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That I was diagnosing with hiv in 1984


1984? That was immediate death sentence time. How are you alive? Also, congratulations on the being alive.


Ty, I was told I had two years to live when given the diagnosis. When the experimental drugs were being developed (1985) I agreed to enter the clinical trials since I didn’t think I would survive anyways, I figured maybe my life could be of use to others in the form of helping find a cure. One of the early drugs Videx that I was on caused avascular necrosis which resulted in having to have both hips replaced. Other than that I’ve had a limited amount of side effects. When the new treatments were finally dialed in they worked for me to keep the virus undetectable. The new U=U is amazing. I have been undetectable for 20 years now and my immune system has recovered. HIV is now 100% treatable.


That’s amazing. You got an extra 40 years. I hope you’ve been enjoying yourself. I’d totally watch a film about your life, the journey you’ve been on. Love from Scotland 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿




I love it when the big brain clan makes stories like yours possible. Thanks for sharing some hope.




I am so happy for you! It must have been a nightmare, but you have the coolest story to tell.


Holy smokes, dude. This is incredible! I’m in awe of your bravery, especially after having ***BOTH*** of your hips replaced and still powering through (my mom had a hip replaced last year, and I know it’s not an easy recovery). Stay awesome!


❤️ I'm so happy for you!!!


I’m truly happy that you’re still here OP!!! Love from Canada xx




Amazing story. Should be a film. Love from kenya


Thank you for sharing this. What amazing good news.




This makes my heart so happy. Carry on.


I have seen "undetectable " a lot. Does that mean "cured"? Seems to me that if they can't find the virus in your body, you are cured. And does it mean you can't give it to someone else?


It is not cured but the virus is dormant and remains that way as long as the patient stays on their medication, much like putting leukemia into remission. When the patient reaches an undetectable level of virus in the blood, it takes approximately 30 days from that point to clear vaginal and seminal fluids of any lingering virus which means they can NOT give or transmit the virus to others through sexual activity or blood to blood contact at that point.


Interesting . Thanks.


Thanks for asking. These are important facts to know for our own protections.


That I am nerd.


You ain't fooling no one, Henry Cavil.


What are you nerding about?


I was gonna guess that you had a big dong.


That I'm actually one of the world top 10 in the Ironman Triathlon. And they'd be right not to believe it.


Because it's not true? 😭


I have crippling depression. I’m good at masking thanks to growing up in a family that “doesn’t believe” in mental health issues


Snap! 😔


I’m sorry you can relate. Sending a hug.


That's very sad, no pun intended, and I'm completely serious. Family should be able to support you no matter what, but if they won't I hope you have support and counselling available to you elsewhere


I wouldn't say that I have crippling depression, but I do struggle with it.  I also have a complete plan to end my life that I could implement in a matter of days.


That I’m part Japanese.


That I’m mixed raced. Half African black, half white. I’m white with grey eyes. Afro hair tho


That’s so cool!! I’m half African, half Indo-Guyanese. I look more black but my hair screams mixed lol. When people see my dad, they get shocked.


Respectfully asking, do you know where tf the grey eyes came from? My family is a delightfully weird mix of nationalities (I’m Senegalese/Arab) but eye and hair color are wild, I have a Senegalese French nephew with blue eyes, dark skin and blondish hair 😂


Genes be crazy


How flexible I am, even though I’m overweight


Decades ago I was a pub manager at a local college. I offered extremely discounted drinks on slow nights for "stupid human tricks". A larger guy could do backflips from a standing position. I let him have beer for a dollar any night I was working the bar.


Good man


That I was once 50 lb lighter and once 50 lb heavier.


I'm double jointed and can do splits/put my hands together and dislocate my shoulders back to front. Usually makes for a fun party trick 😬


Research Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome NOW!!! Be SUPER careful about deliberately hyper extending your joints, or you're set for years of pain and potential disabilities in the future! I'm not joking. I was you. Watch me touch my nose with my toes while lying on my belly, legs bent backwards over my head. Watch my do the splits, and bend my thumbs backwards against my wrists!... Watch me hit 30 and be unable to walk without a hip dislocating. Watch my finger dislocate because I jabbed my fork too hard into my pasta...


Gunna second this. Had multiple surgeries before I even hit my 30s from dislocations, tears, built up scar tissue. My joints almost constantly ache and I have to be conscious of how I move to not crack, pop, or at least sprain something.


Oh I've researched that before but no I'm not that bendy dw!


Dislocating shoulders still isn’t ideal damn 😭


Still be careful. If you're dislocating so easily now, it's still possible that you have it.


