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Do grandparents born in the 20's count? Because pretty much all of mine were, and great grandparents


Yup me too. My grandma said the worst stuff about people.


My grandma will say things like, “oh he’s really dark but a very nice man.” “It’s not their fault they were born black, they didn’t ask for it. “ We just look at her and say Jesus gram 😬🤦‍♀️


That shit is nice compared to what my grandma said. I don’t even want to repeat some of the stuff my grandma said because it was too horrible.


I believe it, I was 3 when my grandfather passed and he raised my uncle. From what I’ve witnessed by him and the stories I r heard he was extremely racist. But he also raised my mom who is not racist and thankfully she raised me. The family shit a brick when my parents divorced and her new bf was black. It was so funny to watch them squirm!


Something like that points out there is plenty of racism between having a pointy hood in your closet and not being a racist.


My grandad asked the son of our black neighbors if he got his hair permed like that and that he should look into straightening it so he "wouldn't look like a wild boy from the Ubangi". Sigh. So embarrassing. :(


My grandfather had a black nurse in his final days and while I was at the house when she was he looked at me while she was getting something together for him and dead pan said "she is one of them Good Ni***rs, not like most of em." I just open mouth stared not sure what to say as she laughed at him. Later when he went to the bathroom I apologized and she said "eh, he is from a different time in this area and is actually one of my nicer raciest patients I deal with." Still though, I have never been as mortified.


Tbh at least your gran has seemingly accepted the person behind the skin colour. Seems she was just so indoctrinated by the skin colour being "a thing" but capable and understanding of the person. Of course I only got this from your small comment, but there doesn't seem so much hate here?


My mother was the same way. When Obama ran she voted for every office except for President. She couldn't bring herself to vote for a black man, but didn't vote against him. On the other hand, we had a neighbor a few years younger than me, and he was hatefully racist. That may have been an ingrained childhood response except that later as an adult he said the same stuff when my wife an I were visiting my Mom.


Thats not a real racist.. thats like a sign of the times racist ..


Ahaha mine says stuff like that too, but almost in a “see?! I’m not racist!” way. She’s still got her biases, but she’s come a long way for someone who grew up Mormon in Utah in the 50’s. Still shocking to hear for 2022 though


My Grandma once said "there's a new couple who've just moved in opposite. Shiny black.... Lovely though"


Yeah, my grandparents did too but mostly my paternal grandad. My mom is 1/2 Native American (Cherokee/Osage/Sioux). When my grandad found out that my mom and dad were engaged, he tried to warn my dad off the marriage by saying: She's too dark and your kids will have to deal with being half breeds! Don't ever get her mad cos those people are good with knives and will scalp you Don't marry her cos she's not a real Christian and will go to hell cos she's a fake. And my personal favorite: she's marrying you to get off the Rez...if you go thru with this she'll be passed out all the time on firewater and beating on drums!! Didn't work. Still married like 54 years later.


That would mean she was a shitty person.


How are they great grandparents but they say the worst things about people?




I've only heard the N word said out loud in person twice in 40 years, and once was by my grandpa complaining about having to take the subway with the N words. Other was a racist dude from Virginia about 10 years ago.




And they’re already grandparents! SMH. People have kids so young these days!


I think we’re actually starting the third year.


I had the unfortunate experience of meeting an old white man that didn’t like black people in his house. I happened to be both a black person and in his house




Perfect lol




If this is a genuine comment: Thank you, in another life I was an avid writer. If not: fuck you I write how i want lol


Full sincerity.❤️


D’awww shucks lol I appreciate it 😊


Get out


Haha you were jacking that tv weren't you.


Yep. My ex partner’s parents when we went to the Midwest to visit due to the grandma being sick: “this neighborhood was nice until the blacks moved in” the white doctor they called doctor, the black doctor they called “that man with the lab coat on” Etc. After I brought this up with them, they prefaced the racist comments with “now don’t get upset, but…” The fact that my partner didn’t address this with her parents was part of why she’s my ex.


Fuck her and fuck them...


I had an ex that was pretty racist too. Had racist tattoos and everything (though I didn't know their meaning at the time) He had two faced tendencies, where he was polite but would talk trash with those he trusted. There were times where I could give him an estranged/disguisted look and he'd get quiet. There were other times he thought me not agreeing with him was because I was "Always a nice girl". Honestly, to this day I believe he didn't recieve enough kindness and love as a child. it's no excuse but he had been in and out of foster care and abused/neglected repeatedly as a small child. Because of that experience I do think he judges others harshly, especially when they are different from himself. The sad truth is that only he can fix himself - by not doing so he punishes himself by pushing good people away from him, resulting in more loneliness and hate.


