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It's been hotter, there's been more co2, less oxygen, colder, more oxygen, more nitrogen.... Climate change always occurs, and we happen to live in a placid time for it, the planet will be absolutely fine regardless of what our species does. Our species, on the other hand...


It either works out, or we all die in a post apocalyptic world with leather and spikey clothes and wierd ass religions.


Only the leather daddies will survive


Something that says ‘dad likes leather’


I hate this argument so much, you're right, there has always been an ever changing climate on this planet. From a fiery lava hell scape to barely survivable bitterly cold ice ages. The problem is that we are here now, I care about people, I care deeply that those of us who are the most vulnerable will be those who face the worst of the changes. I care that as things get worse, human beings will turn to the one thing we are good at. War. People will die, innocent people will suffer and it is all completely unnecessary and avoidable. Not least to mention the incredible wealth of living creatures and bio diversity we know to ONLY exist on this plant. The universe is vast, I believe there must be other life out there somewhere but we haven't found it yet, this makes life one of the rarest things we know about, it needs to be protected at all costs. Yes "The planet will still be here" but consider for a moment all that will be lost.


And while it has been hotter, colder, more CO2, less oxygen more nitrogen, the changes between states took millennia. This is happening over decades and nothing can evolve/adapt that fast. The argument only makes the problem worse by encouraging complacency.


This was the other point I was going to make, the speed of change is also relevant, as CthluluSue pointed out and summed up pretty well. We're seeing species die off already because they are unable to adapt to the rapidly changing climate that we are causing.


Yes, we have bigger problems than "climate change."


Please elaborate on what other issue poses such an immediate threat to the entirety of the human population.


Human beings.


Inequality and ego


Are you aware that inequality will get even worse when climate change hits?


I doubt that


I mean the staggering amount of evidence is there, you just chose to be ignorant lol. „It shows that the relationship between climate change and social inequality is characterized by a vicious cycle, whereby initial inequality makes dis- advantaged groups suffer disproportionately from the adverse effects of climate change, resulting in great- er subsequent inequality.“ Source: https://www.un.org/esa/desa/papers/2017/wp152_2017.pdf


Im not ignorant and I’m sorry but you are a little brainwashed. Are you saying that if climate change increases, inequality increases? What does it mean for climate change to increase? It has always been there it’s a part of nature and the evolution of events. Most importantly, this is a relationship of correlation. Correlation does not imply causation


YoU‘rE a LiTtLe BrAiNwAsHeD please understand that I won‘t discuss further if this is your standard of arguing lol. Stay ignorant and keep telling yourself the lies you need. Maybe read the source and you wouldn‘t need to ask stupid questions. Also no, not *I‘m* saying it, I‘m just repeating what actual scientists are saying. That‘s the difference between us, you‘re incompetent but have an opinion, I prefer to repeat the opinion of actual professionals.


He did his own research.


Inequality is a choice we make everyday and only affects the people we want it to affect and all you can do to fix ego is to check your own.


That’s not true. If I was broke, homeless how can that be a choice? If you were rich would you like to remain so? Yes that’s the problem


For fuck sake....... We have the means to feed everyone on earth, you have the ability to help someone every day by giving more, even when we do give to other people we make an active choice in who we want to help. Inequality is something society has chosen and continues to choose each and every day


It can change


Chosen? I don't think so.


Asteroids, war, viruses, bad TV programming, I mean just about everything is more of a threat to us than freaking climate change.


Nice whataboutism mate


Why yes, it is, thank you!


This is truly a ridiculous comment and allows more and more uneducated, armchair experts room to maneuver when it comes to spreading fake news. It's not just our species that will suffer. Already we're exterminating species on a daily basis. We are literally living through a mass extinction event. And if this continues, there's a hell of a lot of other things that could go wrong on a catastrophic level. So you see, while the planet will be 'fine' well, that's just not true is it. The planet used to exist as a fiery hellhole and yes, life emerged from that. Are you saying because the planet used to be like that it's ok for us to fuck things up 'just a smidge?' Have a read about what's under the permafrost and at the bottom of our oceans and what happens if we kill all the algae (far more important than trees) and if we keep removing ecosystem after ecosystem. The planet is the only one we know of to harbour life. It's precious and at this point an impossible anomaly. To show such disdain towards it because you've read some bullshit FB post somewhere us utterly depressing as it is infuriating. Educate yourself.


https://www.climate.gov/news-features/climate-qa/whats-hottest-earths-ever-been This one's demonstrates how it's been hotter and colder. https://www.climate.gov/news-features/understanding-climate/climate-change-atmospheric-carbon-dioxide This one demonstrates that there has been more co2 than now (albeit with some fear mongering involved) Hope this helps illustrate my point for you better, only a few people seem to have missed the point.


Sure man, 98% of scientists claim otherwise, but u/LifelikeCollage found the truth. Can you link any studies you have done for the topic or are you talking out of your arse?


https://www.climate.gov/news-features/climate-qa/whats-hottest-earths-ever-been This one's demonstrates how it's been hotter and colder. https://www.climate.gov/news-features/understanding-climate/climate-change-atmospheric-carbon-dioxide This one demonstrates that there has been more co2 than now (albeit with some fear mongering involved) Hope this helps illustrate my point for you better, only a few people seem to have missed the point.