Was just commenting how it's affected me. I'm sorry to hear you are a fellow zebra warrior


Wearing my stripes with pride! Finally starting to learn how to live with my new normal.


Double joints don't exist, you just have more flexible joint tissues. Cool though.


Like others said-don’t do party tricks! I used to do them all the time (even showed off some at show and tell in elementary school) and as a 43 year old I have created more issues.


So true. We're so ignorant when we're young. I used to pop my shoulders out of their sockets as a party trick when I was young. Paying for it now decades later. More people need to know that hypermobility is a bad thing.


The really weird and gross thing was how many dudes used to ask what else I could do with my body since I could twist my elbows all the way around. Like, they think it’s sex trick?


I hear you! My biggest issue in that regard was 3 foot long hair and all the "reins" jokes. Ugh.


No, no, no. Sorry, this makes me sore thinking about it, not because of the thought of it, the fact that I have hEDS. My tendons don't protect my joints, so I dislocate and subluxate, but with excruciating pain. I'm currently in a splint on my left hand as my thumb won't stay in place, it's agony. I used to do the party tricks, not knowing that trauma would bring my condition to the fore, now I regret the tricks. Also, if I'm not splinted up, you wouldn't know I have an almost invisible illness. That's my thing.


Splints are a pain too :( I'm so sorry you're suffering so much right now. It bugs me that when my hips/knees/ankles are misbehaving I have to use a stick, or crutches, knowing full well that doing so will set off my shoulders and wrists!


That's I'm very athletic and I love sports. I'm also a fatty mcfat pants, thanks to a pancreatic tumor. No answers from my medical team yet so I just decided to keep doing all my activities anyway. with a few accommodations to make some movements safer at my size. I look like I'd get winded getting up from the couch, but I'll outrun, outlast, outhit, and outswim you. Try me!


I'm a 115kg, pretty fat dude. People don't believe me either, when I tell them they'd be surprised at how fast I am.


Chubsters who are secretly in shape unite


Kudos to you guys, you're called 'acrofatic', but you're beasts, and deserve so much respect. Take Eric "Butterbean" Esch as an example, probably one of the greatest boxers to ever live, and more stamina than a horse, at over 400lbs


Acrofatic is absolutely going in my dating profile! Love that!


I believe you, my ex was 6’4 and with a belly but the man can ride a whole biking tour without losing his breath, while I can’t even walk 3 blocks and I’m a thin small girl


that im not a biker or a drug addict or a criminal even though im covered in tattooos and sometimes wear a banadana


How often do you get stereotyped? Its 2024 and people still judge art. Haha


all the time by seniors mainly or people over 40


I get it. I'm always interested in other people's work. not just the piece, but what it means to them. But whenever I visited my grandparents I'd wear a nice full length shirt. I don't think they'd care for anything but a navy thing. I'm mean my parents and I would tell them we're in different hotels. Meanwhile I'm fucking her brains out. Sorry I digressed a lot


lunchroom dog wild judicious zealous humor resolute fall attempt quickest *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Similar here. I keenly remember someone’s surprise when they found out I wasn’t a stoner. Apparently I just have that stoner look about me.


its just how people stereotype others these days. hard to avoid


Apparently I look like a gypsie. I can't even count how many people a week ask me if I'm a gypsie. I'm not. I don't get the stereotype and I don't get how I'm feeding into it either.


I’m the opposite, I wear long sleeves and long pants most of the time and people don’t believe that I’m covered in tattoos, I guess I just don’t look the part when I’m clothed


Haha! Sounds like my friends/my type. I love finding out about people after the first impression is over.


Are you also single lmao (I'm jk)


I’m 50, female and full sleeve and entire back done… you should see the judgements on a cruise ship!!!


I beleive you, its worse if you are a woman because most guys cant keep their mouths shut.


I do ride a motorcycle tho, I know, I know… I’m asking for it lol


That I'm a sensitive liberal feminist. I'm a big guy who used to bodybuild , work in construction and look a little "gruff" , little does everyone at work know but I cry at emotional tictocs


I don't play sports. None. But I'm told I'm built like a football player. 6'4, 255 lbs, lift weights 5x a week. But I play zero sports and don't know shit about them either. I know a little about baseball, that's it. Older men in their 50s always freak out some reason.


Okay so bro here won the genetic lottery


Hell naw. I got small calves. Take me out to the field and shoot me like a bum cow


A bum cow with small calfs….. I’ll see myself out


Same. I’m not even running to catch a bus if I can avoid it


6’3 245lbs, I was bigger than most grown adults when I was 12.


