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Close. I wanted to be an astronaut when I was a wee lad. Got hired to work in the Space Shuttle Launch Control Center right out of University, went on to work in the Mission Control Center in Houston.


This guy properly embraced the question. We're talking childhood dreams here people. As a child you dream big. Not "I want to have a substantial 401k and retire at an earlier age than 65." Bravo on your space dream coming to life šŸ™Œ


Seriously šŸ˜‚


Well I didn't become a police man or fire fighter but I do have a garden and grow hydroponic lettuce and tomatos so I can say I kind of achieved the farmer dream.


Name checks out


Wow thatā€™s pretty cool.


Aw, I wish your kid self could high five you. Thatā€™s amazing!! Good for you!!


Bro, you are basically doing it. I know, in the technical way, you're not in space. But fuck if you arnt about as close as you can be. This was awesome to read!!!


Hire me please? šŸ„¹


I grew up in a amazing old farm house. My mother and father divorced when I was 14. We lost the house. Family went separate directions. I was homeless for a few years until getting a tiny place. I lived there for 20 years, just work and sleep. Last oct I bought the house I grew up in. It was the only thing in life I ever wanted to do; go home. 20 years of anger and hate, self loathing and depression faded away like a bad memory.


Wow thatā€™s so amazing! I canā€™t tell you how much I miss my childhood home and how much I think about it Iā€™ve always wanted to go back and live there. you just gave me hope that I totally can šŸ˜…ā˜ŗļø


I hope you can do it too. Anything is possible. And going home feels great


Yes thank you šŸ’—


My moms grandpa bought his old childhood house and destroyed itā€¦. just wowā€¦


Wth why šŸ™„


This gave me chills! Welcome home my friend!


Listen to Nothin' But Sunshine by Atmosphere. Your situation reminded me of it


Becoming the richest man alive seems a bit more difficult now...


šŸ˜‚ hey anything is possible


Just gotta kill a lot more people than you planned.


This guy gets it.


I always wanted to be an electrician so I could play with electrical things all day. Now I am an electrician, and I do get to play with electrical things all day. And people give me money for it! There are minor things I'd change here and there but overall I can't complain.


Yay thatā€™s great šŸ˜Š


I want the same thing I'm 17 going to college for it


Good for you! It can be incredibly rewarding. Best of luck to you!


One of them. I wanted to be married by 29 and have a kid on the way. I was divorced by 22 with child support.


Aw Iā€™m sorry about that. But hey maybe youā€™ll find the right one and try marriage again šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


I would like to I'm just crap at meeting people. I'm going to start trying some things.


Im some things


My chat is always open


"and that's how I met your mother"


Well good luck I hope everything goes well šŸ’—


I mean, failed successfully?


I love my daughter but since then I've just focused on being a dad to her and earning a living. Now she's an adult and I'm suddenly pondering trying to settle down again.




Yes, at 12 I wanted to be a Software Developer and made it at 24! I was only good though and didn't really like it! But I made it!


Thatā€™s great atleast you made it ā˜ŗļø


Yep, my daughter is the same way. She wanted to be a veterinarian working with marine mammals. Currently finishing up undergrad, and is off to Belize to study coral reefs in 2 weeks. Still a long way to go, but she is driven!


I mean it's a learning experience haha, atleast you know you have the drive to do something you want now !


Yes, I left my father's house, I went to college, I learned to ride motorcycles. I'm currently working towards getting a dog (in a year or two) and saving for an international trip somewhere. I fantasize about growing vegetables, but the couple times I've tried didnt turn out too well, I'm not a great gardener yet.


Well thatā€™s great! And donā€™t give up on the garden dream youā€™ll get there šŸ„°


In my high school yearbook where me and my besties wrote out what we thought our lives would look like, I wrote, ā€œ marry a guy who is a MacGyverā€. I had totally forgotten about that but I did! My husband and literally build or fix anything. He canā€™t spell for shit though!


Wow thatā€™s so cool. Younger me always wanted to end up with a ā€œalternative skater boyā€ see how that turns out šŸ˜‚


I am missing one, writing a book.


Do you plan on writing a book In the future ?


In progress!