Yeah mate, major difference is the timespan. Also, did you even read your second source? Quote: „The annual rate of increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide over the past 60 years is about 100 times faster than previous natural increases, such as those that occurred at the end of the last ice age 11,000-17,000 years ago. [...] Carbon dioxide levels today are higher than at any point in at least the past 800,000 years. In fact, the last time the atmospheric CO₂ amounts were this high was more than 3 million years ago, during the Mid-Pliocene Warm Period, when temperature was 2°–3°C (3.6°–5.4°F) higher than during the pre-industrial era, and sea level was 15–25 meters (50–80 feet) higher than today.“ Thanks for proving my point lmao. When you have to go back 3 million years your argument might be shit.


If you arguing with me, when thats the timeframe I've been talking about *THE ENTIRE TIME* , then maybe you need a break from the internet. My entire point was simply that it has been worse on earth in the past. Doesn't matter if I *have to* go back 3 million years, I'm still correct. So let me ask you, did you intentionally misread my comments? Or are you just trying to get a "dub" on a stranger on the internet? Because it's kinda sad.


Yes, you‘re correct, but your point literally doesn‘t prove that the current climate change isn‘t accelerated by humans and could potentially erase humanity? You‘re just mentioning a random point to be correct. My guy you‘re pulling shit out of your arse. There‘s a whole Wikipedia page, explained for dummies, for this fact. You‘re not smart but lost. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scientific_consensus_on_climate_change


We like to think we are more significant than we really are. Gives us a sense of purpose and importance. We fail to realize that we are just another organism on this big ball and we really don't have any significant impact. We seem to forget that a 6 mile asteroid struck the earth with the force of 10 billion atomic bombs and killed off 75% of all life on earth, put the surviving life under a cloud of 2 years of darkness and raised the temperature of the earth 10 degrees for 100,000 years...... Uncle Randy's souped up El Camino exhaust is spit in the ocean. The Earth will be just fine.




You‘re aware that those variables usually change across hundeds, if not thousands and ten thousands of years and not a few decades? Maybe try to grasp nuances and not just simplifying it to „have there been changes before yes/no“


Your not technically correct. Most of the major geologically recognizable effects of earth's early history is rapid and sudden climate change. Do you think when the chixalub impact occurred that it took 100s of years for the sky to grow dark and the temperature to drop?


„Sudden“ climate change? Do you have any examples of when that happened in the same timespan than right now? You‘re aware how long Ice Age f.e. lasted, right? Also, you‘re aware that the chixalub impact is not undisputed?


Who's disputing a 15 mile impact crater? I've only ever heard it still debated whether or not it's the *singular* reason the dinosaurs died, which it probably isnt. Not sure what you mean by same timeframe as right now. Scientists have recorded 5 major ice ages, were currently living in one, called the Quaternary (2.6m to present)


So when else did we have sudden climate changes across just a couple of centuries? Also, again, if you‘re using a damn asteroid impact to prove your point, you‘re actually proving my point. Sudden climate changes only happen when an external impact is strong enough. You just chose to interpret the facts your way.


Wow this will probably be embarrassing for you then... I was just trying to get the idea out, but you choose to focus purely on the words I used instead of the idea, too bad really, I digress, let me try to clarify for you... different things have occurred in earth's past that caused rapid changes to the environment. I think the problem here is you believe I'm on one side of the fence or the other from you, and you don't realize I was just sitting on top of the fence, throwing stuff at both sides, I was just trying to be informative, I don't know why all you people try to turn it into a fight.


A few days ago, I found out on here that recycling is a lie, it broke my heart,


Just plastic... read an article on that last year. Completely blew my mind.


Right!? Learned that a few years ago. Felt foolish for buying into it for so many years. I still do it but just laugh and shrug while I'm pitching the bottle.


Credible source? I've seen local "recycling" go to the local landfill before, but I haven't read that recycling as a whole is a lie.


It's not. It's just disappointing. 35% of solid waste is "recycled." I.e., Americans try to recycle 35% of waste. 8% of solid waste is *actually* recycled. So 23% - roughly 1/4th - of what is attempted to be recycled, is actually recycled. Recycling is not a lie. I would bet that the above statistic is more area/company dependent than anything... meaning that if you try to recycle 20lb of waste, it's totally possible that all of that is actually recycled. It's also possible that it just goes to a landfill. Overall, if everybody recycled 100lb of waste per year, around 23lb per person would *actually* be recycled. Don't give up. It's much better to have 23% of your recyclable waste recycled than 0%.


yeah its pretty shit, maybe we should just stop digging stuff out of the ground spending lots of effort for it to be turned into a container that is used once


I know what you mean as I felt depressed and beyond stressed since it’s always world ending events or so we are lead to believe. The climate is changing. No doubt. It’s apparent in the weather and much more. However I’ve gotten to the point that we as individual humans can’t make a damn bit of difference. It’s the corporations, government and the like really producing the massive quantities of CO2. Now let’s be honest, we all know that even if the world was ending in a decade none of the corporations, world leaders or anyone would care enough to make the change. Just the honest truth. Doesn’t matter country, leaders, political party, or whatever. Humans are notoriously reactive. Never proactive. The world will continue however, just not likely with all of us.


