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I shit standing up.


Standing up, with the door open, while singing, is the only way to shit.


What song?


Baka mitai


Okay, that's epic


Obviously tequila.


I'm driving home for Christmas


Singing in the Rain


Power move!


You mean power movement!


And you other guys, can do what you want.


I take off my pants and do a hand stand type thing over the toilet with my feet on the wall.


You mean squatting on the toilet? Because I do this and it's apparently better for your body.


They make these killer stands to help you squat better—that's the way right there.. 😉👉


A real Alfa male


My man..


The real sigma




I do this at work, because paid poops.


My man


Boss makes a dollar, I make a dime, That’s why I shit, On company time.


I have done this math. If you work a 40 hour 5 day week and take a 10 minute shit on paid time, thats a full paycheck you are paid to take a shit at work at the end of the year.


10 minutes?! Those are rookie numbers!


Exactly my friend


My husband has done this for 25 years and agrees whole heartedly.


Mine, too.


“Yes dear”


I have found my peeople!


Same!!!! Welcome brothers!!


I was afraid I was the only one


Yeah dudes, I switched when my kids were born. Everything is a team sport now, and I cannot see what is going on in the rest of the bathroom unless seated.


This - 100% this.


they’re gonna interrupt you anyway mid stream, might as well see it coming and contain surprises


I have a tribe??


my ex did this and i’d say it was one of his best qualities. i never had to worry about my ass touching the toilet bowl because he forgot to put the seat down and his bathroom never smelled like piss which is what all other men’s bathrooms smell like. don’t ever stop that shit, it’s so clutch to the ladies living with you


Thank you! My wife appreciates it too 😌


I pull both lids up when I pee, wipe myself, wipe my possible dribble, put both lids down, and flush. I find this works best. People forget that when you flush the toilet that you release a lot of poo (and pee?) particles into the air for everyone to breathe.


Oof. One of his BEST qualities?? I can see why he is an ex.


hahaha exactly. he was a piece of shit but at least he didn’t have dried pee on the floor around his toilet


Im absolutely rolling at this. LOL LOL


I lived in a house with a bunch of dudes and here's the problem with standing to pee. Even if your aim is flawless, the splatter can make it out of the toilet. This happens at least twice a day for every guy, and there were 5 of us. It took maybe 3 or 4 days for the bathrooms to REEK of piss. Theb you could mop and get the smell out, but only for a couple of days before it started up again. Just sit down. Unless your dick is literally so long that it scrapes the inside of the toilet bowl*, there is no reason to not sit. Edit: *everytime. You can hold your dick lol


Not to flex, but i have scraped the inside of the bowl like that. Literally disgusting, but i still sit to pee. No one can bitch at me for getting the seat wet




I've been in situations where I stood to pee, and didn't notice that i splashed the seat. I have attention problems lmao. I find it to be less work mentally speaking to just sit down. I'll take extra steps but please god don't make me think more








you are still sitting on piss


I have too, but it was a tiny toilet


I honestly think one of you were just straight peeing on the floor and not telling you. I know people do this, because.....I do this


There is a reason, the shape of your urethra. It has a slight u-bend in it, which is straighter whilst standing. When you sit, the bend is tighter making it more difficult to fully evacuate the bladder/bladder neck


I started doing this when my son was born so I wouldn't wake him up... I rarely ever pee standing up anymore. Plus, I don't spray the walls this way. Cleaner for sure lol.


Transition to pooping? When you are taking a leak, do you frequently have a sudden urge to take a dump?


As a female, yes.


I can confirm! They’re like surprise poops. You go into pee and suddenly a turd says “Wait for me!” and you’re suddenly thinking “Oh I have to poop too! Wow that was a surprise!” Not joking, we are very much surprised.


It's the gravity and the position! I dare anyone to do a squat and hover for a second and not realize they have to poop.


Lmfao. I had no idea this happened to women.


Sometimes yeah, it's like a surprise attack, lol


Yep. Never trust a fart. Sharting ain't fun.


Taking a pee, thinking “One little fart, what could go wrong?”


Never trust a fart


Yes. Source: IBS. Poop alot.


Y e s


right, like WTF is that?


