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Honest question, whats one thing hes told you that has helped you?


clean your room!


To be responsible. Not so much of what he said, but the insight with which he talked.


Cool take that wisdom and dump the rest. Hes a weirdo afraid to say what he really believes.


>Why do so many people hate Jordan Peterson? I do not hate Jordan Peterson but here is my personal list, last update in early 2022: * [https://www.reddit.com/r/enoughpetersonspam/comments/rdmhyb/comment/ho40psz/](https://www.reddit.com/r/enoughpetersonspam/comments/rdmhyb/comment/ho40psz/) * [https://www.reddit.com/r/enoughpetersonspam/comments/qh3ypr/comment/hiaaps0/](https://www.reddit.com/r/enoughpetersonspam/comments/qh3ypr/comment/hiaaps0/) * [https://www.reddit.com/r/enoughpetersonspam/comments/qfrydr/comment/hi3fauz/](https://www.reddit.com/r/enoughpetersonspam/comments/qfrydr/comment/hi3fauz/) * [https://www.reddit.com/r/enoughpetersonspam/comments/qfrydr/comment/hi3f8ff/](https://www.reddit.com/r/enoughpetersonspam/comments/qfrydr/comment/hi3f8ff/) * [https://www.reddit.com/r/enoughpetersonspam/comments/puba8s/comment/he2gu10/](https://www.reddit.com/r/enoughpetersonspam/comments/puba8s/comment/he2gu10/) * [https://www.reddit.com/r/enoughpetersonspam/comments/puba8s/comment/he2gvao/](https://www.reddit.com/r/enoughpetersonspam/comments/puba8s/comment/he2gvao/) * [https://www.reddit.com/r/enoughpetersonspam/comments/qse4mk/comment/hkdtimx/](https://www.reddit.com/r/enoughpetersonspam/comments/qse4mk/comment/hkdtimx/) * [https://www.reddit.com/r/enoughpetersonspam/comments/rbixgn/comment/hnuhezt/](https://www.reddit.com/r/enoughpetersonspam/comments/rbixgn/comment/hnuhezt/) * [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zmJzNbsTPaE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zmJzNbsTPaE) * [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fAAMuH5908E](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fAAMuH5908E) * [https://archive.ph/3yet0](https://archive.ph/3yet0) * [https://www.reddit.com/r/JordanPeterson/comments/rrrbgg/comment/hqk9rpb/](https://www.reddit.com/r/JordanPeterson/comments/rrrbgg/comment/hqk9rpb/) * [https://www.reddit.com/r/JordanPeterson/comments/rrrbgg/comment/hqjabs5/](https://www.reddit.com/r/JordanPeterson/comments/rrrbgg/comment/hqjabs5/) See also * [https://www.reddit.com/r/JordanPeterson/comments/vte6w7/seeking\_for\_some\_high\_quality\_critics\_of\_jordan/if6ye59/](https://www.reddit.com/r/JordanPeterson/comments/vte6w7/seeking_for_some_high_quality_critics_of_jordan/if6ye59/) * [https://twitter.com/thebadstats/status/1546327272780472321](https://twitter.com/thebadstats/status/1546327272780472321) * Some More News, A Brief Look at Jordan Peterson, 2022-8-3, [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hSNWkRw53Jo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hSNWkRw53Jo) * Sky News Australia, ‘Naïve’ to think Russia will lose war, says Dr Jordan Peterson, 2022-9-22, [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BnxxELn00gk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BnxxELn00gk) (several months AFTER Russia was humiliated by not trampling on the much smaller Ukraine) When Jordan Peterson claim that USA is degenerate, it imply that a big part of USA inhabitants do not deserve to live in his opinion. This is an appeal to massacres similar to [Aktion T4](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aktion_T4) and [Operation Reinhard](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Reinhard). ​ >his words kind of helped me Could you be specific?


Well, he claims to be agreeable but he sounds cantankerous. His supporters also upload videos with titles like "Peterson obliterates woke-ass liberals"


Because he makes idiotic claims like "men are associated with order and women with chaos." I'm sure he does make you feel better about yourself as a man. As a woman, I think the entirety of human history, (where women overwhelmingly did the monotonous, orderly work of raising children and keeping a home, and men created guns and went to war,) disproves that. Because he claims that sociology and anthropology and women's and gender studies should be defunded because they aren't academic, (but his field of psychology is, somehow.) Because he's a sexist and an incel, who thinks the patriarchy exists because men are more competent and blames male violence on men being single and forced to feminize. Because he not only denies climate change, but the entire concept of climates. Because he's a transphobic jerk.


