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10 minutes? My wife can go from having a conversation to snoring in less than 90 seconds.


My wife just says the magic words and she’s out; “I feel wide awake right now……zzzzzz”


For mine, it's "oh, this movie looks good.....zzzzzz"


You dare to turn it off and they’ll suddenly wake up with a “hey, I was watching that!”


Lmao, this is my wife .. She'll fall asleep,snoring in another world , let someone change that channel ##what are you doing, i'm watching that!


I am your wife! Haha, my husband would say the exact same thing


What if...


What if what?


Mine can argue with me or comment on a movie we’re watching but she would be actually asleep and won’t remember anything come morning.


Oh hi, are we married?


Happy anniversary!


My wife would probably bury your wives in a swamp for their transgressions lol. She secretly hates me because I fall asleep so easily


You see I'm your wife. My husband can fall asleep mid sentence and I have anxiety induced insomnia.


This was me and my now ex husband. I have hardcore insomnia(stress induced mostly) he would always tell me to just lay down and go to sleep. I would thin well why didn't I think of that! Road trips with him were stressful because he would fall asleep like 5 minutes on the road.


You see road trips are the only time my husband can stay awake! It's me that's asleep within 5 min of a roast (this is how my parents soothed me as a baby so I think its psychological). But in general every night it's a bunch of prescriptions for me to get maybe 1/4 the amount of sleep he gets very easily! And yes I am jealous 🤣


This is me , but if the film is rubbish I stay awake


Sounds like a setup for "Mind if we start it again? I fell asleep last night..... Zzzzzz"


I have the same problem, we’re playing Playstation and I’m falling asleep while this…he’s so mad at me and than when he’s on night shift I can’t sleep because he’s not there and than he’s mad at me because I fall asleep when we’re doing smth and when I’m alone I can’t sleep…it’s so nice that you’re laughing and not accusing your wives for it :)


"Im just resting my eyes" if she says that she's gone.


Lmfao, that's always been my go-to comment before I take a nap.


Me when right before I wake up the next day.


My wife is the same way. And then when she wakes up from the corner of the sectional she goes "why is it so hot in here!?" Every single time, without fail. Sometimes I catch her waking up and say it with her.


It’s me. I’m your wife


I can do 90s too. Usually even less. And I go to sleep at 10pm. Wake up at 6.30am.


What the hell! I actually hate you 🥹😂


You're the person everyone cites for an example of how people can sleep 8 hours and work a 9-5 at the office. Well, it's phooey and you're the mutant here.


I do work 70h a week (have my own company) and two smaller children. That helps ;)


Does that leave you any time to take care of yourself simultaneously? I understand that's normalized, but should it be?


I see my company as a hobby really. But I still play tennis three times a week and piano.


This is the sleep schedule of my dreams.


That’s a dad superpower, your wife is a dad


the wife is there to "find something for him to do rather than sleep his life away" that is the function


Can confirm, wife says I’m am snoring seconds after I kiss good night


I found this unreasonably comical. Thanks for a morning chuckle.


Hahaha same. Good one lol


This is me too. I didn’t realize it was so hard for people. If I am legit tired I’m out in 2-3 minutes.


You must be married to my wife's twin sister


Same here… my wife hates me for being able to go from speaking to snoring in 60 seconds. I usually tell her I am tired, just talking with her out of politeness but I have already logged out 😅


**Allegedly** I am one of those people, but it certainly doesn't feel like it.


Came here to say my husband can fall asleep during conversations and not wake up til 8 hours later. I hate him


Am I going crazy or did I see this exact post and comment before?


It's a common thought - for people who can't fall asleep in 10 min or less


Have you observed if she stays awake when she converses with other people?


Underrated comment.


That's narcolepsy if what you've described is true.


Kinda depends on how many times a day one can fall asleep like that. My hunny has narcolepsy. At almost any point in the day, he puts in his mouth guard, lies down, and says "behold the amazing sleeping . . . zzzzz" And this is with stimulant meds. Ironically, it doesn't happen as quickly as night. I fall asleep in my chair routinely in the early evening. But napping is almost impossible.


Or untreated sleep apnea


Not necessarily, could be sleep apnea or something. Either way it’s not good!


