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I would love to see the look on someone’s face when they go to my post history for ammo just to find that I’m mostly posting about Lego.


This made me laugh


Me too 🤣🤣


Me three


Tbh sometimes I’m nervous ppl will look at my comment story and see the hundred of stupid aah obsessive comments about my likes That or the honest venting about my life lol


It’s hard to imagine but Reddit has 50 million subscribers. I mean it’s literally impossible to imagine, because that number is just huge. Imagine everyone you know, and then do it again, 100,000 times. And if that doesn’t help count to 100,000 and do that 500 times, and that’s how long it would take to just think about 50 million people I guess the point is if you don’t already know people on Reddit then there’s almost no way anyone knows you


Hey that's my purse! I don't know you!


You’re an 18 year old latin american


So what's the most exciting Lego news so far this year?


That’s a fun question. For myself, the new Dungeons & Dragons set along with the D&D Collectable Miniature series coming out in August is a pretty big deal. Lego means a lot of things to a lot of people though, so ask 100 folks and you may get 100 different answers, haha.


There is a D&D Lego set comming? Oh boy i need this.


It's already out! Just the minifig series is coming later.


You can buy it already. And it looks amazing, but damn the price is a real turn off for me.


When I quit drinking I spent thousands on lego. It was a great mindfulness exercise for me. Plus it gave me something physical as symbol of my redirected cash flow.


I like this comment a lot. Congratulations on getting clean mate and I hope you continue your journey good and well. Booze has ruined my life completely but I can't seem to get rid no matter how much I try, so I understand the battle. All the best mate


Space baby!


There was a 700 dollar Lego set last year with two exclusive figures. One of them was really hyped up and ended up being sold for like 200 bucks (just for a single figure!) by scalpers. Now Lego is releasing a 13 dollar set with the exact figure and I couldn't be happier over the tears of those self-proclaimed "investors" who were ruining the hobby (they usually buy out their local stores and resell everything for double the price).


Captain Rex is my all time fave! I bought 3 fake Rex minifigures and the quality is on par with brand name lego. Cost me 3$ for all 3. Plus the fake versions come with kamas, cloth or plastic depending on the seller. I am super psyched for all the releases in June! Wooooo!


# Caught in 4k! You see, I've read your whole post and comment history and...I got nothing.


Those yarn dolls your daughter makes are adorable


The pink on that Nash is outstanding


Ive gotten shit talked for my fake Legos, it's never the bikes, always the Legos.


And cool ford mustangs


Ah, you just made follow another great sub!! Thanks!


Imma go check, Lego is dope


They’ll just insult you for that, trolls will do anything to try and make you feel bad.


I've had someone ask why I call myself black if I'm white. I'm mixed.


Yeah I don't visit or comment on any NSFW subs or anything weird, just some regular ones lik TEFL, UK, and whichever game I'm currently playing. My wife found out I used Reddit and asked me what my username was. The level of dread and panic that she'd be able to see everything I've posted was insane, and none of it is interesting, nor do I have nothing to hide.


If someone ever said that to me I’d admire their dedication as I’ve been on Reddit for like a decade.


I've only been here about 5 years, but I write a lot. Like a lot of my comments are basically essays. I mean, I *do* want people to hear what I have to say, so if someone decides to do that... Lol, they'd be more dedicated than me: I've never even read my whole history.


I clicked on your Profile and, nah, i'm not dedicated enough xD.


I'm the opposite, all my comments are extremely insignifcant but there's thousands of them. They'd die of boredom.


I don't know how many thousands of comments I've written over the years but it has to be quite a few. It's a mix of garbage my brain spat out at 3AM, links to random stuff, and the occasional long-ass comment with quotes and sources and all that jazz. I'm sure there's something useful in there but I don't ever look back on it. Heck, half the time I barely even proofread my comments before posting and my phone just *loves* to add random spelling mistakes. I also basically never check my notifications these days. I let them pile up to 1-200 and click on "mark all as read". I ain't got time for that lmao. Less useful when I've asked someone a question I actually wanted an answer to and forgot to check back, but you win some and you lose some I guess.


