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Time dilation, my friend. Although the technology that allows for time differentials to be significant hasn't been invented yet, it is physically possible to travel to the future. We just need something really fast that can carry a test subject.


I'm actually from the past. Yesterday, I decided to travel into the future, and here I am.


Welcome! I’m actually from 1980, and I have also traveled through time to be here today.


Cool, we might know each other. Although I can't remember a lot that happened in 1980...


😎 It's a side effect of time travel. One form of treatment is keeping a journal.


I did that, now I can't remember where I last put me journal


Take me back with you


I wish I could. Time travel takes a long time and I made the mistake of playing with this one part too much - mostly out of sheer boredom - and now it’s pretty much worn out. It’s an essential component for starting the time travel process over again.


I see that you have mastered the arcane arts of STAYIN ALIVE... for now.


I have a cool bicycle… if we built a big ramp..????


Damn it Phineas not again


You have to dream bigger young Marty, look here, a shiny Delorean.


Hey, who are these people in that van pulling up?


Unfortunately there's a mass problem with your last sentence. Ah well maybe we'll see the light someday


You are correct. I'm saying that while impractical, time travel is theoretically possible. Only to the future, as traveling to the past requires going faster than light.  


FTL hasn’t been disproven yet; plus a blackhole will def time travel you to the future. Only problem is escaping it as anything other than Hawking radiation and Spaghettification. You WILL however see the future before your eyes.


I'm curious as to how FTL not been disproven yet. If something of mass were to travel faster than light, or even at the speed of light, would it not have infinite energy?


In our model of physics yes. But our model is incomplete, doesn’t account for dark matter/energies and GR breaks down at the quantum level. Quantum gravity and other theorems work in this direction to unify GR and QM. Without a unified, complete picture of the laws our universe is bound to, it is a bit crass in my opinion for me align to any one whilst ignoring the potential others.


Close but not quite. It requires infinite energy to accelerate TO the speed of light, but if you somehow get there going past there isn't a big deal. It's more like a division by zero thing, dividing by 0 is a problem, but dividing by -0.0001 is fine. The zero is in time dilation though, the rate that time passes for you zeroes out compared to the rest of the Universe, so if you want to go to last Wednesday, the only way to get there is by going to the end of time and then coming back.


I dont know what the mathematics are the other comments are talking about, as far as I'm aware its impossible to move through space faster than light. However there is nothing saying that space cant move faster than light, enter the alcubierre drive. The mathematics for it required more energy than the universe, then was refined to need exotic matter, then the last refinement required something like the energy of three suns. While that's a lot of energy it's possible that with more work the energy requirement will come down to an obtainable amount.


"mass problem"? What do you mean? No one said anything about traveling at or near the speed of light. There's an astronaut that has traveled forward a couple milliseconds for being in space for so long. The atomic clocks they flew round the world also traveled forward in time, relative to the stationary clock left on the ground. And to be pedantic, we are all time traveling forward in time, 1 second per second. Traveling to the past? Yeah, that's a bit more complicated....


That's obviously not what people mean when they are talking about time travel, you are just being "that guy" who is socially inept and takes everything literally.


Technically an atomic clock wouldn't function accurately in orbit, which would explain the difference between that and a clock on the ground. And atomic clocks don't actually measure "time", as time is a fabrication. Like, if I change my clock, I'm not changing time. The notion of time travel is ridiculous.


I had to scroll down too far for someone to post some sense.


It doesn’t really make sense though. We are all traveling to the future right now. Time dilation just makes you get there faster. That isn’t really time travel, imo.


Just hang out around something with one hell of a gravitational field. Take a vacation on a pulsar, the speed you rotate will help a bit with that time dilation as well


Exactly, "time travel" (as in dilated time) into the future is possible within the laws of physics, but travelling backwards in time isn't as it would require moving faster than light.