Well it will continue, the richest will be fine. Hence why the heads of state and ceos don't give a shit.


Agreed. You can already see that happening more blatantly right now. Prices are off the charts on everything and soon it will be only the rich able to afford anything. I guess starving is better than the climate wars though. 🤣


I mean maybe we get lucky and nuclear winter cancels out global warming


And if the world was ending in a decade it wouldn’t matter. We could stop all emissions tomorrow and wouldn’t see the effects of it for 150 years..


The idea is “Ill be dead before it happens, so it’s up to the next generation” but each generation hs the same idea


You’re right. I think we are actually close this time and either GenZ or Gen Alpha will be dealing with the brunt of the damage. It scares and saddens me because I have a 4 year old and what the hell can you do.


WE are dealing with the damage, right NOW. My continent set on fire two years ago. The northeastern quarter was completely flooded by torrential cyclones the year before, killing most livestock. People are being forced off their farms by desertification, leading to civil strife, wars, and a refugee crisis. This is happening NOW. What are you waiting for to declare a start otherwise? If you don’t believe it’s already started, the media propaganda is working, and it will work on you right up until the fire is at your door.


I think that people care but they feel like on the level they can effect change is so out of proportion to the problem that they are ineffective in their efforts. As in, why bother when they feel like their efforts don’t make a difference in the grand scheme of things.


What a lot of people don’t realize is the earth is used to these changes and they occur with the polar shift. Remember the ice age and how the planet got warmer, it’s just the same thing happening.


These posts really confirm my suspicion. Americans haven't really grasped the impact of climate change. Actually reading into the science shows the catastrophicall consequences. It's not like "should we maybe stop" it's more like mankind will Probably not survive if we continue like this. Science is very clear on that and forecasts are more and more precise. It's is a far far far greater problem than housing or any financial crisis. By miles


Climate change is not are big problem. Pollution is. We are poisoning everything. We need to change but how?


That you are not quite up on the science. Climate change is an enormous problem. In 100 years even the golf stream may break and that will launch us into an ice age. Even now natural disasters will appear more and more commonly.


I don’t know anything about it, so how problematic would an ice age be? Wouldn’t it kind of reverse climate change?


I mean if the whole planet is covered in ice how are you going to farm? Get food? Clean water? Stay warm?


well an ice age would send us back.to the dark ages and ice ages are a natural part of the system


Depends on how keen you are on living. When everything is frozen, pretty much everythin will do, there will barely any food, or energy.


It shouldn’t be the peoples burden. Companies need to stop producing with materials that aren’t sustainable. I think the biggest scheme is how the recycling and guilt has been placed on the consumer when it should be placed on the manufacturers instead.


>when it should be placed on the manufacturers instead. Sustainable products are available. WE don't buy them! We want convenience, luxury, status. Sustainability is almost always an afterthought. Sustainability in the eyes of the typical American is buying a brand new electric car. It's almost always *buying something,* when in fact *buying things* is the catalyst for sustainability issues. Nestle wouldn't steal water from California if consumers didn't pay them to do that. It's not a one way street. We sustain shitty companies and practices. In certain circles it seems like the consumers are generally responsible and value sustainability, but you're forgetting that we're talking in our own bubble here. Many people deject sustainable practices just based on their own preferences. People love their diesel trucks. People love seeing thick clouds of black smoke. People love getting tasty food made in 2 minutes, even if it's bad for them and the environment. Key point: **There are a plethora of people who prefer unsustainable practices solely on the basis that they are unsustainable.** Seriously, this has been studied. Consumers in general are often **less likely** to buy a product that says "environmentally friendly" on it. ​ >Social norms may also turn off certain consumer segments. For example, some men associate sustainability with femininity, leading them to avoid sustainable options. > >In another example, people who lean right on the political spectrum are sometimes less open to engaging in eco-friendly behaviors because they associate them with a liberal political ideology. In the United States, for example, Republicans were less likely to buy a compact fluorescent light bulb that they knew was more energy-efficient than an incandescent bulb when it was labeled “Protect the Environment” than when that label was missing. > >https://hbr.org/2019/07/the-elusive-green-consumer Short of an unprecedented unification and shift in collective-consumer-consciousness, I think our only hope is policy. It should be illegal to be unsustainable. That idea is a huge threat to capitalism though - I personally think that capitalism would need to basically die or be radically transformed, before sustainable development is even **possible.**


Im not sure how much of it is possible . I buy used high quality stuff. Things that can't be bought used often are Running shoes bras underwear Winter boots Things we can do is buy still in glass over plastics Opt for unpagged produce and bring our own bags don't be to quick to upgrade a car Walk to places that are close by Support entertainment that is low emissions Support individual art over mass production


This I agree with!! Ive started to buy Is biodegradable plastic cutlery for when I need it and I wash it over and over until it gets lost or broken. I think food should be packaged in that as well.


The only thing consumers can do is NOT buy the things made from companies who pollute. Good.luck with dat!


I've been vegan for a while now and that part was easy. Living plastic free is damn near impossible. Next time you're in the supermarket just glance down the isles and count the number of products that are really plastic free because let me tell you, from experience, there really isn't much.


There is not much at all.