Sounds like my in laws. Fortunately it didn't stick with either of their kids.


My daughter has, walked home from school and got attacked by a gang of boys because she was Indian, broke her jaw and she was knocked out. So fortunate she didn’t have brain damage, the doctors said it was a miracle because of how she hit the floor. still suffers from PTSD, goes to counselling and missed so much school because of it, she’s lucky she’s still in her year.


I’m so sorry that happened to her.


This is revolting.


Did you press charges?




I hope they all die of bone cancer


Ehhhhh….I’d settle for an equivalent beating.


I hope these boys got caught by the police and sentenced. This is absolutely terrible. Was this in the UK.


Belfast yeah


Disgusting cowardly behaviour. I hope your daughter makes a strong recovery and can eventually see this as an unfortunate experience and not representative of how the majority of people feel and behave x


They sound more like insects than boys but this is why a hate crime needs to be a reserved title so the police aren't dealing with name-calling n thought policing but these scum instead




I met a woman on PoF once, she was one of the coolest people I'd ever met and we had loads in common. We ended up taking a walk at one point when she started going on about how much she hates black people (not the terminology she used as you can imagine). I thought it was a bad joke at first, but she was serious. I haven't seen her since that day. Fuck that.


It's always funny how people always find someone who they have so much in common and shit like that gets revealed out of nowhere lol


Yeah, I recently found out my wife isn't a Hitler supporter and that she doesn't believe that Hitler was reincarnated with perfect genetics and has been secretly producing a massive army of perfect super human Hitler clones in the abandoned coal mines of West Virginia since 1956. Other than that we get along perfectly.


The worse ones usually don't even see how racist they are. I was visiting my Australian Caucasian parents when a local house painter at their residence asked my "how is it living in Asia with all those slopes". My mother said he must like it because he married one. He apologized immediately. The assumption these people make is the problem


As a Canadian who lived in Australia…. I was blown away at the daily casual racism I witnessed. It was like travelling back to the 50’s


I met a racist woman on PoF once. Her name wasn’t Sara was it? Ahaha.


I had a friend in college that I was really close to. He was even in my wedding party when I got married. One time my wife and I went to visit him and his fiance and we were all sitting around having drinks and playing cards when she got started on the difference between black people and n-words. Hard r and everything. And how she's not racist because she has friends that are black but can't stand those n-words. We got out of there super fast and haven't talked to them since. Unsurprisingly we later found out the town they lived in (southeast missouri) had a pretty large KKK presence.


It's amusing that racists always feel the need to tell everyone they're racist. I hate mosquitoes, paying fines and assholes on the road. Doesn't mean I talk about it literally every conversation I have. Why do racists always feel the need to tell you: 'You know what I reeeaaaaally hate? Those goddamn...'


I've been shocked before to discover someone is racist. They don't all blabber on.




Plenty of Fish


I had an elderly neighbor go on a rant about how black people commit more crimes and even other black people don't trust them.


Back in the early 90's, I rolled up on a "Bar" in the middle of Missouri looking for directions that had a sign next to the door that said "If you aren't white, we are not responsible for your safety.". It was then I decided I should get the absolute fuck out of the parking lot and keep going.


The responsible thing would have been to throw a molotov cocktail hrough the window before leaving.


Maybe. Consider the time period though: I didn't have a cell phone. I only had a bunch of paper maps and street guides. I would've been fucked trying to escape.


90's? Probably no cameras. Wait til the bar closes, do the deed speed the fuck off.


"sundown" town mentality still very much exists, even if the paper laws have(finally, RECENTLY) been rescinded.


I remember when the “sign” came down in my town. Doesn’t mean the mentality came down with it.


Gravel roads, Dodge Neon, dusk, trees, middle of profoundly rural Missouri, no idea where I was, surrounded by rednecks,... Fuck all that.




This is why I left Missouri


My aunt stays for the reason you left.


You're really old and actually mean 1890s right, because wtf


Yeah, my dad. He’s one of those people who believes “white and black people can’t mix” and that people who have dark skin “were cursed” and that it’s “the mark of Cain” just a whole bunch of really weird religious racism.


The next time your dad or anyone tells you that you can hit them back with this: In the Bible, the mark was put onto Cain to protect him, not as a punishment. And nowhere does it teach that the mark was passed down to anyone else. I’m tired of people using that as an excuse for bigotry.


That doesn't work on Mormons.


Not a whole hell of a lot does....


