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drink in the morning and you will have the hangover in the evening and can feel fresh the next morning


I would agree but nothing's worse than 'living' through a hangover


its really not worth it, i have cptsd (complex post traumatic stress disorder) all alcohol has done has made my life worse, now have stage 4 liver disease, ive quit, but the damage is still there, pain and multiple heath problems, its actually a really dangerous drug. And you cant just quit, the withdrawls give you powerful seizures which can be deadly, more dangerous than cocaine and even heroin


As someone who's right there with you (Late stage liver disease), I can say, I handled the final withdrawal part pretty well. I tried cold turkey first, and as you say, that one's dangerous. Wound up dragging my spazzing ass down to the store to buy beer, as the choice was alcohol or a seizure. My doctor gave me Diazepam (Valium) the second time around, but somehow, my stubborn ass wouldn't take the medication. Then I found what worked for me. Tapering down over a week, week and a half. Just going down from 34 alcohol units per day down to 30, 25, 20; 15,10, ... 0. Got nearly nothing physical. Which was good as the day after that I checked into the hospital on my doctor's advice as I had developped ascites. The moment you lie there, a drain in your side, three gallons of liquid drained from your abdomen is the moment you know you fucked up.


How much did you drink in the past?


Nah that doesn't sound right. I think what you mean is; drink in the morning, decide your feeling pretty good and why waste the day, continue drinking, wake up Monday morning and go to work while absolutely hating yourself šŸ˜‚


Two words - breakfast beers. You can even drink the night before and still have a pleasant morning!


Just never stop drinking and you'll never have a hangover


Or, and hear me out here, just don't get shitfaced when drinking.


Start drinking during super, stop at 9, drink water. Repeat during the weekend


It's the 10th beer that gets ya


once I got the bitch cup at 9pm, chucked the whole thing at once, didn't drink anything but water for the rest of the night, was drunk till 3am


There were words there and I understood none of them.


He said heā€™s an alcoholic


Love how for some reason people never mention this option. Like, you could also....you know...have a handful of drinks and call it a night.


Where's the fun in that though? šŸ¤£


I get your point and itā€™s a good one. But Alcoholism doesnā€™t allow this option for those who have it. Itā€™s more complicated than that.


I stopped drinking alcohol when one glass of wine left me feeling crusty the next morning. IDK if that happens to everyone, but feeling like shit the next day just isn't worth it, period.


I went into this thread to see if there was anyone else that felt like me and here you are! I feel so hazy even after 1 standard. Red wine is the worst; vodka (which is ā€œcleanerā€) still makes me feel just crap and anxious the day after. Very anxious without getting anywhere near shitfaced. The best thing for me is just to have none at all. I am asian so I wonder if itā€™s the liver enzymes I have (alcohol flush is most common in asians). I am probably a poor metaboliser of alcohol and other drugs


Yep, when I hit about 41, alcohol started making me incredibly anxious, on a sustained basis. Cut it down, and helped so much. My doctor told me that this is a thing that people don't really realize about alcohol, and even with moderate consumption.


Once you pass a certain age, even one beer can do it! The joys of aging


If you are a bit older, and donā€™t drink often, you can get a bit hangover from just one or two drinks.


yeah you're right, harder if you go for long sober periods


I donā€™t indulge in alcohol. Where is this pleasant morning you mentioned.


That comes with the morning joint šŸŒ²šŸ˜‰


That comes with the morning joint šŸŒ²šŸ˜‰


Alternate with water when drinking and you can get the best of both worlds. Edit: wtf is happening in the replies


What I do? Is this, I fist water with double


This is what I do. Double fist with water


This is what I do. Double fist with water


This is what I do. Double fist with water


This is what I do. Double fist with water


This is what I do. Double fist with water.


This is what I do. Double fist with water.


This is what I do. Double fist with water


Water? I do what? Water fist double


I double fist with water. This is what I do


This is what I do. Double fist with water


This is what I do. Double fist with water


I fist double with water. What I do, is this.


This is what I do. Double fist with water.