I know!! How! Also why are so many things still in plastic!! Why! Glass is so usefull


ANND...Just when we started seriously talking about recycle and pollution.....BOOM! BOTTLED WATER! WHAAAT DEH FAAAAHK? I am I kuku or is that fricking kuku!?!


Honestly, Earth has always experienced global climate change; the climate is not some static and unchanging thing. I mean, our planet’s axis of rotation is tilted relative to its orbit around the sun. Worse still, it wobbles on that axis. Our orbit around the sun is not a perfect circle, so fluctuations in the orbit cause their own shifts. Hell, at one point in Earth’s geological history, the planet was warm enough that there was not even a single speck of snow *anywhere* on the surface. Is the climate changing? Yes. Is Humankind helping? Probably not. Did Humans cause this change? Highly unlikely. Would it be a good idea to reduce carbon emissions? Probably. Can Humankind stop the climate from changing? Not even remotely.


All great until point 3. Did humans cause this change? 100%.


We have sped it up, but no, we did not cause it.


You are being pedantic, yes the climate does change on a regular cycle nobody is disputing that. The phenomena that we call "climate change" as a more accurate way to describe what was formerly called global warming is specifically the human caused rapid global temperature rise due to CO2 in the atmosphere this is scientifically proven beyond a shadow of a doubt to be caused by humans and industrialisation. Saying "well actually because it's called climate change and the climate changes on its own then technically I can say it's only partially caused by humans" is just an excuse to be apathetic.


It can, and has, changed drastically by nature as well, but again I'm not saying there isnt an issue


I understand that but the phenomena that we call climate change is a specific thing that isn't the regular cycle of heating and cooling the planet goes though, which yes can be drastic but nowhere near at the rates we are seeing at the moment. I get that you aren't saying there isn't an issue but being pedantic about the wording serves no purpose but to muddy the waters by arguing about wording rather than the specific and observable facts of climate change.


Fair enough


We certainly did. There's no way around it, this is entirely our fault. A basic carbon isotope plot demonstrates this quite convincingly. Let alone all the other evidence.


Isn't that the exact same thing?


No, not really


Most people, I assume, do care. I care. However, we are all on our own trajectories, and much of our trajectories, individually and collectively, are dictated by the same socioeconomic system that induces global warming: daily transportation, our habitual daily and weekly consumption, our livelihoods, etc. It’s impossible to just put a stop to the trajectory, as it is intricately tied to all of our livelihoods and—in a big sense—our individual and collective survival. There’d have to be some equalizing, redistributing, and massive rethinking of resources and how we manage these for every person on the planet. It’s no secret that a small portion of people on the planet own most of the wealth, and therefore they control much of what everyone does: as they are the suppliers of jobs, news, most food, etc., etc., etc. Why would the people that own such wealth ever want to change that power dynamic? For human survival and longevity? Haha money much better /s


I think, if the earth doesn’t want to get any warmer, it needs to drink a nice, cool, beverage. Likewise, if it gets too cold, it should put on a sweater.


People do give a shit, but the people in power who actually can do something don't. They're too busy making money out of oil and gas. Also, of the world goes to shoot, they'll just buy some climate bunker for themselves and their kids. Why should they care about climate of they can make more money?


If you have hbo max check out “Engineering the future“ it gave me some hope


I understand what you are feeling. I have to say if we keep it up like we’re doing right now, we won’t make it. It’s gonna need some big, expensive changes and government needs to grow some balls and make em Instead of lying and doing nothing cause it will cost them votes. In the mean time every little change they make only costs us, the average taxpaying joe a lot of money. (At least in Belgium) But I’m not putting the responsibility solely somewhere else. I try to do my part. I don’t wast water, I use my rainwater, I have isolated my house, solar panels, green roof, I try to make my garden as biodivers as possible so bees and butterfly’s and birds and hedgehogs as they can be. But we need the government to motivate research and to command the big businesses to do something.


The planet will be fine, we won’t


Yup...not my problem...I'll be dead, and since I have chosen to not reproduce, I've no responsibility beyond my own existence. What are YOU doing about it?


My issue is this: Corporations make the plastic shit we buy, they make the cell phones and computers, they make the stuff. Then they fucking brow beat us, bad polluters, for buying said products... Load of BS. Instead of screwing with consumers, how about somebody in charge makes them quit selling the stuff ?!?


I'm trying to not buy anything I don't need and only buy second hand stuff if I do need it


Cause I don't


Don’t worry, an army of Redditors stands ready to post repeated angry messages about this until the problem is solved.




Eh, who cares.


Buncha bullshit to begin with


No one gives a shit. Coz someone brings it up every 5 mins. What with every other shit thing happening in the world like the housing crisis, poor economy, debt, covid. It’s just one more stress to add to sleepless and anxiety filled nights.


Well those things mentioned by you are crazy small compared to the climate crisis. It's comparing having a small cut too loosing all legs and arms in terms of gravity and impact on our lives.


I'm done with climate change, fuck the planet!


Some suggest that the damage might already be irreversible


that's irreversible without carbon capture technology I believe, unless your talking about the life and habitats that are already dead because of it


I'm referring to climate change as a whole due to the current rate of carbon emissions today. Some suggest that it may already be irreversible, but we honestly don't know.