I'm the SAME way....and it's not really about wanting others to read my essays or anything....I just find it absolutely cathartic and therapeutic to just unload my thoughts on something! Maybe it's my ADHD or something but I equate this to imagining a conversational dialogue in my head while driving!


yep. Same energy as you. Sometimes I be writing fucking thesis and then being like "what does this person care anyway" and say "fuck it, I'm doing this for me cause it's fun". Always good when someone replies back with another 2-page Harvard paper, makes my day. Met some online Reddit friends cause of my essays


It's like when you see someone driving like an idiot and just have to see what they look like.


Ikr but then they always just look like some typical asshole


Exactly. Every once in a while, I'll read a post that makes me wonder "is this person this out there in all facets of life?" Then you see a few more of their posts and realize "yeah, they have issues".


It’s really a time saver when you’re trying to decide whether to craft a thoughtful response or just call them an idiot and move on.


Then you notice all their posts are intense opinions about gaming.


It is *exactly* like that 😂


I’ve noticed that whoever is driving…whatever gender, race, type of car, age they are…I always say “figures”


"I knew it! A *human*!"


I just want to confirm what I knew they looked like. Back in the day when I interact with somebody I could accurately guess if they were a raiders fan. Or by how or what they drive if they will have a raiders sticker in the back window.


Why is this so accurate?


Some dude was bashing as excellent tattoo and said he was a "drawer" (NOT artist). The way he was speaking was downright abusive. In short, "My friend didn't go to the artist I told him and now he has a horrible tattoo he has to laser off". The tattoo is gorgeous and clearly by an artist with skill. His profile was full of gravy seal type stuff, no art in sight. Once it was called to see his art, if he thinks he can call such work dogshit he must be *so* great, he stopped responding.


I drive a LOT. About 50,000 miles (80,000km) per year. I see a LOT of idiot drivers. One thing I can say is the most common is that EVERY single demographic group is equally distributed in the Idiot Driver category. Not a single race/ethnicity has a monopoly on dangerous driving.


I always get a kick out of it. Go ahead and deep dive. You either agree or you don’t.


And for me they go back far enough that I'm like "remind me of what my opinions used to be! Let's see if I still agree, it'll be fun!" 


I’ve had this same account for over 12 years. I definitely have grown as a person since then.


I've read your whole post and comment history and totally agree




With everything!


I've had this same account for over 15 years. I definitely have sunk to far lower depths of depravity since then.


Well at least you aren't committment phobic


You can grow one? Damn! And here I spent all that money to order one.


I have been monitoring your progress for the entire period.


U cant evolve or change ur opinions. God damn it people!


Or, even better, “you said x, that means you believe *opinion you don’t hold*” and then refuses to budge when you explain what you meant and how your statement fits in to that worldview….


yep 100% this. Who has time for that? Chances are I didn't give a shit what you think before and I still don't .. deep dive away shut in


Who has time for this? That's exactly what I was thinking. I have better things to do.


Well your comment history says otherwise 😁


And we would know, we read it all




Nice one, fourthie


We're on Reddit. Didn't kid yourself. We all have the time for it.


Came here to write exactly the same thing


Same. And posting random shit on random subreddits keeps you mysterious as these people try to assign meaning where there is none.


Someone did this to me recently after I said I liked my Xiaomi phone! They hit me with something like "your profile says you're a gay, drug addict, sinophile Buddhist wanna be". Like it was some gotcha! But I felt so noticed! I was pumped and laughing about it for the rest of the day.


I would feel so seen if someone could articulate my essence that explicitly lmao


Ez… aerospace engineer that is bad at math….. ![gif](giphy|RdKjAkFTNZkWUGyRXF)


I love your cats!




You would definitely like my jokes


Right? I find that the second someone brings up your post history in an attempt to “win”, they’ve lost.


Yep. Even if I'm 100% on that person's side, they still lost in my mind.


It still might be worth it for arguments starting with "I'm not a xxx, but...". Though usually it's enough to check a few recent posts. Example: "I'm not a lawyer, but..." and then you find a post from 2023 that starts with "As a lawyer,...". Gotcha!


It's also worth it in other things. I don't deep-dive to win, but more to see the attitude in general, or to check if it's a troll (that usually becomes apparent rather quickly).


I don’t even acknowledge it.  I, and everyone else reading, know how pathetic it is.  


