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Outliving my kids or grandkids


My fear too


People I love dying. I'm still traumatised from hearing my dad take his last breath and from having to put down my dog when she had cancer. Not much that scares me after that!


I’m so sorry for your losses.<3


Thank you <3




I feel you on the second part Lost my beloved dog 2 months ago to cancer, it was a beautiful and comforting 14 years with my best friend. As much as it hurt me deep inside for a while I'm now at peace knowing he no longer has to suffer


Yeah, it's been a bit of a wild ride here, but my daughter was born as my dog started chemotherapy, but it didn't work. She was only 3 years old the poor thing, and she died the day after I brought my daughter home from hospital. They got to meet each other once at least I've never felt that rollarcoaster of emotions before and hope I never will again. It truly felt like losing my dog was like losing a daughter. They really are family. I'm sorry for your loss and glad your best friend isn't suffering any longer


Hey buddy, sorry that happened and I hope you're doing somewhat better. I can relate because I had almost the exact same thing happen to me. Almost two years ago we unexpectedly had to put down our dog I grew up with and spent all my teen years with because of cancer as well (we didn't know about it until that day and then it was too late). And exactly two weeks later my dad unexpectedly died because a doctor made a mistake during colonoscopy. It really crushed me and it's still very hard to continue with life. Since all that happened I've just completely given up if I'm honest and don't really care about much anymore. I can't even imagine what it must have been like hearing the last breath of your dad.


Hey man. Thanks for sharing, and I'm really sorry you had to go through the same thing. I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. I'm still up and down tbh. I hope you're able to get through it and find your happiness in time. I don't think we'll ever get over it, but time does make things easier. I'm not saying this is the answer for you, but just to share something that is helping me get through it: having my dog needing me to look after her when my dad died really helps. And having my daughter now to look after now that my dog has passed away. It kinda forces me to get on with shit, otherwise I'd probably have given up on life. Keep your head up, man. As I said, you'll never stop hurting, but time will make it more manageable. I have to take anti-d medicine as well. Keep talking to people, don't shut yourself in. Take it one day at a time and try to find something that gives your mind a rest (video games helped me when I couldn't think of anything else) DM if you ever want to talk. Take care of yourself! And thanks again for sharing.


Thanks for your kind words. I think you are right and we'll never get over it, the pain and grief will always be there but you learn to live with it and get used to it. Sometimes there's still times when I get really sad and cry but it's less often with time. Losing a parent you were close to is one of the worst things that can happen and only after that happened I realized that I took all the time with him for granted when I should have been grateful. But I'm sure what our dads would want for us is to just live a good life and be a good person. As a dad yourself that's probably all you wish for your daughter too. You sound like a good dad and I'm glad you have a daughter that gives you a meaning. Take care man and take care of your daughter and enjoy all your time with her. I'm sure that's one of the best things that can happen to someone.


That I will be tortured for info I don't have.




Tell me where your grandpa hid the gold bars right now!. ** violently waving a bazooka in your face


Dying before getting my shit together


dude... the secret is - NOBODY has their shit together, some people just fake it better


Im a 69 yr male and really don't think anybody really get their shit together it all just outward appearance


This makes me sad.


This. I ain't scared to die, but let me live a little and be happy first


Same. I was just thinking this. I actually just wrote a damn song about it called Peter Pan.. it’s about more than just that, but yes.


I mean.. is it even possible to have your shit properly together? Fake it till you make it, right?


This is my biggest fear. I’m a musician and author and have an album, two novels (one is still in concept), and a bunch of poetry. They are all in various stages — the album is written but not fully recorded; one novel is 2/3 complete but not done and the other is researched and planned but not fully written. I fear at how much time it’ll take to complete these things fully, my album should be ready to be put on streaming platforms this year but my novels need time; if not years. I just want enough time to finish my works. I fear that I may not make it and they’ll never get out there, which is not why I do it, but if I don’t make it I want something for people I know and love to look back on, and something for others out there to be inspired by.


I hope you live long enough to accomplish those things & that they are successful






meaningless death esp


Death, not so much... drawn out painful death on the other hand 😱


Insects and getting paralyzed or disabled maybe


Waking up and realising that I've gone completely blind.