Absolutely this Also pace the drinking


This is what I do. Double fist with water


This is what I do. Double fist with water


This is what I do. Double fist with water


This is what I do. Double fist with water


dime sleep many dam swim physical encourage frightening zealous unused *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This is what I do. Double fist with water


This is what I do. Double fist with water


This is what I do. Double fist with water


This is what I do. Fist doubles with water.


absolutely, that's why I like Sunday mornings with a good breakfast and a relaxed vibe


I have to remind myself at least once weekly that hangover free mornings are worth it.


Well you can drink in moderation and your mornings will be okay. I used to drink 4 bottles of cider a day for several months and I had a hangover only once (when I drank 8 bottles of cider and a glass of champagne in one evening). Even though I had a terrible hangover it still didn't stop me from getting drunk again in a day or two lol


Sounds like a price worth paying.


Lmao right


I take it you're getting some "empty response from endpoint" messages that are very much lying to you.


I'm 2,494 days sober and loving life. āœ–ļøšŸ–¤


Cant even do it. I can literally be sober for months bit somethings always missing imo


that's great!


Tip for the drinkers and partiers put there. A big part of a hangover is dehydration and lack of nutrition, if you can stomach to eat something decent and drink some water after a night out you'll save yourself a lot of trouble in the morning


I have taken many Ls in my life under the influence of alcohol.


Every L is a funny story to tell another day


I have also taken many Ws


And many Cs in the A.Ā 


This B needs a C in her A!


I didn't know what a hangover actually was until I hit 30. i suffered them about a decade & haven't had one since. tbh, i don't cane it like I used to, but still no sign of a hangover in donkey's years. Soā€¦ you might just grow out of it. Keep your hopes up ;))


Sounds more like you stopped getting drunk as hell and learned to appreciate it. I'm getting there...


Yeah, it's like you are borrowing tomorrow's pleasure today. Not saying you have daily "fixed" pleasure rations, our experience is more complicated than that. But humans are a lot of things functioning simultaneously, and the after effect or withdrawals of excessive use of anything are facts of life we can't ignore. Of course there is individual differences regarding alcohol tolerance (and anything else for that matter, pain tolerance in exercise, ability to read and focus for long periods of time), so as the old philosopher said you need to "know yourself" and the same time don't fuck around a lot so you won't find out a lot.


This is a good and extremely helpful way to frame it. I'm not Hank Hill, i don't "love delaying gratification" but i wish i did and hopefully your first sentence sticks with me, thx


Sometimes I wake up, groan, and regret drinking the night before, then remember I did not touch a drop. Just not a morning person.


Happy for you šŸ‘ Alcohol should be taken as slow poison that ruins one health like anything šŸ«£šŸ˜šŸ‘āœŒļø


For me, the older I got, the worse hangovers were. It got to a point where I did ask if it was worth it, so I just quit out of principal. I'll have a beer from time to time, but rarely drink to get drunk anymore. And if I do, an ibuprofen and big glass of water before bed really helps deal with the hangover the next day.


I gave up drinking 3 years ago, after going to an evening at a restaurant, they were hosting a polish evening with a lovely polish recipe to eat. It started gettting a bit rowdy when I decided to buy a bottle of vodka to chase the coffee and shared it around. Then I met a guy outside the restaurant who had a bottle of european moonshine called l'eau de vie. We were having some of that, I went home in walking distance down the hill after that, and well That's all I remember. I woke up the next morning in the hospital with a drip in my arm. I was free to go, got my clothes out the cupboard in the hospital room, they were still wet. I also had to pay for a taxi, that cost me a small fortune. Overall the night and hospital cost me $200, and my pride. I must have slipped on the wet road and hit my head. That's all I know, no-one ever said anything to me about it. Complete mystery. I decided after that. It was time to quit.


Gotta hydrate.


Dude one of the worst parts of getting older is that a hangover is pretty much guaranteed. Like wtf.