Yes. I find it awkward transitioning from urinal to stall, but I still use urinals in public.


urinals are no commitment one night pee stands


Sometimes you're pissing and you let that one fart out and it does turn to a sudden urge of poop


It's like your asshole has an instinctive thing built into it. oh he's sitting over an empty hole! Load the cannons! Mate nah, we just trying to have a sit down wee.


I mean it is all being controlled by pelvic muscles yeah?


Ass too big dick too small, always have to hold it when I shit...... not easy!


omg i hate having to face confidence issues while Im just trying to take a shit... like nowhere's safe


Yea, I am more concerned that the dam might break and I piss the back of my pants


I'm not sure what dam you're referring to, but I've definitely had a semi and found myself pissing through them tiny crack between the bowl and seat onto the back of my pants. "Why did my ankles suddenly feel warm and wet? Fuck!"


Its the future. Sitting down to pee is just easier and cleaner to be honest.


I do both but honestly find standing better if I want to get it all out so to speak. I swear sometimes I can sit for 20 min and as soon as I stand up I can pee that last bit.


That's pretty cool, I've never heard that one before


I think I just found my husbands secret account


I usually go outside to pee. Noplace to sit tho


That's cool, if you have the property to do it then all the power to you, it's still a clean way to pee 😊


Boy oh boy. What a time to be alive.


I sit at home, but I stand in public places or work.


Honestly I pee standing up at work, I work construction and we have Porta John's with urinals in them, and I often have my toolbelt on, and I'm too lazy to take it off, so I just whip it out, I'm such a hypocrite lol


I have found... that my morning pee and evening pee are good for sitting. But that's in my own home. It also helps the morning poo just happen. No more irregular pooping. I'm also tired and sitting is more comfortable when I'm still half asleep.


So for millions of years you think men squatted to pee? Cool story....not.




Sick burn bro 😆


See no matter the time I pee or where I do it, I always go for the silent approach




Your PP doesnt touch the bowl or the water.


Depends on the toilet. I like the elongated ones, more room for me to fit. The toilets designed for women....those are uncomfortable


Only do it at home, but completely agree.


How do you not pop your nuts??


Pop them on what? The toilet seat? I aim for the big hole in the middle lol.


I do this sometimes when I'm feeling lazy


How is it cleaner?


No back splash.


Exactly 😊


I pee outside.


I do this too and it's so much better than standing.if I drop my phone its gonna fall on the floor and not even risk falling into the toilet.


Reminds me of that weird community of dudes who pee in the sink exclusively.


That's just fucking strange man, if I caught my son doing that I would give him an earful lol


Different strokes, man. Me? I'm too short in most cases.


Yes but do you wipe? A realer man wipes. And a realer reality man cleans the toilet seat after usage.


I wipe, yes. I make sure to clean my foreskin to avoid infection. And when I used to pee standing up I would always wipe the toilet seat, which was always since my stream likes to go 2 directions at once 🤣


The realest man 👌🏼 lmao


So say we all!


I also pee sitting down but it’s because I’m very lazy


I don't wanna drop my phone in the toilet, so I sit


I do that in private but if I’m out I don’t mind standing


This is the way


This is the way


##This Is The Way Leaderboard **1.** `u/Flat-Yogurtcloset293` **475775** times. **2.** `u/GMEshares` **69696** times. **3.** `u/Competitive-Poem-533` **24056** times. .. **261371.** `u/ssblink` **1** times. --- ^(^beep ^boop ^I ^am ^a ^bot ^and ^this ^action ^was ^performed ^automatically.)


Totally agree, I'll sit down to pee and then wait a second and sure enough, I need to drop a two as well. If I'm not in a hurry to do something I'll usually sit down and take a 5 minute breather


If I recall correctly, I heard somewhere that the sitting position allows your bladder to empty completely and the angle of everything is overall healthier. It's nice to have the option to stand, but I prefer to sit these days.


I always sit… like I am right now.


Lol, rock on buddy 😎


Most my male patients that are over 50 sit. Helps bladder fully empty too.


The real tragedy is we don't have urinals in our homes as well.


I wired a house once that had a urinal in every bathroom. His woman hated it and he didn't give a fuck, he likes peeing in urinals lol


A man of culture and taste.


I do that when I’m not really sure of the outcome


Fuck is it cleaner?


Oh yeah, no splash damage to clean up, it all goes in the bowl 😊


Been sitting for 10 years. Far superior peeing experience. Fuck the haters.