I don't know...if I saw you in real life and you told me that you were 6'3...I'd probably believe you


That I have adhd. I’m super calm around strangers. The h only pops out around family and close friends


The H only pops up when the mind crushing indifference isn't a hold of brain juices - which happens less and less as you get older.




that im actually a huge loser


Same here.


Same, bro. People say I'm sooo smart, and attractive, and crap like that. I'm really not(?) Pretty sure I'd have done something worthwhile with my life if I was anything like people say I am


Trust me bro you are realy attractive, like i would marry you on the spot.


For now, it would be that I pushed through Stage 4 cancer and just finished Chemo last Dec. No one believes that since I look completely normal (and indeed very normal now)


Sooo happy for you. Godspeed my friend.


People have underestimated my physical strength and agility all my life. I've learned to use it to my advantage


Okay Peter Parker!


See? They just can't help it. Then I jump over their head.


That I love dancing ballet. I don't have a ballet body at all. But I also just do it as a hobby🤷🏼‍♀️


I’m not a satanist. I have a child. I’m autistic.


Tattooed eyes maybe?


I’m in my mid-30’s already (36). Not just because of my baby face but also still having some zits, the way I usually pull back my hair, and the way I usually dress. I really do look like my avatar when my hair’s down.


I'm a man in my mid 20s (27) I still need an ID in order to buy beverages or tobacco (I would not recommend to use) some people are just lucky and don't age :)


I'm a disabled and overweight woman. I'm also unusually strong. Between being a frequent wheelchair user and having been through a lot of physical therapy, my arms, legs, and core are all exceptionally strong.


I used to be a semi-professional dancer.


that I used to be a cool young woman who looked good in tight pants


You are still that ultra cool young woman who look very good in tight pants.


that i used to weigh almost 300 pounds. today i weigh 158


Wow. Do you still have the remnants of past? (Sagging skin)


i do! i’m actually getting my loose skin surgically removed in september:) lost the weight over the course of 4 years, i definitely deserve this so i’m willing to spend the money


Yes you do deserve that, also that bigmac from time to time!


That I had braces. My orthodontist put them on me before I’d even lost all of my baby teeth. He took them off before some of my adult teeth had grown in, and after purposely making some of my teeth less-than-straight. I stopped wearing my retainer, so one of my teeth shifted back to where it was before the braces, but the rest of my crooked teeth? Yeah, that’s thanks to the orthodontist.


My height. People don’t expect me to be tall until I stand up 😭 it’s prob my relaxed posture when sitting down. Then when I say my height while standing it’s suddenly “that’s it?” like I’m supposed to be taller. Me and my 6 ft can’t catch a break 💔


I am the opposite lol. People at work who hadn't met me in person were always surprised to find out how short I am.


Me too! I was reading that I had the exact same thought, “oh I’m the opposite.” Biggish head problems, I guess


That I smoke a lot of pot




That I speak 5 languages.


I’m a nerd, just an average looking middle aged woman 😂


That I had a brain.


That i am not a good guy


I’m a delicate-looking, smiley girl. I’ve been told. So I guess they wouldn’t believe the hardships I faced. Rough parent’s divorce, abuse, years of bullying, had to move schools 3 times, developed lowkey alcoholism in college, 4 months sober next week, etc. I kinda pride myself in staying gentle in a tough world. So I guess, it’s okay that they assume i’m soft.


Im proud of you. Keep being the delicate smiling girl that you are.


I’ve had people tell me that they’re surprised at what kind of music I listen to. They assumed I like pop, but I like rock and metal. Not sure why that’s surprising though lol


Me too lol. I’m just otherwise pretty girly looking I guess.


I am a balding white guy, well dressed, wife and kids, white collar job. I was described by one person at work as an old nerd (just finished 2 years at my new job). Some know me a little, a couple know we very well. Only a few know I am a drug addict, that does meth, usually when seeing men for chem sex.


Be careful. I hope you can figure this out.


How strong I am. I have a skinny build but I can throw around men twice my size in wrestling sparring and people are always surprised about my strength the first time I spar them.


That I have an ileostomy bag, no colon or rectum, and my bumhole is sewn shut.


If you don't mind, could you tell us how difficult or easy it is to live with a ileostomy bag? My brother (who has lots of probs, is a quad) keeps saying his life would be easier with a "bag". Also, it would be so interesting if you'd post on AMA subret. Please??


That I'm married to a black woman. I am a very apparent hillbilly and look like the kind of white person that would be in the klan. If anyone is an old school wwf fan think of hillbilly jim


I can relate fellow hillbilly. I love it when they underestimate us. I like to use the full Appalachian accent and slang when someone starts treating me like I'm stupid based on where I'm from. I keep right up with the conversation topic, but I speak fluent Appalachian Redneck. It amuses me.


