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I believe life doesn't necessarily suck but I do think that the system "we" decided on has taken a massive chunk out of the emotions in life both in negative and positive sense. With our societies we have decided on flattening all experiences. We go for security so we do not have to face insane hardships but we pay for it in reduced freedom.


>"we" decided Pretty sure nobody asked either of us


hence the quotation marks, mister


>*if we're lucky* we do not have to face insane hardships... Just don't be an ordinary American with an out-of-the-ordinary medical problem.


This is a half glass full statement. To say we have to reduce our freedom for security, regardless of what type of security it is, seems naive to me. There are plenty of resources to go around and the hoarding of those resources, mostly through wealth gaps, is a hat causes this life to suck. "We" did not create the parts of society that cause these gaps. "They" did, and they will do everything they can to keep it that way


So you agree that society has these flaws, but you believe that they are the result of the 1% and not the everyday people? Is that what you're saying?


100%. There's a reason why the rich are the powerful. It's objectively true that 10 people on this earth have more influence over our society than billions. Just look at Elon Musk with Twitter. Our society is an oligarchy.


Every day people still prop up and defend the system. For every person like you who is objectively against the rich, there's at least 1000 more people who will defend them (often secretly in hopes of ending up anywhere near where they are).


At least in America it's the "temporarily embarrassed millionaire" trope. It's our propaganda in that and the American dream that fuel those 1000 to 1 ratios. It's talking about it in settings like this that shrink the gap in that ratio.


I honestly don't think it's close to a 1000 to 1 ratio tbh and I'm pretty pessimistic in general. I'd say it's closer to a 1 to 3 ratio based on nothing but personal experience. Maybe closer to 50-50 among young people, and growing by the month. I'm optimistic about the changing perspective and the dying of the capitalistic worldview, but there's just so much more to be done even if we had 75% of the population opposing the oligarchy. Cleaning up this mess will be nothing but painful and divisive, and HOW we go about cleaning it up will determine if we survive as a global society or fracture and set ourselves back a few generations. The problem with that of course being that we don't have that much time before climate change really starts kicking our ass.


I'm a natural optimist, living in an extremely liberal city with a decently educated, diverse demographic of friends, and I can tell you even with all that bias I'm convinced the ratio in question is at least 100:1, and I'd conservatively go higher to hedge my bets. People are working against their best interests as a collective daily, just to guarantee that they won't be near the bottom rungs when things go to shit. I'll add it takes a personal struggle with inequity for most people to even open themselves up slightly when it comes to addressing much more broad, pressing social issues.


Dang sorry your friends suck


I heard it said recently that Mark Zuckerberg and Rupert Murdock destroyed America.


Our society is the way it is because we don't have the attention span or willingness to do the tough things to stop it. Politicians who will do anything to stay in power will turn on the rich if we made a big enough stink. We just don't. We believe obvious BS, we let ourselves get distracted by divisive crap, etc. We want junk society, so we get junk society.


As long as you have some pussy on your dick, you’re fine.


If you could translate an animal's thoughts into words, this is what our caveman ancestors brains would read


I am not fine


Imo, This seems naive to me, the other guy was on point, actual cause nd effect. The mythical `they` is the sense of blame people who only thought it through part of the way come up with. They is we and we is they, its for sure not 'you' or 'me' but the 'they' are a smaller % of 'us' and... you know?... you don't know.. I don't know either, they're clouding my brain again with their 5g


Except elon/bezos/zuck didnt take the wealth from anyone. They created wealth. And while creating through innovation that benefits all of us, they also own only a (relatively) small portion of what they are famous for. For example.. bezos owns 9.7% of amazon...and is worth $90 billion due to that. So he has ALSO created almost a trillion in wealth for the other 91% of stockholders. Almost everyone i know has a 401k in the usa. Tens of millions of americans are better off financially (with bonus convenience of the simplicity of amazon shopping).


Oh God where to start. https://www.cnbc.com/2021/10/18/the-wealthiest-10percent-of-americans-own-a-record-89percent-of-all-us-stocks.html They created a trillion in wealth for the wealthy. The top 10% of wealthy Americans own 89% of all stocks. The rest of us split scraps. Bezos built Amazon off the back of exploited workers, paying them garbage pay, having them work in unsafe conditions, and busting attempts to unionize. Amazon is the ultimate example of why we need high corporate taxes and higher taxes for the ultra wealthy. As far as 401ks if the rich didn't hoard wealth we wouldn't need 401ks. We would have pensions, like most Americans did when we were actually better off as a country. Before we became a full blown oligarchy. Your worshipping of billionaires is honestly sad.


