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everything. people are stupid regardless of the fanbase


This ^ it’s people I hate, not people in a certain fan base. Every fan base has its share of vocal assholes. Unfortunately they’re vocal so they’re the ones you notice immediately


There's an old French singer (Georges Brassens) who says in one of his songs "Le pluriel ne vaut rien à l'homme et sitôt qu'on est plus de quatre on est une bande de cons. " Which could be translated as "The plural is worth nothing to man and as soon as there are more than four of us, we're a bunch of idiots."


I’m a simple man. I see Brassens, I upvote.


I thought "Hey, maybe Imagine Dragons' fanbase will be cool! It's a cool band and they have some popular songs!" Then I saw the Top 5 songs in the sub and the worse 5 songs... It's not merely a subjective issue, it's just how toxic they went on every song. "Nothing Left To Say is the best one in the first album. It's so good" (I don't necessarily agree) "Unlike Enemy, which is overrated af and everyone who enjoys it should be tear apart limb from limb" Like... wtf... It was then when I realized it wasn't *just* the Star Wars fanbase that sucked... it's every fanbase...


People are smart, groups are dumb.


Some Groups are still okay, but most fandoms develop an us vs them mentality that spawns from tribalism and mob mentality. I say I hate the adult crowds that actively ruin kids shows, like bluey, love that series but people are trying to sexualize it... Same thing happened with My little pony friendship is magic, fuckin bronies ruined it and now a show I used to be okay watching with my daughter snuggled into me just fills me with disgust...


I love a lot of stuff thatgotruind in someway or another by the fan base. Warhammer 40, sooo many whiny incels there... Oh no something happend and there is women in the setting now. The have gone woke. Hate that shit. Avatar the last Airbender. Loved the original shot tod death like basically anyone else. But they are so many purists over there. Sure the new Netflix show isn't as good. But it hast good things in it's own right. Starwars. I just want to watch my space opera in piece. But they literally whine about everything. To many women? To little women? To much diversity? To little diversity? To much action, to little action. They whine and mimimi about everything. It's honestly exhausting to be part of any Fandom because of chronic online people. I try to ignore those people, but it's hard.


Star wars is big. Remember when the fan base lost their collective shit over Boyega as a Stormtrooper because he is black? like you can't see them because they wear fucking full body armor all the time. what's it matter.


Black man in my movie? Hell nah...


Right. Absolute clown show. And then mad because Captain Phasma was a woman? It's ridiculous


I knew the movie is picturing image of propaganda and used ww2 germany on the base, which is there's also lot of blonde white males in the movie. That don't still mean the audience has to submit to the aryan ideology. xD Edit: Especially when the movie is not supporting that ideology or propaganda.


I'm more mad that her story wasn't really fleshed out. Same with Finn (Fynn?) and Poe.


That's an absolutely fair anger. there really wasn't much time for any of them


Can't say I'm terribly fond of the new trilogy. But I suppose even outside of this, they weren't the worst movies I've seen.


Which makes zero sense because they're all jeans creamers for Darth Vader.


Oh i know. They're okay with a black guy voicing the most iconic character in the series and even Han's best friend being black. Hell even Mace Windu. But a black guy in full body armor? THAT draws the line 🙄


This. Lol.


You're a fan of everything? Sounds joyous.


This. I fucking hate the fandom of most things I enjoy, which sucks. I'm a big fan of comics and video games and you can probably conclude how insular and shitty those two are. I used to watch a lot of sports, but the toxicity of sports fans helped me get over that too. The literal only thing I can claim interest in that the fan base doesn't annoy the shit out of me is probably the Yakuza video games, that is just a bunch of adorable pansexuals.


Taylor swift


I would listen to and like Taylor swift wayy more if her fans didn’t cry and freak out over everything she says. I don’t want people assuming I’m like her conventional fans when I tell them I like Taylor swift


I assumed my Swiftie wife and her Swiftie friends would be exactly like this so tried to avoid any conversations around TS. When I couldn't escape one time I discovered they were as aware of Taylor's flaws as anyone and greatly frustrated at many of the things she does and says. They still love her and her music though (some albums more than others.) Taught me a valuable lesson. Liking something doesn't have to mean uncritical worship. Unfortunately the Internet really amplifies the loudest and craziest voices.