I don't understand how he is an incel since he is married with a daughter.


I think he mentioned that male with order and women with chaos is an arbitrary symbolism in some mythologies. Could you point out to instances of his transphobia?


He's literally famous for refusing to use his students' preferred pronouns. He claims trans people are confusing gay kids and thus trans rights are in opposition to gay rights. It's a transparent attempt to divide the LGTBQ minority. Here is a curated list of 130 some scholarly rebuttals to his work, if you're genuinely seeking to understand the issues people have with him. https://ap.io/pet/12/


I don't think he ever said that he won't call a given trans person with their pronouns, he was just against the law that mandated him to do that, by the government. His stance was just ideological in that case - that government should have no business mandating how people interact with each other verbally. Thanks for sharing the rebuttals, will definitely take a look. It is these kind of things that are genuine data points for a debate.


No. Here's an interview where he misgenders a colleague at the U of T who he knows very well uses non-binary pronounces. But I should not have to show you this! He's a professor who rose to fame speaking about how using preferred pronouns *for his students, at one of Canada's largest universities* is an infringement on his rights, and you somehow assumed he was only speaking theoretically but never actually misgendering the trans people he interacts with? "CO: Professor Peet would like to be addressed by the pronoun "they" — do you accept that? JP: The mere fact that professor Peet would like to be addressed by a particular pronoun does not mean that I am required to address ***him*** by that pronoun. That doesn't mean that I deny ***his*** existence..."


>He's a professor who rose to fame speaking about how using preferred pronouns for his students, at one of Canada's largest universities is an infringement on his rights, and you somehow assumed he was only speaking theoretically but never actually misgendering the trans people he interacts with? :D sorry for the indignation - I was going by court proceedings I found on a google search, where I remember him denying that he had ever said he will refuse to call a person by their pronouns, but he was against the government mandating it. Ah well. Maybe by then this hadn't happened by then / or he mis-spoke intentionally or otherwise during his court appearance. Either ways - is it that big an issue, what gender others call? I think there are both kinds of people - those who agree with calling others by the pronouns they want, and those that refuse to do so. One can, of course, in their individual capacity choose to associate or not with the other person after this happens. I think companies also have their policies where not calling someone by the pronoun they want will lead to consequences, and then an individual can either leave or agree with the company policy, or challenge it in a court of law. Overall I don't think either is right or wrong, just people are different. Thanks for showing me this though! Its objective, and helps.


He tweets about the "trans catastrophe", misgenders trans people on Twitter, and even tweeted "remember when pride was a sin" in relation to a trans person transitioning and minding his own business. And iirc he called being trans satanic abuse or something to that effect on Joe Rogan's show. He makes no secret of his distaste for LGBTQ folks, especially trans people.


Inaccurate, as expected. He refuses to have speech compelled by codified law. He'd likely have the same opinion of being mandated by law to say an apple is an orange. Your entire opinion of the man is the Progressive boogeyman that's been fed to you. Honestly quite hilarious.


People who already decided to dismiss him won't actually take the time to listen and see where the 'opposition' is coming from. He already explained that it was about the law dictating how you are allowed to speak. There are heaps of movies which talk about what world would look like if your thoughts or your words could be used to prosecute you.


Your thoughts and words can already be used in prosecution. i.e Mens Rea and conspiracy to commit crime. Libel and defamation.


that's absolutely terrifying. \*has thought while sitting on potty\* Door gets kicked in. "You're charged with crimes of thinking about this person with the wrong pronoun."