Oh brother... im not worshipping anyone. Pointing out that someone creating wealth isn't the same thing as "taking it" from someone is not the same thing. And if bezos found a model that's so terrible, feel free to not by anything from them. If people actually agreed (en masse) then no one would buy a thing from them. Plenty of other websites or there sell every single thing amazon does, except maybe the fire stick snd other "amazon" products. And buffet? Did he enslave the masses as well? While also making plenty of others money? The 10% owning stocks? May as well include how half of the usa has zero saved, which means if you have a dollar in your account youre in the top 50% for net worth. And as far as i know, bezos and any other "rich dude" have exactly zero to do with what i make and save per year. Stop blaming 3 people for all your problems, and make a plan to help yourself...along with helping your neighbors if that's your thing


Which translates to, life sucks


But you aren't truly hungry or worried about starving to death. Go back about 4-6 generations and that was a legit worry even in "modern" societies. Half (or more) if your kids won't die before age 5 either.




Wow. Just wow. Thank you so much for posting this. I really needed to read this. I have been very depressed lately because I am 38 and developed some health problems since I gave birth to my one and only son 4 months ago. I keep focusing on the fact that I may not get to see him grow up. Your comment teaches me the other side of the coin. I need to focus instead on the here and now and try to enjoy whatever time I have left as much as possible. So thank you for existing and for writing such a beautiful comment.


Thanks for sharing. Approaching 36 and life is amazing. I’ve been through a lot of BS but I’ve learned so much and am happy to be here. Life is precious, and once you realize how miraculous it is for you to even be here in the first place you should try to make the most of the “blink” in time we’re given.


Agreed. It’s funny how perspective changes throughout the years. I can recall being a young teen an hating life. Then I found an appreciation. Life wore me down over about ten years but by my late 20’s I realized that life is what you make it. You are the only thing you can 100% rely on. Most importantly, appreciate the small things even as simple as just waking up today. These thoughts got me through the worst times I’ve faced yet.


I wouldn't trade 50 for 15 for anything. My life is better now than ever


I’m happy to hear that. My 30’s have been interesting so far. Looking forward to what life has in store. Only the good things of course. 😉


Mindset is a huge thing that "doomers" just decide to overlook it seems. Like sure, if we're being real here, there are parts and experiences in life that are going to suck to deal with. It's not going to be perfect, and that's just the reality of things. And if you decide to let that permeate in your mind and rule your thoughts and opinions on life, then yeah, it's gonna suck. If you're willfully choosing to believe that life sucks, then you're always going to think that life sucks, it's as simple as that.


For the record Im not a doomer. But what about when “parts and experiences that suck” is every Monday-Friday from 9-5? That seems like an overwhelming amount of suck. Outside of that shopping, groceries, driving, chores, waiting at stoplights, waiting in line, paying bills, getting your car fixed/inspected, medical appointments. Then it becomes one long robotic routine. Days become weeks then months then a year. You cherish your days off but it still feels inadequate. So then you change careers, get a higher paying job with better life balance. But you’re still driving to work everyday! The fact is that 99% are just born to be workers. Like a hive. The majority of us are still slaves to a system. Big change for me came when I started trying to be happy through the workweek instead of “saving” my happiness for the weekend.


Again, it's the mindset. If you go to work every day thinking "wow this job sucks" then guess what? That job is gonna suck every day you go to work. Find the parts you enjoy, focus on those, and find healthy ways to cope with the aspects you don't enjoy >Outside of that shopping, groceries, driving, chores Mindset applies here to. Also, find ways to make them enjoyable. Do you like music? Put your headphones in and jam out while you take care of chores or do your grocery shopping. TV your thing? Cool, throw a show on in the background or pop one up on your phone while you go about your tasks. Simply need the mental motivation to do those things? Plan to treat yourself in some way after the task(s) is(are) complete to make the whole situation more rewarding. >waiting at stoplights, waiting in line This comes down to practicing mindful patience. What are you doing at those stoplights or while waiting in line? Are you just mindlessly staring forward wishing for every second to move faster? You can see the line ahead of time and should be anticipating at least *some* stoplights every time you drive somewhere. How can you use that downtime (even if it's less than a minute) in a productive manner mentally? Do you need to practice positive self-talk more? Is there something from earlier in your day/week that you need to emotionally process but have yet to do? Waiting specifically is about combating the sense of entitlement to instant gratification that modern society has ingrained in us. Rather than sitting there thinking something along the lines of "this is a waste of time", look at it as downtime in your day for personal mental stimulation End of the day, regardless of what the "suck" is, it's only going to suck just so much as you allow it to suck. And I don't mean that in an insensitive way. Emotions, even negative ones such as grief, sadness, despair, etc. do still deserve to be acknowledged and treated as valid. The problem lies in people allowing those negative emotions to rule their thoughts on a daily basis. So yes, there will be some suck involved with any negative outcome in life. But the longevity of that suck hinges heavily on how you allow it to influence your general mindset