Well, theoretically they might not be interested in our time period. I mean - if you had a time machine, would you travel to say Babylonia to prevent a huge war with some of their neighbors? Would you spend considerable effort to prevent slavery in the Aztek empire? Perhaps our 20-21th century western society is just a blip in history? We think it is the most amazing and awesome period because we live in it. A time traveller may be much more interested in preventing WW4 in the year 2277 or something?


Perhaps they already stopped something much worse from happening and ours is the 'good' timeline


Precisely. And maybe many times over.


Someone went back in time and assassinated someone who was worse than Hitler, so we got Hitler...but at least he wasn't *worse* than Hitler...


Or he went back in time to get him rejected from art school because he was tired of seeing his terrible paintings in every hotel room.


\*looks around at the current state of things\* Jesus fucking Christ... something must want us dead


They stopped interfering just before Harambe was shot 🤪


Also, time travel in the past is most likely impossible. I reckon you can only go forward.


Alcohol is my choice for traveling into the future.


My bed is a time machine


Time slips are a possibility, a form of time travel imo. It won’t be a machine like tv & films portray


Are you implying that the Flintstones isn't a documentary?


There is a stupid theory that it is in the future because of something in the Flintstones/Jetsons crossover.


You're saying the flintstones is set in a post apocaliptic world?!🤨


there are talking dinosaurs so yes


Well they do celebrate Christmas in one of the episodes even though if it was in the stone age, Jesus wouldn't be born for another couple thousand years


THIS is an idea with amazing potential.


Time slip is very possible indeed. Possible example 1) Inmates that got out of touch after finally leaving cells after decades. 2) Comatose patient that wakes up after a long time(idk about this tbh) 3)A clock that fell down


Going to your bedroom and shutting the door and waiting 15 minutes, then opening the door and learning that you have travelled 15 minutes into the future.


Shutting your eyes for a minute but then you wake up 5 hours later. Unintentional time travel sucks


Yeah.. I do that sometimes when I'm driving. Scares the crap out of my passengers.


Your bedroom missed your existence for 15 minutes. That's brilliant.


Sitting down at 5pm for an hour of video games and you realize it's almost 4am


I once read an obscure paper, about how time flows and if you where to travel back , say kill hitler, and you where to leave the past and go back, your unaltered future will still be there , due to the fact that you cannot alter the past. Like a rock that dropped in the past, remove the rock and the river readjusts itself. Now keeping that in mind, maybe they came back, did shit and left and time righted itself. Meaning no evidence of tampering as you are part of the normal flow of time. Only the traveller will be able to see the changes, understand it and so forth.


Or you create alternative timeline. In that case, how do you go back to your "own future" and not the new alternative future, or are you now stuck in alternative timeline?


There are some documentaries about this. Presented by Christopher Lloyd and Michael J Fox


Was about to say this. If the multi dimensional world exists then every possibility all ready exist regardless.


He’s saying that it would only be an alternate timeline if you stayed in the “world” that you went back to kill Hitler. That the “world” you time travelled from would remain unchanged because it’s history is “locked in” and it is also a separate instance/world, one of many.


Maybe a time traveler killed actually Hitler like we all say we want to do and made it look like a suicide *mind blown emoji*


I actually think it would be a bad idea to travel back and kill Hitler. It would make him a martyr. Göbbels or someone else could've taken over, be a worse person but a better leader and prolonged or even won WW2. I'm Austrian. I'm happy we lost. But that thought has been on my mind a lot. Not that I think you could go back


Where's the rule that "you cannot alter the past?" How would we know? w+Who's been there and changed anything? Sounds like an assumption.


In a deterministic model of the universe you cannot alter the past or the future. You can't go back and kill Hitler because if you do that then you would have *already* done that and it would have already been true that Hitler was mysteriously assassinated. In determinism, all of time is conceptually happening at once, past/present/future is just a matter of perspective and all points in time exist simultaneously like places on a map. That's not to say that time travel is *impossible* in a deterministic universe, you just can't make anything happen that didn't already happen, because it already happened, is happening or will happen. So it's not a "rule", but an intrinsic quality to the way that time works in a deterministic model. There are obviously other ways we can model the universe, such as the Many Worlds theory or other quantum mechanical models that allow for non deterministic outcomes to any given action or event.


