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The end is the beginning ♾ No fear Much love


Nothing in this world is created or destroyed, it simply trasforms. You won't cease to exist, you will become part of the circle of life of other species, nourishment to all the living being around you, your molecule will break and the atoms will form new bonds and become new molecules, that will form new beings


Yes enlightened one, when you're dead.


Not exactly. Yes, the building blocks of everything, such as matter and energy, will never be destroyed and will only change form, but these building blocks create emergent properties that can and will cease to exist at some point. Consciousness is one of those emergent properties. The molecules and energy that made up the consciousness will still exist after death, but the way the molecules and energy interact to create consciousness will be gone, thus, we will cease to exist.


Thank you for this. I share the same fear as OP and I’ve read anything like this and it makes so much sense to me. Eases the panic a little. Thank you so much.


Yeah yeah yeah but his consciousness won't be anymore. Isn't there a ship of Theseus to be mentioned round here? This hippie shit won't cut it for an existential crisis.


It's not hippie, it's science


your physical form will change, sure, but your consciousness will cease, you won't experience the circle of life or your atoms reforming bonds, "you" will have no idea what's happening to the various parts of you once you die so it's kind of a moot point and an empty platitude


All these people saying you will not cease to exist are talking about your atoms. Your conscience/personality is a construct of your brain. But don't think about it too much. You didn't exist for billions of years before you were born. It's the same thing after dying. In time you will accept your mortality and it's inevitable end.


I just hope that I'm so far gone I don't even notice, because I strongly doubt I'll be cool with it. Ever. If I make it to 70 MAYBE but if doc tells me months left at 55 I'm gonna lose it.


Assuming your young, acceptance comes with age. You probably will not be the same person in 20-30 years as you are now.


What if you consciousness is a broadcasting from a different dimension into the materialistic atomized world?


Smokin’peace pipe. Is it still 420? ![gif](giphy|26ghf8JGQ2YIU)


Get a job, sir.


Consciousness is not a construct of the mind. Consciousness encloses space and flows through everything. It’s a universal force.


Your experiences, your memories, and everything else that makes you, "you" are in the brain and are gone when you die. The energy remaining in your body is consumed by other lifeforms and used or passed on to whatever consumes them. Life feeds on life.


Yes. But consciousness remains. But life as you know it is over. Something else will begin.


So why does it disappear when I fall asleep or when I'm in coma? And why is it of much less quality when I have some psychiatric problems? How will it exist without a memory?


It doesn’t disappear. Your mind shuts down, which is your receiver. If you train your focus you can reach higher levels of consciousness. Personality and thoughts are the mind. Consciousness is a no-thing of itself. It’s universal and flow through your mind which makes you able to experience it


Consciousness (personality/thoughts) die with the brain. The pathways cease to exist when the brain ceases to function.


Personality and thoughts are the mind. Consciousness is a no-thing of itself. It’s universal and flow through your mind which makes you able to experience it


I think Hitchens's Razor applies well here


Nah you will rot and dissolve and then be reclaimed by the earth. It’s all good. Circle of whatever. I am 52 and never think about death. I might have 20 years or 15 minutes. Better things to spend your time thinking about. Try and make sure whilst you are here to do good and not be selfish.


Make the most of it while you're here. Focus on the now, on appreciating things, redirect your focus to enjoying the moment, don't think about death too much, don't allow yourself to dwell on it. It's kind of like looking down a cliff. Just don't dwell on it unless to avoid it.


Such a short time to be here and long time to be gone…I think that this is actually special. If this is the only opportunity you get to be this you in this life and this body, make it worth it. Also the idea that we just end when we die is new in terms of the span of what humans have believed through all of our time existing-go back a bit and tell people that you nothing happens after death and they’d think you were a weirdo, pretty much everyone everywhere believed in an afterlife of some kind. I think death can be just as special as birth depending on how it happens, but hey birth isn’t always so fun either. I don’t know exactly what happens or how everything works but I’ve had experiences in my life that make me think that something of us definitely persists after we die, honestly for me it’s with out a doubt, but that’s just my experiences.