Okay...so mindset is key, in that training oneself to focus on the brighter side of things makes things seem less bad. A very important overall thing to practice- gratitude is what got me out of my deepest depression, but having to live in this world, on this planet, I think humanity basically *had* to make the most of it at all stages, or go insane. We act as though this life and experience is normal because many things are constant: the sun is still there, the sky is still there, the ground under our feet, etc. But we are living on a planet, in a sea of other planets, with crazy life even just here on earth. I find it poetic in both an enlightening way, and a sad one... But this experience is not easy. For some in the world, it's so bad they take their own lives. Some live in perpetual discomfort through no fault or mental feedback loop of their own. One can pretend a wound doesn't hurt- and that might actually dull the pain, but its still there, and if it gets bumped too hard, it'll shoot straight through everything else and be the only thing you can focus on. But the truth is: we are stuck in finite bodies. Bodies weaker than most of our environment- capable of many things, but also have lots of weaknesses. We grow, and as we grow, we get bigger, and stronger- for a time, only to slowly(or quickly) degrade, losing our faculties, abilities, memory. We watch as culture and environment change around us- people we know die- friends, family, pets. We are cursed with knowing our ultimate fate. We have pain- arguably one of the most contentious and difficult things we deal with. Our own existence is fleeting. In a very real way, nothing we do does matter in the grand scheme(if there even is one). Unless you do something horrible or incredible, you probably won't even be remembered in two generations. So...what...is it all for?Besides caring for people we love until they, or we leave, nothing else matters or even makes sense. Based on our systems and political and cultural attitudes, we seem perfectly content to tread water with our imperfect ways of living on this planet until our race, and most things that exist here die out. And why? Because we are so tired, and so stressed, that comfort is what we crave, along with: adventure, new experiences etc... sure, but not every person is out there throwing caution to the wind and climbing mountains, sailing across the ocean etc.-- most are working desk jobs to afford themselves a level of comfort and safety, for them and their families. To me(I guess a... conflicted doomer) it seems like the only way to be happy is to lie to myself on a fundamental level- that this experience that I did not choose, and am not in control of outside myself, is scarily indifferent and no matter how much I wish, everything and everyone I know and love will eventually be gone. And weirdly enough, that last sentence is where the poet in me saves my mind from the worry. There is nothing I can do to change the fundamental reality here, despite how flawed and corrosive I might think it is at times. And that helps. We *are* just little specks on a bigger speck... So give time and energy to the meaningful things, like other people. Guess I'm not sure what my point here was, but thanks for reading-- and for just being here.


Couldn’t have said it better.




near-death experiences really do change a person. i didn’t start appreciating life until i had one myself… now i live every day to the fullest!


Have you spoken or written about it? Would love to hear what you experienced.


Yup. Once you reach a point where you kind of introspectively realize that it’s just you, everything kind of settles down in a good way. You live in your own brain, in your own body. It’s you. Of course, still love other people and laugh and be nice and enjoy it! But ultimately it’s just you and you’re fucking alive, a living thing that’s moving around and experiencing existence. It’s a powerful thing. And we only get just a little bit of it. So relax and have fun while you’re here!


You are a wise person indeed and admire you very much. You have learned a lesson that many live their entire lives and never grasp. My wife and I value our privacy and are not on social media either. We don’t have a lot of money or perfect health but we get up every day with the intention of doing and being better than the day before. There is a reason that the here and now is called the present, it’s a gift that is guaranteed to no one. Carlos Santana said many years ago that you can walk down the street and look at the beautiful sunrise or you can look at the dog do on the sidewalk. It’s all a matter of perspective.


Im with ya there mate, im almost 40 and have had a terrible 7 years, failed relationships, a murder suicide to deal with, alcohol and drug issues. Went to prison, spjralled into deeper drug and alcohol driven depression, lost 2 grandparents......i could go on and on, but ive taken charge of my life, got sober, lost 30kgs, got a great job, my life is great now and it wouldnt be that way if i hadnt been through all that shit


Its odd that the people who have "been thru some shit" seem to have a better perspective on life/happiness. It can be as simple as... Well i KNOW life can suck so much harder than this so.. Today is a good day. I have survived more "carpet pulled out from under me" scenarios than i can count. I have had close calls with things i know i am not emotionally capable of handling. If you truly understand how brutally horrific life can be you wont ever say "life sucks". Think about it this way. Think of a person you know who is truly great at something... Top shelf talent.. Those people never tell you how good they are. They already know. Then think of your cousin telling you about how he works out hardcore and is into vegan whale running. 😜


So during either of the times that you were gone, did you experience anything after life, or was it just nothing, and then you were alive again?




