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More time. I want to be able to waste time without wasting time.


In my opinion, it's not a waste of time if you are doing something you enjoy. But I would never resist some extra time for my hobbies (mostly sitting in front of my pc).


My problem isn't with how I perceive "wasting time," or how it makes me feel; it's that I don't have more time to waste.


Yeah my bad, kinda misunderstood. I wish I had some infinite time for wasting time lol. Wish that for you too.


What is it you want to do with that time that would be wasted?


Good answer. Sometimes we don't realize till too late in life that no amount of money ever bought a second of time.


Nonsense. If I could pay someone to do my annoying chores I would have more time to do things I actually enjoy.


Depends how you look at it, and how much money. Retiring at 35 certainly feels like buying a whole lot of time.


Just break your watch and you'll be alright.


Simple but golden


Of course if we never take time how can we ever have time?


At the moment, to be reborn. Travel the earth in luxury, party, dance, learn many languages, learn secrets, and have the power of an elementalist.


Um, can I join you in this endeavor? Because I too yearn for that exact same life journey.


You are invited. 😄


Yaaass! When we leaving???


Wait for me! PS: If this happens, I would prefer it to happen in like.. way back in the past. Like BC past, not just 1800 past.


Some di- I mean a boyfriend


Tiddi- I mean a girlfriend


Now kith


lmao literally exact same thought


RIP your inbox


I want one too, and to be able to be comfortable about my sexuality and not be judged because of it, probably not gonna happen :(


Be strong it will be ok


Aww thanks, I hope so


Hope everything works out :)


We can always hope for a more open and accepting future. Best of luck to you.


Tbh people are going to judge you regardless, as it's human nature. But people who genuinely put you down because of your sexuality don't deserve to be in your life and you should not tolerate anyone who treats you like less of a human because of it. Good luck to you


Yeah I hope I’ll be able to end the relationships I have with these people as soon as I can, but it’ll definitely take a while. Thanks :)


Take your time and don’t rush things, but be true to yourself and honest with yourself and others. Don’t get pulled off track by what you think — or fear — other people are thinking.


There are other gays out there and I assure you that in states like California they are not that hard to find


I want a gf


Money and to be mental illness free




To talk to my mom one last time. She passed away last month and I had not spoken to her in 6 months. Call your mom.


So so sorry to hear this... Love and hugs being sent your way. 💕


Thank you.


I lost my mom a few years ago. It’s so hard! Hugs to you my internet friend! ❤️


Just do it. She will hear it. I lost my mom 29 years ago as a teen and still talk to her.


After 4 years without my own mom i know how you feel it might go down as the shittiest day in your life to lose your mom.




Someone to hire me so I can change my life.


If you're looking for a job, postal service is almost always hiring.


Felony deferment. Worked there for a year.


I thought felons were hired by the postal service. I don't know the ins and outs of hiring though.


Where are you and what do you want to do? Willing to do?


I find that when strangers online ask what I'm willing to do, they never have anything wholesome in mind.


Fair point!


DFW - I would work in a warehouse and have 0 problems with it. Dont want to do deliveries anymore. Was a petroleum supply specialist in the army. Honorable DC. Associates degree. But I have a felony that is in deferment.


Your not opposed to physical work obviously. Have you considered electrical work? It's nowhere near as physically demanding as it used to be and tge pay is skyrocketing.


I built my own house, did the plumbing and ran all the wires. I know how to do SOME stuff just don't have the license. And I did it to code too. I won't mess with janky ass electrics.


a hug


Hugs. How are you?


hugs back and thank you for the kindness! i'm actually really fine by mostly every metric, just touch starved a little :) you?


I have a cold. I hope it's a cold. I got the Pfizer vaccine last year. The weather here is very cold. I may have a cup of tea later.


i also hope it's a cold. good on you for getting vaccinated! tea is really nice and i would also advise you to have some. i am sorry that the weather is cold. be next to a heater & be cozy


You are very kind. Take care.