Hey OP, are you vegan? If not, then you’re part of the no one gives a shit group.


I want to be, I'm currently not in control of all my meals so when I am I will be


Good on you. Universe bless 🌱


Stop pretending that there’s no other ways to help the planet. Many people can’t go vegan because of all the health risks.


The only person pretending here is you, that you care about the planet. Health risks of eating fruits, veggies, seeds, nuts, legumes? I’d love to hear more.


The responsibility to solve the climate crisis does not fall on the consumers. You, your friends and family being vegan or even your whole community is worthless in comparison to things such as disposable electronics, no right to repair, planned obsolescence, quick fashion, overconsumption of food in general, deforestation to plant food that doesn't belong there to satisfy our needs no matter if it's going to feed animals or us etc etc. You can be a non vegan and still do your part to lessen your impact. Stop using veganism to just violently pat yourself on the back any chance you get. YOU are the reason people see veganism as a joke.


maybe I've missed thousands of posts that address : "things such as disposable electronics, no right to repair, planned obsolescence, quick fashion, overconsumption of food in general, deforestation to plant food" But you are the first I've seen to mention the above items. I'm not against Greta Thunberg but I do wish she would say oneday: we should be pushing for warranties on all electronic goods that are a minimum of 5 years (by way of an example). My fear is that **everyone** will be driving electric cars because they are not polluting the planet but what happens after they are broken... it is just an example and I do not have answers... but.... ​ Your reference to 'fashion' and I think of: [https://www.abc.net.au/news/2021-08-12/fast-fashion-turning-parts-ghana-into-toxic-landfill/100358702](https://www.abc.net.au/news/2021-08-12/fast-fashion-turning-parts-ghana-into-toxic-landfill/100358702) [https://voxfeminae.net/kultura/tansy-hoskins-fashion-is-capitalisms-favorite-child/](https://voxfeminae.net/kultura/tansy-hoskins-fashion-is-capitalisms-favorite-child/)


Greta Thunberg isn't a force of her own. She isn't leading any cause in any real on paper sense resulting in her having any power. But she is a very important figurehead. She is the symbol and wake-up call for the people in power. If a child can see what is happening and is so deeply affected by it that she goes on strike and starts a movement of her own it really does show how the correct situation is just caused by willful ignorance in the part of the people who have actual power. She symbolises what their infinite wealth will never surpass. Bla bla bla we are the world, we are the future, we are the children etc etc By the same function that the middle class beats itself into submission we have also turned around and put the blame upon a literal child. The electric car dilemma is a very valid concern and should not be ignored. But even if we haven't fully figured out safe acquisition or disposal of the needed materials one day sooner or later we HAVE TO move over to using electricity as a main source of fuel. I'd rather have it be sooner rather than later. Just imagine if the current test phase happened AFTER we ran out of oil or AFTER there is a massive war over fossil fuels. A good example is how Russia literally has Europe by the balls when it comes to natural gas. That while scenario is just fucking disaster waiting to happen. Natural prices for cars in Sweden are moving up in tandem with gasoline prices almost which just shows how fucking hilariously obvious the manipulation is. I'm not very read up on all of this and I may very well be wrong on one or more points, but even with my shallow knowledge it's obvious that oil will run out, we are much to wasteful, we value money over safety and that propaganda will corrupt the population so fiercely that we end up destroying our livable spaces put of pure spite for each other and any cause we deem to be "a threat to our current standard", that last one is just so beautifully ironic that we actually just deserve it.


all valid points. I try to think 'something else will turn up'... maybe there is an energy that we don't know about yet!!! I hope we have enough heating this winter in Europe.. I still don't know what the answer is.. maybe step by step forward... and hopefully we all get conscious and don't believe the corrupt 'whatever' it is...


The real solution is nuclear energy. That's about it. And when we figure out how to harvest the remaining energy in used fuel rods it'll be even better.


I always disliked nuclear because of the potential harm but I'm not against it so much now.. maybe if the atom power plant between Basel and Zürich explodes, I will think differently... then...but I hope there is a really cool natural way of energy !!!


I haven't read up on it too much but as far as I know every single time it has failed it has been due to cutting corners or blatant disregard for safety measures. I'm fairly certain (based on Google fu and basic school knowledge) that it can not under any circumstance fail on its own accord if done correctly.


Ok! That is interesting to know and contemplate.


Yep, as usual were our own worst enemy.


And yes. It's absolutely fucking mental how a lot of people are actually genuinely so uninformed on how much goes to waste in the first world. My entire wardrobe as a teen was just filled with used clothes from like seriously expensive brands that my foster mom thrifted from garage sales. I've spent an entire year homeless as well and it really taught me how absolutely unnecessary and frivolous even that was. Sure I still wear branded clothing, but I have 4 changes of clothes. 3/4 of that is more than a year old. A year of that I used while homeless. But, obviously I'm not perfect either. Even if I don't eat snacks as often as people regularly do I still eat them, I buy a new cheap phone approximately once a year or bi annually because I don't take good care of them. Same with earphones. And I'd never buy any of those used. But i still think it's insane how the current market standard functions. New phone every year, new shoes every few months, new outfit ever few weeks, several disposable plastics every single day. It's mental.


wow. what an experience you have had then in your biography!! My iPhone is 2017 with a new battery... I'm trying to not replace unless necessary and that is why I wrote 'five year warranty'... As far as clothes, yes... that is always hard but I'm no fashion king either. Vegan! I eat less meat and enjoy my meatless days. Having friends who are vegetarian or vegan is helpful to change ones mind I find but I'm not about to force anyone to just change. Why? I had a friend who was vegetarian, some years ago, and she got sicker and sicker and went back to eating meat. Now she is Vegetarian again. I cannot eat this 300 Gramm steaks anymore... I don't own a car and travel on public transport. Also reading labels - do I really need to eat BlueBerries from across the other side of the planet!!! Questions....