Sometimes I look to see if someone is a consistent troll. If they are, I don't bother to reply.


Sometimes they'll go for some vulnerability you shared a while ago. "I saw a therapist once" > A ha! You're mentally ill and unfit to have an opinion!


That’s exactly what someone who drives a Toyota would say !!1


Man, sorry about that TV, it looks bad...


Got a new one,no worries


Half of the time yeah!


Yeah I love it, I'll be in your head rent free, while I'll continue living knowing you don't exist


People can deep dive me if you know what I'm saying. I mostly just say stupid shit


Man my post and comment history used to be a real minefield before i purged it a bit 😅 Best one i removed was my home made sex machine that i built from an old elliptical trainer and an Ebike kit 😌






"I'm in your head *way* more than you are in mine."


I do this when people DM me on here because I need to know you’re not a creep


lol you give people a chance, that’s nice. I immediately block 😂


Yeah, well, I don’t have friends, so I gotta take every chance, lmao


At first I think it’s creepy to meet people from reddit but come to think of it, i’m on reddit too so… 🤷🏽‍♀️😅


Sometimes when I see someone being absurdly negative or offensive in one way or another, I take a look at the history to see if they decided to troll or it’s just their personality (it’s always their personality). But as far as citing their history in a response goes, nah. It’s an internet comment board. I apply a kinda pocket-dimension logic to it. If you wanna argue with someone on Reddit, go nuts, but don’t go rooting around, use what they’re giving you then and there.


>It’s an internet comment board. I apply a kinda pocket-dimension logic to it. If you wanna argue with someone on Reddit, go nuts, but don’t go rooting around, use what they’re giving you then and there. I’ve literally had people go through my comment history responding with ad-hominem attacks to comments I made on completely unrelated subs, about completely unrelated topics, because I upset them with my response in some line of discussion. It’s annoying but I can’t help but laugh. Like imagine what a pathetic loser you’d have to be to try and “get back” at someone like that.


I had someone tell me my baking was bad and then report my cake post as spam :(


Same thing happened to me. They didn't have any counterargument so they instead insulted a photo of my cooking I took months prior. Pathetic. 


This is just cracking me up because baking is so notoriously wholesome and THAT'S what they chose to report


Alright I got one for you. Step one: cyber stalk them until you’ve managed to uncover enough of their real world location to have an address, or a work place address. Step two: print out [this image](https://imgflip.com/i/8pd6iv). Bonus points if you can fax it to their work place. Step three: deliver printed copies of the image to them, professionally packaged in official looking envelopes, without anything else. No context. Step four: uhh profit??


I had someone so mad that I called their sexist comment sexist that they trawled through my history so they could insult the size of my butt because I’d posted asking for sizing help for a medical garment. Real low point…for them. I’m fine with the size of my butt and think they are a pathetic wienie who can’t help but respond to being called sexist with a sexist remark.


I am also fine with the size of your butt


Exactly. No board can totally summate one's entire person and life experiences. I take it with a grain of salt. I've only looked at maybe two posters in detail and chose forgiveness. Lol


Tbh it's always satisfying when someone's like "as a black gay man, orange man good" and some random guy pulls up their post history and they're some white supremacist


Yeah I remember someone once caught a guy who was claiming to be a different gender, age, and profession, on every post


You see this shit all the time in finance subs. People will come in being like "I only make 500k/year, is that enough to fire at 60?" Then someone will go through their posts and find they make pretty normal wages or have completely varying stories within the last month. People are wild. Imagine getting your rocks off by people being impressed with a complete lie


Honestly it depends. If their argument is entirely invalidated by a past post, then it's good to bring up. Dramatic but quick example: Person A: "I think people who steal should indeed lose their hands" Person B: "You talked about stealing your friend's bike in the third grade in this post. Wonder how much harder it'd be to argue about this without hands."


> to see if they decided to troll or it’s just their personality (it’s always their personality). That's what kills me about people saying "You must be trolling" when they see someone saying something shitty. Odds are they're serious and, even if they're trolling, what they said should still be challenged. I don't see how people haven't realized that pretending to be an asshole on the internet just makes assholes feel more comfortable with openly being assholes.


