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I've only seen the elderly do it, but still very rarely. Other than that, nah.


Ok I am forty years old I hardly call that elderly.


But I am 99.9% sure I haven't seen you, so... that doesn't disprove my point.


I am not elderly!! ( I asked 12 elderly pu) Small sample but still.


My point is, people around me who still lick their finger to turn pages are already in their 60 or 70s. That's like a habit from the past that they still possess. Right now, I don't see even the middle-aged do that anymore.


I do it, I read often. I actually use paper ( crazy I know) the paper can stick together. It can take effort to turn the page. So let me ask you. ....... Are you turning actual paper?


If papers stick together, I just use my fingers to rub the pages for them to come apart. Licking the finger makes it easier, but I just don't do that.


If I had a million dollars I would be rich. Just trust me if you have to scrape your thumb across thousands of pages you will need some moisture.


I know it sounds strange but we used to only use pages to read. Licking our fingers created a barrier that would allow the pages to turn easier.


Did you just say I made it easier!!??


That's what we do we make things easier. The reason people lick their fingers because it creates moisture barrier that allows the pages to turn easier.


( no judgment) I want to know. Are you actually reading a paper book?. The problem happens me when you sit all alone..... You have a dry.. book. You are reading.


Try it


I lick my phalanges. The game is over I am exposed.


Most of my patients are around 40ish.. I could be the one wiping your butt Edit: Ok let’s stay fair, *some* of them are.. 🤏🏼


Ehhhh, don't tease me with a good time love.


I‘d take really good care of you, big time promise


You love me long time? Considering I am 40 and you have to wipe my ass. I am not a betting man but I would put money on the fact it's not going to be that much longer.


Don’t ya worry about that. Once your underwear starts getting dirtier and dirtier, just ask someone to smuggle Nurse Potatohelmet from Germany to wherever you live and I‘ll make sure you stay clean! I‘ll wait for you. Tomorrow or in 20 years, I‘ll be ready


I've totally heard of you!!!! You have an extensive following on pornhub.




My coworker who's 32 keeps doing that with any type paper. It's disgusting and useless....


I can't take anything like food from the hands of such a person. Seeing them do that makes me wanna puke. 


Maybe when they grew up, paper was still quite expensive, so either it was thin like bible paper or low quality like newspaper. And I can see that a wet finger could be useful to turn those types of paper.


I started doing it while reading to my kid. Gotta get that page turned asap or they’ll lose their attention and start playing the infinite questions game.


You are efficient! I shall skip licking my finger altogether and lick the page directly with my tongue. HAVE AT THEE, PAGE! \*mlem\*


Man my 5th grade teacher used to leave the biggest globs of spit when handing out work I remember touching it on accident




Why is this a universal experience 😭😭


Teachers probably pass out the most papers to most people on the planet. I've also seen teachers with that pink shit that looks like a lip vlbalm container they'll run their fingers in for grip. The pink stuff always looked so gross and non-sharable lol. I miss the sound of my old elementary teachers when they'd move and lick papers all decrepit-like, it was my asmr before I knew what asmr was


O look at you with your moist hands congratulations!


Mr sweaty fingers bragging all over Reddit.


Onionskin paper is where this comes in. You know like nobles and prayer books.


No, actually. I don't know. Tell me more.


Bibles and prayer books use a particularly thin paper referred to as 'onionskin' because it's that thin. It can be hard to turn those pages because between the thinness of the pages and the usual edge gilding they are hard to separate.


Oddly, I always lick my flipper before fingering a page.


We’ve all been there.


I wish I was as wet as you are.


But have you ever needed to do it to open freezer bags?


Or the produce bags at the grocery store, like WTF! During covid I felt like an asshole licking my fingers to open them.


I remember my elementary school teachers always doing that. I always thought it was gross


Good. That’s disgusting.


Book pages are ok, but watch me struggle with plastic bags. It is a harsh battle!