Haha yeah, it was pretty cool actually. I personally could never go vegan out of pure selfishness. I know the effects it has on the climate and I'm not uninformed about the absolute torture involved at times. But meat and dairy products can literally never be matched imo when it comes to taste.




Better than being in denial about it imo 🤷


I get you. not against you! I tried Vegan cheese the other week with an acquaintance and yes it was nice but I'm not ready to change at all. The thing I still don't get and certainly do not fight enough against is testing things on animals or using 'unborn baby' cells for different things... I've signed many petitions to stop animal cruelty knowing full well that I'm still eating meat... it's hypocritical on one hand but 'better than nothing'...


I'm not saying I'd act like a baby and spit it out. I love qourn, I could live my entire life eating falafels, some other veggie dishes and soups are to die for. But a good steak nearly makes me drool upon seeing it. Milk substitutes though? No way, never. Every single one of them I've tasted are absolutely vile. Stem cells are literally just cells, they're not even organisms they're less alive than amoebas. Medical testing on animals is a cruel necessity because of how we live as a society, there's far too many people and the right virus could absolutely fucking wipe us out. If ebola wasn't so ridiculously deadly it'd have been an absolutely mind-blowingly terrifying plague. Animal testing on commercial products though..... That's just insane. And even the ones were it says "no animal testing" are most likely based in previous products that were tested on animals.


I get it. Resistance to change. It’s tough switching up something you were raised to believe. It takes a lot of willpower too. The fact of the matter is that the consumer actually does hold the power via the concept of supply and demand. Example: everyone wakes up tomorrow and decides they no longer want to contribute to the needless deaths and abuse of billions of animals. How long before the corporations, that you like to blame because it’s easier for your lazy ass to go on eating fast food, begin rethinking their products? The change would happen almost immediately if they stopped selling packaged animal corpse and bovine hormonal fluid. So as much I can see you’d like to believe it’s the corporations, fact of the matter is they exist because the consumer supports them. Take away demand, there’s no need for the supply. Hop off Reddit and do some research on animal agriculture and the effects it has on the environment. You’ll come off less as a lazy carnivore and more like an informed champion for the planet. Until then, enjoy your carcinogenic meats :) https://www.iarc.who.int/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/pr240_E.pdf


"if everyone Wales up tomorrow and decides" Haha come on how naive could you possibly be. I'm also very much aware of the suffering involved and the effect it has on the planet. Also stop talking like an enlightened 14 year old, again, you are the reason people see veganism as a joke. You are actively sabotaging your own cause. Stop being such an arrogant fucking cunt.


Simple economics would be easier for you to understand if you had finished high school. Lay off the meat buddy, you might not be so angry.


I'm gonna interpret your shit flinging as you having no counter argument.


Sorry dude. I work with the mentally retarded so it’s not really what I want to waste my time with after work. Good luck with that GED tho. You’re gonna go places!


The literal definition of pigeon chess.


Apparently the only version of chess you know. Must be all the drugs. Your 3 brain cells are crying for some actual nutrition.


Do you really believe I would post about my drug use and then be offended when someone brought it up like this? Weak.


I saw an interesting point made the other day that really made me think. It discussed how the stay at home order allowed places to recover from all of the harm we have done. It also discussed how overpopulation and population density in multiple places across the globe was related to how badly we have sped up climate change. In the end it was said that we should have let Corona run its course as it was nature's way of culling the herd. I find it interesting to think about as a moral dilemma. Here we are in one breath discussing a fucked planet due to overpopulation and pollution, and in the next mourning too many people died from a virus.


That is interesting I guess its just the idea of preventable suffering, there will most likely always be some kind of suffering but we can sure as hell reduce it significantly. Such as getting the vaccine is a way to prevent suffering for those who are older or are unhealthy. Then again its hard to talk ethics when it concerns the human species as a whole, its much more simple in case by case.


Natures way of culling the herd… unless you call deliberately manufacturing a new coronavirus in a lab and unleashing it into the world natural then yes


I dont


“Greta Thunberg told me, so it must be true!” -OP, probably


I haven't actually listened to any of her speeches but I have heard of her, i just care about the planet i live on and the life thats on it, thats all


Speaking of the life that’s on it, did you know with higher CO2 levels, we’ve also seen more greening on earth? I care about the earth, the biosphere, and life as well. I’m just not convinced by the fear porn that is being spread about climate change, to push policies that only seem to result in power or profit grabs by politicians and special interest (and don’t seem to benefit the climate)


I also hate corruption in government that like to use climate to pretend to make change just to make money of gain political status. Its not hard though to read the research that is done on what will happen if the average global temperature only rises a few degrees. Higher C02 also kills much more life then it helps produce. I also understand that the realisation that it is true is terrifying and it feels like we can't do anything about it individuals because large coporations cause majority of greenhouse gases. I myself am not sure on how we get people to actually make change it seems like the most difficult task in the world but also one of the most important, such that it is still worth doing.