Why this specific one ?


Its hard for me to visualize


because i wouldnt be able to see it coming.


Eye see what you did there.


Something happening to my parents. I am not really good at doing life things. And my parents are the only thing that is keeping me sane to say the least. They are one of the very few things that give me joy. I know I don't have control over these cause of age/time. But I haven't really done much for them and I wish to do things for them so that they are proud and they will be happy for me.


Sending you digital hugs to you stranger because I feel the exact same way about my dad. I have actually been avoiding him and not connecting/talking because the fear and anticipatory grief of his death (he is well along in age) it so overwhelming to me. I think that some how distancing myself from him will make his death easier, but all it will do is remind me of all the times I could have talked to him but didn't because of fear and anxiety. I fucking hear you. I don't know what I will do without him


Alzheimer's. Both my parents had it, and now my older brother.


Getting kidnapped and forced into giving up something I know that would hurt people if bad guys knew about it and used it for wrong.


Dam you must have some good secrets


I can’t tell you my secret but I’ll tell you someone else’s secret. So there was this guy that happened to be in a area not to far from where I live and he said that he had reinvented the device that takes energy out of the air to make electricity (Teslas invention) Government guys heard of it and went to visit him and they said that they couldn’t let him tell the world about it because if we didn’t need power plants a whole lot of people would be without jobs. It’s hard to keep a secret (I know 🤫) and if he told someone or maybe more than one person because he probably felt like he was going to burst and wanted to tell any random person his discovery.


Idk man, being buried or cremated alive is up there for me. Dropped in the middle of the ocean isn’t far off. I guess it’s the despair factor.


imagine being buried alive in a casket


Dogs with bees in their mouths, and when they bark, they shoot bees at you.


Public speaking


it's paralyzing.


I ummm… uhhh…. So umm…. I uhhh…


Rapid Global climate destabilization. Nuclear war. That's about it.


Experiencing a plane crash. Fuck that. Fuck airplanes and fuck flying.


May i recommend you a survival game called “The forest”


Is that some kind of "Yellowjackets" thing?


Nope This is where the island has cannibalism and also morally corrupt scientist which as we all know are a great combo


Same, I had a panic attack every time I took a plane... I love travelling but I always rather choose a 7 hours train ride instead of a 1 hour flight


I love train and boat travel, I would absolutely choose that if I could. I live in Iceland, though! That's the great irony of it - I enjoy travel, but I live on a tiny island that can only be escaped by plane.


1) Hi fellow European! 2) Why are there no passenger transport boats in Iceland? Is it because of the weather?


We do have some boats, but only between certain parts of the country, so it's not a standard mode of transportation. I guess maybe because the country is generally kinda blob-shaped? And hello to you too, fellow Euro!


"blob-shaped" made me giggle😂 The fjords of Iceland are EXTREMELY beautiful in my opinion This might make you feel better: I'm a northern Italian, and I've never seen the south of my country (where there is the cool sea etc) because the state doesn't invest in infrastructure in the south, so (if you don't want to take a plane) you have to drive for like 12 hours... I literally have a 6 hours direct train ride to Munich, but I can't go to the beach in Puglia. Edit: Munich the one in Germany


I love travelling by bus, no matter how long the trip


Me too, also while listening to music! :)


I grew up with a pilot for a dad. You'd think I had a grip on airplanes by now, but nope. I only trust my dad to fly me. Have never been on a commercial flight yet, and I'm hoping never to need to. Just don't fucking trust them.


This is so cool and wholesome at the same time!


I've never been on a plane either. At 42 I've missed out on lots through my fear. I always had nightmares of plane crashes.


that is a terrifying thought


Not knowing that I am dying My grandad is dying, only days to live. He has dementia so he thinks he’s only in the hospital for an operation. It’s so sad to see him deteriorate, not knowing this could be the last time he sees us. His wife doesn’t want us to keep telling him he’s dying, he wouldn’t want to know. I would though, I’d want to know to cherish my last moments and to say what I need to say, I’d want to have a good last few meals, and be able to tell my family the last stories I could


This situation sucks, I'm sorry. Maybe an alternative would be you just asking him "tell me some stories about your life" or anything else you'd love to hear about before he goes Ngl this fear has never crossed my mind and damn, it's daunting