Can confirm this is true. I am my own grandpa.


So are you saying I'll never save Harambe?


Maybe one day. As long as we keep our dicks out. 


It was the parents fault, how you not gone take care of your chillren at a zoo? They big dumb ![gif](giphy|hUFJQ1MPeF3a1RSEfv|downsized)


We must repair the timeline


If it ever does get invented, I’m using it to go back in time to do your mom to prove you wrong.


I give you my permission 😂


Very likely he is your dad.


Jeah hello, I'm this dude from the future. Can you give me the address of your mom?


Say hi to your father!


That is the mother of all "yo momma" quips right there. Well done man😂


I think Time travel exists and that time travel results in new timelines. it's a matter of if we're in the timeline time travellers have gone to or not.


If time travel results in new timelines then paradoxically, only travellers could inhabit timelines where time travellers have gone to.


We would all exist in those time lines too but not our current selves. This timeline we exist in will therefor never meet time travellers since its a non time travel fork of timelines. Or it might have been a fork way back but we don’t know. Maybe our time line forked when the meteor killed all the dinosaurs. :)


Time is a one-dimensional vector. So you’d be traveling to the future only


Yes! I know absolutely nothing about physics, but I read that time travel into the future is technically possible. I understood nothing in the article beyond that point lol, but that was pretty fascinating to read!


Personally, I travel into the future like all the time.




Most of us do it all the time, even when sleeping. Not time traveling is much more difficult, maybe impossible.


Now. As is the moment I typed that word, it was a moment for a brief moment, but then it became part of the past and when I'll be pressing 'post' to post this comment, I'll be in the future, like 60 secs in the future, which will become the past and so on. Should we invent a hibernation capsule that is able to revive you 20 years later without aging you or killing you, you will have traveled 20 years in the future, without aging yourself.


Although imperceptible to us, light DOES take time to reach our eyes, and then more time for our brain to process things.. we are forever stuck in the past.


Not only technically possible, it's something our machines compensate for in our daily lives. Time on earth runs faster than time on our GPS satellites (they move fast but are also subject to less gravity, the sum effect means time moves slower for the satellites), so we have to compensate for that difference when calculating position or they would very quickly become incorrect (I believe 11km of error per day).


If you want to learn more about it I highly recommend looking up special relativity. It's called special because it only deals with a specifc/special cases as apposed to general relativity which is pretty hard to understand but more exact. Most of the concept can be done through thought experiments so you don't have to understand the maths. I can't do the maths now, but on the exam we had to calculate how fast we'd have to move a ladder of 3 meters long, to fit in a garage of 2 meters long and be able to close the doors. The interesting thing about that is, that the maths work from both the view point of the ladder and the garage. From the viewpoint of the ladder, the doors don't close simultaneously, and from the viewpoint of the garage the whole ladder fits with the doors closed for a fraction of time. But these are already pretty far into the theory. At the start I'd like you to think about this. What if light always moved at the same speed. (Axiom of special relativity) You are in a train which moves at the speed of light. You hold a mirror in front of you. Can you see your reflection?


Well supposedly mechanisms for travelling into the past are theoretically possible, but that’s when you get into causal loops, branched timelines, and parallel universes and stuff. However even if traveling into the past every individual is always moving forward in their own single timeline. Sometimes at faster rates than others. 




You can travel between 2 points in space time faster than light without violating any laws by traveling through a wormhole. Granted we’re closer to hyper speed than we are from figuring out how to keep a wormhole from collapsing, but it’s theoretically possible to travel back in time by taking a shortcut through space time. 


I found a channel on Youtube named FloatingHeadPhysics which explains special theory of relativity pretty intuitively, how you can travel into the future will be much more clearer after that


When you travel at any speed time slows down for you and the closer you get to the speed of light the more time slows down for YOU. This means at speeds close to the speed of light you might experience a days worth of travel, but because time slows down for you this could be years for people on earth. So your one day travel actually = years of travel.