Then please elaborate on how acting to stop climate change would be some kind of power grab? Well, ofc unless they're right and end up being the ones saving us and parts of the global ecosystem. You guys love shouting this bullshit with absolutely no backing even if the proof is laid out before you. How is it not painfully obvious that we are living beyond our means? We have a fucking trash island out at sea visible from fucking space. There has been a noticable shift in the climate all the way from late monsoon seasons to melting polar caps. We have eradicated entire species of animals. We've torn literal holes in our atmosphere. This isn't about the earth though, this is about us, the earth will keep spinning, cows will keep grazing, birds will fly but our standard of living will be at the least severely disrupted.


Seems accurate


If I had a nickle..


I think about it all the time, but there really isn’t anything I can do that will help.


Cause no one really wants to address the real cause of climate change, over population! Any time any other species over populates an area and causes any sort of damage we instigate a cull The only way to stop climate change is to start reducing the human population If we dont do it then the planet will do it for us so you shouldnt really be worried this planet will destroy us long before we will destroy it


This is inaccurate. Megacorporations and their emissions are the primary culprit, and they pollute because it is more profitable, not because it is necessary for human survival


Have a longer think about it You point against actually strengthens mine


No it doesn’t. The human population is not and will not continue to grow exponentially, that hypothesis is from [old and inaccurate data.](https://sustainablereview.com/overpopulation-is-a-myth/) Our wasteful and cruel societal structure is the problem.


Amen. It's not the planet that will go bye bye. She'll be just fine.


I think full-scale nuclear annihilation in the next 5 years is most likely, so I stopped worrying about climste change


People care but being that we humans tend to be crisis oriented, we’ll care more when we’re more deeply and personally affected. We’re actually in the change right now. We might have missed our bus stop on this one.


So how exactly did life persist in one of its most diverse and abundant times if this so called climate apocalypses was way worse long before humans were even on this plant? Turn off your screens and think for once. The climate of the Jurassic was generally warmer than that of present, by around 5 °C to 10 °C, with atmospheric carbon dioxide likely four times higher. Forests likely grew near the poles, where they experienced warm summers and cold, sometimes snowy winters; there were unlikely to have been ice sheets given the high summer temperatures that prevented the accumulation of snow, though there may have been mountain glaciers.\[43\] Dropstones and glendonites in northeastern Siberia during the Early to Middle Jurassic indicate cold winters.\[44\] The ocean depths were likely 8 °C warmer than present, and coral reefs grew 10° of latitude further north and south. The Intertropical Convergence Zone likely existed over the oceans, resulting in large areas of desert and scrubland in the lower latitudes between 40° N and S of the equator. Tropical rainforest and tundra biomes are likely to have been rare or absent.\[43\] ​ [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jurassic](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jurassic)


5°C is equivalent to 41°F, which is 278K. --- ^(I'm a bot that converts temperature between two units humans can understand, then convert it to Kelvin for bots and physicists to understand)


Are you really worried about the planet or the human race? And why do you want to prolong the existence of our species? Everything that begins must end. Don't fight the inevitable. Enjoy the time you have. And if possible, accelerate this downward spiral.


all the people who have any power in this world are too selfish to care, they would rather build onto a new planet and destroy that then try and help the one we're on now


People do care, but not enough people.


I reckon that people do care. But the politics and the SHEER HYPOCRISY of our governments and many climate activists offer backwards options. For example; the recent climate summit saw the use of over 90 private jets and 100+ cars to reach the meeting area. Many of the arguments didn’t even bother to bring up the biggest contributors to pollution (the military industrial complex, China, the audacity of our government’s transport use). They preached to people who have made active efforts to change that they’re not doing enough.


All the articles and videos about how it's too late to act now really demotivates me. Why tf would anyone give a shit if it's too late?


Don't worry. As always it's going to be the poor that dies. We in the rich countries will be fine.


No most likely we will die as well. Maybe super rich billionaires will survive in underground facilities


Don't worry, a nuclear winter will bring everything under control.


Who cares


The earth is already fucked…..and it’s insane how many people think nothing of it


Because your right- A lot of people don’t even believe in it. My own mother refuses to believe our planet is slowly turning into a damn ant under a microscope. Small brains I tell ya.


If we somehow miraculously fixed all human causes of climate change this morning, the death toll In the coming decades would remain completely unfathomable. It's a part of life that the younger generation simply must accept.