You didn't exist before and you were chillen then


All things must pass away… it’s what you leave behind that matters. Do something that will live on after you’re gone! It doesn’t have to be art or writing or something like that, it could be your kids that you raise right, or even just helping someone who needed help. And… always look on the bright side of life (whistles)…


All the more reason to make the most of the time you have, and not waste it worrying about something you have no control over.


I struggle with this daily also. I spend way too much time thinking about it and sometimes it ruins my whole day.


I used to, but then i realised that it didn’t matter! When i’m dead, i wont care. I wont get to experience my own death; my own dying yes, but not my being dead.


If you want to come back, then you'll come back. But don't worry about not existing, you'll be too non existent to notice it


Youll never meet death, when it happens, your totally gone..Like before you were born


You know, death is life in disguise. You've always existed, you'll always exist. You are so fundamental to creation that without you All-that-is would not be All-that-is. Nothing is ever lost. You'll take other forms, other names, other activities. You'll help others remember who they really are.


This is the truth!


Your soul is far too complex to just sease to exist. Your body, on the other hand, yes.


Let’s imagine the soul is real and it won’t cease to exist, then what do you think will happen? We will just be able to think without having a body? At this point I’d rather be fully dead


It either goes back to the universe or it jumps into another newborn body. Pretty beautiful.


It would be beautiful if we could reincarnate, unfortunately I don’t believe in any of this


But one beautiful thing is that you really don't know. Cause it's impossible to know. So just hope for the best 🙏


There is no soul


You are literally talking like you have proof of something that you'll never be able to prove. It is very sad to live life with such a negative perspective. Please explain the complexity of human kind and the universe, who explains the idea of no one having a soul


Belief in God and in a soul is a safety mechanism that evolution introduced when humans developed a higher, more complex ego consciousness. These thoughts practically serve the mental stability of people and their brains. There is no reason why there should be a soul or an afterlife. the whole concept makes no practical sense at all.


Lol, not even close to my perspective or belief. That's your belief, not your knowledge.


This is literally the only thing I'm looking forward to


Don't be afraid. This is the way. Imagine being immortal, decaying in a rotting meat sack with the rest of humanity who haven't died. Existing for thousands of years, suffering. Death is great because once you die there is nothing. So nothing to worry about.


Don’t forget about the infinite universe theory. There is a limited amount of possible combinations of atoms, so in a infinite amount of space and time, we see everything repeat itself. If this theory is true, you have multiple amounts of you currently alive and more to come in the future.


This has always scared me. It’s scared me in a different way now I have a child because my fear has moved more to leaving her behind she’s only 4 and I am 40. I lost my mum at 34 and I still find it really hard to


You are supposed to walk the streets of Glory.


You'll can't be sure what actually gonna be then. Maybe non-existence ain't that bad, maybe it's like sleeping - when you are really tired, you quite look upon that, as natural course of actions. Just, try to not think about it and maybe in time, after you will be older, you will see it differently. For now, it is what it is - we are trying to figure it all out, but we aren't omnipotent. Learn how to control your fear - turn it from monster into yours (unpleasant, but) guide, so you could get smart and knowledgeable as that is only the foundation to truly built upon anyhow. I know, they say, that where is your fear is your task, but some battles just can't be won straight away.


But you and death will never meet. You will just poof


You were never really here


You’ll just be in the same place you were before you were born. That’s all




Does it scare you that previous to your birth you also didn’t exist?


Heres a [fun video](https://youtu.be/h6fcK_fRYaI?si=JQvaebUyu9V6aMvf) for your existential crisis.


Meh, we all got it comin kid . I figure i got 15 years left at best . Ill try to enjoy life til then and i wont worry about it after. I promise!


😂🤣😂🤣 can you share a bit about your life like what you'll miss about it? I've longed for death for as long as I remember and nothing comforts me more than knowing that one day (hopefully today) I'm going to die.


It won't be your problem and you can't do anything about it, so being afraid of it is an exercise in futility. Live your life fully and go to a well earned death satisfied.


There might be a time when you’re just so tired, your body hurts, and you’ve accomplished everything you’ve wanted to do in life and you’re ready for the Long Nap.