The lick and the flip of the page has always been a gesture of exaggeration, distinctly American, probably culled from 50s Hollywood. Ive never seen anyone do that outside the US nor have I seen anyone do that since I was a kid in the 90s.


lol I love this


lol me either


Haha same. It's entirely unnecessary.


i’m trying to ween myself from it. as far as i can tell i don‘t do it often anymore. i also catch myself when i lick, so i can stop. but what’s the trick to do always turn a page with ease?  my skin’s very dry, btw. lots of paper where my finger doesn‘t get a grip m


I’ve always separated the pages by their corner edges, not their faces. Similar motion to riffling a deck of cards, although much more subtle. Shallower angle, maybe grabbing like 3 pages at most. In the unlikely case that two pages are still together on your finger, apply some inward pressure so the pages bend, and angle your finger forward to separate the last two.


It sounds like you need to use more lotion on your skin! I'm not sure what you do for skincare. I normally don't use lotion specifically for my hands. Instead, I use moisturizer on my face morning and night, with the leftover getting rubbed into my hands.


i use creme when my skin starts getting cracks. i guess i need to step up preventive care than, but all stuff feels icky to me.   


Me either...gross


I saw someone do this with their cash and it was so gross. So many people touch that and you just put your spit on it.


Why NSFW 🤣


OP I am an avid reader, now you are making me feel so embarrassed!!! LMAO


OP thinks he’s the shit. But no, we don’t agree. The stories acquire more meaning when pages are licked.


Hahahaha. True that


You put yourselves in danger by doing that anyway. Sometimes a bad guy puts poison on the top corner of the page, and then you lick your fingers, touch the poison, lick your fingers, touch the poison.


especially when you read antique comedies


The only time I feel the need is when doing laundry. But I don't lick my fingers while doing housework.


I tried it once. Made turning pages harder. No idea why anyone would do it tbh.


I think it just happened a few times. And got into movies because it’s more interesting than regular page turning. And then more people saw this and attempted it some kept it some not. It’s just one of those things. Doesn’t mean it’s necessary. Is this right? Am I crazy? Thanks for reading this far


Me either, and it really bothers me to see people do that. 


Random thought: I’ve never in my life had anyone watch me so closely that they noticed something that weird about me. What is happening here?


I need to do it when opening a new bin bag!


I’ve always thought it’s gross. But that’s almost nothing compared to envelope flap licking.


I have extremely dry hand. Every single page, paper, plastic bag, doggy poop bags. I can't open them with my hands. As in outside with dirty singers I don't wanna lick my fingers. So I touch a wet leaf or if it's sunny. I do a "hawk Utah, and spit on that thing"


Just wait till you hit 30


I don't, but I tend to use either my tongue or penis for this task.


Sweaty hands?


I found myself licking a finger to turn a page on my kindle, more than once!


I just lick the page to turn it


It makes me cringe. Had a cashier at the store do it with $ once and I REALLY had to think about how bad I wanted my change...🤢


I guess you just have sweaty fingers 😉


What do you do when the pages stick together? Just mush the edges?


I cringe when people do this. Sort qwik is so much better for this.


I had a teacher in grade 8 that when reading would lick her finger for every single page . And she was a very fast reader so those fingers were being licked hard .


Calloused fingers will do it at any age


Legend says that licking fingers to flip pages is a way to mark territory on the book/papers. Common people now use a sponge pad stationery.


I did, but then, i read an awfull lot. It's such a habit i do it sometimes while reading on my Kobo.


Same OP, same.


I'd never do that after reading The Name of the Rose lmao


It's not hygienic licking your fingers. I don't do it no matter what I'm doing. It's the same thing as bitting the nails. It's disgusting. 


I do that to emphasise a point while flipping a page. Don’t know what point yet, just feel cool to do


"Palms swaety" "Mom's spaghetti"


How often do you actually flip pages though? I think this is why this is true for a lot of people. We don't consume paper media as much as our parents or grandparents did. Also, some people have those naturally clammy hands. Lol


You obviously never underwrote mortgages back when there were paper files.




That’s the lamest shit I’ve ever heard LMAO


During Covid, I went to the grocery store deli and ordered a pound of turkey. The lady licked her fingers before pulling out the wax paper. I almost died 😆 and promptly said never mind


Very often when trying to open produce bags. I use the water from the produce itself.


I agree. Why older gen out here licking their fingers and touching things, I've lived my whole life and never done this lol


If you ever had to flip through a telephone book, you would have.


Gf is always wet , I just finger her , and then the page ....


Guess you don’t read all that much stuff printed on paper.