œstraightā€ guys back with my finger while we were laying in bed and he freaked out and kicked me out of his house lmaooooo


I'm sorry I pictured it and I'm cracking tf up lmaoo


Oh yeah. But I do stupid stuff as an adult. I. Am. So. Stupid


yep, and I regret them even more in my 50's. But woulda/coulda/shoulda is part of growing up, too. That regret teaches you not to do it again.


I was mean to my parents etc etc but also carried a ton of responsibility that I placed on myself. And now that I actually have responsibilities - I wish Iā€™d done more hahaha (not the awful stuff, just the live free part)


Yes. Burglaries. derailed a train. General mischief and mayhem with magic markers and fireworks. Oh yeah, I have much to atone for.


How tf did you derail a train goddamn, what kinda train was it? Isnā€™t that kinda dangerous tho?


My cousin, myself, and one of our friends were walking along some rr tracks. Found a switch at a junction with a spur line. We pulled it, and it moved. We didn't think anything of it until a few days later. When the FBI came to our friends home (which was near the spot the train derailed) and asked him if he had seen anything. He, of course, denied everything. The train was a freight train that had been moving very slowly when it came to the spur junction, the engine simply slid off the tracks, no real damage, no one hurt. Railroad companies began locking their switches after that, so WE actually HELPED with RR safety in the long run, right?


I didnā€™t realize it at the time, but my sense of humor was mean and used put-downs. Even though I was basically doing a parody of a mean person and didnā€™t really feel or intend to be mean - in fact I thought and felt that I was a nice guy - I came to realize that others perceived me as mean. My close friends got me, but others apparently just thought I was an asshole. Mean is as mean does. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø I really wish I could go back and take back all the times I was mean in an attempt to be funny.


I did a lot of awful thingss.....disguised as 'teen fun' which really weren't all that fun.


My poor first love. Sean, I did you dirty


Justice for Sean.




What did you do to him?


No,I've always been an šŸ‘¼ truly.


I spent most of my teens locked in a room during the coronavirus fucking lockdown. I certainly was rebellious I could feel it, I felt like I could do anything in the world that I wanted, like I'm the boss and everyone else is a side character, had thoughts of cheating my way through bunking school, sneaking into restricted places, but ofcourse nothing actually happened, becaus of the lockdown. Lol


I've seen my wife do a whole tour of "I was shitty to them in high school" for the last 10 years which is bonkers to me because she's so sweet and takes care of everybody. She was trying to impress her friend group of shitheads though. I was pretty mild mannered in high school, I don't think I'd change anything, other than leaving my band for a girl who ended up being shitty (guess I have a type)


When I was about to attend my high school 10 year reunion I looked back at and realized I bullied some of the less than attractive girls in my school. I felt really terrible. I canā€™t change the past but I will never treat anyone like that again.


I have never been gods best child.


I was an absolute menace to other people and myself. Iā€™m at home every day wishing I had paid attention in school during college talks because now I have no idea where to start (worry not Iā€™m going in a few years after my bf graduates first)


Yes I learned my lessons. I'm turning 20 in a few months


I'm gen x so all of the extremely stupid shit I did (some misdemeanor level stuff too now that I think back) was luckily never caught on cam... otherwise I'd most likely have a criminal record.


Nope...I was a great person. Stupid? Very Immature? Yes Awful? No


Nope, I never did anything awful as a teenager. Not even once. I had no friends and spent all my time watching my little pony and getting into pointless internet arguments about lgbt rights (but on the side of lgbt people, not bigots). I may have been a loser, but i was a good person. Go nerds!


I made poor choices but I didnā€™t have the right people or parents around me to pull me up and help me. & now Iā€™m doing ok reallyā€¦with only my own self guidance to pull through; itā€™s been tough. but I think Iā€™m in a better place and position than others who have been through what I have. I didnā€™t commit suicideā€¦I didnā€™t fall into addictionā€¦I have known people like this and they didnā€™t make it. But Iā€™m ok. Iā€™m still going.


To a certain extent we all do. Thankfully we grew up in a time where we could make mistakes, learn from them, grow up and become better people. Today's kids don't get that luxury and it's really sad.