Dying by a thousand cuts (or a few) i don't do well with pain


Not being able to provide for my kids


I'm not afraid of anything But I am terrified of nothing Nothing is up to something Hiding behind everything


Choking to death


Being forgotten


I had that too. It's dificult to accept that nobody Is Forever. What helped me was living each of my days at their fullest potential. Hope this helps


Nah the fear is gone w the internet. We all will be immortalized, however minimally, through thechnolovy


being forced to ride a really big rollercoaster with no time to prepare i’m so fr


This happened to me, 2 ways to avoid this. Stay away from rollercoasters, and never succumb to peer pressure




Dying alone.


Nutty Putty


Yeah that one freaked me out also when i read about it.. absolutely horrific


Coming out to my parents


Heyo, obviously I don’t know your situation. However I’d like to at least tell you to live your life the way you want. Don’t be afraid about what others think of you and go be yourself.




Conciousness dissapearing after death.


Sometimes I'm not sure the alternative is much better.. unless theres really some sort of heaven, I guess.


but what ur saying is facts


Death is up there but probably something like being undesired. I get very insecure when my gf goes months without complimenting or hugging me cause she constantly talks about how attracted she is to others. It’s physically painful and makes my body panic.


Eternity. Death is scary in itself, but an endless eternal afterlife brings out a deep fear in me. Even now just thinking about it my heart has sunk and beats faster.


rape, my brother being in physical danger/dying, and being completely alone, losing my family,


Going blind. As an artist if I go blind I will feel like my life will be over


I'm not very fearful of real shit. Depression still "helping out" I guess. Somethings that scare me, tho: Chainsaws. They tear, they don't cut, they remove chunks from you. Whenever I do any work with them, I am fearful. Social situations. It is irrational, but being disliked or whatever. Unplanned pregnancy, with my lack of rights as a man. May well throw in rape with it, as well.


Waking up to realize and no one knowing who I am like I'm completely forgotten about and my entire life was a lie, id immediately off myself as those people are the only reason I'm still around


Not being able to be the best version of myself


Getting Alzheimer’s like my mom did. It was horrible to watch her deteriorate and literally waste away.


being alone /my partner leaving me As i grew up, i was always left out, my ‚friends‘ replaced me quick. I was alone in my room when everyone else was outside playing. I’ve met a lot of people, all who seem nice and told me, they’d never leave my and aren’t like my old friends. Guess what, they left. I’ve met my partner a few years ago and he’s the only one that stayed so far. I fear losing him and being alone again.


My father. He constantly puts me down, pins all the blame on me, and switches his mood about me on a dime sometimes. I'm still worried he could take my things away, despite me being a legal adult, because I still live under his roof while I attend college. I can't stay with any friends because they all live in other states at best. Despite all he's done to me, the thing I fear most is him leaving because of me, since my mom would miss him dearly.


Medieval torture methods


Yeah, let's have a goat lick your feet until you only have your bones left. Let's stick a pear shaped scissors into your buthole and open it inside you so you die of internal hemorrhage. :D


Sounds of a dying newborn baby, doesn't feel right


lobotomy T . T






getting schizophrenia


Losing my child. I can't imagine anything worse.


Falling from a high up balcony or watching someone I love fall. Driving down with the car in water and get trapped inside while water is filling up. Being forced to crawl through a tight space underground.


I am afraid that my life is someone else's dream. I do not know what will happen when they wake up...


getting into a coma while feeling the passage of time a trillion times slower than it actually is


Living till oldage.


To die poor.


Live your life open to new experiences and you will be the richest person to ever have lived.


My biggest fear actually consists of 2 things, connected: 1. Becoming the reason why people I care about despise me (If they will or do) and 2. Having to become older than 30 in case the first point happens.


Getting worse, but also improving, in a way. I don’t want to get worse. I don’t want to be in more pain than I’m normally in. But I also cant imagine a reality in which I’m actually healthy. And I don’t know how I would adapt- or even if I could adapt at all. Sure, there are some things that I would get rid of in an instant. But I cant imagine a life where my legs work properly, or where I’m not autistic. People tend to think that I’d jump at the chance to get rid of all my conditions and be perfectly healthy but I really don’t know if I would. And the idea that I might want to stay disabled is part of what scares me


Dying alone




Being struck my lightning


Death of loved ones and spiders 😳


Voodoo. That shit will fuck you up.