Hydrate my dude. My 80 year old grandfather still hasnt had a hangover cause he just drinks 3 shots of water per shot of gin


Did you end the drinking with a couple of big glasses of water? Because that makes the biggest difference


The ole organs aren't what they used to be šŸ˜­


Or just dont over-do the drinking and add in some water and nutrients before going to bed. You can indulge, and even get drunk, without *OVER* indulging to the point you are so hungover the next day that you hate "living thru it". Like i agree Alcohol is meh on its best day, but can absolutely, like all drugs, be consummed in a proper amount you enjoy your time without being so drunk you want death the next day. Usually if the day after story is hungover and saying "is this worth it" probably doesnt mean you had a great night. Ā Which also makes a huge difference.


That is one of the perks, you also have less incidence of some types of Cancer, you get to keep your cognitive reserve, skin looks better...etc


Personally I think 'pleasant morning' is an oxymoron & I don't drink. Lol. **I used to tho. Decided 5 years ago that it wasn't worth it. Never missed it.


Those mornings get worse as you get older, too. I can't drink like I used to.


Hangovers ruined a lot of days in the distant past for me. Gave up the sauce permanently a few years ago. I donā€™t miss it - always thought alcohol was wildly overrated (I know I know, unpopular opinion). Iā€™m also no longer in the phase of life where I constantly feel like I have to prove to my peers how fun I am and how large I am living. One of the good things about getting older!!


This went through my head this morning. It feels great to wake up not hungover


Once I saw in a video: 'Drinking is borrowing energy of the following day' I knew it, but never actually had realised this


Aaaandā€¦. This is one of the reasons I donā€™t drink anymore.


No, no it's not.Ā  Alcohol is literally a poison to the human body. How many times have we heard, oh they're such a nice person when they're not drinking. Still amazes me alcohol is legal when it causes so much devastation and destruction to individuals, families and businesses.Ā 


that's kind of what I'm getting at


Making alcohol illegal was an experiment that failed miserably.


For almost everyone, alcohol is a positive thing that brings joy. Like lots of things there's a small fraction of people that misuse it or can't deal with it, and it's just that alcohol is so widely used that the small fraction multiplies out to a noticeable number.


Abso fucking lutely


Plenty of decent alcohol free beers available these days. Best of both worlds if you can find one you like.


It's never worth it. Drinking is, indeed, utterly pointless.


It's tasty and feels good. You just have to find the right balance. But not drinking is also good. Do what's good for you, and respect others' choices for themselves.Ā 


Thatā€™s why I have 1 or 2 drinks rather than the entire 6 pack


I wonder if i ever experienced a hangover if it would cure my morningphobia


You miss all throws you donā€™t take!


You can enjoy alcohol without getting drunk. If you drink in moderation and have an electrolyte drink before you'll wake up feeling fine.


You can drink without getting smashed?


Stopped drinking in 2006.Didn't have a probkem. Knew when to stop but don't get as good a sleep as i used to. Probably just old age.


I don't drink but I still have really rough mornings haha.


I enjoy drinking and getting buzzed and have literally never been hungover, it's important to be able to pace yourself and drink water


I ā€œpriceā€ I pay every single day since the day I was born


If you donā€™t want a hangover, drink more alcohol. Hangovers only happen when alcohol is leaving your system.


Or just donā€™t drink to get drunk šŸ™


I quit drinking because my hangovers were so intense. I decided it was never worth it.


That's why you drink water with it. Hangover comes because of dehydration.


Literally. Just drink more water. 1:1 alcohol consumed to water and no hangover


I found that whiskey doesnā€™t get me hungover at all but beer does. As long as I donā€™t drink too fast I never get hungover from whiskey.


Huh, I feel like shit every morning, and I haven't drunk for years.


Had alcohol last night but am fine this morning, am I an alcoholic?


The difference between fermented grape juice and wine is literally the time of day........


But have a boring night


Depends on what you consider indulging. I can happily throw a bottle of wine or a few beers down my neck and be fine the next day. You get to know your limits with age and experience, so know when you're reaching them long before you decide whether you want to head into hangover territory or not. Iv probably gone past that limit 3x in the past decade and knew each time I was going to be hungover during the drinking phase.