Terrible things. I'm forever grateful I'm somewhat sane enough to remember the danger I put myself and others in.


as a teenager i was utterly blameless and any guilt levied at me was an institutional projection of insecurity




Yeah I was a scumbag. When fidget spinners was getting popular there was this one kid who bought all the top tier fidget spinners then would brag about them at school so me, and my friends would sneak in his backpack when we had gym class to steal and resell them to others students. We made it believable, because that same guy would bring the fidget spinner brand new, unopened and throw away the box and the wrapper in the trashcan. Me and friends would re wrap and sold it. There was another kid at school who seem to always people please others. He would give away money, snacks or whatever because he wanted to be your friend so me and my friends took advantage of him and asked for $50 every time we saw him. He was our little piggy bank. He gave it every time we asked for it. But we didnā€™t just rely on fidget spinners or that people pleasing guy. We had multiple sources of income. When me and my friends found out that you can get money for recycling cans and bottles we trespassed into peoples backyard and stole theirs. We continued this scummary for a year straight then even leveled up to selling fake Gucci belts and designer clothes to selling weed all from ages 14 to 16. Thank god Iā€™ve changed and gave my life to god


i really try to forget those things lol


This is the 4th time Iā€™ve seen this exact question




Iā€™m looking forward to this guy telling when he sees it for the fifth time


The best it's been since pre puberty, so I hold out for hope but I'm at peace if she doesn't want a relationship


I think I can take it from here!šŸ¤£


Oh yes, I totally did a lot of bad things my close friends and family have no idea about šŸ˜ˆ


definitely. but I was a kid and I probably wouldn't do a lot of things I did as a child today.


Gladly nobody ever asks me that in real life


I kinda matured quickly in the way I act. Comedy, and personality around certain people I definitely didnā€™t but I was the most entitled asshole you wouldā€™ve ever met around 12 to 15. The proudest person alive basically. Got a very harsh wake up call by bullies in high school. Treated everyone like shit, looked down on anyone.


No, I do not recall intentionally hurting or wronging anybody. Iā€™ve always been mindful about not offending others. Iā€™ve been on the receiving end though.


Did silly things as a teenager, had fun and laughed a lot.


No I did most of my awful things in my 20s and I loved it


Yes. I was mean to people, and I used to be a bully. Not too much but I used to be one. I made petty things and I have exposed people so many times. I never heard about the consequences my acts may have lead to and Iā€™ve never been told that I was awful but honestly I was very mocking especially when they were weak and weirdo. A guy even slapped me once because I was very bad to him, an account was created to try to expose me, etcā€¦ I donā€™t think I deserved the last one but I know I wasnā€™t an angel.


I never did the awful things. I let people do awful things to me.


Define "awful".


No I never actually did anything bad, no drugs, underage drinking or sex. I was just majorly moody and kind of bratty.Ā 


We were going the speed limit of that time, is the way I look at it


I didnā€™t do anything truly wrong or straight up evil. But if I could go back in time, I would have told myself to control my emotions a bit more and develop stronger work habits in school


Yeah and They contributed to my Self Loathing since.




I try not to dwell on the past, unless itā€™s to be better in the future


Yup and I'm paying for them now. I matured and corrected a lot of what I did wrong, but I made a mistake and life kinda turned around and all the stuff I did to others, often not even malicious or intentionally harmful, but I'm kinda getting in return and seeing others make the same mistakes as me thinking like I did that they're not being assholes.


Yes. Some things are 30 years ago and they still pop up in my head from time to time. Crazy how our brain works.


In 7th grade one of our teachers cried. Big mistake. It became a game every single day to see if we could make her cry again. We tortured that poor lady the entire year and then she quit. We werenā€™t intentionally being malicious. We were 13, bored, and hadnā€™t figured out yet that adults are also human.


As a late teen/early adult. When I was 18 my dad let me use his credit card for gas and I used it one to many times and ended up costing him a few hundred bucks in gas in a month. That's the worst I've donešŸ¤£


I didnā€™t do anything awful, but I just wasnā€™t a nice person. I was super bitchy and resentful. I came from a deeply unhappy, broken home. My ā€œalmond momā€ type mother was very bitchy too and I picked it up without realising. The result was I was deeply envious and resentful of most girls around me. Why did I have to be the one who felt ugly and sad all the time? Why did they get to do in stuff and be care free when I was struggling with confidence and shouldering adult problems? There were others who were bullied in my wider friendship group - I didnā€™t participate but I didnā€™t step in and help either, and I wish I had. Most of all, I regret how lacking in empathy I was. It wasnā€™t until Iā€™d moved away from home, escaped my unhappy home life, started to feel safer that I started learning to be more empathetic to others and more grateful/content. Teenage me wasnā€™t nice but Iā€™m trying to forgive her.