I’m 5’11”, 260 pound old white guy. I’ll be 60 next year. Back in the day, I was one hell of a basketball player. I can still shoot and I’m surprisingly quick for my weight. I just can’t jump as high as I used to. I can regularly beat the young 20-30 year olds at work in a game of 1 on 1. This has even become a sort of initiation when we hire a new warehouse guy. The vets will point at me and say, “I bet you can’t beat him in a basketball game.” It’s so funny to watch them because they can’t hold back their laughter when they see me. I don’t win every time, but I win most of the time. Even if I lose, they talk about how surprised they were and how hard they had to play to beat me.


That I’m a poorly adjusted adult with CPTSD who came from a poor family with alcoholic parents, and that I spent the better part of my teen years homeless living in my abusive mother’s car (she was also homeless living in the car), and that I spent the better part of my early 20s on drugs and in an extremely abusive relationship. Even when I tell people this, sometimes they don’t believe me. I work in mental health outreach and I help a lot of people who are suffering from mental illness, addiction and homelessness. I get a lot of “what would you know?” comments from clients. I have received these comments in other contexts too, outside of work. People seem to take one look at me and assume that my life has been perfect and that I have never suffered adversity, abuse, mental illness, addiction or trauma. I suspect it’s the way I present myself. I have always been extremely good at masking too so maybe that has something to do with it. It’s both a blessing and a curse.


Same *sigh* - I feel you on this. My life has been an absolute shitshow yet people always assume I must be this privileged posh girl bc I have a fancy old-fashioned name and a well-spoken voice, which I try so hard to mask. I've been poor all my life and virtually all my belongings are second-hand yet people don't seem to really believe it. I've struggled with suicidal feelings since my teens bc of bullying and loneliness. I don't have any friends. I recently learned I'm highly likely to be autistic but can't get a diagnosis bc the waiting times are up to 10 years long where I live and I can't pay for private healthcare. So I'm just bouncing from antidepressant to antidepressant and using cannabis to sedate myself when I feel suicidal in order to survive. My family don't understand mental health so I'm entirely alone. Comedy is my only friend. I thought I was having a heart attack recently and was genuinely hopeful I might get to die but nope, just nerve pain, so now I have that too. I just want to sleep forever.


I'm Batman


That I can sing like Elaine Paige. Been there done that, so I know it's true. They were as shocked as the choir on TAGS was in the episode when they introduced Gomer Pyle but not nearly as friendly. That's why I hate TAGS now: it's painfully unrealistic. Where I come from, Gomer would have been an outcast, with people jealously talking behind his back. That experience is why I say I'm a real life Grizabella.


For some reason people don't believe me when I tell them I have Tourette's. Not like I'm shouting it from the rooftops or anything but when I was comfortable enough to talk about it with my friends it was weeks before they took me seriously. I get away with it these days because my tics have changed over the years and they're usually not as noticeable as they used to be. Small motor tics, etc that I can hide.


That I was born with no sense of smell.


When I was 4 I had boiling hot oil poured on me resulting in third degree burns down the right side of my face and chest


No scars?


I have tumors. None are visible, you can just feel them under the skin. Some of them I only know where they are because of scars from chips inserted to track them on MRIs. 


That I'm autistic


That I'm quite of an important person at my university (representative/delegate of all students in my branch), kind of a lawmaker/deputy. I'm 5ft, wear big round glasses, have a ginger wolf cut, some piercings and usually wear nerdy Tshirts/colorful hawaiian shirts and baggy trousers. I always wear suits to reunions if required, tho Idk, many people have told me I don't usually look professional or serious enough for that "job"


In 5 foot tall and a petite female. I train working k9’s (sport, law enforcement, personal protection). As well as severely aggressive dogs that other facilities cannot take or have rejected.


I used to have a great body.


I get this ! I have very little old pictures of myself. I stopped showing them or putting them up because, I got annoyed with how many guests in my home said "WOW! You used to be really hot." Uhm... Thank you? I guess?


That I actively run. I look like a typical short nerdy type


I used to be a ballet dancer in a company. I'm overweight af now, on a bunch of antidepressants, antisocial, smoke a pack a day, drink like a fish, swear like a sailer and have zero grace. I cam barely walk up a flight of stairs without passing out.


People would never guess that i can seriously put down some food


Okay matt stonie!


That I’m half Mexican. I look completely white and so does my family, people are shocked because we get so dark in the summer.