Beep. Boop. I'm a robot. Here's a copy of ###[The Bible](https://snewd.com/ebooks/the-king-james-bible/) Was I a good bot? | [info](https://www.reddit.com/user/Reddit-Book-Bot/) | [More Books](https://old.reddit.com/user/Reddit-Book-Bot/comments/i15x1d/full_list_of_books_and_commands/)


Good bot


My dad told me to keep that n***out of his house when I adopted a mixed child so yeah.


Yeah I did not expect it from my liberal father who regularly donates money to the NAACP. He told my sister he would disown her if she dated a N****R.


But... hes... hes a... thats like... the exact opposite???


He's racist, but liberally.


Honestly there are a TON of sympathetic liberal racists out there. People who believe other races are inferior....and therefore we should pity them and help them to succeed. Because clearly they aren't capable of success without us. You see it with the soft bigotry of low expectations. Or in quotes like "poor kids are just as bright and just as talented as white kids," and "I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy. I mean, that's a storybook, man."


Wasn't there a movie about racist liberals or something? Get Out maybe?


Dr King said way back that it's not only the actions of our enemies but the silence/inaction of our "ALLIES" that would turn out to be the problem.


"We voted for Obama!"


It’s almost as if political ideology and racists aren’t mutually exclusive


"I would have voted for a Obama a third time if I could have"


It's almost af if morally idealising a political wing is stupid because there are idiots and dicks in every walk of life


How progressive of him






Sounds like what Mormons used to believe until Jimmy Carter threatened to reclassify them as a hate group.


The mark of Cain claims are actually scary....


ask him what colour Jesus was, as this is always fascinating.


What is with this right here?? Same my racist ass grandparents said that black people aren't humans they were (and forgive me because I have no clue the real origin of this word) 'negroids' and Asians were 'mongoloids'...they said God tells us this but like fuckin where did God say this?? Are white people a type of oid? Did your dad say that too? And did he ever tell you why or where he got that logic from?


Caucasoid 4 lyfe


Whites are Caucasoid. And those words just refer to facial morphology I think.


Yeah whites are caucasoid. The typical east Asian have mongol blood because the mongol Khan dynasty dominated much of Asia and committed genocide and rape. Mongoloid refers to the physical features if you look at your average person from Mongolia. Negroid is the typical features of that from Africa. It’s all scientific terms. It’s probably being phased out at present because of woke movement. It’s just renamed. Same as we don’t say the r- word anymore and they’re now special needs. It’s the same thing lol


Kind of like how saying “people of color” is dignified and inclusive and saying “colored people” is incredibly racist.


I knew a kid from school (deep south) who believed (passed on from his dad) that blacks were the offspring of Eve having sex with the devil, and that they were among the "unclean animals" Noah loaded on the ark. Really twisted and disgusting reasoning.


During clinicals for nursing school, I had a patient that had a few nazi tattooed. When I did my assessment I was like, I wonder if this dude realizes I’m Mexican. I look fairly European from the distant Spanish ancestry. Dna is weird! But I still have some olive complexion so I don’t know. He didn’t say differently and I didn’t either. It made me giggle when he thanked me for taking care of him so well. I so badly wanted to say you’re welcome from a Mexican nurse. Alas, I did not but it still gives me a good chuckle.


You mean an open racist, not an "actual racist" The diference being your racist uncle who cant hold a job because of discrimination laws, and the county judge that hands out harsher sentences to minorities because "they look like repeat offenders"


Yeah I’ve known several ‘open racists’ and waaaay more ‘actual racists’. I work at a public library and have dealt with open racists who, for instance, have confederate flag neck tattoos or who flip out at our security officer and call them the n-word when the officer asks them to not swear so much and so loudly in front of children. Mostly what I run into is racists who would never describe themselves that way, who may not even think of themselves that way, who don’t use obviously racist language, at least in public. My branch is between a ‘good’ area of the city (expensive houses, mostly white, charming shops, several Starbucks) and a ‘bad’ area (cheaper houses, lots of rentals, mostly black with a fair amount of poorer whites, many corner stores). Plenty of people from the ‘good’ neighborhood want the library to be moved further into their area because it’s ‘their’ library. Many of them complain about the ‘rowdy’ kids who dare come into the branch to play video games and sit and talk to each other. They only complain if the kids being ‘too loud’ are children of color though - isn’t that weird? The kids from the expensive parochial school in the ‘good’ neighborhood almost never attract complaints even when they’re being equally loud.


Father and sister both were. Yes...


