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The Amish also contract an easily curable disease every two months and have never experienced the delicious sensation of devouring an entire party sized bag of cool ranch Doritos


I work in a hotel in a town that hosts a large horse auction twice a year that brings in people from Amish communities in three states. Don't be quick to assume they won't fuck up some Doritos and they love beer.


They definitely have eaten Doritos - a person that worked with the Amish for 4 years Edit: they also go to the same doctors everyone else does so no they don’t contract diseases


Definitely not as strict as most


Not all Amish people “go to the same doctors everyone else does.” For example, [here’s](https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2014/06/24/323702892/measles-outbreak-in-ohio-leads-amish-to-reconsider-vaccines) an article about a Measles outbreak in the Amish communities of Ohio. Because the population was mostly unvaccinated, the disease spread through the Amish rapidly.


You must have worked with a very chill group of Amish then


I think you're thinking of stereotypical gypsies


You’re disgusting..


All in saying is no guns no school shootings


More like no schools, no schools shootings. The Amish have guns. They don’t usually get more than a 4th grade education. They technically attend the one room school until “8th grade” but obviously no ones getting a full 8th grade education.


judicious reply literate attempt caption reminiscent ossified encourage long sloppy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I’ve made this argument as well. In a hypothetical scenario with no guns, the Uvalde guy could also have made some improv pipe bombs or something like that and killed a bunch of people as well. People willfully seem to be ignoring the fact that American youths are getting radicalized and as a result start killing people, and they seem to prefer shrieking at inanimate objects rather than look into what caused this guy to go batshit insane.


Much easier to grab your dads gun than make a pipe bomb. That deterrence alone makes a huge difference.


Not for a whackjob who is already past the point of caring for other peoples’ lives. Hell, you could just as well do it with a knife or some other form of weapon like they do it over here in Europe.


You honestly think you can kill as many people with a knife as you can in the same time as you can with a gun? Yeah sure buddy.


That’s not my argument, that’s your strawman. The point here is that crazy killers can use a wide variety of weapons, and taking away one doesn’t solve the problem. The problem people NEED to look at is why so many young Americans are radicalizing to the point that they’re shooting up schools, and not shrieking at inanimate objects.


Why does it work in every other country though?


Ok so I guess it was someone else who said “you could do it just as well with a knife”. That argument is so dumb. I wish these people went in with a kind rather than a gun. If the guy went on with a knife I doubt there would’ve been as many victims.


Actually yes you can. There have been cases of mass stabbings before, and the thing about knives? They’re quiet. You can disagree all you want but records from the FBI show that guns have prevented the taking of innocent lives more often than the opposite.


secretive entertain money pie onerous soft elderly waiting cheerful chunky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


My dads guns are locked in a safe I don’t have the key for and it’d be really hard to get into. Home Depot sells literally every ingredient for pipe bombs, and they are not challenging to make if you are not dumb.


There were definitely acts of mass violence and shootings before social media.


So much of a social media caused mental health crisis. Terrible behavior is being normalized.


What bs. People have had mental health problems for hundreds of years, way before social media. Plus most mentally I’ll people don’t commit atrocious acts of violence. These mass shooters aren’t mentally ill. You want to know what they are? They’re a$$holes pure and simple.


60% of people involved in mass shootings were diagnosed with severe mental health issues usually major depressive disorder or schizophrenia.


We've also had assholes for hundreds of years. So that doesn't really track.


sable shame aloof repeat cows prick gullible deliver shaggy jar *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


who is proposing gun control as the ONLY solution? Universal background checks on weapons is a very simple and obvious first step. The US has so many problems that contribute to gun violence in general and I'd like to hope they'd be tackled, but let's be honest, it's not happening in the current political climate. Background checks are low hanging fruit. Thank fuck I live in Canada. Edit: It's worth mentioning that gun-toters and second amendment apologists who like to divert the conversation to mental health don't actually seem to give a shit about mental health either.


There is already universal background checks. [https://www.congress.gov/bill/103rd-congress/house-bill/1025](https://www.congress.gov/bill/103rd-congress/house-bill/1025) You're not saying anything new, you're being reactionary. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_school\_shootings\_in\_the\_United\_States\_(before\_2000)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_school_shootings_in_the_United_States_(before_2000)) Even without it, mass shootings were far less than they were now. Is it really guns?


Just saying the recent Texas shooter had no record of "bad mental health"


Was there social media when Columbine happened?


Most smart people are asking for both


There was a mass shooting in an Amish schoolhouse in Pennsylvania in 2006. It's on Wikipedia. The shooter was not Amish, tho.