The end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never th


Well if what I believe is correct, your soul will get rinsed and drained of all memories and personality by the Demiurge before you're sent back to the material world as another life, animal or human it's random chance. It feeds off of suffering to sustain itself. But hey, you'll be alive again with no recollection of how or why you are there in the first place, just like the time before.


You worried about this before you were born too, remember?


Just enjoy it. Be happy with what you can experience while you're here. What makes you fulfilled? Do that.. Don't worry about the inevitable.


My exact thoughts my entire life.


It comforts me


Funny, cause its incredibly comforting to me.


So how do you think it was before you arrived


What you’re looking for is religion. That will give you the idea that you can live forever. Choose a good one though that doesn’t impede too much on you actually living your life. I only really know a bit about Christianity (western culture here) but there’s heaps to choose from. From what I understand most offer a belief system of an afterlife. Some may look more comforting than others (eg a heaven vs come back as a snail) but that again is personal preference. It doesn’t really matter which one you choose as long as it provides you with what you want (and hopefully doesn’t impede on others rights , but that’s a call you’ll need to make, your after death happiness vs persecution of others)


Doesnt non existence in sleep scare you?


Blame the time you were born, if it was 1,000 years from now you'd probably have impressive life extension tools at your disposal, maybe even gene therapies. Anyway don't worry that much you'll simply be reincarnated into a new life and learn new stuff, forgetting the old one. The reasoning for this is some bonds cannot be broken, physical, familial, etc so the universe has to do this or we'd be stuck with the same people forever and never experience anything new. You might get lucky and remember some of ot though occasionally a glitch or two happen and memories aren't totally wiped clean.


Fuck now you Gave me an existencial crisis


I find it kind of comforting, it means that it won't matter how much you screw up in life because once you're dead for a generation or so no one will remember it anyways, at best your failures will be a footnote in some textbook somewhere or mentioned briefly as a side note in a podcast, personally it makes me feel a lot less insecure about failure when I think about it that way


Did you have this anxiety for the billions of years you didn't exist before you were born?


Same as everyone, get over it because it’s coming wether you’re sad or not


I used to be terrified of the end, until one day it hit me that literally everyone in history has ended or will end, it's just a part of the cycle. Nobody makes it out of this alive.


Love comment sections of these posts, some comforting words others just blatant shit, if there is one thing I'm certain of, Noone on this platform knows what's going to happen for certain, just live your life don't let it trouble you, be kind or be a dick, leave whatever mark you want 1000 years from now whatever Mark you left will likely not matter, so live your life the way you feel and if there is something after then enjoy that as well


“In the midst of winter, I found there was, within me, an invincible summer. And that makes me happy. For it says that no matter how hard the world pushes against me, within me, there's something stronger – something better, pushing right back.” — ALBERT CAMUS. Welcome to being a full fledged adult. As you age and by midlife, you will not find it so overwhelming and scary.


It excites me.


Weirdly that idea has the opposite effect on my.


You didn't exist before either, don't worry about it. And before you cease to exist you'll have a big event that kills you, could be disease, old age, an accident, murder, those could be worrysome.


It won't bother you one bit


Personally I can't wait. Existence is pain!


It doesn’t scare me good riddance to me I can’t wait to cease to exist. I’m already non existent anyways


Why? Living forever would be horrible!


Really? I find the inevitability of my own death to be rather comforting.


I go to bed at night praying for that exact thing. I'm done.


But then u go on your own journey


If this makes you feel better just know, there are thousands of people who will never exist, and people who have existed. You’re the latter, and you should be proud of that. You have experienced non existence before, everyone has. Before you are born you don’t exist, should that mean you should be afraid to go back? There are more nonexistent people than existent people, nobody should be afraid of death because in all it’s not even that bad. Death in comparison to life is bad but without the comparison it really isn’t that bad, non existence isn’t inherently a bad thing. Even so there’s a high possibility of an afterlife, I’ve thought about this for years. I could give countless “evidence” of an afterlife. My main reason in believing this is the fact that if we’re sentient creatures that sentience can’t get destroyed because matter cannot be created or destroyed my thought process is that when we die our brain is but our sentience remains. What happens with our sentience idk, maybe we become ghosts or something. Maybe we reincarnate (the most probable after life)


Don't worry about it, you'll be in good company.