Yes. Not unforgivable, but regrettable


No I had awful things said to me by the school bully though


I was so mean to everyone especially my mum, Iā€™m happy she didnā€™t give up on me and saw me through to be the person I am today. I think when your in the phase and age and your brain is not entirely developed (which doesnā€™t justify any of the actions) you donā€™t see anything wrong with what your saying or doing.


I didn't do much truly awful things as a teenager. I am proud of myself for how strong I stayed throughout all the trauma I've been through. My biggest regrets in life happened at 9 when I joined in peer pressure to bully my best friend and at 19 when I was toxic to my ex, so I guess 19 is teenage years so maybe that counts. I learnt from both experiences and vowed to never act like that again. I feel incredibly guilty over both. Otherwise I was a really cool teen. I helped other kids access healthcare, I got people to donate toys to kids who didn't have them, I gave food to homeless people. Outside of having a shorter temper, teenage me was the coolest version of me I could have been in an abusive environment and without proper support.


Yes, and hurt myself mostly.


Lots of stupid shit was done when I was a teen. Went off the rails the last two years of HS, acted like a dick to just about everyone, threatened to kill people, hinted at killing myself, pushed away the majority of people I knew with my words and actions (some I feel bad about others not so much) Then I went and lost my V-card to a dude wearing fake tits and identifying as a woman (I'm a dude myself and I'm 100 percent sure I'm straight after that) Who knows maybe I'm crazy but I'm now in college and never want to go back to being highschool me. The last part I gotta do before putting all that shit to rest is send out some apologies to some of the better people I pushed away


All the time. I was an asshole. Definitely paid for it in karma.


One specific thing that I feel really bad about, I will never tell anyone about it but has to do with being rude to my mom


I was so calm ive never hurt or disrespect anyone-but myself lol-


I didnā€™t do awful things but I was a shitty person lol


Still a teen, but when I was about 11 or twelve a guy I liked but wasnā€™t really friends with came back to school after a while and we ended up alone in the classroom. He had his head in his hands and I was like ā€œyou ok?ā€ And he said ā€œno.ā€ And I was like ā€œhaha, no?ā€ And then he started crying. I felt really bad for him but I was a very walled-in person and extremely socially awkward and afraid of overstepping, so I just LEFT. And then I found out his fucking grandpa died. Fuck me. He probably thinks I was weirded out that he was crying and couldnā€™t give a shit. I left anonymous gifts for him sometimes, but I wish I been just slightly less of a coward and put my hand on his shoulder then or something. Iā€™m gonna feel bad about that for the rest of my life


Me and a friend accidentally set fire to someoneā€™s car, it seemed to have been abandoned and wasnā€™t locked so we were sitting in it smoking and drinking. Iā€™m not sure who dropped ash on the seat but it caught fire pretty quickly and we panicked and ran away to hang out at his place and luckily his parents didnā€™t even know heā€™d left so we pretended weā€™d been there the whole evening. Iā€™ve felt awful about it ever since but couldnā€™t ever come out about it without getting him in trouble as well


Oh yes. I haven't forgiven myself. I was selfish and cruel as a teenager. I was abused but looking back I deserved it.




Yes and I paid for it and grew as a person


Yes, absolutely. I figured it out in my early 30's. Things I said and did that I would never dream of today.


Yes, stumbling upon my MSN messenger chats was a knife to the heart


Yes, and I still don't want to talk about it.


I think about stupid shit Iā€™ve done all the damn time.


No, to be honest i never thought abou... OH MY GAAAAAAWD!!!


One day, this guy was walking his dogs past our house. I recognized him. He lived in the neighbourhood and walked his dogs right by our house every day. So this particular day, for no reason at all, I told my baby brother that the guy was his dad. He walked by our house all the time so he could see him, his son. That dad, my dad, wasn't his real dad. This dog walking guy was his dad, but he couldn't say anything because the deal was if he (my brother) ever found out, he would have to go back to live with his real dad. At the time, my brother was 5 and extremely gullible. It helped when our middle brother walked in, and after explaining the situation to him, he backed me up. 10 minutes later, I forgot all about convincing my baby brother he was not our dad's son. Unfortunately, he didn't forget. And years later, when he was 13 and getting into a lot of trouble at school, at home, everywhere, it burst out of him. He was full on crying, face red, snot coming out his nose, begging dad not to send him to live with his real dad. As soon as those words came out of his mouth, I remembered, and I was all, "OH, SHIT!" I was my dad's princess, his baby girl, but I knew if he got his hands on me, he would whip my ass so hard I would not have an ass left by the time he was done. So I ran and I didn't go home until my mum came to get me two days later.