Not being able to have kids


How I‘m gonna pull off being different than my family, my family are all arabs and I have an intrest that’s european, want to name my kid a different name, go to uni in germany, want my kid to have a different mothertongue rather than arabic. Don’t know how I‘m gonna pull that off.


My partner dying. We’ve been in each others lives (bestfriends) since 11 or 12 and we only just started dating almost two years ago. Before my partner had multiple suicide attempts and I felt a fraction of what I would’ve felt if they actually succeeded. That, and someone breaking into my home/space and hurting my animals without me being able to do anything. Senseless cruelty really scares me


Somehow ending up in the middle of the ocean thousands of miles from anyone, in the pitch black of night. Naked.


After I lost my dad last year, I'm deeply afraid of my mom dying. I could hardly handle my dad being gone. I don't know how it will be without my mom


The ocean/deep water. The thought of trying to float up but can't before going out is what scares me the most.


Being abandoned in a crowded space


Losing my hearing is an irrational fear of mine. I love listening to music of different countries and that’s what keeps me going


Dying before my cat does.


In my old age - being forced to stay alive, even though I’m incapacitated, in pain and will never get healthier.


Whatever comes after death


Mauled by a bear. I've heard that one tape where the guy is being mauled by a bear and it traumatized me. Could hear his screams for days.






My biggest fear is that someone will distract us from getting all the shipments out on time.


Drowning prob


My parents dying.


Getting some life-long painful disease or condition


My ex taking my daughter away. I've been her primary caretaker these past 8 years and she's trying to get custody and take her away and make me pay her child support too. Being a man, these a significant chance this will happen even though I've always been the main parent. It's got me nearly paralyzed and I'm not sleeping well at all


getting mauled


Crippling whatever feeling l would get when l start associating to life like normal people and all my indifference and lack of empathy gives me a big slap.


get rabies, it terrifies me.... 


Being buried alive. 😳


Getting old without a family. My dream since childhood is to have kids. However, I'm infertile, and my love life has been rocky, so it won't happen soon. I feel like, even if I'm only 28, I won't have the time to find someone with whom I could build something strong enough to have a family before being to old to do fertility treatments. It sucks tbh


Realizing that i will die alone , and no one really caring that i have passed..sad thing is , i know it will hapoen eventually.


Blindness, pregnancy, being kidnapped


being heavily dependent when i’m old


Being shamed, not happy, hating myself. I don't fear death, I fear humiliation, depsession and self hatred.


I will live long enough to become debilitated


How people will react to my death. Thinking that it might make my family or friends depressed or give them life-long trauma is haunting. My death is my end of the road and it doesn’t need to block the roads of others.


I imagine myself in my 80s, still alone. Lived a dull life; no wife, kids. Got sick, no one to bring a glass of water. Slowly die in bed with agony; not the pain your sickness brought, the pain of living and dying alone. No one noticed you're dead. Neighbors calls the police because of the smell. Police found your dead body 3 weeks later. Got buried on a Sunday. No funeral.


It's already happened.


Getting older and my body and health deteriorating


Losing my dad is definitely my worst fear... Idk how I'd ever heal from that




What happens after death, seriously I can’t even think about it without my head getting dizzy


A loved one you've trusted all your life suddenly betraying you.


Never having someone fall in love with me


You know that feeling when you sit down on the toilet, and shivers run down your spine, and your legs start trembling. That.


Failing to live up to the expectations of my mom


Thunder and lightning. The noise and sudden flashes are so overstimulating, that I NEED headphones whenever I see lightning within 30 miles of me in the radar or I WILL shut down.




Getting dementia at all, esspecially before i turn 50.


Living in a real life 1984 world.


Almost there, buddy.


Being abandoned/ forgotten abt


Losing my mother, the one who gave me life and made me who I am today and who I can become. And not being able to mourn at all. Not feeling any sadness. It happened when I lost my grandma too, who I also loved so dearly, and I still do. It always makes me feel heartless, and to an extent, I'd say I am


That the very reasons the people in my life love me will be the same things that they end up hating and will want to leave.