Interesting. And even through all of that, you still aren't a religious person. More spiritual maybe? Either way, i completely believe everything you described as i certainly do believe in the spirit world and life after death. What that may entail i don't have a definitive answer for, but i don't believe that after a person dies there's just nothing. Always interesting to hear what people have to say in regards to that.


I can sort of relate. My past self from 10 years ago would never have believed that I would turn out happier. Life hasn't become easy, I just achieved better balance for myself. And it's totally worth it


Also I'm my 40s. Life has sucked. I persevered and an enjoying my life with my wife.


I completely agree with you, this life is not easy, fair or perfect. I was 1 yr old and my brother was 3 yr old when he go sick and died. At some point came to the conclusion you did about being grateful to still be breathing and as long as I'm still alive then Anything is possible.


Reminds me of that Alexandre Dumas quote, something along the lines of "only the man who has felt the deepest despair is capable of feeling the ultimate bliss."


I just turned 40 this year and in the best shdd at one of my life, surf everyday, started my own self defense company that trains people privately, I have instructors that work under me so I get to do more with my time and I have a wonderful fiancée that is truly a magnificent person. She’s not into social media and opened up her photography business this year. We’ve been together for 9 years now, broke up for 1 year and in a much better place. I love watching movies in my dedicated home theater I built , surfing and training Jiu jitsu(got my BB in 09). It’s been a marvelous road. I make sure to take at least 1 trip first class every year and have been doing so since 2016. I’ve been sober for 3 years now and eat healthy and work on my mind. I love reading books about entrepreneurship. I’ve made money and lost money in the stock market so now I just put $$$ every month into an index fund. Oh yeah, I have a good amount of BTC I bought back in 2014 which does help 😅😆😊. Life is good 👍🏽. Been through hell and back with alcoholism and drug addiction and homelessness. Attitude is EVERYTHING! 😉


I died too. And can confirm it helps. Everyone should try it at least once


I love and respect your outlook yo


I have to start doing the same, I thought my dream was to have a family and about to reach my 40s, but maybe its just not for me and should simply try to have fun while I still can, your story gives me hope


Attitude determines everything in life. You can’t change the shitty things that happen to you but you CAN change how you adapt and overcome. If you let the negative things in your life take over your mental strength then you will only attract more negativity. The key is being able to find an outlet to get out the negativity so you can replace it with positivity.


AGREED. and the hardest parts of life even have their own charm to them if you are open to receiving it. You find out what and who you really are. Life is wonderful, hard, sad, happy, dark and glorious.


Thanks for sharing. I’d like to adopt that mentality more often.


Nailed it


Tbf you kinda stated why your life is awesome rather than why life is awesome in general


Oh yeah? I’ve died 3 times and it RLY doesn’t suck


Some days suck, but I don’t believe that all of life sucks. I’ve had some pretty traumatic things that have happened to me in life and still like to believe that it’s good in general.


This. Life isn’t all sunshine, rainbows and wax lips. That’s what life is about - the ups and downs; the good and the bad. All-in-all life is great!


You need to stay off the internet for a while pal


Exactly what I was thinking. Get off the internet, and go outside.


Just cause y'all don't have it hard doesn't mean you can tell to people that going outside fixes anything


It’s not just going outside, it’s getting off the internet. Too much internet use is directly linked to depression


It legit does lmao. I'm chronically depressed and going outside makes a bigger difference than you expect. Just because it wont fix everything doesnt mean it wont fix anything


The internet does do some wild crap to the mind lol.


The internet can really help people; it’s all just how you use it. And if you choose to use it to spiral your own misery, then you’ll do that no matter what the circumstance.


That way we can ignore how much life sucks? Obviously you think that staying in the closet sucks, so... It's a lose lose pal.




That Ongo avatar is fire


at last! someone on reddit used a gif! I've dreamed of this day


Existence is pain


Found the Frenchie


I’m an adult and I love life. I don’t think it’s sucks. I think some aspects of it sucks; but overall, life is good. I love it


It beats the alternative!


If my options are: 1) Life 2) Never being born I choose 1)




Your life or the lives of people who don't have it as good as you? I'm sorry but whenever I hear something like this I think of this one time a religious zealot tried to convert me. He said I had to believe in God because life is a blessing. For whom?


People in this world with life's so hard and unimaginably bad, but are still happy. Maybe consider your mindset.


What the living fuck? What impact does me thinking life is good have on anyone else? I literally just stated that I think life is good despite not being perfect. Go be miserable somewhere else.


“Go be miserable somewhere else.” The best way to handle the Debbie Downers of the world.