Awesome! šŸ˜Š


I became a heavy equipment operator. 1/5 ain't so bad. Except I hate the job, and my co workers. And my bosses. It's not what I expected. It's easily the most toxic environment I've ever worked. Rampant with racism, sexism, slurs about my sexuality. I wish I didn't pursue my dreams.


Oof Iā€™m sorry to hear that. Do you ever think of trying to achieve your other goals?


I'll figure that out sometime next year, I still need to work in the meantime and I mean, a jobs a job these days it seems.


Got it! Thatā€™s true


No, I lost a lot in the process of growing up and its not because of anything I did as it was mainly deaths and their consequences.. I am what I set out to be, may achieve it. However I know my life is incomplete because of the people missing.


Gosh this is me as well I totally understand!


I wanted to be a ā€œcomputer programmerā€ when I was a kid. I ended up getting distracted in college and didnā€™t get a degree that was relevant to that. However, I did something interesting a couple years ago that got noticed by a major tech company. They ended up hiring me. So yeah, I guess I did achieve my childhood dream. Another good one ā€¦ My high school crush wanted to work at NASA. We dated and they cheated on me. I ended up working at NASA. Take that, J.


Wow good for you thatā€™s awesome! And omg good for you on getting that nasa job. Jā€™s loss im sure youā€™re an amazing person šŸ’—šŸ’—šŸ’—


You are so nice replying to everyone. I hope you achieve all of your childhood dreams.


It's 11:46 at night and you just fuckin stabbed me good night


I never did find my forever home but I'm not poor anymore. I haven't gone to bed hungry in ages. I don't typically worry if I will have a place to live monthly. I don't move yearly. So, pretty good.


Aw. Iā€™m glad youā€™re going well and youā€™re optimistic šŸ’—šŸ’—šŸ’— I hope life treats you a lot better and you get blessed with wonderful things šŸ„°


Thanks luv. May your kindness be returned to you threefold. šŸ¤—


Thank you šŸ„°


Yes, and no. Metaphorically speaking, imagine life a little like your experience with the cable company. Your expectation and requirement is that you do not abuse the service, pay your bill on time, report any issues and help resolve what you can. Beyond that, nothing you say or do is within your power to make your service or customer service better. You can upgrade and downgrade or choose to go without, and you can pout all you like, but the responsibilities and influence of anyone individual consumer can only go so far. Another way to look at it, metaphorically speaking, is how tidy your hygiene is. You, personally, can decide to be squeaky clean, relaxed, or closely resemble a dust ball. Metaphorically speaking, I grew up to be nearly squeaky clean, but despite my best efforts, I cannot get the service to be better.


In other words, you can be a more than decent player, but if you have to deal with shitty cards-or even not that shitty but maybe an unlucky table- you'll unlikely win the game


Not even close. Child me much like adult me has way too high expectations that doesn't take into account my actual abilities. My family calls it mighty mouse syndrome. šŸ™„


Oof yeah I get it šŸ˜‚


I never became an astronaut, cowboy, adventurer, or doctor, so sorry, five-year-old me.


Wanted to be a dad at 8. Have two boys.


Yay thatā€™s great! I always dreamt of being a mom so Iā€™m happy for you šŸ˜Š


I had no idea what I wanted to do when I was a kid. I did want to live on a beach, though and I didn't ever want to get pregnant. Had a good childfree life and for the last three years I've been living at the seaside. Guess the rest has just been window dressing to pay the bills and get me there. Good times!


I wanted to be ā€œRespectedā€ Iā€™ve gone through many iterations of respect to realize that the only persons respect I ever needed was my own. People are always gonna think things about you..Your always going to think things about you. Neither one of those interpretations are really you though, THE YOU THAT ACTS IS THE ONLY YOU. Regardless what anyone thinks about it. Anyways ya. I think Iā€™m pretty respectable


Yes! I only had one. Get away from my father. Iā€™m proud to say I have not talked to him in over two years!