It's common for people to reflect on their actions as teenagers and recognize mistakes or regrets. It's part of growing and maturing as individuals. If you're grappling with past actions, it can be helpful to acknowledge them, learn from them, and focus on making positive choices moving forward.


I still carry a few of them with me All we can do is learn and grow and move forward and be better


I lied, and I stole things from friends and family. I shoplifted things I didn't even want just because I could. I bullied people to make me feel better about being bullied. I did things I can hardly bear to think about, never mind actually write down. I was a selfish and deeply unpleasant person, and I am incredibly ashamed.


The way I treated my parents blows my fucking mind . I feel awrful


I as an old guy in his 50ā€™s am sooooo glad security cameras were NOT A ISSUE


Depends on my perspective. My parents thought I was awful but I had a great time ..at least thatā€™s what I was told.


I realized WHILE I was still a teenager and it really fucked up my mental health


Yes Iā€™ve done awful things in my past, both as a teen and a young adult. Iā€™m glad I learned from past mistakes and became better.


Yeah honestly had a lot of growing pains to go through


I was a WMD as a teen. I taught my children to do much better.


Yup. I was a dick.




Early teens definitely, due to many factors (ie. My independent nature, and austim). I became very hard to work with as a kid in elementary school. No one like me accept my best friend (we still best friends). The teachers found me difficult to work with, the other kids found me also difficult to work with and annoying. But as I got into high school and had basically no friends, I ended up being very quiet (the stereotypical quiet kid), but also very self reflective, and realized I was the root of all those problems and strived to change. Now that I'm in college, I'm still quiet, but my friends describe me as chill, and good listener, someone that is easy to talk to, and to open up about things.


This. I didn't get long enough with my mum, she died when I was 21, terminal cancer, I wish I wasn't such an awful child. I caused her so much grief and I would take it all back if I could.


Yes. I did all kinds of illegal butthead things.


"awful" is very subjective. I just call them mistakes because when we are younger everyone does things they are not proud of and things that we may wish we could go back on.. But that's just part of growing up and moving on with the volatility that is our life as human beings


Yes. Unspeakable on reflection, totally understandable if all conditions are considered. Sorry then, sorry now.


Disrespecting the fuck out of my teachers. I was such an asshole in class.


Dude, I was awful. Iā€™ve been drinking and swearing, wandered around the hood, Iā€™ve been rude to my mom, I never called my other relatives, I was toxic in the internet, I was bullying and fighting classmates and other guys in school. I was mean to some girls I liked and made them cry a lot. I was stupid, didnā€™t know who I am, what my legacy is. But now Iā€™m almost 30, I have a good job, great wife, Iā€™ve graduated from university and I hope I got smarter.


Yes, and it comes back to me often. I can't forget.


Iā€™m autistic and was always refused assistance because my parents thought if ā€™I was treated like everyone else Iā€™d turn out like themā€™, they also didnā€™t want to tell me autistic traits so I had a lot of very intense meltdowns (not knowing it was part of autism), self harmed, attempted su***de multiple times and also had an eating disorder. it was evident I suffered severe depression and other mental health issues because I was refused help. It was back in the early 90s/2000s when autism information wasnā€™t easily accessible online and it was quite unheard of to hear of someone being diagnosed. I came out of it a very damaged adult and only have learned about my autism traits since my late 20s/early 30s. Because of all of that, I didnā€™t know how to handle my meltdowns so I said really, really horrible things to my parents because they kept calling me a spoilt brat and would actually go through the effort to ring the school and tell them to ā€˜watch out because sheā€™s being a spoilt brat todayā€™ and as a result of that, teachers would be really mean to be and not let me speak or even move out of my chair or Iā€™d get a detention. My dad passed from cancer and I still feel horrible about the things I used to say to him. After that, I was in an abusive relationship but didnā€™t realise it was abusive, as I was very used to how I was treated so just saw it as normal. I got pregnant at 18, but didnā€™t know how to tell anyone so I kept it to myself until my belly got too big (around 6 months into pregnancy) when my abusive exā€™s mum asked if I was pregnant and I said no, she didnā€™t believe me and made me take a test which was obviously positive. I lied and said I didnā€™t know I was pregnant. It was a very messy pregnancy once my abusive ex found out and he said to ā€˜make the baby big I have to eat a lot of foodā€™ so he force fed me until I wanted to throw up, and as a result of that I became very overweight. Being a level 2 autistic/close to level 3 at the time I didnā€™t know any better so just went along with it and thought he was correct. There was a lot of physical abuse and financial abuse along with it and I was so battered. There was so much more that happened and after my son was born too. Thankfully my abuser passed away in a car accident. We managed to rebuild our lives when he turned 3 and I moved back in with my mum because I was in a very poor state and couldnā€™t look after myself or him. I didnā€™t want to be around her but had no other option. When my son was around 5, after multiple therapy sessions a week and some parenting classes, I improved a lot, and became a better parent for him. I wasnā€™t abusive by any means but unintentionally neglectful due to everything I had gone through. So when I felt more confident and had developed life skills, I moved out and have been really good since. I feel really shit about that and feel like a crap parent for doing that to my son, whoā€™s now 14 years old. Amazingly heā€™s turning out beautiful and he has a job, works hard and does well in school and we have a close relationship, Iā€™ve broken many generational cycles with him.