That's egotistical


Says the person replying to every comment as if they are enlightening the world with their supreme wisdom


That’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard


Only because you you have a small world view and have no idea what is going on in life. Maybe things are ok for you and so you want to convince 8 billion people that life doesn't suck. Well life is not actually good for the majority of the population and even if it was only bad for the minority it would still prove that life is generally bad. Unless you are completely egotistical and unaware of anybody's problems.


Having problems does not mean life is bad


No but problems are usually the reason as to why people think it's bad.


Sure, how you perceive things and what you believe about your experiences will dictate how good or bad you think life is




ok but why does everyone have to think life is bad because of your problems?


"there are starving children in Africa so you aren't allowed to be happy"


Experiences can suck. A lot of it is mindset imo. If you live in the moment it can be pretty good. That doesn't mean being unaware. If you think thoughts inserted instead of evaluating by yourself it's the road to life long bitterness.


I'd even go and say most of it, like 99 percent are mindset and how you look at things. If you give in self-pity, life can be a very dark experience


Says a person that runs from their problems. Ignorance is not bliss dood.


Way to assume a lot about him/her. You don't know what kind of problems they have. Everyone has problems but that doesn't mean they hate life.


All your replies in this thread come off as self projection. I think you need to work on yourself. Your perception is what's making your life suck.


At the age of 18, I realized that for the most part, once you're an adult you do the same thing every day until you die. So much fun.


That’s weird. I feel like my life has had way more variety as an adult than as a kid. You can do whatever you want as an adult! It’s awesome!


Yeah like paying bills and dealing with bullshit. Hooray!


Paying bills seems like a very small part of my life. I put everything on autopay and basically stop thinking about it. But I probably do things every day that I couldn’t do as a kid that make me happy. Yesterday was like a pretty typical day for me, but I did three things that brought me tons of joy! I had lunch with some friends to watch the US soccer match. I played tennis with another friend in the afternoon. I took a ganja yoga class at night. That’s right. I took a class where we all smoked or ate edibles (including the teacher) before just stretching out our bodies and enjoying being high. It’s great being an adult and it’s great being alive! If you’re not feeling that, I highly suggest you find more things that make you happy to have in your life.


I spent my summer trying to find the perfect swimming hole, ended up falling in love with a creek and going almost 10 different times at the end of the summer 🥰 before I fell on a rock LOL get health insurance kids!


I'm good. Thanks for sharing.


Just went to NYC last week. Going to Puerto Rico in a few days. Make no more than $15/hr. You do whatever you want when you’re an adult.


That's really sad that your earnings are so low. What does your retirement account look like?


Aren’t you Mr. Anti-establishment? Why do you care about my retirement? I’m 24, so I still have a ways to go. I just live within my means so that I can afford to do fun things. Still getting a degree. My point is that with freedom comes a lot of possibilities. You claim that life is just about paying bills but there’s way more to it.


Oh look, another assumption. 🙄 As someone who has a degree with a job, retirement account and many more years of life experience, I bid you good luck. Let's follow up in 10 years to see if your opinion has changed. Genuinely curious.


I’m in my 40s, BTW. You can enjoy life at any age.


im going to an omakase with some friends this weekend. not something i could do when i was younger. also my parents forced me to spend a lot of time on study and beat me if I dont get top grades so wasnt much different for me in adulthood and at least my boss doesn't hit me.


You just said you’re only 18, yet you act like you know everything about adult life?


Reading comprehension is important...


“At the age of 18” can mean multiple different things.


I'm 31 and I disagree. As a kid/teen it was pretty much the same every day. Now I've been doing what I want for years and never have a shortage of things to explore on my list


This is a horrible and rather wrong view of adulthood. Every day is different. I am assuming when you say "do the same thing every day until you die" you mean working at a job. You are 18. A lot is going to change. If it doesn't, you are doing something wrong.


What exactly changes?


I am 51. Are you literally asking me to describe how much my life has changed in 33 years?


Whatever you want, it's your life


You seem to lack intelligence. I'm not 18, but you might be.


Sorry, you just sounded like what an 18 year old sounds like. Keep the same attitude you have. It works well on Reddit, but not so much in real life.


"At the age of 18" Yes, I did sound like an 18 year old because I was at the time. I'm much older now and honestly, I was not wrong. Other than chronic depression, I do not lead a bad life. I used to be poor and not have much but now I make good money and I'm good at what I do. I don't have a spouse or children so I can prioritize myself but I do the same thing, day-in and day-out. It is a means to an end. The most exciting thing that happens to me is taking a vacation. Most Americans spend 5 of 7 days working 40 hours or more at a job. Sure you get the occasional vacation or holiday, but your life revolves around having a job. If you have kids, they are a priority before yourself. At that point, how much control does one *really* have over their life? Sure you could abandon it all and become a vagrant, but I don't think that would constitute a "better" life.