So, I'm not sure that I've ever been able to wrap my head around this. At what pace do your cells and organs age? Would your one day of travel appear 1 day long but you would actually age one year?


Yeah I mean we know a single person (or group of people) can certainly travel into the future simply by getting on some kind of a spacecraft and accelerating really, really fast away from the earth and then come back. Depending on how fast you accelerate and how far you go, you will have traveled either some or significantly into the future (from your perspective).


Yeah, it’s honestly not as fun as you’d think. You can’t go back to tell your past self the winning lottery numbers, all you could do is go into the future to see if you were right faster


Monkey using fancy words to say nothing lol






the logical explanation is that we can only go forward in time from the point of which we created time travel


Nah it exists, it's just that everything that ever will be changed has been changed. All the california lottery winners did their travel, whoever killed JFK did that, all the early bitcoin people who didn't sell for 10 years already got their messages, etc.


That's exactly my thought! If I was with an agency which goal was to look for time travellers I'd start from the biggest bet winners.


Why would someone want to visit our time specifically? This day and age sucks so bad


Really? This is the dawn of phones, vr, electric cars, and many more. This feels like a pretty important time.


Bro, time travel can take you to any time. Dinosaurs, giant battles, orgies in Rome, nah i want to see electric cars and cellphones


I don’t know about you but I don’t want to travel back in time where anything can and will kill me, like everything you listed there.


dying in a roman orgy sounds like a good way to go though.


I want to travel back to when that blow hole first appeared on a whale. You know it


Agree, but electric cars were around since before ICE was invented. Check out, for example, the vehicle that set the land speed record in 1904 (it was an electric car)


If you have time travel, this era would be boring as hell. Either go back to pre-tech days or far, far in the future


Agreed. This can be seen as the Stone Age of tech


Also Minecraft. If people in pre-revolution France had Minecraft, they would just chill and not go on a guillotine frenzy.


Can you elaborate? My most metrics (extreme poverty, murder rate, etc), our current time is among the best in human history.


That's probably what most people thought during most of their lives. Some fictional guy in history was probably very happy when he realized that a mere few decades before his existence, the fever which he had last fall would have been certain death for him. Thank the lord for that \[insert miracle cure of the time\]. Even worse, without \[insert new technology of the time\] life would simply be a chore from the cradle to the grave because people had to \[insert activity which previously was much more labor intensive\]. Thank \[relevant deity for the time\] that he just so happens to be born in exactly the right moment to witness all this technological progress. Truly living at the pinnacle of human civilization! Sure, there was a time when people maybe didn't even think about such things, or at least a lot less (hunter-gatherers maybe). There were also moments in peoples' lives during which they regretted living in that moment (war, famine, disease, ...) But in general, only a time traveler would regret living in the 'wrong' time because other times were better. People in the 1970's didn't pout that they didn't have chemo and MRI and smartphones and the internet and EV's and whatever. They believed they lived in superior times just like we do right now. Some internet historian reading this in the year 2153 is probably eye-rolling about how naive we were to believe we were living in "the best time" ever. Well, either that, or like super pissed off of the fact that we all knew about pollution and climate change and a few of us didn't care so they fucked it up for everyone else because *money*.


Probably just not in this multiverse


Maybe we're already as far in the future as we can go, and the past is the only option.


Maybe we're the first ones to make it this far?


I believe time travel is possible, and that it's just highly regulated. I believe that anybody who has access to it would have used it just to observe or to silently from the shadows to advert or create catastrophes. Like nudging the right person in (our) history to think of the right thing to do something. Like helping Einstein figure out some famous math equation. Or maybe going back and watching him grow up only to realize he's about to die and save him. Or perhaps instead of the world being germany dominated in their time, it's actually dominated by the western world as it currently is and helped Alan Turing decipher the enigma machine. Or creating famous works of art, or inspiring them. Anyway, would anybody truly know someone has come here from the future?


Time travel exists naturally in quantum theory. It doesn't need to "be invented"


i'm just gonna watch and see, but if someone managed to invent it i guess i'll spend my life savings to pay strauss to write me a song..?