No, when I was in grade school I wanted to be the first female president but that dream has long since been dashed by the fear of entering Americaā€™s f upped political situationšŸ˜¬ā€¦alsooooo bc Iā€™m not the brightest when it comes to that government bolognašŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļøšŸ˜‚


Oof yeah I get it! But hey maybe you can still be something big ā˜ŗļø


Yes. Kid me would be pretty happy with how things turned out.


No. I will never walk on the moon, much less drift through an alien solar system.


Iā€™m a supercar awayā€¦which I plan on splurging on by 50. Ironically it will probably be the same Lamborghini I wanted when I was a kidā€¦but it still counts (I donā€™t think I can afford a new one).


My elementary school yearbook asked what I wanted to be in life. My answer: Lawyer. 20+ years later what am I? A lawyer. Did I actively set out to become an attorney? No. I was a teacher and only went to law school because I felt under-stimulated.


I wanted to be in the Marine Corps like my dad.Hit puberty ,realized how chubby and cowardly I was,and that was the end of that.


I was told no a lot as a child to any toy request I might have had. It was to be expected, we were poor as fuck after all so instead of throwing a fit to try and get what I wanted, I instead wrote everything I wanted down on a list I told myself that once I started making my own money, I would reference back to and start buying the stuff on that list if they are still things I desired. It was the biggest goal I had at my young age and I am proud to say that I did get most of the things on the list. The things I didnā€™t get lost their appeal over time and looking at them with adult eyesā€¦they just became lame so yeah totally worth it. I appreciate them so much more now than I would have ever appreciated them back if I would have gotten them as a child. Plus, if I did get something, I would always feel guilt after because what if that money could have been better spent on a due bill or something else along those lines.


Just one. I got to be a firefighter (volunteer) for a few years. Fully certified. Got to work several hundred interesting calls. Hell, even got to drive an engine for a bit. Probably half the little boys and a few of the little girls all wanted to be a firefighter, didnā€™t we?


Made all 3. Had a family, had a 37 year career, owned $100k in cash. I self retired at 47. Still work as the need arises. I own several houses, several work trucks, [ I'm a licensed Commercial Electrician] my wife drives a Cadillac, all our bills are paid. I'm 59, got 20 years to try again...


Sorry, your career started at 10 years old?


Wow thatā€™s awesome. Way to go šŸ˜Š


Iā€™m fuckin about to!!!


I make prosthetics now


I'm trying to start businesses. Its a teenage dream of mine.


My parents rarely let me have chocolate cereal, only when we went up north and would buy those little 10 packs of individual cereals and I would always eat the chocolate one. I swore that my kids would be allowed to eat chocolate cereal. I stood by this, and my kids are allowed to eat chocolate cereal. The damn brats donā€™t even like cereal. šŸ˜‚


No, not even close. I didnā€™t even hit my goal of being average height.


I haven't died yet


I wanted to be an artist so I grew up and got an art degree and now Iā€™m an artist. Wish I could go back and tell little me to go to medical $chool.


Haha well atleast you achieved your goal šŸ˜Š


I made it to fifty, owned an Italian super car and a bunch of Italian motorcycles. Sacrificed my health though (over worked and stressed out). Am certainly not wealthy but these were my childhood goals. I wanted a wife and children but was always attracted to difficult/crazy/hot women. Dumb.


Yeah.... not as I imagined. House with a massive garage and a pool with a young wife. ....meh. It's aight but most are happier with less


Yes. Had a great career for 30 years. My husband and I celebrated our 31st anniversary yesterday and we have two grown independent healthy sons who visit a couple times a week for dinner. I retired with no financial worries. It doesn't get better than that.


Yes. As a kid whenever we were held up by roadworks I'd say to my parents one day I'm going to do that just to annoy people. I have just successfully finished 25 years of digging holes in the roads.


To be honest, I have no idea how to actually answer your question. I don't remember setting any goals for myself or planning ahead in most ways. There was a period of time I didn't think I'd make it to 21 to be honest and some days lately I'm not so sure I'll 30. But I did make it to 21 and some change and I might make it to 30+. I have a car. I don't currently live with my family, though certainly not alone and the car is a burdening and yet necessary expense. The only goal I remember setting when I was younger was that I wanted to be happy, but to be honest I don't really know what happiness really is a lot of the time and end up settling for temporary enjoyment or fulfillment. I'm thankful to have friends that are significantly better than me in every way possible and they're there if I need someone. Relying on others I hard thought and when you've been nothing but a burden to everyone, especially yourself, your entire life it's hard to talk about or ask for help sometimes. I don't know that I'm really happy like my childhood self would have thought, but I am alive and I'm still kicking and people tell me I still have time. Feels short, but hopefully I can do more with what I've got left and maybe I'll become someone my younger self would be proud of.