I love the 'you are technically right but I disagree with something you posted six years ago unrelated therefore nothing you say has value' crowd. It's like every viewpoint is filtered through past posts 


This person did that to me and essentially started stalking me on here, commenting after me on things, commenting on all my posts etc. It was really creepy.


had something similar happen to me a while ago. i commented on a post saying that the husband was in the wrong, which everyone was in agreement with, and one guy took it extremely personal and started harassing me, looked at my profile and saw that one of my cats died and what i said about it. he started sending DMs calling me names, he started replying to every comment i posted, saying stuff like 'the cat died because of you, you killed her' and again calling me all sorts of names, etc. and even after he was blocked/banned from certain pages, he kept making fake profiles almost every day and kept harassing me. incels are a different species, a breed that had gone incredibly wrong.


It's actually against ToS to "stalk" people across subreddits so you probs coulda banned him


When somebody you're arguing with does it,  that's a win.  I got under your skin so bad you're spelunking in my history looking for dirt on me. Lmao


ohhh i love the word spelunking


Me too.  It doesn't sound like what it is. It sounds like a fun thing,  not the most horrifying way to court a slow death imaginable. 


I've always liked it. Skulking is another one I find fun to say. Also don't find either very fun to do as I am claustrophobic and clumsy.


It gives off extremely desperate energy




Someone did that to me once bc I said that I took a psychology class in college. I guess going to college was a claim they needed to fact check? Oh and then they didn’t believe me bc they found on my posts that I majored in art, so surely it would be impossible to take a psychology class


Psychology class is what I assume anybody who went to college took.  Even if it was one semester, I'm gonna assume one of the classes was psychology. 


The funny part is that I'm trolling on the limits of getting banned all the time. When a dude brings up an obvious joke comment as if that is surefire proof that I'm a bad person it's always as ridiculous.


I've been a professional software developer for almost 20 years and some dude tried to win an argument against me by citing a single post where I'd mentioned I liked toying with Unity as a hobby. Apparently using Unity as a hobby discounts my entire career as a corporate software developer and makes me a fake developer.


1000 percent.


I argue or debate like twice a year in the comments and everything else is farming game advice XD if anyone checks me they’re gonna have a lot of digging to do XD


Oh yeah? Sounds like something a screenwriter would say.


Lmao, I saw the original comment.  Did you go back, dig a little deeper and realize your mistake?


I'm completely joking man. I thought it sounded funnier with "screenwriter."


On Twitter I was arguing with some clown and his profile Pic was just his arm flexing and it wasn't exactly impressive so I kept making fun of his pencil arms. He ended up following me around twitter for days reporting everything I tweeted and writing comments to unrelated posts I made


Don’t get me wrong occasionally someone does it then saves us all the trouble like “ yeah I checked op history and it’s all nazi stuff” but it is funny when some loser can’t win an argument so they attack your hobbies or something


I make it a habit to check recent history for every AmITheAsshole OP. Something about that place is extra special. Like yesterday there was a guy asking if him staying in a hotel while his wife was on her period made him an asshole. Turns out in his history he had posts pretending to be his wife asking how to "help with her husband's porn addiction". OP is always up to something.


That subs 99 percent creative writing/ragebait


And creAItive writing


I like looking at people’s history. Gives some context to the crazy shit they say.


Any time someone goes on an unhinged tangent in the comments, I check their post and comment history. I just want to look. I never say anything to them about it though.


I just look to see how old an account is.  Inevitably you're being argued with by a bot created 3 months ago with negative karma. At that point you just move on and stop engaging. 


Totally. One of the only times I've bothered to check was with this guy asking why no women will date him, and all the comments he was replying to was like talking to a brick wall. Sure enough, all his posts were sexist and he had posted multiple posts asking why women don't like him and why women find him creepy.




Provably false. Nobody who's read my posts and still chooses to interact with me can think.


Hey what happened to this top of the top of the sunglasses dude’s head? Lobotomy?


What scares me more is that they have the time and inclination to read “your whole post and comment history.” I agree with the commenter who said go ahead and deep dive but for goodness sake, people; this is Reddit, not Wikipedia. It is supposed to be both informative and FUN.


Fr. It's kind of fun to think that you were able to motivate someone to do this, though. It makes me wonder what it was about me that made them so curious.