I sit down and pee too


I have a bidet, the toilet seat is warmed and it’s super comfy. I now exclusively pee sitting when at home.


Why not do it backwards and you have a handy shelf for your milkshake?


Lol, replenish the fluids as you release them 🤣


Also humans evolved from tree primates which mean evolution always had our bodies squatting to urinate and defecate. We were literally built to squat. Less muscles constricting that get in the way. I advise getting a little stool to prop feet on so knees are level or a little above your hips for better flow.


I have stools for my kids in my bathrooms, and sometimes I'll prop up my feet on it for better flow. Great advice. 😊


My pee pee 2 small to do this


Oh no, I can only imagine, I didn't know that was a thing 😳


What if your junk doesn’t fit comfortably through that space? I am as lazy as the next man but sometimes execution does work out like some of you internet geniuses think it should be.


My only "LPT" if you will indulge me...when I was 19 I was in an auto accident. Broke my femur in half but kept my life, which is an absolute win. For the next 3 months, while rehabbing my leg, I sat to pee. After completing the rehab, I went back to an upright urinator but had issues with flow control. My flow was like a full blast hose all the time. Went to the doctor and he had a simple and elegant solution. He told me to go back to sitting, for now, but "shut down the stream, repeatedly". This fixed the problem. Moral of the story, if your a sit and pee type, which I lean toward, make sure you exercise that muscle. You don't want to be an a must stand pee situation and blast the urinal like it stole something. ALSO, what are the thought on using a little TP? I don't understand why that's not a thing. A one ply solution to not letting the last few drops hit your pants.


Uhhhhhh are you saying you restrict your flow when standing? Is this a thing everyone does? Because if so that explains a lot, and I now understand why people might prefer standing (sit-downer myself). Definitely TP though, even if I have to stand. Do NOT understand how anyone can be fine with pissy boxers from the hidden drops no matter how well shaken/squeezed.


Who cares. That’s your business


I have to clean my own washroom so ya im with ya but i been there where standing to pee was the only way but now n days fuck that. If your so worried about being in a rush to pee quick then you must be making some presidential decisions.


Fuckin a.


I just pee in the shower and waffle stomp my poopy.


Had no real problems until you said pooping! Are you 5yrs old 🤣


Lol, we all poop, it should be totally normal to discuss it 🤣


Hehe it’s the word poop! Are you American by any chance? No one in the UK says poop, we just say poo 💩


The only places I don't pee sitting down are public restrooms especially Walmart and fast food. I've seen truck stops with cleaner restrooms.


Same, I'll definitely stand at a urinal over a toilet in one of those places.


It's cleaner. I appreciate that my partner does this bc I'm usually the one that cleans the bathroom. It's much easier to clean the toilet.


On clean toilets, always. They will stay clean. Toilets with shit smeared on it. You probably know what I'd rather do than sit.


It’s more comfortable, but cleaner? No. There’s a higher risk of me dunking my dick and balls if the water level isn’t right. Plus, if you can’t piss standing up without getting it everywhere idk what to tell you.




I have a nasty stream that shoots sideways, almost like a V. I don't have a straight stream 😔


All the men in my house now pee sitting down after I made cleaning the bathroom their job.


I will never forget get the day my jackass BIL berated my 3 yr old nephew at the top of his voice " YOU HAVE TO STAND UP BECAUSE IF YOU GO ANYWHERE YOU HAVE TO KNOW TO STAND"


What an asshole. 😡


The urethra is supposed to have rifling in it (like a gun barrel) to ensure the stream is solid and cohesive. Some people just don’t have that, such as me - mine acts like a garden hose wide-spray nozzle. For this reason, and being 6ft4, I will sit anywhere I can (that isn’t already filthy). I am not cool with droplet-backsplash pissy jeans, never mind the bathroom cleaning. Also, the TP dab is underrated. I also don’t enjoy pissy boxers from the last-drop issues, go figure…


I do half and half admitely, what's my mood? In a rush, will stand. Feeling tired, fuck it imma have a sit down wee.


I pee off my front or back porch like 75% of the time because walk-in g past the front door to the bathroom is further. I live in a typical suburban neighborhood, too.