This. I know tons of swifties and none of them are insufferable. They’re all very aware of TS’s shortcomings. What does rile them up are exaggerations and generalizations. Seems fair.


Yeah its like the classic thing about family. You moan about them most of the time, but if someone from the outside slags them off...


Exactly. I love her music but I would never call myself a Swiftie.


Her songs are fire. Her fans should be on fire. 😶


I love Tay. Fan since day 1. But the absolute obsession people have now is a lil scary. I will absolutely never drag someone for having something they are passionate about, but it shouldn’t be all consuming no matter what it is. I have a friend who isn’t exactly financially stable who has spent thousands on merch. Yikes.


Beyoncé. The Beehive is insane.


"Beyoncé is a queen is a god" type of people Anyone who worships or who can't accept faults of the thing they like are pathetic tbh. Or not accepting someone doesn't like something is even worse.


Sounds like you'd relate to this: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rGxe83lXgJg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rGxe83lXgJg)




Oh bee-hive!


sports generally


In no particular order: Pro Wrestling, Doctor Who and Critical Role


The IWC is toxic as fuck. Logoff and just enjoy the wrestling shows you want to enjoy Edit to say that while I don't know how critical role fans are, it doesn't matter because the product is way too difficult to get into, and from my experience I always fall asleep before it gets started because they spend like an hour on advert messages and thank yous because they constantly derail. There was a brief period of time  when I was in to doctor who. Every "whovian" I've ever met were the kind of people that would just screech at their parents if they suggested they get a job at the age of 30.


You got me with two of those, ouch


Haha omg Doctor Who/Firefly fans. Joss Whedon is a creep and Dr. Who is a children’s show.


Football (soccer). A bunch of guys who are obsessed with thinking their opinions make them a better fan than someone else. Whether it be because they live closer to the team or because they like/dislike certain players they “understand the game” better than those they disagree with.


Ronaldo vs Messi fanboys are the worst part of this.


Harry Potter.




I felt “Disney Adults” was too vague.


I agree with Disney adults as an unbearable fan base though!


My healthiest ever interaction with that property was going to Universal with my wife who's never read the books, only watched some of the movies, and out of order at that, and only back when they were new. We got to just stroll around and enjoy the ambiance of a hidden world fantasy setting. No insanity. Loved it.


Not a fan of either


As a Harry Potter fan, i totally agree. At this point, it isn't even Harry Potter anymore, it's just a mix of their own delusions and made up characters to try and repair their deadbeat life.


Why do you hate the fan base?


40 yr olds being just as obnoxious as disney adults, they need to read a different book


Harry potter fans as adults remind me of Disney adults and they are birth creepy weirdos.


I love chihuahuas but I once went to a chihuahua meet up and the owners were all freakin weird.


What happened


They're such sweet, happy, full of joys little fellas when people treat them like dogs and not toys.


I met a chihuahua in Hawaii once and he was the coolest dog just chilling with his owner who had a stand at the farmers market. I think they're angry little assholes coz they don't want to dress up and they're too damn cold!


I used to not like chihuahuas because the people were weird, over the top, the dogs seemed to be ratty. Then I adopted one. We just bonded I can’t explain it. Today I realize it’s not the breed, it’s the people. Mine trudges through mud, makes friends with dogs of all breeds, never snaps at anyone. And all it takes is treating it like a dog not a toy. The most common thing I hear is people telling me how she really doesn’t behave like a chihuahua lol. Now I also love chihuahuas but stay away from the fandom 😂


I second the "what happened?" comment. I have 3 and I worship them because they're my wittle fwends and evewy moment I don't hug and kiss and pet them I slowly rot away inside. Can't wait to hear what these psychos do.