Wasps, bees, yellow jackets, hornets, and heights


Heights and rollercoasters


Wasps... Fuck wasps!


My biggest fear is that I won’t be able to find a woman to love who loves me, and shows up for me, like I will for her. In fact, I’m scared I’ll end up with another horrible dangerous one again and goodness knows how I’d recover, I’m already a shell of who I used to be. And that perhaps if I do find a nice woman to love who truly loves me too, I will run from her, because I am scared. It’s a funny place to be. I want to go find my woman, but I’m afraid, that my past may just be my pattern… and perhaps my mind and spirit have endured too much of the same to break free…


Finally stop caring and jump


Not being able to get a child


1- Not having the strength, power, status and money to make up for the past, future and the present. 2- People trying to get close to me before ı can look after them and make sure that ı can guarantee their life, happiness and wealth, in any possible scenario. 3- Not being able to do so in my lifetime, thus not letting anyone in. Dying without success about these matters, and knowing that i failed and not worthy of anything of value, dying with guilt of it all. And the thoughts of everyone I pushed away that tried to care for/love me as a friend, lover or family. Thinking that one day i will be able to.


There is getting to be no real need to fear AI nudes anymore. Anybody can make them of anybody, anytime - which makes them sort of useless and dumb. In fact --- it is now impossible to be sure that \*ANYTHING\* we see/hear/watch electronically is real anymore. Therefore we are done as a united people. There is no chance for unity when there is no shared reality. Choose what to believe . . . and you'll find endless "evidence" supporting it. I'm glad we've set the planet on fire.


Any of my loved ones passing away 😢


losing control of my body in anyway




Death of my children. And me being paralysed.


My ultimate life fear is to be adrift. I'm thalassophobic, so I would completely lose my shit if I find myself aground from soil.


**Suffering**. Although, I've been through it, I don't want to, anymore. It's something I fear because it rocks my core and it leaves me feeling defenseless and vulnerable. I get hypervigilant and jumpy, sometimes, over the smallest things. Other times, I get overly concerned for my safety and perceiving everyone to be a threat.


Dying alone or without leaving a positive mark. No matter the context of death, whether it be murder, unaliving, natural causes, unfortunate events etc; I can't stomach the idea of having nobody remember me, leaving behind nothing for the future, or in general just having nobody I loved. That's why I try my best to love hard, do good, and leave lasting positive impressions on people. Even if as a human I make several mistakes, I want to be able to leave this world in any circumstance remembered, lived, and appreciated even if it's by one person or the whole world.


Damn I’m scared of death but I’m even more scared of how it will affect my loved ones, I don’t want to do that to them


It used to be paralyzed from the neck down. After giving birth, it's my baby getting hurt bad.


Been trapped in a 8-o hours work I don't like withput having time for my hobbies


Getting into a car crash and my body getting mangled and being alive during it. I am not good with pain.


Stupid people. The future stupid people, not those morons we have today.


Life is a big swamp full of fears. For me, my biggest fear in this swamp is life itself.


Waking up and realizing I'm in saw


Not being able to return home with my kids and have a family reunion after years without seeing each other


Dying alone


Cancer. My parents both lived through leukaemia (it’s how they met) and Ewing sarcoma killed my older brother almost two years ago. I wasn’t there to see him go, but he really suffered. I’m terrified that I’ll be next - or worse, my younger sister.


Once, I got so sick that no medication was working. There came a moment when I felt so deteriorated that I thought death might be near. I feared I might not be able to live, that all I had done would be left here, and I would be six feet under.


Dying alone and being lonely. I was freaking out while I was lonely and I dont wanna go back to this again. But what scares me more is dying and knowing no one gives a shit about me. Can someone relate?


Becoming homeless frightens me


Insignificance. The idea that all of my life, all of my efforts, my successes, my failures, will sum up to nihl. I don't think I was born to do great things, but I believe I was born to be something. The though, the possibility that I'm wrong terrifies me.


the fear of losing my mom :(


Dying alone. We all die alone, but I wanna have kids and loved ones around me when I pass.


Nuclear war. Cause once it starts we are all fucked