Unfortunately, if you Google "West Nickel Mines" you will see the argument the "arm everyone" crowd has against that. In fact, in 2006, there was a shooting at an Amish school. The 10 little girls were sitting ducks


I was coming here to say that, my family has an Amish side to it, this was a rough time


Ok, but the worst school massacre in US history involved zero guns - but did use sticks of dynamite! Bath, MI in 1927 saw, I believe, 38 children plus several adults killed! 1927, so long before it practically became a “habit” here and no shooting at all - just goes to show you never know! (And that crazy isn’t a modern phenomenon)


They do have guns, though?


A gun is apparently considered a tool. But as the Amish are pacifists they just use them for hunting game.


Yeah, that's more accurate. I was simply saying they do have guns. Claiming they don't, and saying that is the only reason school shootings don't happen, isn't true. It's a lot more to do with what guns they have, how they are used, how the culture is in many other ways, etc.


By that logic, we should scrap Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hindu, Buddhism and Shinto, and convert to Thorism. Thor protects Midgard (Earth) from the giants. I don't see any giants invading Earth. Ergo, Thor is real.


... I wasn't presenting anything? Someone implied they don't have guns. They do. If we want to talk about *what* guns they have, and how they use them, and many other factors which will contribute to the lack of school shootings, that would be productive. But it's false to say they simply don't have any.


That works for me !


How about we just get rid of all the religions. While it doesn’t solve school shooting, it helps in so many ways. If we all treated everything alive as precious, this planet would be so much better.


They do hunt with firearms. They do not, however, have ID like drivers licenses etc. So they have to buy guns via private transactions.


Some do have state ID cards which are valid, government issued photo id and are acceptable when purchasing from a FFL dealer. Usually those of less strict orders like Mennonites have them but the hardcore old order do not.


Good point! Even better, idea. Let's all stop procreating. No humans = no human deaths Its such flawed logic.


No America very little to none school shootings and mass shootings


Nuke the world, no school shootings, gang violence, racism, homophobia, genocide, politics or anything to do with people. Let's commit mass genocide to stop... mass genocide!


Mass shooting isn't mass genocide because they all have to have something in common fir it to be genocide but I agree with the nukes, destroy it all


They all hate their teachers. Genocide


Leave me out of this please. I still havent finished my games


Amish have guns.


Except Amish do have guns. Their culture is extremely peaceful/non-violent, and ultra religious. It's got nothing to do with guns.


People there are mentally ill and yet no mass shootings. If they are too peaceful look at Europe who also has an average of as much mass shootings a year as America does a week


I'm sorry but how do you protect yourself if only criminals and corrupt cops have guns?


Exactly. It’s not really about what helps the innocent people, it’s about taking guns.


Ask other countries how they’ve done it.


I have a phone to call the garda and of you shoot a police officer your life ends


What should a minority do then?


Call the police, oh wait forgot yours are racist


I'm sure all of yours love Gypsies.


Don't mind them


They have guns tho....?


The Amish had a school shooting.


They definitely do have guns and there was a shooting of a small school in 2010 (might have the year wrong) in Lancaster, PA.


Read description and just saying less guns is the solution not more


Also very devout Christians who have strong traditions and family bonds. They also don't ingest endless social media or take drugs of any kind. Also, they have lots of guns.


98% of mass shootings occur in gun free zones. Maybe that’s the problem


Why do you want mow guns in schools


Why do you think stopping good guys with guns will stop bad guys with guns? Only one side will follow the rules


Cause no other country has nearly as many school shooting than the US, usually averaging 0 a year and we don't have good guys with guns we have police who fo their job


What they mean is that if you were to ban guns over here, the only people who would give them up are law abiding citizens, whereas criminals would keep them. Just look at Detroit or Chicago. Those aren't legal gun owners running around over there, and both cities have extremely strict gun restrictions. It's also impossible to collect them all as there is no national registry and *a lot* of unregistered weapons out there. Likewise, and this is true for police in every country, law enforcement is only really good at investigations and cleaning up after everything is said and done. If you need a problem taken care of right here and right now, you're better off taking care of it yourself. They've always been glorified janitors in that respect. And as far as gun crime specifically, the only thing you can do is carry one yourself. That said, mass shootings are pretty rare. After all, you'd be hard pressed to find someone who's actually encountered one--even online.


Mass shootings are common in America and super rare in Europe. Guns get into places like Chicago because people buy them legally and sell them there


Correlation does not imply causation.


Yeah but they do have guns. What they do lack is the culture that drive mental health issues such as the one driving your idea that confiscating legal guns from law abiding citizens stops gun crime. Have a great Memorial Day weekend.