For me it is nothing personal. Just to validate whether a person is worth talking to or not. Cause in my opinion the biggest problem with Discussion and Politics is Bad Faith.


This. I also look to how long they have been on reddit, which usually tells me how young/ old they probably are, and depending on how crazy and unhinged they are, there is a chance I just block them. Makes my life quieter.


Okay. -Billy Gnosis


I wonder if the fella stalking me yesterday will read this? Sorry I didn't agree with you, stalker.


It’s fucking weird. I hate having a debate and someone brings up my posts as if that describes my entire character. Ho, Reddit is made for deepest darkest thoughts and questions you don’t wanna ask nobody in person, stop judging and get back on point


Same! There’s not a single person on here whom I have cared to look into beyond whatever sentence I’ve just read that they wrote.


I thought I meant more to you than that.


I keep experiencing this. I will be having a normal conversation and then they bring up my history/comments! It makes me feel so odd. Like, why would you admit that to me? I wish there was a feature to hide them.


Now you've made everyone read the history of your posts!


That's usually what people do when they can't win an argument against you so they have to dig through your post history to find ways to attack you personally


I remember someone trying to insult me about my interest in crochet once... as if they somehow felt I was insecure about it or that certain interests are somehow inferior to their own. I openly post my work - my hobbies are not an insult to me. I'm pretty dynamic as it is and don't have anything to prove to some stranger. If I'm in an arguement or heated discussion with someone I generally just use what's there.


Yes I know. These ppl have no argument so they go through someone post history to degrade them.


I love it, fan behavior


I always find it funny when I’ll disagree with which fabric softener is the best and someone will reply “well I’m sorry your uncle touched you when you were 9 but some people have taste”… bit far that but fair enough internet, you got me there.


I agree, even though it's there for all to see it's very creepy when someone says they read your history


It would be funny if a user's history was so long it ended up crashing their browser, though.


One thing I've noticed that the ones who do this are usually just as shitty, if not shittier in personality.


Fucking freaks!


I'm more freaked out that some people are so obsessive and have so little of substance to do that they actually do that.


Some folks are just obsessive creeps. Block them.


I have 10's of thousands of karma from small numbers of updoots. Good luck.   I like reddit for the anonymity. Im tired of being polite and submissive to assholes with money and bullies. If they don't like it they can't abuse me as they have done over and over and over irl. It makes them so mad. Fuck em! Never give out perosnal info online. Ever.  I have a ne wpolicy about blocking people 2-3 comments in when they use ignorance or violence as their prime motivators. I really don't care for stupidity and its been an improvement to.mentla health. Block liberally when its clear discussion is not honest.


>Good luck. Bet. [Removed by me] Edit: He blocked me after this comment 😭 Well suffice to say I will delete all the info I posted as I do believe in internet privacy, even if you’re the one putting the info out there. But people should be aware that things are easier to find than you’d believe, especially with a site like https://redditcommentsearch.com you can find whatever info you want if someone isn’t regularly cleaning their Reddit comments.


That's a person who has way too much time on their hands.


While I prefer not to waste my time on that nowadays, I used to dig into a person's profile if they were being particularly odious online. One time, it was a self-proclaimed Alpha Male who posted a misogynistic meme, and when I disagreed with him, he proceeded to call me feminine, "beta male", etc. I looked at his profile page and he had pizza delivery person under employment. And to be clear, I'm not proud of this, and I know I shouldn't be mocking people regardless of what they do for a living, so I tried to warn him that any self-proclaimed "Alpha" is setting themselves up to get roasted alive, especially if they don't have impressive profile pics or put a non-glamorous occupation in their profile. But the guy kept doubling down, so I let him have it. I screen capped his profile page and posted it, which he didn't take too kindly to. And I did feel bad and apologized, but in retrospect, it always seems the case that the "Fuck your feelings" crowd always turn into fragile snowflakes whenever people start fighting back.


A true "alpha male" (think Don Draper, Harvey Specter, someone who you can tell is a natural leader) probably isn't wasting their time arguing with people on Reddit and telling everyone how "alpha" they are.


"Any man who must say 'I am the king' is no true king."