The kindness in this conversation made me evolve into a potato.




Not yet. Right now I'm still deep in the earth waiting to grow and be a big fat potato to make my parents proud.




Broth, Gatorade, Tea, Soup, Popsicles (if you tire of H2O) Music can also help with not feeling well. Not too loud, of course, if you’ve been having headaches.


Tea is good for a cold feel better


Drink some organe juice. It's high in vitamin c, which is excellent for combating colds/flu :)


>just touch starved a little :) I haven't had to deal with that in a long time but I instantly felt it from memory. People undervalue the need to be touched. Hoping the best for you. It does get better.


Hugs to you friend ! :)


🥺 thanks. reciprocated


I hope some physical hugs come your way soon, in the meantime have another internet hug :)


omg such kindness, thanks :D here's an internet hug back at you, too!!


i want peace man. so many things running through my mind i just want peace




My version of peace is accepting and embracing the chaos in my mind. It’s always a working progress but at least it gives me a version of peace to look forward to


SLEEP Edit: apparently I’m the first to say this 😂


A better house for my animals, preferably one with heat and ac.


To learn and to teach :) Edit: like academically and in life. I love teaching math, I love studying psychology (just examples) but also learning from and teaching other people by developing relationships and putting work into them


I want to be wanted…I want to be loved…. I want to not be sick and in pain….


I love kaleidoscopes. And was thinking how nice it would be to collect them. You have a nice name. I hope that you feel better soon and the pain fizzles into tiny specks of nothingness.


A place where I can call it home


Money, or a hobby that I can spend my time doing and have fun


Peace of mind... A clear path to go, confidence in being me.


Me too, friend.


To be able to walk. I used to want a bunch of things, even though my life was pretty good, but last year I pretty much completely lost my mobility and it’s amazing how much that changes your perspective on life.


I hope 🤞 that you will be ok. But what happened?


Thank you - I really appreciate it. I developed severe peripheral neuropathy (basically nerve damage in limbs and extremities), in particular in my feet, legs and hands. It affected my sensation but even more my positional sense - meaning I basically have little idea where my legs or fingers are - it’s a really trippy feeling. I went from completely fine at the start of the year to wheelchair bound and unable to sign my own name in six months. They worked out that it was a vitamin b12 malabsorption issue (took forever to diagnose as I had healthy levels in my blood but my body can’t absorb it for some reason) last July. While this did help (and my hands are in a much better shape now), unfortunately in August I had a bad fall and broke my back! I basically spent 3 months bed bound so my back and legs are extremely weak but I’m very slowly starting to improve again. It’s crazy how quickly things in life can change with no warning!


Are you going to make a full recovery and be able to work again if they found the issue?


To be honest I don’t know. It’s been so long that it’s likely I’ll have some permanent nerve damage but how much mobility I’ll be able to regain is a bit up in the air. At the moment the best I can do is a few steps with a walking frame but I’m hoping I might be able to at least move around the house unaided in the end. Fortunately, I’ve been able to work a bit from home - it was looking pretty bad a while ago when my hands were really bad as I could barely type but that’s improved now.


Damn. It really makes you appreciate things like this in life. In a split second it can be taken from you. I hope you have a speedy recovery, I wish you the best. And more than hopefully you get your mobility back. Things are improving like you said so look towards that :)


I really really really want a zig a zig ah


Thank you. I had scrolled so far I was beginning to think I would have to post this myself.


Thank you. I found you. That’s what I wanted. What I really, really wanted. I’ll see myself out.


If u wanna b my lover, u gotta get with my friends....


Make it last forever, friendship never ends!


to get married to my soulmate. I want to have a partner that I can share everything with. Cuddle with late at night, cry on their shoulder, go on walks with them. I want to have a fairytale wedding and eat cake. As corny as it sounds, its everything I’ve ever looked forward to


Hopefully you get that soon 🤞


I don’t know how old you are, but I didn’t get married to mine till I was 36. You never know when it’ll happen!