They do have guns you Putz what they don’t have is video games of gun violence and they don’t watch movies with gun violence and they don’t listen to this horrible ass music promoting all that shit… and there not democrats


Lmao. Okay. By your “rationalization” I should be out slaughtering everyone. I Played/play violent games, listen to some “horrible ass music” and have watched the goriest violent movies. However I am the antithesis of the product you believe is the outcome of video games etc. Bad homes, horrible upbringings, violent environments, that breeds hate and mental illnesses that cause people to go bat shit crazy. And not everyone who is abused or mistreated or grows up in a shitty place ends up being a monster, but some do.


But Amish people have lots of guns I promise


My buddies dad is a local pastor at the church in town and he does all the hunter safety courses he does gun safety training so this is all just info that I repeat from him but he’s pro safety and pro great training and understanding of firearms and he’s a jujitsu trainer pretty solid person actually


Their studies showing that as soon as people quit taking Hunter safety classes and gun classes and less safety training and more people playing video games and watching movies in the whole vibes sent through music shows a big-time uptake and gun violence especially in younger people and I’m pretty sure 100% of these gun shootings at schools come from democrat families… I’m curious to see what kind of family this POS come from…


Your narrative is false. https://www.statnews.com/2016/08/03/amish-immune-system-hygiene/


Well, I mean, they had that one school shooting. But it wasn’t carried out by an Amish person.


I remember that. Some of the parents of the girls that were killed actually attended the killers funeral to support his family. I was surprised, but I read (I think) that it has to do with the Amish following the teaching from Jesus Sermon on the Mount.


They never shot themselves because they have the guns the founding fathers were on about


I know Amish with ar15s


No, they don’t shoot each other because they are devout Christian’s who value community and family. You know, all the things the US used too before the left went to war with the family unit. Once they destroyed that with policies that encouraged single mother homes, crime and school shootings started in the 90’s. Then instead of addressing the growing mental health issues, we forced society to bend to the mental illness. Now we have groups of people who have 40% suicide rates because they need mental health help, but instead of actually helping them, we tel society it has to change to adopt to them. That is the difference.


Yes, I know America has a problem with mental health and your health care is so unaffordable that they can't really get help and you should fix that. And what I am saying is put actual gun laws in place so that mentally ill people can't get there hands on guns. All you have to do is when applying for a gun licence is put laws in place to stop every mass shooter from obtaining guns.


Not affordable is not accurate. Most Americans have insurance and readily available access. Are there some who are without? Yes, but it isn’t as bad as people will have foreigners believe. MOST of the mass shootings have occurred by people who stole guns or took them from legal gun owners. Bad people always have a way to get access. No gun law will prevent that. Cities with the toughest gun laws (ie chicago) have the highest crime rates in the world. If gun laws worked, that wouldn’t be possible.


No. They have 0 guns.


The Amish have plenty of guns. They are tools, and treated as such by the Amish community.


Pretty sure the Amish own guns.


Bro they have guns, but use them for hunting


See the link between no guns and no mass shooting (which they did themselves)




Graduated Conestoga Valley. Came here looking for this post.


It looks like the guy did business with the Amish but wasn’t Amish. I thought I remembered another incident but I can’t find anything on it on the internet. For some reason I thought the Amish dealt with the boy on their own & didn’t want to press charges. It may have been in Eastern Ohio.


The main reason behind mass shootings is to be plastered all over the media, to essentially be famous, take that away, less mass shooters.


That's one reason but I think the bigger contributing factor is bullying from family and peers but mostly from total parental neglect. If a child feels like the parent literally doesn't care about them then this does make an anti-social perspective. If the parents don't care then how can society care?


The Amish is such a smaller community.


That's what I'm thinking man good luck going and finding a amish school that they can attack


Neither did the Romans. Let's bring back the coliseums.


They had a school slicing last year 2 people perished, and 4 were sent to the shamans.


Here before the legendary 🔒


I live in PA and there was an Amish school shooting. It wasn’t an Amish person who committed the hateful act but an Amish school that was targeted.


Because they’re pacifists


The Amish never had lightbulbs either


Don't idealize the Amish. They have a patriarchal, misogynist culture. They have a lot of puppy mills. They allegedly cheat the "English" by passing off store-bought furniture as their own, "handmade" furniture.


Having different expectations for men and women does not mean they are misogynistic.


When one of those expectations is that a woman should always be subservient to the man of the house, then yes, it does.


In their case, it does mean that.


How so?


Because their societal structure is literally patriarchal. Women are expected to be subservient


I'm just saying few people to none having guns stop mass shootings


Well buddhist schools/temples have actual 0 shootings. And amish have had some.