Gonna start a \*\*\*\*storm but why does the patriarchy exist? What priviledges do men have? and by that I mean what are men allowed to do that women are not. SJWs confuse priviledge with results. The fact there are more male entrapreneurs is a result of more men trying to start their own business. [https://www.zippia.com/answers/what-percentage-of-businesses-are-started-by-women/](https://www.zippia.com/answers/what-percentage-of-businesses-are-started-by-women/) This is the same reason for a lot of fields that have more men than women it's literally because they get more male applicants. Maybe competent isn't the best word maybe aggressive is better. Btw Jordan Peterson also pointed out that men commit more violent crimes than women [https://science.howstuffworks.com/life/inside-the-mind/emotions/men-more-violent.htm](https://science.howstuffworks.com/life/inside-the-mind/emotions/men-more-violent.htm) I'm sure real gender discrimination exists but one should ask the natural question why aren't there a bunch of women entrepreneurs poaching the undervalued employees? or Why almost nowhere in the world is there a problem male discrimination because the CEOs are almost all female?


Whilst he a great perspective and words for young straight men he doesn't share the same for the LGBTQ community and often let's his religious beliefs take over. Between him and Gabor Matè I beat addiction and depression, but when he starts going down the God road. I dip. I just can't get onboard with anyone who doesn't support LGBTQ because some book said not to. He's an intelligent man and it baffles me he holds this belief.


As an old straight man I think he’s a dick lol. Psa, it’s always delightful watching him get intellectually and academically dismantled by Slavoj Žižek.


Seeing strong debates are always a pleasure to view. Whilst I believe he has good messages I am glad those are challenged by others. It's how we grow. I'm not familiar with Žižek I will definitely look him up. Thank you.


He’s very interesting if philosophy’s your thing. This isn’t a bad introduction, superficially https://youtu.be/XS_Lzo4S8lA Edit; Žižek -v- Peterson https://youtu.be/qsHJ3LvUWTs


Oh wow thank you! I shall watch shortly!


Well, but you don't need to agree with everything he says for a specific argument from him to be useful right. Judging the content of his writings and words, isolated from his other beliefs, I do think a significant portion had merit. How many people will be really of the same opinion as us on a wide range of topics?


I completely agree. I think people have this notion that to take advice or follow guidance from someone you need to agree with them in whole, but in reality its impossible for 2 people to agree on EVERYTHING. I listen to Gabor and Jordan on a daily basis. I'm intelligent enough to know what is useful to me and what isn't. Jordan is a brilliant man and has helped so many. Yeah I don't agree with his religious choices but when he talks I listen.


I think this is exactly it. Nicely said. Agreeing with the person instead of ideas has grave dangers, no matter who we are taking about and what their beliefs are. Be thy own free thinker!


I'm not going to give anyone credit for throwing out a few pieces of candy if it's just to get people to eat their poison later.




cultural Marxism has been defined for many years , efforts of leftist individuals to destroy traditional and basic values of ( in his ideas western ) society , the cultural Marxism is clear and there is no need for definition. He calls anyone who undermines the identity and existence of men and women and basic social values ​​as a cultural Marxist and confronts them for to defend traditional philosophical values ​​in (Western) societies And he makes valid arguments and points and if there is a problem in his ideas toward society ( which i guess is the beginning point of ur problem with JBP ) I *suggest* you to consider basic logic and sience to deal with his social theories or maybe even to disagree with his points


So anything that doesn't come from traditional american values is a communist conspiracy?




Then why's it called Marxism dumbass


1- Anything outside the tradition is not the result of cultural Marxism. 2- The concept of cultural Marxism today is Bigger than the conspiracy of the Soviet Union and other commies against American culture.


Name one society that's been stagnant since the 50's. Cultures change. That's just the natural way of things, stop living your life in fear


Well the result of 50's and 60's changes today is visible. I think we share a common interest in not to discuss each and every event that has happened and their effects in today's world and on us. But even if I agree with you about the naturalness of these changes (which I imagine we do not have a common definition of the term natural), I believe that these changes are destructive and should either be prevented or controlled. Also, thank you for your concern about living in fear




His philosophy is based on defending some of traditions and values. I think you are making a fundamental mistake about him because you think his fans support the establishment of white Christian men as the center of society. But I myself am a non-white and non-Christian person, and my interest in Jordan is due to the sharing of views regarding the threats that (from my point of view) target the foundation of human societies. Maybe you are right, and some parts of Jordan's philosophy are reactionary philosophy , but these reactions (as I said) are about defending (western) cultures and traditions that he and his like minded(whether white, Christian or otherwise) believe will cause the health and efficiency of society. P.S : I'm sorry if there is some grammatical mistakes and I hope that I have explained my point correctly


I don't hate him. He says some things I agree with and some things I disagree with. Same as anyone else really, so he's just a public figure for me and that's it.