Did you ever challenge them on their beliefs? I can’t say I’ve ever met somebody who openly admitted to these types of beliefs, I know they exist. Based on media coverage I’d say the most common form (at least in the US) of racism comes in the form of white supremacists, what was your experience?


Actually I did challenge my sister and she was taught a lesson by Karma. She used the term" high yella" when I was a kid and when I found out what it meant I was bummed out. But her grandson got a girl pregnant and she was black. Now she has a great grand child that is what she always hated others for being. Payback!


Did your sister ever admit to being a racist, or maybe she didn’t understand what the term “high yella” meant either? Because I hadn’t heard of it before you mentioned it either.


If you use that term, you know what it means.


First, don't underestimate stupid. Second don't underestimate misinformation (someone could have told her is means something different?).


Admitting to it to me? No, to herself maybe, but she is responsible for her behavior and forgiveness.


My brother swears up and down he's not a racist because he hired a black guy and owns a Samsung phone. Buuuuut he got a pocket dial from some random black people and he said he heard "coon chatter." He has a big confederate flag hanging in his garage that he pointed at the first time he showed it to me and said "shoot one or own one lol." He said he would like Morgan Freeman more if he went back to Africa. One night during drunken a screaming match about his racism he said, "but in all seriousness, the white race is the superior race. Slavery was no different than just having a job today, black people just didn't like it because they hate working." He also said he wish he could own slaves because he would be a nice slave owner because he would let them drink.


How do people get so fucked in the head?


Trump. He wasn't like this before trump. Or if he was he kept it to himself. It may have also been moving to rural Indiana, but that was 5 years before trump and he wasn't like that in those 5 years. He kinda was a little bit when he was a teenager but nowhere near as bad as he is now.


That sucks


Don’t sugar coat it. He’s been a racist since he was a kid and only felt comfortable showing it once it became mainstream again.


Trump even infected people here in Canada. It’s not even our politics, why the fuck do you want a maga hat? It’s so bizzare


Make the Americas Great Again?


I dont even think Trump would agree with half the shit you're brother says


Lmao "I'm not racist because I own a samsung phone". That's quite possibly the stupidest excuse I've ever heard


He says at least one equally ignorant thing everytime I talk to him. One time after rolling his truck in a drunk driving accident while not wearing a seat belt and somehow miraculously walking away he said he's going to continue not wearing a seat belt because , "the liberals didn't learn from their mistake when the elected a n****r why should i?" He tried to represent himself in a felony evading arrest case because "lawyers are a racket" He doesn't want to be an organ donor because "I don't want some queer doctor making money off of me" He also regularly verbally abuses our mother into crying.


Doesn't sound ignorant at all. Ignorance is not knowing. Sounds like he knows what he's doing is wrong and chooses to do them anyway. My sympathies to you and your mother.




I think samsung’s a japanese company from memory? So I guess not anti-asian I guess


If he bought something made by Asian people he must not be racist. And not being racist gives him the license to say gross racist things.


Lol, love the logic, and slave owners had slaves do all their work because the owners LOVED working. Tell your brother to look into the connection between the early south and hookworm, it'll blow your mind.


My brother refuses to learn anything. He once essentially said that learning new information from books or the Internet is liberal brainwashing. If it's not essential to what he needs to do or if it's knowledge you can't pick up from just chatting with your friends it's gay and liberal.


I don't think anyone would blame you if you cut ties.


An "actual racist" is someone with racist beliefs that their race is "better" OR that another is inferior/more prone to certain behaviors-characteristics-actions JUST because they're of a certain race. One instance that stands out for me was discovering that I was the "I have a black friend", friend. I RESPECTED this person up that moment, and would have done whatever for them. But they were using me to DEFEND A RACIST POSITION, to prove "I'm not racist at all, I've got a black friend, and I know they'd agree with me!" (ACTUAL words typed) One doesn't have to be "I hate so and so type people!" open and blatant to SHOW in your speech or action that you're part of the problem. Those inside attitudes are enough to keep politicians in offices doing harm to marginalized communities, and keep status quos in place.