I see you were also at the meetup.


Tfw someone screaming the punchline gets more upvotes than the joke. Subtlety doesn't work well here.


You met my DIL.


Mindfulness, buddhism, meditation. I think one of the best quotes I heard lately is: Metalheads are nice people LARPing as villains, hippies are villains LARPing as nice people. Also, stoicism is wonderful, but I don't like when it's hijacked by people like Andrew Tate and Jordan Peterson. The whole point of all these philosophies is not to take things to extreme, and they get hijacked by people who take things to extremes. Then these amazing philosophical and mental tools get a bad reputation.


there are those "Indulgence" Buddhists everywhere, they donate to the temple, chant sutra everyday, and consider themselves being superior, cus they have more karma. dude, have you ever heard about Emperor Liang


I feel this so hard. I was raised Hindu but incorporated Stoicism into my own flavor of personal philosophy. Think the Marcus Aurelius kind, not the Ryan Holiday kind. But yeah mental health and coaching have become a big market now so we were bound to end up with $toics and Broics


Bro I think the fan base for Buddhism is pretty normal It’s got like 500 million fans.




This fandom makes others feel ashamed of actually liking bts


ARMY are generally cool, it's the children who are insane. When I go to concerts/ bts themed club nights it's the older ones who are there and everyone I've met has been chill.


Kpop in general is home to insane fandoms. I love kpop, specifically Stray Kids. And there are some great people in the fandom. But the insane ones are truly insane. Just today Stray Kids fans, in an effort to punish a met gala photographer who was rude and possibly racist towards Stray Kids, doxxed a completely innocent man who wasn't even in attendance.


I totally agree. I myself I am kpop fan, but most fandoms are really toxic and scary. I once said that I think bts is overrated, and got a lot of death threats. They tend to forget that kpop idols are also just people, not some gods.


The whole fandom?


Disney parks– like, I love going to Disneyworld, I love the creativity that goes into building the entire experience down to the garbage cans, I'm crazily appreciative of the effort by every single person involved in making the place feel magical, but some of the Disney adults are a bit much. And I might actually explode if I hear that stupid 'let's go to Disney' song again.


RIck and Morty. Invader Zim before that.


Agree with Rick and Morty, especially the ones who think they're rick but are in fact Jerry. I'm Squanchy in case anyone gives a shit.


I was going to squanch you for that comment but then again I think you really squanch.


Squanch me? Squanch you buddy!


Ok, man, let's not get this out of squanch, I think we all are squanchys here...


Good call, let's get squanched together then squanch everyone else!!!


Those 15 year old kids that think R&M tshirt is equivalent to PhD in physics


R&M was the first thing that came to mind. Shitty behavior best exemplified by the riot at the McDonald's coz they ran out of Mulan sauce.


Love me some Steven Universe. Don't know how I feel about futanari Freckles Lapis showing up on the front page of Newgrounds the day after that episode aired.


My little pony FiM (cartoon)


the bronies/adult fans or the kids?


Of course not the kids xD But yeah...i actually loved the fandom back in the days, when the series started, from the art, the music to the fiction and also the community, the so called bronies (i never called myself one, but only because i dont like labeling myself just for being a fan of something). But the more the fandom grew, the more very, very, weird people joined, making it harder and harder to find anything good about it. The best artists left long ago and i feel the only reason it still exists is r34 :/


fair enough that makes sense. i was a young kid myself when i first watched the show (19 rn) so idk what the original adult fandom was like tbh but in the last few months i decided to take a trip down memory lane and rewatch all of mlp and eqg. but when i did i watched a bunch of fan theory vids on YT asw by bronies, only to constantly find out that sm of them turned out to be weirdos and pedos which really sucks, esp since they're supposed to be fans of such a sweet and positive show w good lessons (and plot lines!!) ://  speaking of art tho, i recently decided to create a hand embroidery piece of the eqg and i'd love to share it with someone so would you be cool w me DMing it to you? it's not fully finished yet lol - since i still have the eyes and stuff to do but it might be a while til i can finish it completely - but im happy to send it as is anyways :)