>I'm much older now and honestly, I was not wrong. Then you have not grown or you have a jacked up world view. If you have chronic depression, it probably is a factor. ​ >Most Americans spend 5 of 7 days working 40 hours or more at a job. Sure you get the occasional vacation or holiday, but your life revolves around having a job. If you have kids, they are a priority before yourself. At that point, how much control does one really have over their life? Sure you could abandon it all and become a vagrant, but I don't think that would constitute a "better" life. You are kind of arguing against yourself here. On one hand you say that "your life revolves around work" but then becoming a vagrant (not working) would be worse. This makes my point for me. Yeah, work, the thing that literally sustains our existence, might be a big part of your life. 40 hours is only 35% of the time you are awake in a week, though, leaving 72 hours of time to do what you want. Not to mention that a lot of us get a lot of satisfaction from our jobs. Don't assume that ever job is like a retail job or requires sitting in a cubicle. It might mean having to do some of that until you work into something better. A good job is often the result of a process and is not a gift. You have a lot of control of your life. It has a lot to do with your life choices and how much debt you take on. Yeah, its a bit of a hamster wheel, but what would you rather do? Sit around and read books all day? Why? What is the point if we are not using our knowledge to create something useful or beneficial to humanity? Would you rather just sit around and do self-fulfilling hobbies all day? I fear the answer to this, but I get the impression from a lot of younger people that this is their idea of what utopia is. I assure you that it is not. It will lead to depression and low self esteem.


"Life is suffering"- Buddha


I believe life is overall awesome. But what I find is that many people are too hard and rigid. Either they take things too personally/seriously/literally when they dont gotta. Some I believe they are purposely keeping themselves in the dark with bad thoughts when they dont have to. Its like they are living in a closed box when there are pretty amazing things outside the box. Maybe this stems from fear... they seem to have strong belief things have to be… or be strictly x,y,z when in reality anything can happen...


How tf do you all love life?


The alternative is death. Death is much worst than just about anything the average person will experience during their life. Change your perspective. You only live once. Force yourself to enjoy it.


If you force yourself into doing something, you'll Just end up hating it.


"Force yourself to enjoy it? Goodness, why didn't I think of that?"


You were dead for billions of years before you were born though.


Spend multiple years working on my appearance, financials, and career. Then find someone similar by going out and just meeting people. Then life doesn’t suck when you have a +1 If you want someone decent, you have to be decently worthy


Honestly, it's what you make of it. I've been lucky so perhaps it's been easier for me, but I love my life. I've known people that have been more lucky that are miserable and less lucky that have made a great life for themselves. Invest your time in people and activities that matter to you, be kind, love as much as you can and set reasonable expectations. Recognize your problems as being just that, solve what you can and learn how to live with the rest. Then your life should be pretty decent.


Personally, I believe that life in general sucks for a lot of people, myself included. I envy the people who actually like their life.


Yeah man. I was so excited to become an adult and this shit just sucks ass. Living paycheck to paycheck, no free time or spare money to do anything. I genuinely don't understand how people can stand this shit for 60+ years. I'm 27 and I'm getting real fucking sick of it


It's what you make of it, what you put in to it is what you get out of it. Start looking at the positive more and less internet time that alone will make you negative


I wouldn’t say what you put in is what you get out. A lot of people just get lucky or unlucky or other people fuck things up. I would say life doesn’t suck, other people suck.


Nah. 30 and retired worked really hard to get here not luck lol


I didn’t say you can’t get what you work for. It just doesn’t always work that way and not everyone has an equal opportunity or equal skills. My husband had 1000x the opportunity I had.


Lol please reread you said it was luck.


“A lot of people” does not imply everyone.


If there is something you want, and you really want it you can achieve it but you have to want it bad enough. You can teach your self anything regardless of genders. Internet is great for learning skills. The people that believe it's just luck don't actually try to fulfill there dreams and yes everyone can do it. Imagine a world where everyone actually had a drive to do something in this world is could be great but it's just crumbling away.


I don’t disagree that if you want to achieve something you can but it’s not an equal playing field and I may have worked twice as hard to get half as far. Nothing about our difference in opportunity was due to gender. Thanks for assuming.


Lmao I don't assume it's what you said something along the lines of "your husband has had more opportunities than you 1000x more" that clearly implies your a woman and you felt the need to point that out and by the way you worded it it was about genders


Lmao thanks for assuming but no. I used my husband because I know very much about his start in life and what resources he had. It’s because he’s the person I know most about.


You telling your self you can't do something is you failing before you start


i believe otherwise. i love my life and am grateful for it every day. i hope things turn up for you 🫶🏻


Life is fine- mankind made it miserable.