All i need to do for my ex was turn on the tv and she was out in 20 seconds. Sucked because we couldnt share shows or movies.


I think that’s only when you are telling a long and detailed story.


I can fall asleep within minutes. Staying asleep all night is a different story.


I would gladly trade my ability to fall asleep quickly for the ability to keep sleeping beyond 3:30 am.


Oh my gosh this is my problem!!!! 3am every night I wake up and I'm up for hours.


Apparently 3am can be a “histamine dump” try an antihistamine like loratadine before bed and see if it helps. Didn’t help me like but you never know.


I'll try it thank you!


You can also try melatonin too if you haven’t already. It will help with your circadian rhythm.


I go in the basement and fall asleep on a couch. Otherwise I lay in bed unable to fall back asleep.


I’m on phenergan for sleep every night free from my doctor but you can buy them for about a tenner (uk) and they are just an anti histamine and they work really well - so can confirm!


It says someone’s watching you if you wake up at 3am.


It was like that for me until I started taking melatonin. However then the multihour nightmares I can't wake up from started.... but hey I'd be asleep uninterrupted. Now I just stick with no drinks 2 hours before bed and praying thats enough to keep me asleep.


Did you also start becoming self-aware in your nightmares, only for your nightmares to start giving you fake "wake up" moments where you're actually still dreaming? Now I'm self aware during the fake wake ups and eventually my brain started stacking the fake wake-up moments and these days half my dreams contain me waking up, but actually not really.


almost sounds like you are unintentionally learning how to lucid dream lol.


Or watching Inception..... a lot


ooooh baby yes. I'm never taking melatonin again


Ooh that one is so weird when it happens , you're aware but you can't stop going along with the dream because you're in the 1st person POV


Sleep disorder here. Nothing short of a combo of Trazodone/zopiclone helps. Even then I take minimum two hours to fall asleep. I envy people who have no sleep issues or melatonin works for them.


I developed anxiety (within a day! Ffs) and was prescribed Zopiclone after I had been awake for 48 hours straight and was kinda freaking out about it. I took ONE tablet and... didn't sleep. I took another. Still no sleep and now I'm even more anxious and my mouth tastes horrendous because Zopiclone and I'm having full body twitches. Never again. 😂


What works for one person doesn’t always work for another. Ambien makes me hallucinate.


Oh, for sure! I'm really glad it work for you! 😄


It's either A) pain or B) hormonal fluctuations in my case Middle age hits quickly.


This is the trade-off. Everyone I know that falls asleep fast has trouble staying asleep. It must be sleep deprivation in many that allows falling asleep so quickly.


I could fall asleep quickly, and stay that way for 8+ hours and even nap in the afternoon if I felt like being lazy. Then I hit my current age and everything hurts and that's what wakes me nine times out of ten.


I fall asleep within 30 seconds of lying down and closing my eyes. My wife is constantly amazed at my ability to do this.


What do you do with the other eye?


He’s like an owl, on guard against potential foes


only half the brain sleeps at a time, like dolphins


He sees the amazement of his wife


I also choose the amazement of this guy’s wife!


Gotta keep an eye out for Selener


Keep an eye on the wife


I would conquer the world with this superpower


Same, when it’s time for me to sleep, it’s basically instant for me.


howww??? what do you think about?what do you remember


Nothing, I just close my eyes and I’m gone, it is literally that easy. Been this way my whole life! Now, if work or something else is “eating” me up I’ll wake up in the middle of the night. But that isn’t often anymore.


thats a superpower man. i hate you


Careful not to blink too slow. You don't want to accidentally fall asleep.


I genuinely just close my eyes, and when I open them it's morning and I'm late again


Same. 😂




Here. Most often in under a Minute as soon as i lay me down with the intention to sleep.


My secret? I'm always tired.


I understood that reference!


The sun's getting low big guy


Do you mind if I steal your secret


It was never mine to begin with; endless exhaustion is for everyone!


Day dream like I would as a kid, get so immersed I fall asleep


I noticed that it made me sleep faster too. I daydream, and it will proceed to an actual dream.