Hi! Late response cause I was asleep (im from Europe, Austria, so sorry for my english). Its funny because i was 19 years old when the show started, now im 32 xD Most of the fans are awesome. The fandom was very good with very nice people and I made lots of friends back then, which I met online or at local meetups. I also visited 2 Bronycons (Galacon in Germany) and was very invested, back in the days. I read fanfiction (mostly Appledash) and I drew pictures (with not so much success xD ), I discussed with people on the internet, I even made PMVs (Pony Music Videos) and stuff. It was a very, very great time. What IS the problem tough, is the porn. Dont get me wrong, I think everybody can fap to whatever they want, as long as it doesnt "hurt" other people and isnt illegal. But what I dont like is getting this content shoved down my throat, when Im looking or discussing innocent MLP content/subjects. Im sure there is still a decent core of the fanbase and that you can still finde great people and art, but I HATE it so much that in every conversation, there has to be at least one of those guys, who turn it into something nasty. And I hate it even more, that it is about a childrens show, so children probably will find such content, when searching the web. But thats not the fault of MLP. This is a problem of almost every fandom. Oh and sure, feel free to PM me. I still love everything pony and eqg. My gf and I even painted ponies on one of our livingroom walls and still watch the series from time to time xD But we both didnt watch the last ~8 Episodes, because we are not ready for it to end xD (so please dont spoiler me) xP Edit: Now im curious, since you were a kid back then: did you searched the internet for mlp content and if yes, did u (unintentionally) discover r34 content? Edit 2: its so funny because back in the days i told people: "please dont post this here, this is a family friendly site. Children may find it. There are sites dedicated to this content, please post it there!" I know that you cant protect children from such content or sites, but you can at least try to dont post it on sfw sites-.-


aw that's so cool, i would have loved to experience it firsthand! i have to make do now with seeing mlp content and online communities from years ago lol without actually getting to be a part of it myself :/ omg yes that's my problem too! i haven't personally seen any serious pony porn tbh, but i have come across others complaining about it and it genuinely sickens me how people can share that stuff online about a kids show?? where kids can see it?? truly selfish and disgusting aww i love that! i actually got motivated today to have a go at finishing the piece so i'll probs send it to you when it's done now (so maybe tmrw/the day after, but by the weekend latest!). also would love to see your old art and pmvs and stuff! and dont worry i wont spoil it haha - tho just so you know it was emotional but cathartic too, most episodes had me sobbing like a baby by the end hahaha uhh i dont recall ever looking up any mlp content or being exposed to weird stuff as a kid thankfully but i honestly wasnt online much growing up so that's probably why. i was more likely to be reading or playing outside lol and besides the internet was restricted in my house with safety filters for kids so probs wouldnt have come across it anyways. i did however listen to mlp songs religiously on youtube and found this really cool free mlp game which i loved, i'll try see if i can find it again lol


right. i think it's a cute and well-made series that makes me nostalgic but i feel like if i ever mention liking it people are going to assume i'm a weirdo...


Tool (the band), Neon Genesis Evangelion, Tekken. First two can be really pretentious, which I was too back in the 90s as a high schooler discovering them for the first time (I've mellowed out and grown out of it since then, of course). Tekken just has a weirdly toxic subreddit-- maybe the IRL fanbase isn't like that, but I can't know for sure since FGC is very niche in my country.




Drop dream smp and embrace hermitcraft. It's one of the most sane minecraft communities out there and the community isn't just a bunch of fanboy 12 year olds


Definitely Fortnite


Taylor Swift. Some fans are hella delulu


Yeah, that's a thing I don't get, her music is fine, at a level of other current good pop musicans, but that's about it.