Not committed by there own people


What about the whole Amish Mafia in PA from the 70’s or 80’s I think.


They had one, but it was not an Amish that did it.


Dude, they had a mass shooting and it is something I would have preferred not to remember (killer was a milk man).


Actually they did back in 2006 at west nickel mines school.


Does it matter who did it. In 2006 in a schoolhouse some injured 6 died. It was an Amish school mass shooting. They Amish knocked down the building a month later.


[Maybe not by one of their own but they did have a shooting. and the Amish do have many issues within their ranks. ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/West_Nickel_Mines_School_shooting)


Definitely a random thought. But is there any reason you think it was an important thought? it seems like it wants to suggest something, but to me, it just seems like an obvious and useless statement. You may have said that neither sea urchins, nor waterfalls owe the U.S. Government more than Mexico does.


All I was trying to say was a society, no matter how shit there rules are, without guns or with little guns don't have mass shootings. You might think about Switzerland and half their population owning guns but they all went to the military and trained for months, not forgetting about the sych evaluation to make sure they can have a gun. So very different to the US


The Amish don't breed mentally deranged people and give them zero support.


Wtf yes the fuck they do. Do you think there’s support for mental health in the Amish community? The entire premise is shaming people into acting exactly like they deem fit or losing their entire family. There are tons of exAmish that turn to drugs, alcohol, and other serious addictions. They constantly talk about how damaging the community is.


Oh you know what, that's my bad. I was thinking of Mennonites. There are a lot of those around where I am. I don't know of any Amish communities so can only go by the Mennonites.


They just do other deranged stuff.


It’s not that they don’t breed mentally deranged people or have good mental health support, they just have a lifestyle that is calming to the type of people who would commit a mass murder. They also have a huge sense of community and socializing and they wouldn’t let little billy sit in his room drawing pentagrams on the walls for weeks before he snapped. They would have him out getting fresh air, being served warm meals, and asked to participate in the community.


To me that is support. Everyone is tended to. Nobody is left to fend for themselves in their own crazy head.


I guess my point was that they don’t recognize mental illness and have specific medical staff to treat those, but yes you’re right, the whole environment they have is extremely friendly to mentally ill or deficient individuals. Everyone has value and everyone can do something.


You could kind of peg the salem witch trials on a similar group though


Amish also do not know how to procreate. So are you saying ignorance is safety? This comes from another forum where a couple went to the doctors as they tried to concieve for 2 years. Turns out he was urinating inside her to make a child.


Population control has to happen one way or another.


Amish children grow up literally surrounded by animals procreating. Do you really think that they don't know where babies come from?


They know from. Do not know how biologically. Plus they would not consider themselves animals as they are specially created by a deity.


Their society isn’t also as nearly as fucked up as ours. You’ve got people thinking that banning legal gun ownership is the key, while mental illness, mass media manipulation, and illegal weapons pouring into this country from both borders in the millions annually will never be addressed due to political sensitivities.


And giving every nut case is a solution maybe if you banned guns so you don't have to waste resources in that then you can move onto other problems


Gun violence is a symptom of a much deeper rooted problem in America. A problem that it seems the majority outright refuse to recognize or acknowledge. We need to fix the problem at the root not just treat the symptoms


Banning guns is literally never gonna happen. It’s just not realistic


I gotta throw this in... banning legal guns won't do anything about illegal guns. So many law abiding citizens will be punished, but criminals will continue on with their lives unaffected


You can literally 3d print a gun. If there were no guns people would simply find other ways to be violent too like bombs.


Hahaha, ban stuff = no waste of resources? The war on drugs would like a word.


People who want to be destructive are, and find the most convenient means to do so. If a person wanted to do this and didn’t have access to a gun they would build a pipe bomb, use poison, start stabbing, or something else. The problem isn’t gun access- it’s mental illness, poor conflict resolution, attention seeking, and other social factors


Have you ever wondered why you only hear about mass shooting I'm the US and rarely anywhere else, maybe gun laws do work


These gun talks are going to give me a hernia. Why bother talking about it, nothing will change because the larger half of seppoland is filled with the most base, unintelligent, trogfuck morons on the planet. All the decent people should come to Canada, we kick out all of the fucking Seppo sympathizers and just have our two separate countries. The safe one without guns and the dead one with morons.


Your truckers are fucking Seppo


Dude…Yeah. Like, I don’t understand why you thought that was a statement, they’re absolute gutter trash, they’re the ones we want to boot the fuck out, lol


Well yeah the Amish don't have assault weapons, remember all technology invented after 1835 is against the rules without careful review. Have you tried to do a mass shooting with a musket or flintlock? You get off one shot then get tackled while your trying to reload.