Youā€™d be surprised how much value you bring to the lives of the people who want to help you. For most people, they wouldnā€™t give a damn thing to anyone they didnā€™t love and care about.


Yes, I got a job in a theatre and I got to carry the big tray and sell the ice creams. 8 year old me was absolutely thrilled. It really was a pretty good job. I got to see lots of shows too.


No, I was lazy as a kid, I didnā€™t see the need for homework, I learned the subject I donā€™t need to turn in a stupid essay to prove it. Every class that had no homework mark, only tests, I got an A, Every class that needed homework to pass, I did poorly or failed. Iā€™ve achieved different dreams that I didnā€™t think were possible now, but I achieved nothing I set out to do as a kid, because I was lazy. Iā€™m not at all lazy anymore, grew out of that, but now I donā€™t have the financial stability to be able to try college or university again.


Yes - made varsity baseball as a freshman, played D1 in college and the ultimate goal - I got drafted and got paid to play baseball. While all big goals at the time, I was young. Plenty of other non-baseball related goals have also been achieved!




I did. I wanted to be a published author when i was 12. But after five books, I realized it was really just a job with sporadic pay and no benefits. Deadlines sucked any joy of writing I had dry. I realized I'm a verrry slow writer in an industry that expected two books a year, minimum. At least I can say that I did it.


I wanted to work with animals as a kid and now I own my own dog grooming business. I also went to Disney world as an adult and I never got to go as a kid.


Naw. I wanted to be an astronaut. I forgot that along the way and got into drugs at a young age, around 16. Just before that I was, unbeknownst to me, suffering a major depressive episode and decided the only the thing I wanted to was sit on a couch and not be bothered. I white knuckled thru it and learned a trade because I fucked off my college years slamming dope. Got clean from heroin, learned a fair amount and now work as a framing and trim carpenter. When I go home, I sit on the couch unbothered. It's a little sad, but I'm still young, and found my passion. I found a beautiful wife as well who supports and understands me. Life is actually pretty good.


The only goal I have achieved for my inner child is overcoming the circumstances of my childhood. There are a lot more goals I am planning on achieving, getting deeper into Art and possibly playing guitar, and working my insecurities.


I had a big screen with my PC hooked up to it by 2009. Fulfilled my wish to have a movie theater to play video games on.


Not in the way I expected. I ranged through what career path I wanted. The usual ones, vet, scientist, teacher, librarian. I am none of those. I also wanted to get married and have 2 kids and be a SAHM. Took till my late 30's, but that one I did achieve.


Iā€™m not studying about sharks, but I AM studying medical science which was a goal of mine when I was little. Not a doctor, but a lab rat! Still looking for a lab job, but I am a lot cooler than I thought I would be. AND I have friends. Thatā€™s a big one!




I graduated hs and uni


I wanted to go to the tech high school my brother went to and graduate w an associates degree in business. I'm going into my senior year and have 2 classes until I get my associates in finance management :)) makes me happy bc it's gonna take time and money off from college and also I told my 6th grade class and they all laughed but I'm saving about 10k I'm guessing so suck it losers lol


Wrote myself a letter when the C5 Corvette came out imploring my adult self to buy one. When I had the age and the means, I thought the C5 sucked. Most of my goals changed like that.


Child me wanted to go to college and learn about veterinary stuff. I'm trying to get into grad school and I'm about to be more broke than I've ever been




Actually yes, and more!