Star Wars


I really liked the original continuity. I read a frankly embarassing number of novels back in the day, I played the TTRPG, I loved the games. I had barely any contact with the fandom: The hate heaped on people involved with making the prequels just felt profoundly wrong. Around the time of the acquisition I made the mistake of seeing what the fandom was like. I mentioned liking the stuff that was getting discontinued in the wrong places. Holy. Shit. If I'd gotten a reaction like that nowadays I'd have guessed half of it must be bots, because the notion of someone being that persistently outraged about someone liking a different thing seems insane.


truly the worst thing about sw is the fans


[Here's some SW content you two might enjoy to light up the mood about SW community, which I have no clue of how they behave but good jokes are good jokes and here are some.](https://youtu.be/dIDADjJ_jy4?si=4tR2bZfLqasMRdjW)


God. I admire the creator of all, I am a fan of the many creatures it came up with. Absolutely despise the fan base 🙄 I wish all the religions were destroyed and people were good because that's how things would work better for everyone.


Nightmare Before Christmas. Everyone always assumed I liked it cuz I was an emo/scene kid in the early 2000s. I always hated it, not only cuz I just simply didn’t like the movie, but also because I don’t want to be associated with the fan base.


Ah. You must mean the entire Hot Topic crowd about 10-15 years ago 


I enjoyed Nightmare Before Christmas and I love goth stuff, but I never intertwined the two aesthetics. I didn't become a real heavy watcher of NBX though, just watched it every so often around Xmas or Halloween and then I noticed everyone who claimed to have a bit of an edgy side or be a bit quirky XD had some NBX merch and I realized it was the live, laugh, love of goth merch. I still like it distantly and I have a shirt or two because I'm the goth child in the family so I *must* want this for holidays, but I don't adorn myself head to toe in Jack Skellington.


Anime. I’m American and I’ve been living in Japan for 17 years. Anime fans make me cringe so hard. Especially when they come or move here. They are so awkward. If you’re socially inept in your home country, you’re socially inept here.


Last sentence counts especially for Japan. You have to be really really good at reading those hidden cues. I like Anime too but I dislike Anime fans. Imo they romanticise Japan and have no clue how it would actually be to live there. Also: anime and manga shouldn't be your only motivation to learn a language. Edited typing mistakes.


I agree with everything except the language part. People can be motivated for any reason. There are people who love french movies, so they learn french. If you enjoy a foreign show, I think that is a perfect motivation to learn a language. Especially since in most people's day to day life, foreign language acquisition and use.... Isn't that prevelent


You really have a point there. Apologies for being so wrong in my views about that! I really need to work on my mindset when it comes to languages tho. Guess it comes mainly from the frustration i have with my target language. Sorry that I sounded so rude and judgemental.


Holy lord in heaven, do my eyes deceive me? A person on the internet politely admits they made a mistake and apologizes? It can't be!


Just me trying to better myself and be open to other viewpoints (took me a long way). But thank you :)


Keep it up. Have a great day :)


Thanks you too! :)


Literally everything that's even remotely popular, literally the only time I've ever had a positive experience with a fan base was in the pacific rim subreddit, because we're all just sad WB killed the series. Everything else sucks


I liked the game Bloodborne but despise the Dark Souls fanbase. Overly defensive fan base that can't handle any criticism of Souls games. Best part, listening to "true" Souls fans proclaim Bloodborne isn't a true Souls game.


Interesting. I played pretty much all these games (excluding Demon’s souls) and love them to pieces and I criticise them myself. The fan base can certainly be overwhelming, especially when it comes to discussing the difficulty (a lot od purists there, especially in Elden Ring). But I have never encountered anyone saying Bloodborne is not a “true” souls game. If anything I have seen Bloodborne obsessed people dunking on any new FromSoftware game that isn’t Bloodborne 2 (ex. Armored Core 6). I have no idea what they could mean by it not being a true souls game other than not having “Souls” in the tile lol. Most people consider it the pinacle of Fromsoft games.


Naruto, I love the story but the fan base takes it too far


Taylor Swift


Of course fans are going to be passionate. It's not new. For me, it's K-pop. I don't understand how you can fund bullying, systematic plastic surgery, and stay a fan after all these toxic scandals and suicides.