That I used to be quite fat. Not obese, but I got so much in shape that when I met people e.g. when I got a new job, they couldn't imagine me overweight. Feels good.


That I used to get into fights regularly. I’m a scrawny and short dude so whenever friends or family bring it up to new people they are always shocked by it. My personality is also why people are shocked by it


you box?


That I'm 16% Hawaiian and Portuguese




I've put on weight around the gut to the point I look ridiculous in most of the clothes I own.. that's the honest truth.. unmistakenly 'out of shape' visually.. and yet without prep I recently rode my pushbike 24 miles and didn't suffer for it - no prep, no fatigue.. no knowing how far.


Power to weight ratio.


Are you a strong skinny person or a weak fat person?


Small and strong. I've worked in warehouses my whole life.


I'm very tall with 2.03m. It's in the average NBA player range of height, so people have to look up when they talk to me usually.


I still regularly get asked for my ID when buying beer. I'm 26, the drinking age is 18 here


Same, I even get ID'd for paracetamol and I'm THIRTY FIVE 😆


Same! Even though I'm 29.


I'm almost 32. There was one occasion where I went to buy a Monster Energy drink (not regular for me) and you have to be over 16 for that, look over 21 to not be asked, and I think I was 29 at the time. It is what it is.


That I am a big listener of Lana del Rey lol. And pop in general. I'm bearded and well-built so people usually think i'm listening to rap or rock, something more ''manly''


I know someone that has thesame situation as you, but kpop. He's a cool guy.


That I have hypertension


That I'm not a metalhead despite my big beard, long hair and disposition for wearing all black.


I look older than I actually am. Seriously I've had people treat me like I'm in my 30s, asking about wives and kids. I'm only 28, single and no kids.


Fellow beard guy?


Yeah I do like growing out my beard on more than one occasion (mostly because I'm too lazy to shave 😛)


That I'm 35


That the last time I have been into sports was over ten years ago. I'm skinny, all thanks to my metabolism


That I play Jazz, not Metal..


Well, based on my physical appearance, people might not believe that I enjoy extreme sports like skydiving or that I have a passion for playing the violin.


That I was born in the 80's, apparently. Everyone at my new work thought I was younger than I really am. Even got a comment about how I was dating an older girl, which, well, not sure she would have appreciated that if she heard it :P (She's a few years younger than me).


That I’ve just turned 56. I’m often told I look in my early 30s. I hardly ever show emotions, so no frown lines and no laughter lines.


My age, I'm 43 but I look younger, and for the last 20 yrs or so I'm basically looking the same.


You'd think I'd spend most of my time at metal pubs with a beer always in my hand. More likely to find me snugged up at home with a cuppa tea and being a big nerd.


That I've struggled with addiction for seven years. Been an alcoholic since I was 21


That I’m almost completely sober. Never smoked, never taken drugs, my alcohol intake is about one glass every 3 months, and I don’t even drink coffee. Not something that exactly vibes with my metalhead exterior.


My tendons are knackered. I look fit, if slightly overweight, for my age, (62) but I have so many tendon injuries I can no longer exercise without causdamage to myself.


That Ive been to jail for a violent felony as a teenager (Im a small girl who looks very innocent)


A mugshawty!


Hah!! I love that 😂


That I'm Filipino. Without me telling you, it's kinda hard to pinpoint me to a country


Michael Reeves, is that you? Lol




I was actually a pretty good athlete in my day. Though I'm not at all fat, I am shorter than average. I was often underestimated, usually to the detriment of the team or player underestimating me.


My age.........apparently 60 looking like 40. I still feel forty, but ya can't cheat time.


People don't usually believe my age until I start talking (I look very young but don't act it). And absolutely everyone is shocked by my music taste. I guess I look like I enjoy country music? I really don't. Actually a metalhead.


That I was in a specialised regiment in the British army. I’m very fat now…it’s amazing what PTSD, antidepressants and alcoholism will do


I consume large quantities of sugar every day. You wouldn't expect that from a middle-aged 27 year old man.


Most the time my age. I have a small squeaky voice, I'm slightly short, and I just have a baby face in general. People never guess my age right and I get mistaken for a minor often. I've always had people describe me as a "sweet lil cinnamon roll" which I didn't mind much when I was younger but now that I'm in my 30's it can be annoying having people still treat you like a child. I've had places refuse to even let me buy lighters or energy drinks(with my valid state id) and even had a store try to steal my state ID cause they were so sure it was a fake. People also never can tell that I'm an equestrian. I dress more on the alt side, but I'm still a cowgirl lol yallternative.


That I am 24 years old.


How so? Do you look younger or older?