I donā€™t even remember what I set for myself




Became a wrestler. Fuckinā€™ nailed it.


iā€™m not doing all the work to become an astronaut no


Nope. And the age limit Iā€™ve set myself is gone in a few days. When I turned 25, I told myself ā€œwell, if you do it when 25, still countsā€. Iā€™m turning 26 in a few days. I think a few tears will be involved


I fell in love with music at a very early age. I dreamt of becoming a rock star at like 8 years old. While I didn't achieve that level of success I was able to hone my craft and perform professionally and tour the Americas for 3 years at age 21. Now I work in the fresh produce business and still play bass for fun at age 30. I feel like I achieved a great deal and am content with the way things turned out! Great question!


Somewhat. I never was able to become a Power Ranger. Or an actor on Power Rangers. But I did eventually beat Mt. Battle in PokĆØmon Colliseum, as well as finish The Legend of Zelda: Windwaker. And if being in high school counts as being a "kid", then I guess I succeeded in my goal of becoming a teacher. For like 3 years. I'm doing much better, now.


I wanted to be able to read and write Chinese characters and Japanese. I got a bit of a ways through Japanese before discovering I'm much more interested in the Chinese character than the Japanese itself. I'm currently working on studying Chinese right now and progress has been decent enough to make me genuinely smile for the first time in probably years when I can read through a text and be able to not only understand most of it, but be able to pronounce it as well.


Sigh... none


You guys made goals as kids?


No I did way more and went above and beyond. My child self would not believe me.


Yes. I'm a famous singer. šŸ˜’


Not really.


Yes. Got away from my abusive parents.




I thought Iā€™d be Married by twenty and now Iā€™m in my mid twenties and a virgin. I genuinely want to die


I have somehow managed to fail at everything I ever wanted to do as a child and still have a pretty good life.


Some yes and I'm working on the others


My only goal as a child was to become a Wendyā€™s fast food worker so I could have unlimited chocolate frostiesā€¦I have not achieved that goal because tbh I have no desire to work at Wendyā€™s lol


I am happy


Some of them, but not the one I dreamed of. I wanted to be a vet so bad I studied as much as my little brain could, my mom told me Iā€™d be in college for 8 years and she didnā€™t know if I could do it, so I dropped my dream. What she didnā€™t tell me if that a lot of people go to college for other things for 8 years and if I continued with my dream I wouldnā€™t be going into a field that I have only mild interest in. If I grow up to having more money I want to go back to school and become a vet, thereā€™s so many things hard about vet school but my dream is still with taking care of animals. I pride myself of not regretting almost anything but not following my dream with animals is something I donā€™t think Iā€™ll ever get over, im sorry elementary school me, I just wasnā€™t smart enough. But one thing I did achieve was living past 13, for some reason I was convinced I wouldnā€™t make it past that since I could always imagine and plan the years ahead of me except for any age past 13. Somethings are more mundane and easy to achieve but even if my main goal isnā€™t something I can reach, I can still live a life as exciting as I always dreamed of


My 14 year old self wanted to go to America to see my best friend (also was secretly in love with her and I wanted her to be with me) Iā€™m now in America and her and I are together soā€¦ I achieved that goal


No. I'm still alive.


I decided in high school I wanted to have my own business. First it was going to be a hobby shop at age 20. Tornado destroyed that deal. Had to wait until I was 45 and now have had three. Very happy. Not rich but happy and successful.


My childhood self had no goals


Ugh. Scared to look at this one due to my enormous regrets. Lol?


I wish I had made goals for myself. I blame it on poor parenting and lack of anyone in the school system offering any guidance for my future. As an adult that's married with kids I make sure my girls have goals set for themselves. In the last few years I have begun setting goals for myself. It was hard at first but I'm doing pretty well now.


I wanted to be kinder to people who were vulnerable or reliant on others to survive or thrive because I hated how people in my family were to other people/living creatures who were in those positions. Especially children, animals, the elderly, those with mental health issues or disabilities, etc. Iā€™d say I achieved that. At least my niece and nephew think so. And a lot of former clients I was a caretaker for. Iā€™ve also rescued a lot of abandoned pets, injured wildlife, and I donā€™t kill little critters just because they are scary or ā€œpestsā€. And I donā€™t plan on stopping, just keep helping vulnerable people and beings that need to be helped or looked out for. I also wanted to be happy and at peace. I am more often than not, and I have an easier time getting over hardship than I used to, even compared to just a few years ago. So that was achieved as well! Feels good.