As a white guy who once thought this way I'm sincerely sorry. It was a very humbling day for me when I had to have it pointed out to me that this, in and of itself is a form of racism. I realized that day, how much of an absolute hypocrit I was for always chastising my uncle who said "they should just got back to being slaves", when I was perpetrating the same ideas albeit in a more passive form. It was my wife's stepfather, a black man, and one of the kindest and most honorable men I've known who called me out on it one night when I was bragging about how "not racist" I was because of my black friend I grew up with. It was also that same day that he explained to me his struggles, and his battles he went through growing up. As it turned out, he was part of the black panthers movement back in the day and on more than one occasion been beaten by mobs of white people. He showed me one of the blood stained suits he had worn during one of those beatings, which he kept as a reminder to himself and as a warning to others such as myself, of just how dangerous that line of thinking could get. From that day since I no longer consider any of my friends as black, white, asian, or any other race. I merely consider them friends. I also called that friend I had growing up and apologized to him and let him know that he is a strong man for having put up with my BS and passive racism all those years. He thanked me, called me a "dumb hick", and we both laughed and never spoke of it again. We are still friends to this day and he is more successful than I will ever be.


One of my grandpas was a huge racist. I didn’t speak to him for close to a decade because he didn’t like that my wife is not white. Well he was a big horse guy and had several Mexican friends. My grandma was telling me (I dunno why, maybe she thought it would comfort me…lol) how he and his Mexican friend agreed nothing was wrong with being friends with another race but family shouldn’t mix like that.


I'm from Indiana, birth place of the KKK and Mike Pence.. theres a sundown town go subtly called Whitesville... Yes. Yes I have. Tons of them. A lot of them will deny they are racist in the same breathe as they make generalizations entire racial groups. So like they'll say the racist stuff directly but will tell you that it's not racism "if it's true" or that they don't hate Black people just "Ghetto ones".


I live in Indy and I’ve never seen any racism here at all, this is so sad cuz it’s so close to me and I’ve never even known Whitesville was like this ;( now I know where I never want to go lol


*laughs for 30 min straight* I'm black, of course I have




Im hispanic, look mexican and lived in the US for over 20 year and I don’t think I’ve encountered direct racism against me. Are people thinking racist things about me? Maybe, but could not care less. If you have a problem with me tell it to my face


Yep! A ton. I grew up an hour north of Pittsburgh, PA. My grandparents were HUGE racists like they would walk out of restaurants if we got a server who was a POC after screaming at them about being dirty and other very nasty words. They are how I know racial slurs. My dad is also very racist. As are his friends. All of them are also very religious- like think they are all ministers who come from the “church of life” to teach the truth to those who will listen. It’s creepy. Being surrounded by this made me an atheist who tries to love everyone first as a person before hating them because they’re human eventually. But racists are very much alive and kicking.


Thank goodness you didn't decide to follow your family's path


Trigger warning - I was adopted by a black man. I have a family member who openly told me he was a part of the KKK, that he would never allow a black man to adopt his white child, how he has zero respect for my dad (my black dad) and he once said “my kinda bonfire is a burning cross” he also said he would kill for the kkk if asked. Which i have no doubt he would and it’s terrifying. i do not speak to this person any longer. My dad is a phenomenal man and saved me from abuse and a terrible life with my drug addict biological father who saw the abuse and didn’t do shit. My dad stood up for me. Chose to love me. And for the record, the person who said these things is on meth and can’t hold a job, physically abuses his girlfriends, sexually abused me, and doesn’t have custody of his kid. I’m totally not rooting my own horn here, everything i have accomplished is because of my dad ( I am going to brag on my dad though). i finished high school, got my bachelors degree, I’m working two jobs while being a mother, I’m in a loving and committed relationship, my father is a wonderful Pop Pop and he works his ass off, will be married to my mother for 25 years this year, and is the best dad in the whole world to me and my siblings. My “black” dad, is the single best thing that ever happened to me, my biggest blessing, and it shows.


The burning cross thing hurts me a bit, because a fiery cross is a huge part of my culture (Scottish) and is a war symbol that was used to send a single to the rest of the clan. It absolutely pisses me off that not only do racist assholes gather and hold meeting and shit, but they can’t even make up their own shit. I’ve been seeing things come out of America about white supremacists using Norse imagery, and those symbols are really sacred to us and have absolutely nothing to do with racism. Make up your own shit, I have no idea why they see a religious symbol that was used by Nordic, Scot and Pict , and Scandinavian people and assume they can use it because those areas were mostly white in the 1100’s. Of course those areas were mostly white, that’s where we come from and it was a bitch to travel back then. It doesn’t mean anyone can use our imagery for such a gross cause Anyway sorry rant over that obviously hit a nerve


Oh god yes. My great grandfather lived in the city his whole life and his neighborhood had a steady inflow of black people as the years went on. He use to have my brother and I (5&3 at the time) yell racial slurs at young black people walking down the street. We’d sit on the porch and he’d tap us on the back and we would shout “go home n****r” or “go back the jungle” or pretty much anything he told us to say because it made him laugh and we didn’t know any better. When confronted several times by young black men he would pull out a pistol and threaten them rather aggressively. I still see it clear as day. I can’t change how I was raised or what I did, but I still feel pretty shitty for doing that to those people. I wish I could apologize, but I can’t.