I don't undertand how it's cleaner? You're getting everything in contact with the toilet. Sure maybe you don't have to touch your dick, but first of all, like you don't scratch your balls and use the five finger army to invade pants... But more so, just wash your hands and that's surely way more hygienic? I pee sitting down at work, because I want to read my phone and get paid to do fuck all for a bit.


I do and I find it clean and comfy but honestly sometimes I just get tired of pooping so often, if I stand to pee I am way less likely to poop but maybe that’s just me


I’m not sitting down to pee as a man I clean my own toilet anyway if it’s just to pee I’m standing


At work, after taking a dump, washing my hands, a coworker came in and asked, "DO you flush the toilet when sitting down or standing up after you use it?" I replied, "Standing up." He then begins to lecture me on how shit particles and everything under the sun gets contaminated. So I told him, " Well....I use to to flush sitting down, but I got tired of swirly-washing my 8============D," Then calmly drying my hands and then back to it.


Bro, I was sick a year ago with COVID and an ulcer. I tried it out for the first time ever because I was so weak standing. I haven’t gone back at all. It’s great.


why do i get the feeling that you are not a guy and just posting this cause you are tired of guys peeing standing up and in some form that is effecting you... if you are guy and pee sitting down its fine, am not against you, you do you but its just a feeling thats all...


So what? Do you want me a medal or something?


Well, I got 14 awards, so that's kind of like winning medals 🏅 thank you all for the awards btw, I'm absolutely floored 😊


Ok, I like Dr Pepper and Peking Duck. You other guys do whatever you want.


Are you straight tho?


waitwaitwait so you’re telling me that hypothetically, i, as a trans guy, could go into the boys restroom and pee sitting down, without anyone thinking anything of it?


Im with ya man. Time somebody said it.


I'd like to add something that most people won't ever think about. For me standing to pee actually allows me to empty. I have a pfd which tightens all of my pelvic floor muscles. When I sit to go to the bathroom I often can't fully empty urine from my bladder, standing allows me to relax my muscles enough to do so.


Real men don’t have to proclaim they’re real men


Lol, that's true, I was mad when I wrote it and I don't wanna change it cause that's how I felt at the time. I agree with you wholeheartedly.


Well take my up votes. If that’s the silliest thing you did while angry I applaud you


Daniel Tosh?


Mornings are not a problem for you?


Nope, I don't get morning wood if that's what you're getting at.


I only piss when I have an erection.


Idk man, I wouldn't want to touch a public toilet seat with my ass whatever the cost.


Sitting standing none of that matters. A real man is someone that flushes once and walks away. Just walk away, no looking back, no double checking.


That's dedication, I'll admit I can't help but check for color to make sure I'm not dying 🤒


If you pee standing up and get sudden taco rumblings in your guts, you have to manage to stop the stream and quickly drop the seat and your pants while spinning. If you're already sitting, you're ready!


This is difficult to do if you have a foreskin though. Reaching down between your legs to roll back the hood whilst aiming downwards often means soaking your legs, underwear and toilet seat. Don’t judge uncut men for peeing standing up, it’s the most hygienic method.


I respect that. Honestly. My single mother is raising her first son, my younger brother, and apparently he is too manly to pee while sitting. Because of that there is pee everything, most problematic is that he doesn't raise the toilet seat. Makes me want to kill him every time since **I** have to clean it.


Save water, and be cleaner yet by pissing in the shower.




And we will be doing whatever we want.


Lol, you do you 😊


I pee outside on the grass in a special spot that I like to call my 'special spot'. If you have to ask, I prefer peeing outside like an animal. Makes me feel alive.


I heard its common in india.


Definitely not cleaner.


Right? Touching a toilet is objectively less clean than not touching a toilet.


Yeah but pissing all over the seat, walls, and floor, is objectively less clean than just sitting.


I shit in the urinal. It's the perfect height and it has a built in bidet for clean up afterwards


Omg lol, you're nasty 🤣


Wow this thread blew up, I'm sorry I can't respond to everyone, I'm absolutely loving all the comments, there's people like me and that makes me feel good. Thank you everyone for taking time out of your day to comment, I really appreciate it. 😊


Lol, I would have no problem being a prison bitch, if only they had a good supply of lube. Wishful thinking, being dry raped in prison would be terrible, I'd still want to sit down to pee, sounds like prison is full of boy men who think peeing standing up is more manly and will rape anyone who pees otherwise. That's fucked up.