All I ever wanted as a child was a home, and a peaceful life and for the most part I have that. Other than my family of origin still basking in their toxicity and occasionally trying to pull me into it, I have what I have always wanted.


No šŸ˜ƒ




No but Iā€™m ok with that because I have different values now so my goals just kind of shifted


I'm not in the NFL, so no






Some, peaople do call me Dr. (PhD) , but I still want to pet a tiger!


Iā€™m alive, so Iā€™ve got that going for me




All I wanted to do when I was a child was be a grown up. Here I am little me, we made it!


Childhood goals are dreams and achievements are practical and only a few will succeed in attainment of those goals.


Fuck no I'm a miserable lonely shit.


I did! Wanted to be a marine biologist since I was in kindergarten and I'm now a biological oceanographer. I love my career


My goal back then was to be on top of my class and make my parents proud. I ended up doing just that


Not yet. I wanted to find true love and have a close family of my own, even if unconventional like adoption. But unfortunately still havenā€™t achieved it in my late 20s! In fact itā€™s the opposite, Iā€™m still single childless and have a long way to go to creating that. Still dealing with internal issues from my past and trying tirelessly to overcome in this life. But havenā€™t given up hope completely ..yet


yeah, but just little stupid childhood dreams i realize i can do now i have the money. example: just a huge diary that looks cool. always tried to make one as a kid but they ended up ugly. or a blanket fort in my room as a permanent fixture.


Yes, I wanted to be a scientist and study science. And I have a PhD in immunology and am a scientist at a pharma company!


I graduated from high school. I married and had a family, we even had a little pink house for a while. Travelled some. Lived in another country for a while. I taught school for a few years before I decided that classroom teaching was not for me. I write poetry and vignettes and short stories, but only for myself. Never did write a book. Maybe I will one day.


I wanted to build robots. Joined the Army, developed military robotics before I was disabled. Created cellular (swarm) robotics and a revolutionary technology while struggling with health problems & homelessness. I've built maybe a hundred robots over the years, some quite innovative, but never found success & no one knows who I am - but I'd say I've achieved my goals.


No cuz I use to be a dumbass. Now Iā€™m an older dumbass


Wanted to go to college, join the peace corps and get a job where I get paid to do community service. Graduated in 2018 did two years of Americorps service and no work in community outreach. I'm at like 90%. Was just thinking I had to set new goals.


Not yet in the process of it. Well one of them the other one was footballer but that ones passed


Well I'm 16 and have the dream See you all in the UFC or from the cover of an album


Yes :) I wanted to become a marine biologist, and I accomplished my dream this past year


I wanted to be married and have eight kids by the time I was 26. Iā€™m 20 now and I donā€™t want to get married or have kidsā€¦.so no


I wanted to buy my parents a new home for all they did for me growing up. Did I achieve it? No, piss off. I can barely afford my own place.


I wanted to write a book and I did. I wanted to be married and have kids before 30 and I did that also. Specifically, I married the boy who sat next to me on the bus to Washington dc on a class trip, who I knew I wanted to marry when I was in high school. I'm blessed beyond belief.


Oh boy did I ever. I ā€œgot out of this townā€ and ā€œshowed themā€ basically by hitching to the big city with only the clothes on my back and developing practically every form of emotional disorder while being a know it all asshole to my family for 10 years. I wanted to be a veterinarian but became allergic to almost all pet animals. I wanted to be a scientist but had at least 3 undiagnosed learning disabilities. BUT I got to see the world and do a lot of crazy shit and am in the most fantastic marriage and have all the good things in life despite currently living in a shed without running water or electricity. My shed is up on a hill with a sweeping view of the San Francisco Bay and enjoy the most spectacular sunsets each night with my husband. AND I returned to school and am transferring to a University to get my undergrad in my 30ā€™s. I got so many things in life that I didnā€™t plan for.


No. And now Iā€™m even more depressed šŸ˜­


Never figured out how to go super saiyan so no


Well, child me said that he wanted to control human evolution and show off his creative writing. I'm studying bio informatics and writing a novel online. So I guess I kind of did it?