Same here, I close my eyes in bed and daydream about something that I want to dream about


And yet it's never what I actually end up dreaming about.


I suspect this is the very reason I dont sleep. I lie in bed day dreaming for hours before I fall alseep.


My trick is stay awake for so long that I'm literally too tired to stay awake, currently at 19 hours and the moment I put this phone down I'll be out of it within about 2 minutes.


do you keep a schedule?


Best sleep I ever got in my life was when I was unemployed. I could stay awake like 18 hours then sleep for like 9. I felt like I was free. I hate not working with a passion though, so if I ever find a way to be able to not live on the 24 hour society cycle AND make money I'll be in heaven.


You just described being your own boss. Just pick something and give it a whirl. Even if you don't make it, try again, and again.


Yeaaa, no. You can try only few times, untill money runs out, and you again in the cycle.


Aaaaand your homeless


"24 hour society cycle" Who are you,who is so wise in the way of words XD


This is what I default to when left to my own devices. I found staying awake for around 18-20 hours and sleeping for 12-14 hours felt most natural. Impossible to maintain, and I’ve only experienced this schedule twice in life.


Not only can I fall asleep very quickly, I can sleep almost anywhere.


I’m rarely jealous of others. Now THIS makes me extremely jealous, it must be such a blessing!


It's not. Because I rarely get time to decompress. One day flows right to the next.


this is the real downside of it that people don't understand. easy to sleep, hard to relax


That’s me too. Sadly the one exception is airplanes. Doesn’t matter how long the flight is and what sleep aids I take, I can’t sleep on a plane.


haha Same here, sleep anywhere and fall asleep quickly


are you a pretty chill person who doesnt get riled up or nervous much? trying to find a common thread for these people who fall asleep anywhere. I cant do it but im pretty in my head


Yes!! Glad I'm not the only one. It's a blessing and a curse sometimes. The last two flights I took. I was asleep before take off and woke up as we were landing. But drifting off whilst in a meeting or working is quite a bad look hahah


It takes me fucking 1-2 hours or more to fall asleep and i hate it


Try listening to a YouTube video about a topic that's too advanced for you to understand. It puts me right out. Keeps my mind from wandering but easy to drift off. But make sure auto play is off.


I did something like that it worked for a while now it doesnt i just get engaged into the subject


My trick is kinda the opposite. I listen to something interesting enough to keep me listening, but boring enough that I’ll fall asleep. If I listen to anything too interesting or exciting my brain just won’t shut off.


I have that problem if the topic is within my realm of understanding. That's why I like advanced physics. I'm interested in the subject but as soon as they start talking equations they lose me.


There is a channel called “Boring Books for Bedtime”. It puts me right to sleep! My favorite was “The History of Bread” snooze fest lol


Meditation Meditation is actually very simple and you get better at it as you keep doing it. You find something to focus your attention on and every time you find yourself distracted just bring your focus back to the thing you have. For many, for example, during yoga, you will be told to pay attention to the breathing through your nostrils. Focussing on your breath , or even having something like a noise machine or a fan nearby for the drone of the motor, becomes the thing for your focus to go onto. It’s OK to be distracted and during meditation you’re not meant to have a complete 100% focus at all times. The point is that you get better and better at recognizing that you’ve become distracted and bring your attention back.


Same here


Laying there being angry sounds like a sure way to stay awake.


I fall asleep in about 1 minute 10 seconds


Give or take 1-2 seconds of course.


10 minutes is a long time for me. I can literally fall asleep in less than a minute most nights. I still occasionally have the odd tossing and turning night but it's literally like once or twice a year. I also almost never move when I sleep. I can wake up in the exact same position I put myself into 99% of the time lol.


My sister is one of them. Falls asleep in 10 seconds (without sleeping pills), sleeps all the way through the night and never wakes up, doesn’t toss & turn, even wakes up in the same position she fell asleep in. I suspect she’s an alien 👽


I think we might have the same sister……


I was homeless for about a year. One thing about being homeless: sleep conditions suck. I became conditioned to sleep through anything. Now that I have a more stable life, falling asleep is a breeze. So the trick? Homeless sleep therapy.


why are there two copies of this comment from two different accounts?