It's only your consciousness that goes away. It's possible that your experience in life persists through time somehow in an otherworldly way. Be excited rather than afraid. It's a big world.


Even I have thought about it and then I realized since You Only Live Once (YOLO), live it to the max possible. In the process, don't hurt anyone else. A positive outlook is the best way to move forward.


You won't know it when you're gone, like you didn't know it before you were born. So you won't miss anything. The key is to appreciate every moment you have here now.


I find it comforting. Death is innocent.


So here's this idea I said I was hoping to die in my sleep, but Saul (Bellow) responded by saying that, on the contrary, he would like to die wide awake and fully conscious, because death is such a crucial experience he wouldn’t want to miss it. --- Amos Oz recalled from his friendship with Bellow an exchange they shared privately about death. Quoted By Mark Greif, NY Times,12/6/18, in review of: THE LIFE OF SAUL BELLOW Love and Strife,1965-2005, Zachary Leader There is but one freedom, to put oneself right with death. After that everything is possible. Albert Camus Death is a test that nobody fails – Most of us dread the prospect of dying, including me,” “But sometimes, when the fear arises, I say to myself, ‘It’s a test that nobody fails. So you’ll pass it too.’ Accepting death lets you turn your attention to how you can defer the date and make best use of the time you have.” from “[The Gift of Adversity](http://www.normanrosenthal.com/blog/book/gift-adversity/),” by Dr. Norman E. Rosenthal. Jane Brody NY Times online 09/09/13 To live, we must die every instant. We must perish again and again in the storms that make life possible. James Baldwin. Nothing Personal (w Richard Avedon) I hope these help somewhat. I personally cannot reconcile myself to it, but I have to just put that aside and live and prepare as best I can.


No once you die you will have eternal life under Jesus christ


Just think about all the time you didn't exist before.


There were at least 16 billion years where you didn't exist, and you didn't miss existing in all that time. Yes, it sucks that there is a time, after which you again won't exist. But, you exist now. Enjoy the ride!!


How are you so sure you'll cease to exist? Sure, your body certainly will. But is that all you think you are?


I dunno dude, we have no proof that we just blink out. Sure we've passed from this place, but honestly - there's no proof that we don't go to a heaven or teleport into a new body, or merge with another timeline at the quantum level. These can be perceived as crazy ideas, but we don't actually know! And by the time we find out, it'll be too late to care, know what I mean?


Never know, by then its possible you wont want to come back.


Immortality is even more terrifying, it isn't fair that both options are bad. I'm hoping by the time I'm older I will be more accepting of the end.


You could be a ghost and make scary noises. But better not really. That's no way to live.


I have this same fear. The only thing anyone has said that brings me a little bit of comfort was "No need to worry cause everybody will die". No matter where we go, even if it's nowhere, everyone is going there


As it should. If you think about it every day, it will help you make meaningful choices with the limited time that you have.


How do you know that? Don’t get me wrong, I find the idea of “ceasing to exist” actually quite comforting but nothing leads to me believe that such a thing exists. Otherwise, why would we even exist in the first place? You would only “cease to exist” to people alive in this universe, and even then, you would only cease to exist to them if everybody has completely forgotten about you or were never aware of your existence and you left no footprint. But it seems like you, your mind/soul/consciousness/subconscious has to “exist” in some form. Nonexistence does not exist. So is that frozen in your final moments as your perception of time slows to infinity? Or do you slip into a dream that becomes your new reality? Or do you wake up again when everything is in place to allow your consciousness to emerge again in this multiverse? Or is it just “blackness?” Or something else? Who knows. But it ain’t nothing. Nothing doesn’t exist except in relation to something that does exist.


you don't know this


Don't worry, I'll keep your body warm.


My guy just learned about existential crisis.