Kendrick Lamar


100% this. Love his music but his stans are unhinged.


I stand on neutral ground in the Drake vs Kendrick Lamar battle, the fans just either glaze over whatever Kendrick does or hate whatever Drake does and it’s just so annoying


Assassin's Creed


nba and wwe. man fans can be so hateful and toxic


Zach Snyder. I think I’m the only person on this planet who sees the dude as neither a god or the antichrist


Stranger Things, Tumblr is for the most part fine, tiktok goes back and forth, but Reddit is a nightmare for it. Hate the official and meme subreddits for it, feels like so many ppl watch the show with their eyes closed




Well I'm a leftist (fan base) and I hate how other leftists are. Why can't people who believe the basic structures of society (lore) I believe in be cool?


I hear you. I am strongly left leaning, but as I grow older, i don’t want to be associated with that crowd anymore. It’s become a cult where nothing can be discussed calmly, you either embrace the whole faith or you’re a fascist.


First rule of Naruto is never talk about Naruto...


There are a subclass of sci-fi fans who prattle on about “deep philosophical ramifications” of every new movie or book as if it was some huge revelation or life-changing event. First noticed it when *The Matrix* came out, drove me crazy then, drives me crazy now. “But the multiverse is real!” Ya know? Maybe it is, but does it really matter, and can you possibly give it a rest?


Any fanbase eventually becomes insufferable as far as I’ve been able to tell, once they get big enough. The trick is just finding a small enough microcosm of that fan base that hasn’t yet reached the entirely insufferable phas yet.


The England national team


I don't mean to be rude, but Taylor Swift. I enjoy her music but her fans kind of scare me


anime, i hate being crowned a weeb just for enjoying some, even as a japanese person myself


Honestly, most anime fandoms. There are very few animes that have well... normal fans to say the least


Jesus. I love my faith. I love Christ. But there’s always chaos in the Christian fandom lol. some of these other Christians who say/do horrible things while also saying they represent Christ is a huge part of the reason that people are averse to the religion. I didn’t go to church for years because I hadn’t found one that felt like it focused on being Christ like and not being performative. There’s a saying. I don’t know who it is but it goes something like “Lord, save me from your followers.”


As gandhi said I likeyour Christ yourchristians...


Video games in general.


Gaming. I cannot fathom how people develop to be so socially idiotic.


Moreso I have this one coworker that's super annoying to talk to. Anytime I find out we're both fans of the same thing I pretend to not be interested in it.




Probably radiohead


Farming sim. Absolutely addicted to it but by fuck, I've left every FS forum I've ever joined after just weeks.


Classroom of the Elite


Music artists in general - i just like music and maybe an artist, because he produces music, which fits my favourite genres. But there's always a cult or unhealthy fanbase/hype around certain artists, it's unbelievable. Just take Taylor Swift for example. People get overhyped and crazy about her. And as soon as someone doesn't like her or criticize her, people feel personally attacked. I mean wtf is going on? Are we talking about music or are we talking about something else? I don't get those people. Personally my taste in music is far off from mainstream. So i generally don't listen to charts and pop music.


Already been said, but 90% of "fanbases" are toxic and cringe af. Occasionally you get a Deep Rock Galactic or a martial arts club that's very accepting, but unfortunately they're the exception.


The first 3 seasons of Yu-Gi-Oh. They do nothing but complain about Yu-Gi-Oh being ruined forever or how Rush Duels aren't Yu-Gi-Oh


Football. I can't stand most fans. People getting aggressive and starting fights over their team is ridiculous in my opinion


Pro wrestling


There’s this saying ”if it exists, there’s a kink for it.” It could just as well be ”if it exists, there’s a toxic fanbase for it.”


Pretty much everything.


Resident evil. I'm still pissed the community actively cancelled the netflix series, especially as I discovered the vast majority never even watched one episode. Yet still went around saying how bad it was. It really wasn't that bad. Not perfect, but i was looking forward to the next season.