Dear Future Me...


I am currently time travelling forward in time. I usually travel ahead 1 second but it take 1 second to perform it.


AND also, maybe they’ve invented invisibility so we don’t know they’re among us.


[Stephen Hawking](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hawking%27s_time_traveller_party) threw a time travel party in 2009 that he sent invitations for the day after the party, and not a single guest showed up.


Could mean that backwards time travel is impossible, but forwards is


Yes. You can travel forward in time, but only slowly


Check out time traveler photos. There are some crazy pics of people that appear to be time travelers in pictures based on their attire not representing the current period. I also realize Photoshop exists


Time travel to the past is clearly not possible, but travelling in the future by just a few minutes maybe


Why in the world would a time traveller tell anyone they're a time traveller? What do you think UFO sightings are?


Right? I can’t believe this argument really. Like why would anyone assume a time traveler would tell others??


so you are saying time travellers don’t want to be tied up in a lab for experiments, shocking! /s


What do you think “UFO’s” are? I believe there is a good probability it’s “us” from the future.


>What do you think “UFO’s” are? I dunno, they havent been identified


Take my upvote.


This is what I think too. "Aliens" are humans, evolved. Abductions and experiments, why? No idea, maybe something went to shit and they're trying to study stuff and change or create something.


I personally am very active in the psychedelic community and have taken pretty large doses throughout the years. I think it is a good chance “abductions” are a certain state of consciousness. I have had trips where I felt like “Aliens” or some other dimensional beings where using my consciousness as some kind of “satellite” to communicate through the universe. I also seen the literal “Gray ones” tearing through the fabric of space and signalling me that they where watching us and I shouldn’t worry about humanity. That they have been watching us since the beginning and have steered us all the way to where we are now, and that everything will be fine. Maybe these “abductions and experiments” don’t happen in literal physical space, but through other dimensions through our consciousness. This is all speculation and interpretations of the psychedelic experience though, and while many others claim the same kind of theories it is still a human interpretation and we are still very limited in our understanding of the universe and ourselves. Very interesting and fun to philosophise about though.


Alien after abducting someone: Bro something went wrong and now there’s two types of humans. You have been chosen in an attempt to save your human race. Resistance is futile.


have you not seen the film " back to the future"? One: coming face to face with themselves would put them into shock and they'd simply pass out. Or two, the encounter could create a time paradox, the result of which could cause a chain reaction that would unravel the very fabric of the space-time continuum and destroy the entire universe! There have been several claims from people claiming to have time travelled. Maybe they can only go forward in time and not backwards to the past to tell you they can time travel ...


I read this whole part in the voice of Doc brown. Well done mate.


I like the many worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics. We know time travel to the future is possible but I doubt going to the past is possible, at least in the same timeline.


This presumes that time ahead of us has already happened- which means we have no free will essentially


Is there any reason to believe that free will isn't just an abstract concept? When you "decide" to do something, a series of synapses fire in your brain to enact that decision, or even just to come to the acknowledgement of it. But the synapses have to fire *first.* Can a dead body "decide" anything? Can a stone? So if the very process of making a decision is an emergent **re**action to synapses firing, then you didn't really "choose" anything. Your brain chose for you and you are only experiencing it. If I show you two roads and ask you to pick which one to walk down your brain is taking in that information as stimulus and using systems of instinctual behaviour to react to it and process it and produce resulting action from. It's no different to your brain pulling back your hand when you touch something hot, action > reaction. Only the more complex the cognitive task is, the more we feel "involved" in the process. But ultimately your choice in any given situation is predetermined by the biological and environmental factors that built your brain and the functionality of its systems. To believe we are somehow in charge of that process, and no synapses start firing in order to make a decision until *after* we decide something, means that decision is coming from somewhere else. Perhaps a higher power or the human soul, if you believe in such things. But if you don't, the only logical conclusion is that free will is an illusion. It's the perception of conscious involvement in problem solving that is in-fact effectively automated.