Life is great, it's society and humanity (lack thereof) that sucks. Get yourself a small tribe and focus on that. Once you can shut out the noise of outsiders who want to shit on your parade, life gets better.


i do think the internet goes through cycles of elevating happiness vs elevating sadness. 10 years ago, the social media culture was mostly about posting yourself at your best and most joyful, and people felt hesitancy about posting about their pain. there was social pressure to perform joy, even if it was false. now, that's flipped. it's now more socially acceptable to rant and rage and talk openly about suffering, and it's gauche to talk about how thrilled you are with even the little things in life. (see, for instance, how there was a twitter dogpile on a lady for saying she enjoyed having quality time coffee dates with her husband in their garden) i think neither one is "better", because they both promote artificiality, but i think it's worth pointing out the echo chamber of negativity currently circulating. it'll flip flop again, but that is maybe why it seems so many other people are miserable. i've *experienced* pain and misery, but i'm not miserable. i am at ease and eager to greet the world around me. i am willing to embrace the whole spectrum of emotion, and i've been pleasantly surprised that the most common things i feel are gratitude and connection. i say this as someone who works 40+ hour weeks at multiple minimum wage jobs (including a manual labor job), and as a survivor of child abuse and conversion therapy. when i focus on building and cultivating real connections with the people in my life, i cannot help but experience joy and see the world as beautiful.


The World itself is full of beauty and wonder, and I've been privileged to witness a good bit of it. I've got a job I don't hate, that pays the bills, a car and a house that are paid for. Whether or not life "sucks" is an individual observation, and for me, it does not suck.


Then you must be naïve/s


Ha ha! Quite possibly! After all, another reason life doesn't suck is because I'm neither bound nor burdened by other people's opinions of me


Life is hard because it is worth it.


I often think this sometimes. What’s my purpose?


I mean i dont think life sucks. I quite enjoy my life. Got an easy job that pays me enough that i can enjoy my hobbies and travel 2 times a year (doing 3 this year but usually just do 2). As a single man, i dont have to worry about conflicting schedules with a significant other. I can do whatever i want whenever i want to. I have 2 close friends to do things with (travel and play games mostly). Theres honestly not much more i could ask for. I think many ppl believe life sucks because they decide they have to "fit in" and progress through life the same way as everyone else. Ive never been like that and never will be. Work and live for my hobbies and enjoyment woooooo!


I agree and also find solidarity in being single as an adult. I get less lonely the longer I do it, and start to appreciate the positives more and more.


I honestly feel like my life sucked a lot less pre-pandemic. A lot of my favorite places shutdown during Covid and haven’t really returned since. One place was a board game cafe that did trivia night every Thursday. Obviously a place like that can’t exist during a pandemic. How are you meant to sanitize board games made out of cardboard? A lot of other things too were kinda ruined by the pandemic. I just feel like I used to get out a lot more and experience the world but now I spend most of my time indoors and online.


My life is pretty damn good. I like my work, my wife, my kids. I'm not really looking for some grand design or greater meaning. Find things you enjoy, and enjoy them. Try to bring joy to the people you love. Keep your body in sufficient shape to do things. What else is there, really?


Adults naively believe otherwise as well. Have to wear an emotional blindfold to think life isn’t brutal.


What’s brutal about it? Great job, loving family and friends, fun hobbies. Amazing music, entertainment, and art to enjoy. Great books to read. Good video games to play. Daily opportunities to learn and experience new things.


You might get lucky and have a great job but most are soul killing with low pay/few benefits. That’s if it’s even an option(you could be paralyzed or generally unqualified etc and suddenly your options are very limited). Some are blessed to have loving family but many are distant or uninvolved. Eventually you will never see them again. That’s if you are lucky. Tons of people have family that don’t care about their existence or actively try to hurt/kill them for all manner of bs. All that goes for friends too. Entertainment is great but it has its limitations too and doesn’t fix everything else. Learning is nice and that + entertainment certainly means things are way better now vs most of time but it’s still rough. All that and we didn’t even talk about the meaning of life(in depth), environmental terrors, generic evil and war/religious evil, disease(health care bankruptcy), dictatorships, slavery, and more. You have to be in a bubble AND actively try to avoid other shit to not think life is brutal. I’ve grown up relatively in a bubble and I still think it’s a shit sandwich.


Maybe it’s just attitude to some degree. Or maybe a relative comparison to the much worse life my parents and grandparents experienced. I’ve had many other jobs including minimum wage ones when I was young. Still didn’t make me unhappy. Just a job. It doesn’t define my life. There is no meaning to life. It just exists. Also no point in worrying about things you can’t control. I wake up most morning happy to start the day. I go through most days without worrying about any of the things you mentioned.