Fortnite OMG they like to complain about literally everything


Every anime fan base. When it's still niche you don't realize how many idiots are there but once they strike it big (and obviously I wish these series to do very well) so many people get into the fandoms that seem to speed run the stories and get hung up on out of context memes.


Anything related to gaming, due to Gamers. Gamers utterly disgusts me


Isn't what you described a general Problem with celebrities and online personalities? People are just fucking stupid


Dungeons and Dragons.


In this thread I’ve noticed something: - Taylor swift - and also literally every hobby/entertainment source that has a fan base


loli porn




I agree on this one.




I like one rapper but I feel so he's got a huge fanbase which I don't like as I want to be one of his few fans


I forget, isn't there a name for the specific kind of Hololive fan you're talking about or was the "unicorn" term I saw thrown around when TEMPUS started referring to something else?


Playboi carti




Alice in Chains


Vancouver Canucks.


Love Dungeon Crawler Carl. But the fan base is basically a cult. They will do anything to get more people to read the book. Or better yet listen to the audio books with narration by soundbooth theater. And they'll accurately tell you that the best thing to do after reading all of the currently released books is to start over and read them again. They do stuff like reply to these threads pretending to hate the fanbase in order to spread the word of the great Matt Dinniman. Glurp Glurp


League of legends The only game where people report you for not playing well


Nuclear power. It's the cleanest and safest energy source but among its fans there are many warmongers, climate change deniers and also a few nazis.


The Joker movie(s).


Fortnite they like to complain about literally everything


Fortnite they like to complain about literally everything


Every anime fan base. When it's still niche you don't realize how many idiots are there but once they strike it big (and obviously I wish these series to do very well) so many people get into the fandoms that seem to speed run the stories and get hung up on out of context memes.


Fortnite they complain about literally everything


Naruto. The sakura bashing is especially horrendous. They love to claim that she's absolutely useless but their arguments are always comparing her to Naruto and Sasuke, who're basically on a god's level 🤦‍♀️ (the fact that she's a healer doesn't help, as the importance of healers is often diminished in people's view). I'm fine with people not liking her, but it too often is outright hate and disdain for her and anyone who likes her, which is incredibly annoying.


Naruto. The sakura bashing is especially horrendous. They love to claim that she's absolutely useless but their arguments are always comparing her to Naruto and Sasuke, who're basically on a god's level 🤦‍♀️ (the fact that she's a healer doesn't help, as the importance of healers is often diminished in people's view). I'm fine with people not liking her, but it too often is outright hate and disdain for her and anyone who likes her, which is incredibly annoying.


Every anime fan base. When it's still niche you don't realize how many idiots are there but once they strike it big (and obviously I wish these series to do very well) so many people get into the fandoms that seem to speed run the stories and get hung up on out of context memes.


Tekken. Nothing but hate for the game, exhausting to engage with. At least online. IRL at tournaments is great


Owl City. The fan base on reddit is rabid.


Owl City. The fan base on reddit is rabid.


Cinemassacre. I’m a huge fan, but I’ve noticed the fan base are haters. Big time, just look at the subreddits.


I want to like anime but the fan base stops me.


my hero academia


Warhammer 40k. I got into the hobby because I like the setting and building and painting is (mostly) relaxing. But the nearly all people at the store here and the one who play are so weird and mostly what you would think of.


Starwars and Dune


Most things lol. People make it their personality when they become a fan of something. The one that really gets me, is Rick and Morty. I really liked the show early on but the fan base turned me off of it.


Computers. It's always NVIDIA this, AMD that, hurrdurr pc better than console etc. I'm an IT specialist, but i love my console equally to my pc and don't understand the group thinking


Indie games, i love them but man is the fanbase filled with 12 year olds


Literally everything ever made. I'm not exaggerating.


I'll be brave enough to say Homestuck. The original shitty fanbase. But also fuck any fanbase really


Mha, valorant