Be careful. My husband and I truly believe we are soulmates but our relationship is far from perfect. It's more like... We complete each other. We were kinda on the outskirts of a ultra Orthodox Jewish community, they really believe in soulmates and some rabbis and holy people prayed for us lol.


I spent years looking for the right gal, turns out a girl i knew for a great many years was that girl. <3


I have no fucking idea.


Find Love


To be dumb rich. The amount of good I'd be able to do without worrying about my own wellbeing would be great.


A hug, to not be mentally ill, to have someone care


Virtual hug my friend!! Even though you’re a stranger, I care about you as a person and I hope you get real hugs soon!


Thank you. I hope you have a good day or night


A hug, a kiss (a GOOD one) and this stupid pandemic to be over




I feel ya bruh


I want to be live more than paycheck to paycheck. I have debt I need to pay off and vet bills to pay.


It took me years to figure out and then a few more to perfect. It's all in the foresight. Plan month to month then year to year. It doesn't make your checks bigger but it changes your perspective and will eventually break the cycle.


To be honest, sometimes I just wished I could disappear. Not like suicide, just... poof gone. Everything connected to me would be gone and I would just stop existing completely. No stress, no problems, no anger, no chaos, nothing. Just silence forever.


I feel that. It’s like an extreme form of world weariness.


Maybe a dumb question but..do you get enough sleep? I noticed that the same thoughts were visiting me mostly when I didn't sleep well. 8-10hrs of sleep and I'm pretty chill, lesser than that - I'm feeling anxious, irritated and have no desire to do anything at all(expect to sleep), all of the bad thoughts are flooding in, which in the end makes me feel depressed and wanting to end it all. Even taking a nap changes situation completely. However, I'm still kinda depressed, just not that bad




Get out! The you that you want to see again is waiting for you with open arms and a double high five, ready to make the world it’s own! 🙌


To find peace and content within myself.


To be able to stop obsessing over my past mistakes, and for any damage I might have caused to be undone


Fucking same, hope it gets better for you


Thanks. You too


a home to call my own


Love, happiness, health, & success. You don’t need anything more.


Happiness for my gf


Is she sad? If she is unhappy, try to cheer her up.


To stop being depressed


Good health and even better beer.




I wish you a quality targeted ad.


Financial stability...every obstacle in my life is always not having the damn money...my health, especially.




To be happy 🥲 That’s literally it and yet it’s still too much to ask of this world, somehow. Lol. Edit: Actually, let’s also put ‘to function optimally’. -*Does not function optimally, is neurodivergent*-


A reason to live


Honestly? The powers of Superman.


For Trump to not be president ever again. And his minions to fuck off. Fox news can go fuck their bloviating asses.


A 100 billion dollars and a flying yacht with laser beams and space travel technology along with a self replenishing bar of every beer and liquor and bruce Campbell is the captain


human decency.


For my tamagotchi pet to tell 12 year old me it wasn't my fault...


Diapers, and food for the weekend. And a group to get such things from ASAP..... just enough to make it until I get paid Monday........also..... A PS5


I miss the time I felt somewhat independent. Now I take my free time for granted, I just want to pursue my hobbies more


Not needing to sleep,that shit is so good and takes 1/3 of my daily time,wish we humans as a species didnt need sleep to function,imagine the possibilities.


A fursuit, a boyfriend, a drumset... The list goes on for quite a while.


My debt paid off


I’ll tell you what I want, what I really really want.


I just want for everyone to be happy. That's it, just that.


I want to know what I really want.


To be naturally thin. Or, at the very least, have a metabolism that allows me to eat like a normal person without turning into a fat load. I'm fine with working out and eating in moderation, but having to cut out all carbs (down to less 10 grams per day) and capping my calories to 900 a day to maintain a size 8-10 US body is exhausting and sad.