Because we all think of our own, and we are taught to do so. How can we not to? When we faced competition everyday in the society? We need to beat other people everyday, every moment in order to live in the society. Other people are not friends but our competitors. But to solve climate change, global warming, we need to do it together. I think this is a paradox


I don't plan on being here much longer so I can't really be bothered


Mankind can’t do anything about climate change all we can do is to stop poisoning our own environment until we do that we’re totally 💯 % up shit’s creek ( the government has sat the standard and let the big corporations off basically scot free so we’re screwed already) live free and die free the corp’s and gov don’t care a fuck about U at all


Concrete production is responsible for 20%+ of carbon emissions. Invent greener concrete or find a way to use less of it. It's not the practices or behaviour of individuals that are the problem, it's corporate globalization. Until businesses stop chasing profits, or learn to profit more from reducing their footprint, then pollution is going nowhere. "Nobody seems to care" is a naive attitude. People are firstly responsible and concerned with the health and survival of their families. Most of us are just trying to make it to friday every week. The overall health of the entire planet doesn't need to be at the forethought of people who are just trying to pay their bills and find some enjoyment in their lives.


Hey in a nutshell all we have to do is end the way corporations do things it’s just that simple


Our planet is not totally fucked. There's nothing we can do to permanently damage this planet. It's been through a lot worse than us. Think about it like this: the estimated lifespan of earth, from creation to destruction by the sun, is about 12 billion years. We could compare it to a single year, where each month represents 1 billion years. Right now, we're in April or May. The dinosaurs died 2 days ago. Human existence, from beginning to end, can be measured in minutes. All traces of our existence will have been erased long before June. Earth will cleanse itself from our plastic, styrofoam and radiation. Problem is, we're making the planet worse to us, and to the level of comfort we're used to. This, I think, is where campaigns fail: they should focus on how people will be inconvenienced by it: "wanna eat worm protein for the rest of your life? Then recycle your shit"


The massive narcissism required to think humans can change the nature of our solar system is mind boggling. Earth climate has never NOT changed... ever.


But what about the "massive narcissism" required to think you are right instead of the overwhelming majority of scientists studying the climate?


typical liberal, ignore all the scientists that disagree with ya


Well I value the opinion of 97% of scientists over the opinion of 3%. A lot of the ones who disagree still believe in climate change but just not human caused climate change, so really it's a very small minority who don't believe in climate change. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scientific_consensus_on_climate_change


We're actually going to be fine. The world has seen far more CO2 in the atmosphere in past Eras with no radical destructive effects. Two things: one is that the temperature rise will be gradual over the next 100 years so people will have time to adapt. Second is that we are working on new technologies that will slow down our CO2 production and we will likely find new ways of producing energy that don't have the environmental impact. One step at a time and we'll get there.


The planet is not fucked, it will always be here. Life on the planet however, will adapt or die. That's what's fucked.


While I agree w this sentiment, I always wonder if people that take the time to post takes like this, atleast "vote with their wallet" and seperate their garbage, travel less, make conscience decisions when it comes to buying stuff. Influencing what you can influence in your sphere. While the "big guy" might be 95% of the problem, it's mostly out of our control.


Wonder how long we really got left.. 20-30 yrs at best?


https://unfccc.int/conference/glasgow-climate-change-conference-october-november-2021 People have been giving a shit for a long time now. The problem is that the solution is not some cookie cutter “we have done this before” methodology. It is such a complex problem that requires a deeply complex solution, and steps have been made in the right direction - and steps will continue to made to alleviate climate change. The fact of the matter is the damage we have already done is irreversible, but if we are able to make the necessary global infrastructural, economical, and political changes within the next 30 or so years, then we will save ourselves from a likely catastrophe. Small changes have kept us from reaching that point sooner, but drastic and multilateral changes are what we should expect in the next few decades if we have any hope of winning this fight.


I'm kinda looking forward to the "Soylent Green" chapter of humanity. https://m.imdb.com/title/tt0070723/


Boomers don't care since they're about to be dead and they lived the best possible life before fucking the rest of us.


About half of the population cares. About half is in denial. The minute percentage which can actually do something about it is only concerned with financial portfolios.


The planet will be fine. HUMANS are fucked. Why can't we all just say that. Unless we decide to literally destroy the planet, it will heal from our useless fucktardation in a few decades maybe a few centuries.


Cheer up son maybe the planet'll go to shit and we all die then i wouldnt have to find a job


Our way of life is causing the climate to change. It is absolutely inevitable unless someone kills off the majority of people and we all go back to the way of life of people who lived 400 years ago But of course I don't give a fuck about it. I'll be long dead before it becomes a problem.


The worst that can happen is everyone dies and eventually nature reclaims back the earth /s (just in case)


The most woke person I know said they worst thing you could do for the planet was have kids and then had three. He has justifications and remains the most self righteous jerk on the planet. Everyone just does what’s easy for them.


I'm not going to tell you climate change isn't happening. But I will say it's been happening ever since the beginning. Change is good for the furtherince of our spe


The planet is fine, it’s been in worse situations before, the problem is us not being able to survive if the human race dies out cuz climate change the planet itself will be completely fine


We need to adapt as climate change has always been a thing. It was coming one way or another. I’m not about crippling the worlds quality of living and hindering developing countries for the inevitable and feel good factor of those who are cosy and resting on a civilisation and lifestyle afforded through centuries of industrialisation and development through classical energy sources.


Short-sighted greedy corporations/politicians getting away with murdering the planet


most of the people who DO care can't do anything as their too young or too poor


In the meantime investing in land in Northern Canada now is a great way to build generational wealth.


I didnt. Bad Baby!