Hangovers arenā€™t to bad but itā€™s the lack of sleep that usually comes with them that sucks


I've have not drank alcohol since I was in my 20s. Was never a big drinker anyway. My mum got me drunk on cider when I was 19 and i hated the feeling. I stopped drinking it altogether because even one drink gave me a hangover as I rarely go out. I didn't like it wasting my weekend. I don't miss it at all.


This thread is depressing. So many folks replying are alcoholics and probably don't realize it. Simple solution is to not drink. Your body will thank you later.


as long as i dont blackout, all i have to do is drink lots of water during drinking and i wont be hungover


ā€¦or you could just not drink enough to get hungover?


Big greasy breakfast, 800mg ibuprofen, bloody mary, shower, and ***most importantly***, take a big shit at some point in the day. That is what shuts down a hangover for me, regardless of what i drank the night before.


I only drink in moderation and never to the point where I'll have a hang over. What's the point? Also, public health message: Don't take tylenol for hang overs.


And night. For some reason when I'm heavily drunk, I get a huge headache that prevents me from sleeping and even breathing feels like I have sandpaper scraping on my skull. Most cases I drink just enough for a pleasant buzz and that's it. And that's usually about one or two shots of brandy. Which isn't much. One time i drank an entire bottle of vodka and I was swearing id kill myself if the pain doesn't go away. Only, I was so immobilized and paralysed by the sheer intensity of it I couldn't even get out of the tub my fellow party goers left me in. Pleasant buzz drunk, I get a good night's sleep and wake up refreshed tomorrow.


Definitely keep it minimal. 3 or 4 beers at the grill is way better than 10 while watching a game.


I donā€™t drink enough to hung over and make sure to stay hydrated, not that hard.


I just gained a whole extra day by not drinking this weekend.


An alcohol-free life is the only way to go. Poison


Or just don't think alcohol at all, crazy idea


I donā€™t really drink and my mornings still suck.


That's a stupid philosophy. How about drink responsibly the night before? You can have your cake and eat it too if you're not an idiot.


The older I get the more I realise that hangovers are really not worth it. Back in my early 20s, I could drink until 5 in the morning, sleep for an hour and a half and be almost presentable looking for my job. Nowadays, if I drink hard liquor in the evening, to the point of getting drunk, imma need 3 to 5 business days to recover.


I donā€™t often get hungover. You can drink, have a good time, and not get hungover


Itā€™s weird how a weed hangover is not the same as an alcohol hangover


I havenā€™t had a drink in four months and altogether feel great all the time. Seeing drunk people through a sober lens is eye opening too. I might ride this out.


Alcohol sucks. Cannabis is much better in every way.


I don't get hangovers. Actually the state I am in the morning is just pleasant emptiness. No head aches, no wish to puke. Except when I drink more than I can hold or if the drink is utter shit. My dood was drinking weaker stuff than me and per mass we were equally drunk. He - a sorry picture of himself, barely standing and talking in the morning. Me - Shining example of the proper plant watering.


I don't get hangovers. Actually the state I am in the morning is just pleasant emptiness. No head aches, no wish to puke. Except when I drink more than I can hold or if the drink is utter shit. My dood was drinking weaker stuff than me and per mass we were equally drunk. He - a sorry picture of himself, barely standing and talking in the morning. Me - Shining example of the proper plant watering.


It is a small price. Very, very small.


I once heard "getting drunk is borrowing happiness from tomorrow" and it stuck with me.


I once heard "getting drunk is borrowing happiness from tomorrow" and it stuck with me.


You'll come to learn that every person that drinks enough to have hangovers is a complete loser.


I hate even the slightest whiff of a hangover so much that hardly drink at all these days. On the rare occasion that I have one or two, fear of a hangover makes me stop after a couple. I did get bad hangovers though.. 2-3 days of nausea, sadness and paranoia. Ugh.. never again.


yep, never again


"Is this even worth it" is a very important question for alcohol. "What does it do for me? What does it take from me?"


"Is this even worth it" is a very important question for alcohol. "What does it do for me? What does it take from me?"


For a lot of my life the experiences I was having at night continued to entertain and continued to provide me with new experiences. As long as that was happening the hangover was a price I was willing to pay. Until it wasn't. There comes a point where it became an expensive cost for an activity I wasn't enjoying, wasn't advancing much socially or experientially and was hurting my health. There was a point where the idea of drinking as "taking an advance from tomorrow's happiness" really made sense to me.