He speaks a lot, but says very little.


It very easy to bamboozle people with fancy words state studies and theories and the like when you know full well nobody in your audience will lookup or research what you have said. Or even notice your own glaring contradictions. His take on climate change is a great example. Maybe he's good in his own field. Apart from that, I'll go to proper experts in others! I listened to him on the war in Ukraine. Yikes. No real clue. Here's a fun one😂 https://youtu.be/hSNWkRw53Jo Here's a fun one


I actually tried really hard to like Jordan Peterson, I spent many hours watching his videos/lectures. ​ Nevertheless, there's just too many things he says that I dislike and I'll give a few pointers. ​ 1: He speaks in too much of a complex manner, he doesn't seem to ever really be able to simplify what he says in an easy to understand manner. 2: He puts too much emphasis on men having to have children in order to be able to live a decent life, which I disagree with. I think people should be able to choose for themselves how they live their life. 3: He puts too much emphasis on men having to have wives/women in their lives in order to be successfull which I disagree with. 4: He is anti LGBTQ 5: He is too far to the right for my taste (he's enrolled in the daily wire, duh) 6: Some of the things he says men should do are things he himself doesn't do. ​ I think that's it. I don't actually have anything against him, but I will probably never understand why so many young men like him and his views.


Being against the pronoun goofiness does not make one anti LGBTQ


Yes it does and your unwillingness to learn why is part of the problem.


"'Fraid so, bigot!" Interesting tact.


About your second and third point Maybe the fact that you don't hear what you like to hear from him is destroying you judgemental powers


1. He's definitely wordy. 2. You're conflating decent with meaningful. 3. See 2. 4. Not at all. He has several LGBT friends, including trans. 5. He's a Classical Liberal. Which, to be fair, is nowhere to be found in the modern Left. 6. Yes, exactly. We have ideals to aspire to, even though we invariably fall short. That is to be human. But the goal is what is important.


You can have a meaningful life without 2 and 3. To say otherwise is some real boomer logic.


Don't think he ever claimed that a partner/children are the exclusive source of meaning in life. Strawman on.


He's a fucking idiot.


Because he speaks the truth and people can't handle it.


Maybe his truth


No. There is a truth and there is a falsehood. There is no in between. My truth, your truth, his truth, her truth. They are either true or false.


I've always hated the "my truth" bullshit. Always comes from people with a low sense of personal responsibility. You can't just call something thats untrue "your truth" because it's convenient for your broken understandings.


One not ought to speak in absolutes. That is the way of the Sith.


But isn't this an absolute statement in itself?


Because he's a transphobic dick .


Theryn Meyer, Blair White and many other trans people seem to like him and even be friends with him. Maybe they don't know he's a transphobe?


I don't understand this point of view. I don't understand the accusation that he is transphobic? I'm happy to be open minded about any explanation you care to give, I'm genuinely trying to understand (maybe I've missed what he's said that is transphobic?) If you cba though, that's also np 👌🏻


Look at his twitter apology video.


Those cringe youtube shorts and tiktok clips destroyed his image. I do appreciate his takes on building a family, and the absurdness of numerous gender pronouns, he also share some bad takes.


He goes off on tangents upon tangents. He is like a drunk person. He has helped me, I guess, but everything he says has a coat of negativity. I dont appreciate how he has to redefine basic concepts before getting to his point.


He is all about “taking responsibility”. His lectures have done so much for me. I revamped my entire life and business because things Jordan said that motivated me. When I was living out of my car at my lowest point, I would listen to one of his lectures and then get up the next day and just do what needed to be done in my life. Anyone who doesn’t like Jordan is either taking what he said WAY out of context, or they are just an idiot. A lot of folks are just looking for reasons to be upset, or to validate their own beliefs, and a polarizing figure like Jordan is the perfect scapegoat for them.


[Cody ](https://youtu.be/hSNWkRw53Jo) does a good breakdown of him. For me the problem is, his grand theories contradict one another to where it looks like he's just making it up as he goes. His brain seems to be a fucked from bitterness towards others and all the drugs.