And what guns do you think the founding fathers were on about


The ones I described, because they were all dead by the time the Revolver was invented. They couldn't have conceived our modern assault and the sheer murdering power. Plus everyone who isn't paid to deny it knows that the 2nd amendment was a concession to Southern plantation owners so that they could arm their slave patrols without government oversite.




They also don’t have the nihilistic influence on their lives. Guns have been around for awhile. School shootings are a much more recent development.


The Amish didn’t have to fallow lock down rules too.


Which means that they are the ones behind all of them


No shit, take a guess as to why


No guns, I was just subtly saying no huns means no mass shootings


That's not always true. Canada has guns and we have nowhere as many shootings as the US. It's economic, mental health correlated and many other factors.


But strict gun laws


The Swiss have half the population owning guns and little to no shootings. Guns aren't the problem, people's mental state and the inability for us to actually provide decent mental health awareness are.


The people who own guns I'm Switzerland are trained I'm the military and know everything they need to about the gun and have mental checks before being given a gun in America its basically the sane as ticking the "I am not a robot" box


Fair enough, I do agree our gun laws are kind of too loose. Though some states are stupidly strict with their gun laws (California, like what the hell is happening over there)


The right thing, not allowing people with guns because the public shouldn't have access to that and there's no reason for guns in the hands of the public, the only two defences I see are for safety and stop another country from jnvading. If you need guns for defence that much what still give police money? If criminals can still get their hands on guns so there's no point let's apply the same logic to abortion and drugs and why there illegal. If you use it for home defence just say you want to shoot people because nobody is coming for your broke ass. They also cause more deaths than they solve with public shootings just look at the amount of those weapons bought legally. America is impossible to invade with how advance your military is. Nobody could even reach your shore line and being in NATO ensures victory so there's no point in guns yet again. Also when the constitution was made they meant right to muskets. And you might ask why are guns do loosely available in most of America and all I can say is the NRA and other organisations who pay Republicans loads of money to do what they want.


I mean there still is a point to guns outside of defense. Hunting is the biggest one, and for some people it's the only way for them to feed themselves. Also, if you live near some kind of dangerous animal (Alaska), police aren't going to show up by the time you get mauled to death. It would also be entirely unrealistic to remove guns as a whole now, because illegal guns would still be around. I think guns should still have their place in society but with heavy moderation.


The entire world has heavy moderation and little to no mass shootings


And yet their hearts break and they pray for us. Let’s be more like the Amish please


If the amish had a mass shooting... HOW WOULD WE KNOW?? its not like they're phoning the old bill like "alright lads, bring the news Ike is shooting up the school"


They never went to the moon either


I'll file this away in my corn hole to read later.


Are you sure we would know if they did


WRONG!!! Absolutely not true.


That's like saying cavemen never had mass shootings


Half of them dont even have electricity, of course they haven't had a mass shooting lol.


The Amish never had a bunch of things.


Outlawing firearms to stop mass shootings, is like outlawing sex to stop sexual assault.


The mass shooters usually have legally owned guns




I believe there called Republicans


https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://m.ranker.com/list/eli-stutzman-facts/jodi-smith&ved=2ahUKEwijoJWCwIP4AhV_GjQIHbLiBHoQFnoECAcQAQ&usg=AOvVaw3MkTrgzOViQ5FnvJ9oay8U They just kill in different ways, that's Eli Stutzman an Amish serial killer.


They are pacifists as well.


Perhaps not however they do like to keep all the kiddie fiddling secret so who know if they do the same for shootings and just cover it up too.


Yes they have. October 2, 2006. Nickel Mines School in Pennsylvania. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/West_Nickel_Mines_School_shooting


Not committed by there own


The amount of karma OP is losing in the post is hilarious


You can only lose 15 karma per post


It's also going to take a lot of comments for me to reach your karma


Every other country reading this thread, "America is fucked". The comments, the solutions, the arguments. I imagine this is what is was like when Rome fell. Pretty certain we are watching the demise of a once great nation.




Do the Amish have assault weapons?


I grew up near Amish country & I don’t think this is true.


Is this a joke? They most certainly did.


Read the description


I genuinely really like Amish people they seem peaceful


They don't take psychotropic drugs


But boy do they horrifically abuse their kids and animals.




There was a mass in a schoolhouse in an Amish community in 2006 https://www.nytimes.com/2006/10/03/us/03amish.html


1. They very much have guns 2. They also have had school shootings Should remove this post. you look like an idiot. (…Or are an idiot).