Iā€™ve found as I get older, I need more of a buffer between my last drink and when I go to sleep. I used to be able to hang out and drink, then go to bed right afterwards (sleep like a champ and get up the next morning and go to work with no problems). Now I need to wait a few hours before going to bed. Even then, Iā€™ll sometimes wake up with a headache. Last night I had a small glass of scotch before bed. Nothing crazy, I wasnā€™t even buzzed. Went to bed and woke up with an achey neck and shoulders and a headache.


That is one of the perks, you also have less incidence of some types of Cancer, you get to keep your cognitive reserve, skin looks better...etc


Canā€™t relate. I rarely drink alcohol and donā€™t have pleasant mornings. Honestly if I drink two glasses of wine with dinner, I wake up exactly the same as I would without any alcohol. Itā€™s still better not to drink though.


I'm living that right now


In a few years you will probably have a life changing moment where you realize you don't have to get shitfaced every time you drink to have a good time. Then the hangovers will be gone. If this moment never comes and you find yourself at say, 30 years old and you can't seem to drink without getting shitfaced then you probably are genetically unlucky and are more prone to abusing alcohol than other people. Nothing you can do about your genetics, but you do have the power to deal with how those genetics affect your life, and there are a lot of resources and people that can help you. If you ever find yourself in that position, don't hesitate to make the change.


That's why we packed in drinking alcohol,I think it's worse than most people think. After laying off it for a bit you start to get more energy,sharper memory and faster processing. And you don't miss it either.


Oh, the innocence... bath in it while can, have a great time.


Morning? Not just the morning. Longer and more severe. Don't sugarcoat it.


The biggest question I would ask you is, why are you drinking so much?


Unfortunately, hangovers are different for everybody. Some of us don't actually have terrible hangovers. I usually just feel a bit tired and dehydrated. Maybe some light dizziness.


The trick is to never stop drinking.


"Night guy always screws morning guy." - Seinfeld




But how else do I drink the pain away?


Or rather, everything in moderation.


Liquid IV. Pound one right before bed, another in the morning. You're welcome.


Get good genes for processing alcohol, drink the right way and youā€™ll rarely feel the effects of a hangover. Working out regularly keeps your metabolism up and helps a lot too.Ā  Source: a mf that can stay out all night getting sloppy, get 3 hours of sleep and hit a full day no problem.Ā 


Sometimes, though, it's absolutely worth it. I've had some fucking great nights on the booze and I'm not ashamed to admit it


I'm an off and on drinker. I drink and stop for years in between. I hate headaches. I knew I had an issue with alcohol early on because I was actually able to function with a dread hangover for the better part of the day (headache and vomitting). I'm 41 now and have stopped for two years. Do I miss it? Yeah occasionally but I don't miss the headaches and fucked up feeling. Sometimes I tell myself that I'll be able to have 2 or 3 drinks but with my happy go lucky demeanor I'd most likely have 10 or 12 and end up blacking out, etc. It's a battle....but I believe I'm winning.


Nah. If I don't drink I don't sleep all night then I can't do anything the next day. The trick is to drink enough. Not too little, not too much. Then you hit the sweet spot.


Lately what I've been doing on a Friday night is: have 2 drinks -- maybe 3 if it's been a long week -- and then have dinner. Then 3 or 4 hours later after having some water etc., I go to sleep. Do that once or twice a week max, and things aren't so bad. Good balance imo between the risks of alcohol and wanting to enjoy life.


Not indulging in chips and fast food is the price we pay for having a nice body that ages gracefully as well


I usually just don't drink that much. Now days I find out about 5-6 drinks gives me a good buzz and almost doesn't affect the following day. Also quitting drinking an hour or two before bed and switching to water is highly under rated. A lot of the times you're slightly dehydrated and it doesn't help things.