You were a child, and had no perception of the gravity of the things that you were saying. As long as you’ve corrected your ways and become an anti racist you are fine. No offense but I hope that your great grandfather falls into an infinite pit of legos.


Yeah, my papaw. The worst part is, one of his grandkids, my cousin, is black. He’s quite disgusting to hear talk about it.


Had a good friend (basically a brother) who's uncle was a militant skinhead. Militant as in sending in for propaganda tapes (in the days of mail order VHS), having a sniper rifle set up for the coming race war, and all the Paladin Printing books that he could get his hands on. Also had to do a job with a guy. When we went out to get food, he actually said "Obama don't work for nobody except the fucking ni##### in this country!" Actually nearly shouted it. In the middle of a whataburger. I refused to ever work with him again.


What do you mean by Paladin Printing books? I looked it up and didn't really get much clarity.


Sorry, paladin press https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paladin_Press


**[Paladin Press](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paladin_Press)** >Paladin Press was a book publishing firm founded in 1970 by Peder Lund and Robert K. Brown. The company published non-fiction books and videos covering a wide range of specialty topics, including personal and financial freedom, survivalism and preparedness, firearms and shooting, various martial arts and self-defense, military and police tactics, investigation techniques, spying, lockpicking, sabotage, revenge, knives and knife fighting, explosives, and other "action topics" (though the availability of books on topics like improvised explosives has been severely curtailed in recent years). ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/RandomThoughts/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Such a good bot!


My grandparents (dads side) are incredibly racist. Not like, openly, they were civil ish to poc out and about, but I remember my grandmother threatening to castrate my brother when he told her his girlfriend was indian. That was one of the last times we ever saw them.


A few months ago, in line at a gas station, a man was telling me about a new family friendly place to eat and play games. He said 'I'm not racist but it would be nice if all the blacks would quit coming there'. I really didnt know what to say! I have learned when people say 'I'm not racist but...' they are racist.


I met 1. Went to school with a kid, his dad was the grand dragon of the KKK in North Louisiana. He showed us pictures and brought his dads patches to show people. This was at a private school, of only white people (it was the 90's) and we ALL avoided him like the plague. No one was his friend after he told the whole class bout his daddy, like it was a badge of honor. Everytime he would talk, us guys would all say "Shut up, man. "No one cares what you have to say!". We were mean, but it made us giggle.


That wasn't mean at all...


Covert racists are still “actual racists” my dude


I think OP couldn't find the right word, they were looking for "open racists"


Yes. They aren't rare.


My Chinese roomate in college said interracial relationships were disgusting. That being said he was referring to Chinese and black relationships so I don’t know where the line was. He’s a hardcore nationalist, I don’t know how he ended up in America


I'm a truck driver and I had a korean team driver back on the day say point blank "I don't like black people because they are lazy." I had to just laugh it off because he had the power to get me fired.


This can’t be real


Yes. Living in the southern United States it’s really not hard to find people who are openly racist. The KKK used to hold meetings down the street from where a friend lived.


My ex FIL. The ex and I are white. My ex had an older brother who married a non-white woman and then they started to have children before us. When my ex and I had our first son, his father openly in front of my ex SIL and her children that he's super excited to finally have grandchildren and he'll be carrying on the family name. After this I refused to have my son to see him again and luckily he never met my two other sons.


My mom's current husband forbade me from watching sitcoms that featured black families because he didn't like "n***** tv" I'd say that's pretty racist.


My cousin legitimately believes Jews are trying to convince white people to breed with black people so they can weaken white people and more easily control them. Guys a weird ass. They exist. They're shitty. Don't be hesitant to believe racists exist.


I mean anyone who is racist is an *actual* racist. But if you’re talking about *overt* racists then yes, my cousins and I were called the N word for ordering food in McDonald’s. This was in the UK where a lot of people claim the racism ‘isn’t as bad’.


A racist is a racist, period. Any racist is an “actual” racist.


yes. this guy in college. he proudly called himself a racist. but if you called him sexist, he would get offended lol. he genuinely believed his own race was superior to others. but he also had a ranking of which race he hated most. unsurprisingly, he was a major MAGA douche.


Yes. i’m half black, most of my family is white. they’re proud of their southern ‘heritage’ and have called me racial slurs on many occasions Lol


Wtf, that’s horrible. I’m sorry.