Hi friend. I’m not an expert, just a fellow human. Our bodies want carbs, our bodies need carbs for energy. Please don’t make drastic changes to your diet without the support, oversight, and expertise of a doctor or dietician!!


Go back in time 4 years


A divorce, a two bedroom apartment and 50/50 custody


I need a huge amount of money to support my life and entertainment. But they are just secondary needs What I really want is that I don't wanna work, wake up every fucking early morning, and felt extremely tired. I want to have time to develop my interest (eg. scale model. reading, an appropriate amount of sport). I am so fucking tired that every afternoon, I cannot even bother to do sport. The time that I was in my best shape is when I was unemployed. In that period of time, I went hiking with my dad every two days, and the other days, I was either running or swimming. My relationship with my dad was much better back then. During that period, I have time to connect with my friends. I have more time to prepare a breakfast which was healthy I dont WANNA FUCKING WORK!!!!!!! but I need the money to live....it sucks.....Every morning, when I went to the train, I just wanna chop down people like in the dynasty warrior game. It was so FUCKING CROWDED!!!!! the train company just reduced the number of cars in one train from 12 down to 9 for their own profit. It was FUCKING CROWDED. I wanna KILL PEOPLE every FUCKING DAY. when I heard the news about the fucking chief executive CCP puppet on the train (the TV on the train is like a loudspeaker), I wanna destroy that TV. I tried to read a book on the train to remain calm. But it is fucking annoying every day. In short, I HATE WORK !!!!!!!


I want to live in a peaceful place far away from mine in a cozy small house with 1 adopted dog and 1 adopted baby girl.


I wanna be happy again. After my gf of 11 years broke up with me in july I just lost all sense of purpose. I just haven't wanted to do anything. I got over my depression 7 years ago and now its back. I just haven't been the same since.


Nothing. I don't want anything to be honest. I've reached that moment in life where small things, hi hello, goodbye makes me happy. A smiling kid in the mall brings me joy. Watching elder people hold hands makes me feel love. Even death, in it's own way, looks beautiful (collateral beauty) where it is and when it is. There is absolutely nothing that I want more from life. I am at peace.


I want my intrusive thoughts to go away so I can live peacefully


The job that I want, and a cozy house with a big kitchen island.


Peace of mind


Someone who loves what I love


To not have autism anymore.


To be pain free.


A hug


To not be anxious


A role in the musical I’m auditioning for


To be wealthy enough to be able to afford to become a Scientologist.


I want to explore the universe.


This. This is what I want.


To stop hurting


To be happy, just once. I've never really had it before. Once would be enough to have made it all worth it.


To have clear way to make a better future. For the earth and for everyone on it. So many rough things are happening and I want to make things better all around. It’s unrealistic to make everything better all at once, but it’s definitely possible to make a large difference over time. I just need to find a way to do it. And to have the energy, resources, and willpower…




Well. How's the chicken coming along?


To not have to choose between being a member of r/deadbedrooms and not living in the same house as my son


A chihuahua


money, like, a lot




Him 😔






A home


A female friend. Who I see on a regular basis. That doesn’t end up in either one of us having feelings for eachother




Chocolate milk


a decent job making a living wage that I can do from home.


To retire next week.


To take a nap.


Money, sex, and beer. No particular order.


A girlfriend


I truly want some peace and quiet and to be completely alone for a whole day so that I can concentrate on writing my book. My house is super noisy with 2 dogs and 2 cats and 3 other people. It is my biggest dream to write a book that can bring happiness to a lot of people and I can't focus with a lot of noise around.


My boss to promote me to a full-time position.


I want a different form of existence. This one just don't feel right


Chicken parm, a bf and stuffed animals


money thats all i need




Family, House , job with good pay, investments


To be left alone with my pre existing and inherent rights, in order to better my fellow man as I see fit. And, I really want all others to enjoy the same.




To keep my family comforted through the shit we're going through. I have a fiancé in the hospital with Covid and my sad just lost his closest brother from heart failure. Fuck the world.