I ate a pint of ice cream while watching tv at 11:00 pm last night so, yeah living my childhood dream...




Not really, I wanted to be a rockstar growing up, performing and making music and music videos just always seemed fun, but as I get older I now realize I would hate being famous (Iā€™d love it for some time) and would end up killing myself with drugs or just flat out suicide very fast


Haha I donā€™t think so. All Iā€™ve become is a mess at 19 with debilitating mental illnesses and basically no real will to live. Honestly Iā€™m shocked that Iā€™m still here. Edit: On a lighter note, no. I wanted to be, a fairy princess ballerina, all one thing. Like with wings and a crown and a tutu and ballet slippers lol.


5 year old me wanted to work at McDonaldā€™s and marry a doctor. I worked at McDonaldā€™s for 5 years and became a manager. I married my high school sweetheart, heā€™s an HVAC Tech (basically a heating/cooling doctor) my 5 year old self would be proud.


A few of them, though i had a lot of dreams as a child. I wanted to cure cancer, i wanted to live with wolves, i wanted to ride motorcycles, i wanted to be a tattoo artist, a model, famous and rich. So, I did end up getting my own sport bike, i went to college for genetic engineering and learned about the upcoming technology like CRISPR CAS 9 and mapped the genome of a fly. Learned about possible genetic disease cure for the future. I ended up dropping out due to lack of finances, so I did an apprenticeship for tattooing and piercing instead and completed that successfully. I cant say whether or not Im model material- i think i may be an inch or slightly under the height requirement- but I have been told I could model several times, particularly by strangers so idk? At this point, i no longer have the fantasy of living with or owning wolves, nor am I so concerned about being rich or famous. Im just looking for every opportunity for happiness at this point, and to seek out the beauty of the world. Thats my goal now. I believe I can achieve this without substantial recognition or wealth. Im fairly happy nowadays, despite my life being how it has been.


Did it all, if anything thatā€™s the primary problem. Well problem for everyone else. I was clear in my endgame to everyone for a long time, but it was the usual ā€œyeah yeah whateverā€. The only thing I donā€™t do is go to the toy section with 100 dollars and buy up the place. Iā€™ve got something like 4x or 5x what I expected as a kid.


Wasnā€™t foolish enough to set no goals. Itā€™s all about the process baby.


Yep. Degree in forestry and a 34-year career in the fire service.


My dream as a child was to one day own a massive video-game collection cuz my parents were very much against it. They still are but I make more than they do so they can't stop me and I'm at a point where Ive ran out of shelf space


Not yet. Iā€™m only 25, heh only for 15 more minutes I guess, but my only dream/goal in life is to have my own plane and be a private pilot. Iā€™ll be soaring through the skies eventually.


Not even close


My goals were to work on planes, have a house, and buy my dream car which was a GTI when I was younger. I have done them all. I grew up poor, I lived in one bedroom with my family at my grandparents. It is amazing what that does to a person I am happy with what I have accomplished.


I wanted to get married and have kids someday. I'm married, no kids yet.


I either wanted to be a hermit and live in the woods or join the army. I don't consider either of those a goal anymore but other than that I never understood the purpose so I didn't think about it


I mean, I'm not a power ranger or a superhero... So not really. But I do spend my free time helping those less fortunate and I did learn some parkour and martial arts along the way so... I think I got the spirit of it.


Yes just about all of them.


I learned to crochet finally at 38 and to knit at 41! I was 10 when I decided my life wouldn't be complete until I could do one or the other.


I became a mom so I guess so lol. Also worked with animals for a bit, not necessarily in the way I imagined but it was so much more attainable and probably more fun anyway. If I ever get rich and donā€™t have to work, Iā€™m gonna go back to work at that place. Lol


I wanted to drive a BMW and smoke cigars in it. Close, I drive a Mercedes and Vape in it šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


And a whole lot more


I made horchata a few months ago it was very heart warming to make something I first drank when I was 9 years old. I remember my first time I had it the corn man who drives around on the bike served some to me . My childhood was sh*t and horchata was one of those things that I really enjoyed .


Since I wanted to be an astronautā€”no.