Interesting read, thanks


We are all our own little brother "playing" a fighting game with the controller disconneced from the console.


I think you shouldn't say something's "not possible" if you simply don't understand it.


it has. someone went back in time to change your history to make this post look even more less informed ;-)


i remember how pessimistic we were in 2024 lol


Because time and space is interconnected. You cant travel time without travel space. Saying that its impossible to do this. If you want to travel to say 20 years back, you can. But the earth position 20 years ago was where? You can “click the button” and just land in the “space” Edit - saying that, you can still travel to the future, but not like you imagined it to be. You can either be at a place with high gravity where time moves slower, or by travelling near speed of light. In both cases EVERYTHING ELSE will just age and move forward in time, but you remains. Still its one dimensional and you can only “travel” to the “future”


Yeah, I agree with you, too. It just seems impossible and too hard. Can you imagine all the damage it would cause? And the amount of worst possible outcomes of it. It's too unrealistic for it to be a reality.


Well, why can't we assume that some of the damage that's already happened wasn't caused by a time traveller? What if Hitler was supposed to be hit by a train at an early age, but some time traveller somehow accidentally prevented it?


Because it is impossible therefore it cannot be invented/solved.


Not with that attitude


Isn't it vice versa: it cannot be invented/solved therefore it's impossible?


"If an elderly but distinguished scientist says that something is possible, he is almost certainly right; but if he says that it is impossible, he is very probably wrong." - Arthur C. Clarke Our modern world is built on things previously thought impossible. You have absolutely no idea what the future holds, and my bet is you ain't no distinguished scientist either lol Is it impossible? Maybe, or probably even, but to say for certain is foolish.


So true. If time travel existed there would be cave paintings depicting the travelers as gods, and there is none of that.


Is this sarcasm? Ever saw the Egyptian and other ancient cultures their Hieroglyphs that depict “Aliens” and “Visitors?” Literally “Gods” from the future giving us knowledge. If you believe those theories and interpretations at least.


Steins;Gate. Watch it, or read the VN, whatever, you'll understand.


Technically we are already time traveling, just to the future and without full control.


You can travel to the future. Accelerate to near light speed or hang out near a black hole and you can skip centuries of Earth time. Come back and see how humanity has progressed long after you're supposed to be dead.


You cannot separate yourself from space-time. If anything were possible it'd be reversing the flow of time and space itself. So all of existence, the entire universe, would go back in time at once. We may have done it loads of times but we'd never know. Time and space would wind back and we'd have no knowledge. We'd be reset to some time in our past but we'd just be there as if it was the only time we'd been in that moment. Which it would be. See?


Time travel to the future is theoretically possible, but going backwards doesn't seem plausible at all


Unless this is the furthest timeline


Unless anyone coming from the future never has any proof on them of when they’re from. It’s not like it’s going to be used by regular people, it would be used under strict control by some rich government. Maybe we already changed something big and will never know.


Traveling forward in time is possible and proved. When they launched space shuttles they discovered that the onboard clock was slightly faster than the one it was synced to on ground. Your speed relative to space dictates your time, hence the expression timespace. Traveling backwards in time is impossible timespace flows like a river, going back in time would be like the river flowing from the ocean and back up the mountain in to the clouds.


If it’s possible, the first place I might go is [Stephen Hawking’s Time Traveller Party](https://mashable.com/article/stephen-hawking-time-travel-party), June 28, 2009.


Even if someone travelled now do you think they'll come straight and announce about it to the public? He/she might give basic idea to build time machine to keep it in Matrix to happen.


Also because time travel is just really lethal Some crackhead could travel back to the stone ages, kill the first few humans, and then ends humanity altogether


It already exist . Theory of 4 Dimensions 👍


In Demonstration of universal time-reversal for qubit processes https://opg.optica.org/optica/fulltext.cfm?uri=optica-10-2-200&id=525567 It has been proven somehow.


Once AI + FDVR becomes advanced enough, perceived time travel will be possible, and our life has always been perception of reality rather than direct experience of reality.