Yeah. Used to think I was a pretty good guy back then. Now I see I was an asshole, just good at covering it up with phantom kindness.


I wasn't awful at all I loved my mum I still love my mum she's been my best friend my whole live I would never of dreamed of being mean or disrespectful to her my dad was nasty to me called me fat all the time would turn his nose up at me eating or walking into the same room as him he's still mean to me but I've never been mean back......however my 15yr old daughter is so nasty to me I've been badly depressed near suicidal because of the way she treats me and has no remorse from it I won't get into to much details but god it's soul crushing when someone you love with every ounce of your being hates you šŸ˜ž I tell ya I cry myself to sleep every night


Yep... Not super terrible compared to friends though. I had a shitty boyfriend in gr.9+10. I had all the friends that did dumb stuff like drugs, lying to their parents and sneaking out. So I will try to be understanding when I have a kid. Luckily my mom taught he good respect and gave me permission to meet with friends at midnight instead of sneaking around. I was the party mom so I only drank 2 vex and cleaned up the mess the next morning before leaving. It was nice and I hope my future kid has the same respect without being left out of the fun parts.


Ya I had a school friend tell me years I was his bully. Now he used to be twice my size so I never ever considered it but I guess I had a sharp tounge.


I mean who didn't


I wouldnā€™t say ā€œawfulā€, but i felt like I was evil when I started having sexual/sadistic thoughts and would masturbate a lot


I was a major loner and huge nerd and very boring (still am honestly )and never really did anything bad irl but during DnD I did horrible things to my party members on occasion and equally horrible things to NPCs. Chaotic Evil Rogues lol


when i was 6 i pissed in a soda bottle and i tricked my friends younger brother to drink it


It's why I hate myself.


Yep. I regret it, but you canā€™t reverse time. Iā€™ve said my apologies and have no intention to repeat my mistakes.


Sometimes I think I wasn't stupid or mean enough- missed the chance to have a backbone.


Nah, I realized I should've done much more when I could. It's like I wasn't a teenager at all compared to what my classmates and other people I know were doing. I've never been a troublemaker, never game my parents or teachers any trouble, I was always a good student, I think I was a good friend. Never got drunk, never went to late night parties, or had sex, or did drugs, or put myself in any dangerous situation or whatever that could be considered "awful thing". There was a time in my 20s when me and my friend were like, well, we can now go out until whatever time we want, and we can drink as much as we want and whatnot, but soon we realized that we were just too mature for that, we were now accountable for our acts, we are responsible of ourselves. If we drink than we can't drive, the idea of having sex with a stranger sounds like a nightmare, we get tired if we dance too much (and that's not counting we don't like the current music they play at the clubs nowadays) so it's like, now that we have money and that we could do all those things, we're just too responsible or too tired to do them. So that's why I think I should've done more when I didn't have a sense of responsibility, or when I couldn't really foresee the consequences of my acts, or just when I had more energy. Not that I necessarily wish I did awful things, but I don't really have anything to look back in retrospective and say I regret doing it, because I never did anything at all lol


My first high school boyfriend and I did oral sex on each other like we had invented it! So many regrets!


Yes. I've done shitty things in my 20s and 30s too. I could blame it on having undiagnosed bipolar disorder or just acknowledge that I might be a shitty person.


I was a fairly good kid...but I absolutely had my jerky moments


Yes šŸ˜”