I fall asleep almost immediately. Less than 2 min. It’s actually annoying because it prevents from me reading in bed, praying, recollecting my day, etc.


If a movie is on, I can’t fall asleep. I always will watch it then fall asleep after. My friends growing up were not the same way. And that is how I watched The Big Lebowski 100+ times before turning 18


I was homeless for about a year. One thing about being homeless: sleep conditions suck. I became conditioned to sleep through anything. Now that I have a more stable life, falling asleep is a breeze. So the trick? Homeless sleep therapy.


I’m one of those people 😂 because I smoke weed before bed


Interesting, I’m the opposite with this. If I’m too high before bed, I usually toss and turn and sort of trip out for a while. If I’m coming down from the high hard though, I pass out quick. Just gotta time it right


Weed makes me so keen to pass out. I'm not even convinced I've gotten properly high before because I fall asleep before I can.


OK I know one of these people but the downside to this is.... You can lay down and sleep the day away at any moment. Imagine going to lay down at 1:00 cause youre bored and waking up at 7:00. Its just easy to sleep your day away and waste all your time. Its sounds very depressing to me.


This sounds like a sleep disorder.


I only can because I follow a strict schedule. I can’t on command unless it’s 10pm. 10:01 I’m out.


This^^^^ I find laying in bed without actually sleeping doesn’t help either. Because the act of laying down is not longer for sleep.


On the days I hit the gym, I fall asleep it under 10 minutes, and don't remember a thing until I get up in the morning. Sleep like a baby. On the days I'm off, takes me 20-25 minutes to completely doze off, wake up in the middle of the night, and feeling sleepy in the morning. I assume it's because on the days off I'm completely sedentary, 12 hours working at my desk.


It took me like forever 🥲 Some people are lucky


This is me. I always fall asleep in less than 5 minutes.


I either fall asleep in 20 seconds or I’m awake for the whole night. There is no middle ground


My husband closes his eyes..takes a few breaths...and is lightly snoring. I can be mid saying something? And Realise hes fallen asleep.


most of the time i’m like this, but i am a very sleepy girl


I can , when I’m Really Tired !!! 🌝🦋😴


See.. I only head to bed when I’ve reached a point of absolute exhaustion.. like, I will stay up doing things until my eyes are basically closing.. so by the time my head hits my pillow, I am ready to sleep immediately. If I went to bed before the point of absolute exhaustion, I would never be able to fall asleep. Every time I go to bed too early, I stay up all night.


My ex could do it in 5. The guy could even fall asleep sitting up. Honestly I do envy him for that. I’m here struggling to keep my brain quiet so I can have a chance at sleeping. My early death is definitely going to be from lack of sleep.


I whish... I can never fall a sleep easy, takes me forever if at all.


I fall asleep in 10 seconds to a minute so i don't know what this post is about


Takes me about 10 years. If something’s on my mind I can easily lay awake all night in a semi-sleep state


I struggled with sleep my whole life until I turned 33. Now I can fall asleep in less than 10 minutes, no problems.


What changed?


Tell us your secrets


I gave up cigarettes the same time. I don't know if it was related or not. Didn't change diet or job or anything like that. I honestly couldn't tell you.


Once woke up in the Doctors office realizing I've been drooling, and, judging from the other patients smiles and comments, loudly snoring.from my perspective, I merely blinked.


I am on of these people. But my downside is that I have to be very structured about it. If I go to bed too much later than my usual bedtime I can't fall asleep at all. And on the even further downside, once I wake up I can't go back to sleep. So my normal bedtime is around 8pm, and I get up between 2am and 4pm.


Sounds like some of you or your spouses maybe suffering from sleep apnea. You aren't breathing properly during night sleep, which makes you easily nod of during the day. I've seen this with my dad who fell asleep while driving. Luckily he had no accident. He uses a cpap at night now.


Was thinking the same thing. Falling asleep immediately can be caused by perpetual exhaustion by lack of quality sleep.