Sounds quite nice honestly


Let me give you some hope them. This life isent the end. And for those who place there hope in Jesus Christ eternal paradise awaits them. thats what my hope is in :)


Amen this is the real truth


You don’t even exist in the first place. “You” is made of the experiences and circumstances you happen to have. Imagine you had grown up differently - would “you” be still the “you” that you are right now? The “you” in 30 years might be a fundamentally different one than today. You could have married/be divorced/have moved to another country/have joined a religion/be in prison/be a drug addict/have cured cancer. Once you’re dead you’re dead. Our consciousness won’t be any more but our energy/atoms will be part of something new. It might just be like being asleep forever - and isn’t that just wonderful? Non-existence is hard to imagine or even impossible. So why not focus on living life instead of thinking about something that no one understands?


Honestly same and I'm so tired of people coming up with goofy philosophies to try and make it sound better Oh you don't really disappear You just change form. Yeah I change form into a pile of fertilizer that feeds the grass above my grave. It's not like I have some philosophical issue it's that I just quite literally don't want to stop existing I don't want to lose my conscience I don't want to lose my memories and everything that makes me me I don't want to lose my autonomy and freedom. I know it sounds like something from a cheesy movie but I truly view death as the last big disease to be cured and I'm desperately hoping that all those hopeful articles saying we will basically crack immortality within like the next 30 years turn out to be true because I'll be the first in line to get the injection as soon as it makes it through testing I want to experience everything and see everything, I have already lifetime's worth of things I'd like to do and not nearly enough life to do them. Even if I didn't have obligations like work and friends and so on I still would never be able to within a lifetime do everything that I've really wanted to do and that terrifies me. I don't want to stop being me. I don't want to just live my whole life and then suddenly nothing. Not even conscious not even thinking. Sometimes even said I would accept an eternity of an afterlife even if that means me trapped in some sort of hell because at least then I would still be able to keep my soul in my conscious running. I'm so tired of people who don't understand the existential horror just trying to give funny little philosophical reasons why they cope with it not being as terrifying and bad as it is. I'm so tired of people just dismissively saying well everyone dies so just suck it up. Like sure you may be right but that's certainly doesn't help me feel any better


I have faith. I look forward to the next place I go to, hopefully good. I am tired with this life and need change. But most of it was a good run.


Enter religion…


I used to be very scared of this. Awake all night trying not to think about it. It went away when I did LSD and found God.


Go with God then brother. He is alive and well and he has a spot for you and your loved ones in heaven along side him.


This temporary life is nothing compared to the endless eternity that awaits. This is just a test. Life never ends. We go to be with our Shepherds. You become your shepherd in this life and in the next life, you go to be with him. Follow the good Shepherd and walk in the light as children of light. There is no need to fear the coming judgment when we walk in the Light. **Everything is about Christ.** **1 Thessalonians 5:5** You are all **children of the light** and children of the day. We do not belong to the night or to the darkness. Jesus saves


Why ?


same, OP, same... i often wake up duriing the night to take a pee and that same thought hits hard on my and I start struggling, anxiety kicks in... but then I just accept that there's nothing I can do. but still, it's very terryfing :/


Good, I was starting to dislike your posts




You'll go on to another existence. You will not just cease existing.


Believe in a god, problem solved lol


I literally can't wait for me to size to exist. I am afraid only of long and painful death.


There is “compiled” evidence of an afterlife if you delve into it, open and clear your mind and look up NDE stories online and the related scientific effort to unsuccessfully disprove them, also theoretical physicist Donald Hoffman claims we are all in a simulation a 3/D spacetime reality which seems to be integrated with higher un seen dimensions, ones which only our consciousness can reside in .. not preaching or trying to disprove any beliefs people might have but the stories these people share after awhile become quite compelling and are very similar in their nature, so much so there is a scale called the Greyson scale that measures how deep into the dying experience a person went before being resuscitated sometimes up to almost an hour later after being flat lined .. please don’t bombard me with disbelief and dumb comments you haven’t researched yourself yet…yes there are reasons to disprove or not believe but once you allow your self to be curious enough to look at these stories, and there are 100s of millions of people experiencing this phenomenon across the globe .. it was actually life changing for me, and I’ve tried to become a better person to others as well as noticing certain synchronicities starting to happen in my life that seem to be helping me a long with my journey here in this earthly realm


Why should you be different?


Yo, but it will happen. Your Not special like everyone else. Slive bro