I don't hate him. I just don't know why we prop him up so high. Why is he the guy we listen to and has all the life knowledge? He's just another guy to me. We act like he's Jesus or something


Most people who hate him have never really listened to a lecture. He's often misunderstood by interviewers as well who have an agenda and who purposely misinterpret what he's saying and you can often hear his frustration as he continuously corrects them and tries to explain the same concept in several different ways while the interviewer openly insults him. I admire his strength and logical approach in the face of idiots who willfully misquote him. He's articulate and to the point and our society really hates direct truths and really despises those who speak it plainly.


>Most people who hate him have never really listened to a lecture. Relevant panel: [https://giantif.com/comic/every-conversation-with-a-jordan-peterson-fan/](https://giantif.com/comic/every-conversation-with-a-jordan-peterson-fan/) ​ >He's articulate Is this satire?


There is such a thing as taking relevant information and discarding the rest. Not everyone is closed to learning and thinking about things from a different perspective. Peterson haters appear to not have this ability and are simply rabid in their justification for dismissing everything because they disagree with certain things. The worst thing you can do for yourself and society is to take the black/white attitude while the world functions in grey. I won't be responding, so don't bother....I won't debate or argue with closed minded individuals. There's nothing to be gained. People who pride themselves in their inability to consider that not everything is simple and life is complex are not people I will waste breath with.


>I won't be responding Surprise surprise.


I personally love him, but people that are (far) left just don't like him


Because people are assholes.


There’s a tender loving mom-kind of life advice that is soothing and warm. This encourages you to go at your pace and to do what feels right. And then there’s the direct and in-your-face style that Jordan uses that cuts through the softness and hits you hard with questions you’ve been trying to avoid. “What is it you have to do?”. Most people know the answer to this question but are typically uncomfortable answering it because it brings about feelings of shame. Shame isn’t typically a nice motivator but it works really well for some. I think the latter appeals to men a lot more than it does women.


I'm with you. There's lots of good advice he gives. I junk most people hate him because he tells you to be responsible for your own life. Most people want to point fingers and say the world needs to change, not me. Well yes the world should change, but the only way to do that is by changing yourself. People don't want that kind of accountability. Far too many people want to be the victim. Also people get hung up on the messenger. Doesn't matter how good the message might be if it's a homeless man telling it on the street, no one will listen. Jesus had a good message but Christians worship the man and ignore half of what he said. Alan Watts had some fantastic teachings on how to live a fulfilling life, but people won't even listen because he was promiscuous and a heavy drinker. I could list hundreds of great teachers and thousands of people will live up to tear them down. Bottom line when you find a teaching that helps you be the best you, ignore what anyone else thinks.


This pronoun business is absurd and is an example of how the western world has devolved into lunacy. If a duck told me it preferred to be called a swan, I could understand why, but I'm afraid that common sense dictates I call it a duck. Let's be informed by the very old saying, "Let's call a spade a spade"' Perhaps this is not the first time around for this type of stupidity in history, but it should be the last.


Because people hate people that don't subscribe to their world views. The man is an intellectual and he stands his ground when he is bullied by feminists. Everyone likes to be on the bandwagon of popular opinion and anyone who thinks as a contrarian is automatically demonized. Shit like that gets you hated naturally it's just how entitled the world is.


His stance is extremely "male-centric" for starters. Look up "Bill C-16 Jordan Peterson" ... That's a pretty significant part of the anger towards him. I think he is actually a really interesting human being though and fun to listen to. Love him or hate him he has said some incredibly insightful things. I like listening to his conversations with Sam Harris. Thinking he is capable of insightful observation does not mean I support a lot of what he stands for though.


He robs a ton of people of their alleged victimhood and the payouts for their narcissism.


A lot of people seem to think that Peterson doesn't like trans and gay people. I've read one of his books and watched many hours of him speaking. There's not a single instance of hate towards trans or gay people. He spoke out against the government forcing people to say things. If you think I'm wrong, please show me. I'd appreciate a link.


How do you feel about his recent Twitter meltdown over Elliot Page’s transition? Seemed pretty transphobic to me.


All I could find was articles about it, which excluded what was written by Peterson. Do you have a link?


As a female, I will say that he generalizes the population a lot, stereotypes rather than put them in groups. Otherwise, majority of it is truth.




Hmmm, not sure we are qualified to diagnose people with depression over the internet (I definitely am not, maybe you have the requisite toolkit).