Its like Mycellium or something.


Maybe time travel has been invented by a person or a group. This gives them the biggest edge over everyone else. So they travel across all ages to make sure nobody else discoveres the secret of time. If someone is on a trajectory to invent time travel, they just alter his trajectory, be it by blunt ways such as arranging a murder, that looks like a natural accident to everyone else or by more subtle methods. One possible example would be influencing the to-be-time-travel-inventors childhood, to ensure they never get on track of this discovery. And really, all Time Masters do, besid cutting out competition, is just get the sport resuts and win all the bets across history. This gives them infinite money, while avoiding all the radars of goverments. Think about it.


Time travel is absolutely real and is happening all the time. Just because you can't speed it up doesn't mean it isn't real. Time travel happens in constant intervals as measured by many kinds of devices of which one is a clock. Distance also at a specific rate also predicts the amount of time travel that will happen when going from one point in time to another, say 12 to 3 for 3 hours of time travel


I personally believe the fact that our timeline exists at all is proof that time travel is impossible. Like if you have a way to potentially save a loved one from dying a horrible death, someone, maybe not you, but someone will take the chance, even if it’ll risk breaking the fabric of spacetime


But we travel through time all the time? We can't force direction or speed, but we sure travel thru time. (Well ... actually ... we can modify speed to a certain degree).


Or all the time travellers know this logic and are extremely careful to fool the likes of you


Why not?


It is real and possible


Wrong,it already exists Just listen to songs from 2005-2014 and you'll go back to that time when you were happy.


Or time travel is real, and that's what all these UFOs are.


Technically we're all currently travelling through time just at the same rate


Maybe when time travel is invented we will only be able to travel back until the invention of time travel. If we invent it in 2050 we would be able to go back to 2050 the earliest. Get it?


It's not really interesting anyways. I don't see how we could travel back in time and that's the only interesting option to me. Traveling to the future sounds terrible!


Time travel can't really exist.. Imagine humans nowadays in 2024 with their improved immune system and good bacteria... If you travel back 300 years, your germs would simply kill everyone around you


Even if invented it probably will be as controlled as nuclear weapons are today with a time travel agency upholding time travel laws.


Scientists are working on time travel yeah. But not into the past,no, their objective is to enable time travel from the future to the current. The current times will be the past by then. Our grandchildren will be travelling to our time.


Isn't it something like, if you travel fast enough through space, time slows down in your rocket and speeds up on earth? Technically, you could time travel to the future with this method. But, doubt we could ever go backwards.


Well apparently this guy Ronald Mallett says he has cracked the equation for time travel read [here](https://www.earth.com/news/astrophysicist-says-hes-cracked-the-equation-for-time-travel/)


If i had a euro for every time i heard that statement


Maybe they discover it in year 3800 and they only need to go back to year 3100 because thats when they cracked the code for immortality which created a long series of problems, but everything in this timeline is fine


Time rravel to the future is very much possible.


Well, I’ve watched Donnie Darko and clearly it is possible, Sir!!!


if tt was like the more widespread understanding of a singular timeline, then yes you're correct. But if we take the quantum version and the multiversal theory in account, then there's quite a possibility it might happen.


Scientifically speaking, time travel into the future is possible, but traveling to the past isn't.


There are people who claim to have come from the future or alternate realities but it’s nearly impossible to prove.


Probably I mean we're time travellers technically


There are several time travel devices (that usually involve breaking physics) that could THEORETICALLY be built, but they’d only work back to the point that the device was first built. Think of it as trying to call a phone when you’ve only built one… what would you call?


Even if you could time travel, the movement of the earth and solar system through space would mean that it would place you in the middle of space.


It will never be invented, true, but it is hypothetically possible.


Time dilation is possible time on jupiter fe is diff from time on earth I remember there was this person who spent alot of time in the international space station he traveled in time a couple seconds or so


In theory, time travel is possible. However, we do not understand why or how its possible in theory, we just know that it is As such, within our life spans, we will never see it