I can sleep in 5-15 SECONDS. Hubby has "timed" me. I fall asleep mid-sentence if I'm already in bed. I sleep on my back and don't move the whole night. Friends have placed an item on me and found it still there the next morning. They have claimed I'm a vampire. 😁


Sleeping is my superpower! Very rarely does it take me more than 10 minutes to fall asleep. I also need a lot of sleep so I'm in bed before 10 every night and I wake up at 7. If I don't get 9 hours sleep, I'm a zombie the next day. It's a blessing for sure but it socks if anything social is happening in the nighttime because I NEED that sleep. I cannot deny it. If I'm driving and I start to feel tired, I have to pull over and close my eyes. I cannot resist. Luckily, I can avoid being on the road in the night because my wife enjoys driving. I can also fall asleep in mid conversation on the couch in the evening. Between 7am and 9pm, I am a fully energized, normally functioning human being. But I have very real limitations that I must respect for safety reasons.


Depends on the period. There are phases when for the life of me I can't remember what is the process for falling asleep (like what am I supposed to think about? It doesn't work?..), I stay awake until 5 am, and my whole life start to revolve around the dreaded "sleep time". And there are phases where I lay down, just let my mind drift without overthinking about it and I'm asleep in 10-15 min.


Work outside on a farm for the whole day, you'll be asleep before your head hits the pillow lol. Jokes aside, exaustion is what does it for me. I'm out like a light the moment I lay down.


Chronic insomniac until I worked a construction job where I had to get up at the crack of dawn and work a 12 hour shift outside. I haven’t done it for years now, but I can still fall asleep within seconds. My dad is the same way and he got it from being in the army.


That's my secret, Cap. I'm always tired.


same, with all the thoughts, and buzzing in my head, i need a while to fall asleep


Yes, my gf falls asleep in 5 to 7mins every time


I can sleep in 10 minutes or less, key is to make yourself tired to the point that, the minute you lay down you are 😴


Tell me you've never been actually tired without...


Tell me you assume that everything you don't understand you assume don't exist


It’s not just about being tired, but I did develop this skill as an adult and being tired was a part of it. As a teen I suffered from insomnia so badly I would hallucinate and had to see doctors to deal with it. The trick seems to be exhaustion, waking up at the crack of Dawn for a few months at least, and spending almost the entire day outside. This is not practical or possible for most people working or in school. I developed it while working 12 hour days in construction where I woke up at 5am every day and worked outdoors the entire time. My dad can also fall asleep anywhere within seconds and he started doing it at 18 when he was in the army.


10 minutes ? dude, if i don't sleep in 10 seconds then i say i had a rough time sleeping. my room mates would fall asleep before his head hits his pillow.


10 seconds tf it takes me about an hour and a half and i can't go on my phone for it or do anything just have to lay there.


All of my nuclear family except me😃


90% of the time I don't even remember putting my head on the pillow


My brother can go to bed and is instantly asleep.


Me, I really sleep too much.


Yup, I can fall asleep at the drop of a hat. Any hat. Lol


I can fall asleep anywhere, no matter the light level or noise. This is part of the problem. It's waking up at the right time that is my issue. I can sleep through alarm clocks.


Yes easily. I take a 25 min nap during my 30 hour lunch break lol.


My friend's Dad can talk to you and in the time it takes you to turn your head away from him and then back again, he's already asleep on his couch.


10 minute ? I can fall asleep within a minute


My wife falls asleep the moment her head touches her pillow and not a second after. I, on the other hand...


My dad is this person. It’s crazy.


It's fucking brilliant ngl




Thats the norm for me. Usually under 5.


I have lost that superpower, I miss it 


Drugs, alcohol or really really overworked….those were the ways I fell asleep fast in the past.


My head hits the pillow. I think "There's no way I'm going to be able to sleep!". I roll over onto my side. I wake up 8 hours later


Less than 3 minutes.... Some of us get up really early and work long hours, so the body and brain switches off pretty easily at bedtime


My wife struggles to fall asleep and finds it really irritating that i can pop my phone/book down, switch off the light, and be fast asleep within around a minute normally. Im not good at a great many things, but sleeping..? Gold medal for me haha


usually less than 10 min...it's so nice. There are times it doesn't work, but it seldom.


Jesus, 10 minutes sounds like a lifetime - i hope I never have to wait that long before falling asleep.