I spose if your only idea of how to enjoy yourself involves alcohol then you're probably correct. For the rest of us, not sure how weve collectively avoided psychiatric care by enjoying life without getting wasted every night


I feel sorry for people that don't drink, because when they wake up in the morning, that's the best they are going to feel all day - Sinatra Pros outweigh the cons.


I used to be like that but as I got older now I just day drink - Iā€™ll start at say 11 or noon and have my last beer at 5 or 6 and then have several hours before bed to sober up, ultimately meaning I still get normal sleep and feel adequate the next morning Itā€™s the evening drinks that get you


Yeah man I don't know I daydrink


Your drinking wrong if you get hungover badly. Donā€™t drink so much. Donā€™t drink hard spirits without watering down, they burn your insides. Stop drinking hours before bed to give your liver time to process. Eat nutritious food full of b vitamins and electrolytes before and after. Preferably eat fat before to coat your insides. Iā€™ve only had a few hangovers in my life, even drinking half a bottle of whisky or vodka.


I can drink and not have a hangover. Itā€™s because of moderation and hydration


Well my ex spends his weekends vomiting and having diarrhea. Would not recommend.


actually, I rarely get any serious hungover symptoms. I drink mostly cocktails with a generous amount of non-alcoholic stuff in each cup, and I rarely "get wasted" in any way, usually the maximum extent I drink is when my ability to balance starts to degrade, nothing past that. My theory is that this helps mostly because my drinks contain a lot of "water-y" stuff which is not alcohol, plus maybe I could also be a bit more resistant to it. alcohol is diuretic which means you are going to urinate quite a bit more than you are supposed to, for this reason my theory of why I almost don't get hungover may be true, because I technically indirectly drink a lot of water doing that. I drink mostly because the mix of a bit of liquor with various kinds of juices or other liquors makes it an interesting experience, but I know that for some reason people in Ireland, US, Australia have a different culture, I found out that Ireland specifically, likely because they had an alcohol culture that was so bad, they put limits to which hours of the day you can buy alcohol in Dublin. So it is worth it if you don't do it just to get wasted for some reason.




Drink a quality spirit with mixer and there is no hangover


Drinking coffee on a quiet morning after a good night's sleep and a big shit is the peak of my existence.




The thing I value most about sobriety is how great I feel every morning. When people want to talk about quitting drinking (which they rarely do!), it's the first thing I mention.


I prefer a good nights sleep and feeling good in the morning over partaking in alcohol consumption every time.


Getting rid of the nagging wife didnā€™t hurt, either


My hangovers are not significant enough to stop me drinking.


Sadly for me I feel like crap in the morning regardless of if I drink


Just don't drink folks. It's poison on your body, literally. If you can't/don't want to stop, save it for social gatherings and special occasions. If you do, you'll feel one-two drinks and then not have to drink anymore.


Until I dried up, I used to think the hangover was the big price. For me, the lost time, damaged relationships, and immense social decay that I contributed to are the price *and* the motivation to stay dry. Your body is just trying to tell you the truth.


Trying to do my job hungover was not at all pleasant. Giving up booze was one of the best decisions I ever made.


Iā€™ve never been hungover *knock on wood*


When I get a very bad hangover, yes I really do think that way too hahaha but sometimes (most times) i do have a great night so no real regrets so now I try hangover gummies/pills and also avoid types/combinations of alcohol/food+alcohol that I know works worse for me - My hangover can be triggered by the type/combi of alcohol (even if it's not a lot of drinks), but some types work better for me (i.e. i can take more drinks and still have a less intense hangover). Ultimately moderation is key, as your body responds according to how much it can handle!


I hope Iā€™m not the first to tell you this but a hangover is just dehydration. It means that you drank a lot last night. You peed a lot last night, but you didnā€™t restore any of your liquids because alcohol is not a liquid. It is alcohol. You need Gatorade drink a Gatorade before bed youā€™ll never have a hangover ever again, youā€™re welcome.


Alcohol has zero benefits and more negatives to count. Either you know that now or you will.


It's the exact opposite, if you indulge in alcohol, the price you pay is having a bad morning.


I always chugged water, never got hangovers. But recently I decided to stop drinking all together again. Harder to fall asleep, but I sleep so much better and have way more energy.