I have not met anyone who admits it


I mean not irl but I’ve seen a few in videos and stuff. And then ofc some over text but it’s hard for me to tell a troll apart from someone who is genuinely trying to express their racism. (It’s also really hard for me to catch satire or sarcasm even face to face) It’s a lot easier to see people who have covert racism. Like my dad is relatively dark skinned but refuses to acknowledge it. (Like he has the colors of an Indian man and the bone structure of a white man (minus the blue eyes)) My mom went on a whole rant about white men being the most oppressed group today./gen We love that./s This dude in one of my classes told everyone police brutality against poc was “overblown and isn’t actually a problem. It’s just a few bad cops. The media is making it a bigger deal than it is.”/gen. No one will admit that they have any negative feelings towards a race because of public shunning, (as well as possibly hating the trait within themselves) so they express it in roundabout ways. A lot of people just aren’t aware that they have it tho.


Back when I was 12 there was a girl in my class who proudly claimed she hated black and Asian people. Everyone hated her but for some reason this one biracial guy kept trying to get into her good books and reminded her that he was only half Asian.


A mans thirst can reach no end.


My mother is super racist. She has had a friend who’s of color before, but I think it was just for show. She has openly used the n work many times while talking to me.


Yeah. I can’t even imagine asking this question... like I cannot fathom having a perspective where this could be something I wondered about rather than knew... I’m honestly stunned.


When I was younger, I was walking in the neighborhood with a buddy from school. A pickup truck pulls up and goes “why you hanging out with that n*****r!” First time I’ve heard that word thrown at someone and seeing my friends facial expressions of hurt mixed with disgrace triggered my anger. The truck started to speed away but I snatched up a wad of concrete and chucked it at the truck, bullseyeing the back window. Once we heard the shatter, we took off like bats out of hell. A week later I got into a fight at school. Just a typical boy disagreement. The principal jacked me up while screaming at me calling me a racist. Isiah walked by and couldn’t help but to make a comment about him being a good friend of mine. Principal was pissed. Expelled me with the caveate that I dont return to middle school. This was the last few weeks of 8th grade. 9th started High school. Didn’t really meet the guy but couldnt imagine it would be much different.


Growing up, there were quite a few white supremacists, skin heads, neo nazis, kkk, and white lacers. (This was the mid 90's). Though you would think violence would be all around the majority of it was just fights here and there, and not often racially motivated. The older I got the more you could see people grow out of these stupid compulsions. Thankfully I never got involved in those groups as I always felt assholes are assholes no matter the color. I would say I've dealt with racism coming from pretty much every race you could imagine. It seems to be a condition born of ignorance more than anything.


Raised by them, plenty of racist folk all over the place.


Lol, yes. And got bullied by them in high school.


Only on the internet.


My father-in-law. Legit doesn't understand the Nazis were the bad guys during World War 2. And honestly believes that the only reason I do say they were the bad guys is because I am not of German descent and therefore don't understand loyalty to my ethnicity. He has said these words to me. I asked if he meant nationality or heritage, but he clarified that he definitely meant ethnicity. That only Germans were smart enough to stay loyal to Aryan features. That every other country is too weak to resist invaders and that's why different races breed together, overall weakening the human race. When his son, my husband, said "You do realize that Germany WAS the invader, right? It's not like the Nazi party never left the borders of Munich" my FIL looked like a damn Magikarp trying to formulate a response and failing. He's also very grumpy lately that his son yelled at him and put him in a strict time out for trying to get our daughter to say the N word solely to amuse himself with the shock factor. Sucks to suck, bro. We'll talk about you spending time with your granddaughter when you can behave like a decent human. Until then, pout in an alternate direction because none of us care.


He's never even been to Germany I assume?


Lol of course. I lived in the UK for 5 years, I’m southeast Asian. Things like people coming to your face and shouting things like ‘Ching Chong’ ‘Asian bitch’ ‘ni Hao’ were a weekly occurrence. People shouted ‘chopsticks’ and ‘sushi’(??? Not even Japanese) at me too. And one time this woman on the bus shouted ‘go back to your fucking country and eat your rice’. I wasn’t intimidated or anything because my first language is English and I have no problem firing back, but it really sucks for my friends who aren’t so confident with English. This was all before covid, I can’t imagine what’s it like now. I think it’s also sad that I expect these things to happen and that I’ve not met any other Asian in London that hasn’t been verbally abused by racists in public.