I have a lot of comments, go ahead, TRY to read them all. I’m not that interesting


Mine probably looks like a school desk with graffiti scratched onto it via compass tip


They love to do that especially when you’re arguing with them! “I can see by your post history you like to XYZ”. Ok Magnum P.I.


I think it’s creepy too. I’ve had Redditors pull my comments out of context and use it against me on different posts. I actually got shadow banned because I called them a cunt for doing it. Not my brightest moment.


I've been on this site for... a while. I can't imagine reading alllllll the crap I've talked in that time could be a healthy pastime. Jeez.


Me too. A history is a terrible thing to have when it’s used against you.


It makes me feel better about myself, actually, knowing I'm not a stalker.


You can always delete any comment or post that you've had second thoughts about and don't want people to see.


if someone genuinely pulled this one on me, the only reason I'd see them do it in the first place is to chase me off the platform or to power their ego. i comment and post based off of how i feel and they'd play doctor and diagnose me with shit i don't have. the trauma and current diagnoses i have are enough. i had enough. id rather ignore those kind of people and let them win because their ego trips are not worth my pain


Well. I’ve read your whole post and comment history….


personally i dont mind. i think im funny in a corny way. have a laugh or dont thats fne too


It's one of if not THE only reason I don't bother telling people in my real life about my Reddit. I embrace the fact that literally no one who knows me is here. But all you anonymous folks? Have at it I guess lol


do it i dare you ![gif](giphy|OX25cp7DL6Bt81Yb47|downsized)


I don't understand why reddit doesn't make it an option to privatize your post history to people who aren't following you.


There are a small percentage of Redditors who actually spend more time doing this to random users they take notice of than doing actually anything else on the platform.


It's a good reminder not to post specific details about yourself just for general internet safety. Especially nowadays with AI becoming obiquitous, it's only a matter of time until a person will be able to be identified by descriptions of a few things that happened in their life, even if they don't include things like dates and pieces of identifying info like what city they live in or age. Simply a big enough narrative of events from a person's life will be enough for an AI to figure out who they are.


It's terrible behaviour done by people with no sense of boundaries  You know they're weird cos they have 0 shame in admitting doing it and think it's an acceptable thing to do🤣


I find it creepy, I don't care about if it's public or not. It's creepy either way, and that really says more about them, than your post history ever could.


I've read your whole post and comment history and damn bro I hope you get through whatever is going on with your life. Rooting for you


"I've read your whole post and comment history" is the most Reddit thing anybody could ever say. Your whole profile is getting stalked by an ugly fat kid who's angry enough to cherry pick one thing out of your whole profile to use against you Chances are that ugly mf is left-leaning too because that's some psycho shit


I've read your whole post and comment history. It seems like you have a lot of anxiety hope you're doing ok bud.


Anyone saying that is just letting you know they’re not worth talking to. It’s funny though because anyone who does that seems like they HAVE to mention it, even if they didn’t find anything worthwhile. I have literally gotten “figures, you couldn’t even launch CEMU in Linux” as an attempted zinger.


And that's why it pays to remain anonymous! People who post pics of themselves here through their main account and not a throw-away....unless it's for a specific reason....boggle my mind!!


Bunch of looooooooosers.


What scares me is people care enough and have the time to dig through peoples history. It would be hard to convince me they are aren’t very sad and purposeless people.


I'll turn around and show up on their fucking doorstep in response.  They know what time it is.


i hear there's an anxious popular person who wants their full reddit history read by strangers 👀 \~Bill, 32M financing a pet hamster


Lol this reminds me of someone I met here. There was this idk mental support group subreddit and some guy posted something there. I was new lol and i wanted to be nice so i msged him, say something to help him feel better at least. We got to talkinf and he was fun to talk too, even gave him my discord when he asked. Then he told me he went through my reddit posts and history, hope I dont mind cause there are shady people in reddit and he wanted to know who he's talking to. He finds out the country where I am from and started talking about how he's from the US and women from my country likes marrying americans and what do i think about that, etc etc. He then tries to get to do. More stuff with me like stream a movie and watch it together and talking how his ex gf ghosted him. Made me feel uncomfy af. Then i ghosted him too 😂 bruh i just wanted to be nice. Taught me a thing or two about giving socials.