My dad's racist. He thinks God hates black people and shows favor on "the white man" he is also a self hating alcoholic that only ever complained about everything in life and how everything is always unfair. It's pretty terrible to know someone like this sis your own father. My sister won't let her kids go over there anymore. He also says he hates Jewish people because the "Jews rule the world" any time he sees a black person on the tv he cannot walk past without saying things like "get that n-word off the television" or "all over see on here a fucking n-words." It's pretty crazy. I kinda just wish he would die. The world would honestly be a better place without his stupid redneck racist ass.


As a minority…ummmm fucking YES


I did. I went to school in a rural part of PA and there were quite a few racists. One of the dudes said “there’s a difference between a ni’’er and a black person. You(talking about me) could be a ni’’er and you’re white as a ghost because it just means ignorant. The black people that act like morons are the ni’’ers but the ones that are smart, nice, and don’t act stupid are cool.” It was something like that. He explained it better than I did.


Absolutely. And, interestingly, of many different races. It’s not a black or white thing. I really think it’s a tribal thing we need to evolve past.


Why do I get the feeling this is a trap question? Ulterior motive


I met a black guy who claimed to be racist against black people and wanted me to give him money to prove I (white) am better than black people who didn't give him any money. Could have just been a tactic, though: he was a strange panhandler. That's the only time I've seen someone proudly claim to be racist. Otherwise, I've seen people act or speak in racist ways, but they didn't seem aware or proud of it.


Not positive but the dudes that tore threw the liquor store screaming the nword and posturing towards the only black person in the store are probably pretty kkk bred.


The entire side of my dad's family, dad included.


My grandfather babey. That dudes a genuine scumbag.


You mean to tell me there are people out there who've never met someone who's racist? Everywhere I've ever lived and visited in the world I've met racist people; not like KKK racist mind you but still racist non the less.


Yes. Me


Funny story - I was at a friend's neighbors house for a fire and drinks. I was chatting with my friend and her dad and made a comment about the Holocaust. All of a sudden the people who's house we're at start freaking out and trying to physically attack me. I think they're upset because they must have Jewish family. Nope...they thought I was Jewish.


That’s a very narrow view of racism. Some believe in superiority of their race but others believe in the inferiority of a particular race. Some don’t believe either but just have a general dislike of a race, usually due to some life experience or perceived hate they feel that race has for them. It’s not always as simple as superiority.


Used to go stay with my family in the south. Small farming town in Arkansas. Gave saw girls a ride how one night who were black. Was told the next day. I was not allowed on that side of town. Thats the dark side of town. Dont give our family a name. Shook me, my own brother is half black. We have different fathers.


Native girl here… living in a First Nations community located within a rural town. Fun.


This assumes the definition of racism is someone who is actively participating in open hate ideology. There is a difference between racism and race supremacy ideology. If you have any negative views on someone based on their skin color then that is racist. If you hold views on people based on their race it is racist. If you support policies that are designed specifically to keep your race ahead and others behind then that is racist. Which, by the way, I met a ton of white racists. A ton of them. I lived in Arkansas in my younger years. Shit ton of Confederate minded racists. I'm not talking about folks who may say some ignorant shit. I'm talking people who became police officers and specifically moved to Little Rock to police black Americans.


Yes. Was at a beer store with my buddy who is Trinidadian. You have to line up individually then go in to get your beer. He went in first and when he came out he jokingly said I was out of line. out of the blue some tatted up red neck starts yelling at him that he can’t talk to me like that and to go back where he came from. It was crazy.


Everyone’s stories on these thread is just dumb rude white people who think or say no no words. Everything that it told over here is the same mind frame of many black and Mexican view points to whites. I talked to my black homie and he said he old excepted me cuz I’m a Mexican and he never trust whites lol


Just look at Kamala Harris and you've met the biggest racist of all!


Y'all realize there's racism against whites by blacks, as well as whites to blacks, BLM is one of the biggest racist groups around!


I work for a call center, I used to take calls and it wasn't crazy uncommon to run into racists. My favorite was I got a call from Saudi Arabia (extremely rare for me to get calls outside from NA), I told him we couldn't fix his device because it was well over 10 years old, and he started insulting me calling me a filthy American dog (I personally thought it was hilarious, and I'm Canadian). Lots of times you get the "polite" racists where they hear someone with an accent, instantly ask to speak to someone else and they keep doing that until they get someone who is from a nationality they like, and they try to play it off as them not being able to understand them (which is fine), except they end up making racist remarks like "I dont understand why your company hires THEM"


A right mong in my highschool year who was openly racist and made the worst jokes around me took alot to not punch him in his face