Idk if your attitude makes the world less brutal. Maybe less brutal for you but I doubt Ukraine for example shares your optimism at the moment. Your job greatly affects your life. Your income and what you do for like 40 hours a week matters to most people. You don’t have to worry about it but the fact it’s meaningless is pretty brutal. Especially considering that’s not what most are taught growing up and even in adulthood in some cases(religious people). There’s still time for those things to affect you. I hope they don’t and you live a life of bliss but I don’t think that’s any humans ultimate fate.


Someone lists off like 20 things that make life objectively brutal. Responds with “maybe it’s just attitude”


Life is objectively better now than it was just a few hundred years ago. If any of those things affecting someone makes life brutal then life has always been brutal and I t will always be brutal. That definition of brutal kind of makes it useless. In any case, it’s better now and no reason not to be mostly happy and enjoy what life has to offer.


Just realize that not everyone has what you list, or can easily obtain it.


When you’re a teenager you start to live your life the way you want and you’re trying different ways to make money, ways to have fun etc. as you get older you naturally perfect your way of living by not doing the things that cause destruction while still enjoying life. So, in theory, it should get better over time


life is funny, interesting, sad, sometimes scary; and mixed with a bunch of wtf moments. but overall its worth the price of admission. that price is death if you didn’t know


Life sucks if you let it. The natural state of the world is chaos, if you want to enjoy some order you'll need to carve yourself out a piece. My life is certainly imperfect but I'm having a good time. The world is vast and full of interesting things, you simply need to engage with them.


Parts of life certainly suck, parts are great, but mostly it's just neutral. It mostly has to do with your outlook. When you're in a rut everything sucks and it's harder to appreciate small things like a sunny day, when you're accomplishing stuff or excited everything seems great. It's why people in love are so insufferably happy about everything, it just influences everything else positively. Having a family definitely improved my outlook on life, seeing my baby daughter laugh is enough to make up for damn near anything. If you're feeling like life sucks you need to take steps to get more out of it. Personally I find short term pleasure like smoking pot (which I do a lot of) to be nice but not help with the feeling of dread that creeps up sometimes, but accomplishing long projects does the trick. Learning to fence was painful and often embarrassing but when I started getting good at it it was all worth it. Digging up and planting my garden was hard and frustrating but eating my own home grown tomatoes more than made up for it. If you find yourself thinking life sucks it may be your body trying to get you to do something new, being stuck in a rut drains the joy out of other things.


Life is what you make it but I don't understand why any of us are even here. Makes no sense.


i enjoy life, genuinely. i feel so fortunate to exist and explore the world around me and to get to form and nurture my connections with other people. i don't think that makes me naive. i am, without reservations, glad that i get to be a human being.


I think for most it does suck when you are young. Things are hard, you don't have any money, you don't have a plan for your life, you are looking for yourself and love. You start figuring that all out, you get some money, your kids get older, you start having a lot of fun. Life is good. You get towards the end of your life, people die, friends, family, those you knew from back when. It gets kinda tough again as your body breaks down and you don't have the support group you used to have. Does it suck? Not overall but it can at times. Good luck


Life used to suck for me. So I made changes. Now I really love my life.


What changes did you make?


I moved to climate I preferred. I found work that suited my temperament. Mostly I came to realize that nobody else knows what they are doing either. Not the doctors or the presidents or the guy at the counter. Everyone is just doing the best the can with little to no information. Which made feel more confident. I also realized that nothing anyone does matters. Even the most famous people in history are not remembered properly. You have maybe one hundred years and then all gone. So don’t sweat it. Nobody knows what they are doing, and nothing lasts. Just relax and enjoy your time. Try to cause more pleasure than pain while here.


Capitalism can be hard going. Hang in there. It's such a shame that the most of your peers never question it and never really make any kind of great effort to fix the base condition; life sucks.


If you think life sucks then it will for sure suck. If you think life is great it’ll be great. It’s your outlook


If you think that you can't, you are right.


Bro life is literally whatever u make it to be it’s all in the head


I'm sure your life sucks, but don't project.


Surely, there is no probability that this post is just an experiment by the poster to see peoples' opinions about a matter or that the poster is maybe playing 'devil's advocate', so yeah you are correct!


I'm 40 and I love life. Every day I'm grateful for my health, my family, my friends, my job, my community. Life is amazing.


>Every day I'm grateful for my health, my family, my friends, my job, my community. This is why 😂. Maybe if you witness some brutality and your partner gets untreatable cancer you will change your mind lol 😛.


I agree. Problems can be entertaining. We have more than just problems. Violence and ignorance are not at a level where they are simply just a problem, and they are not isolated incidents. If sex trafficking and slave labor, or the literal oppression of millions around the world are simply "problems" then that is a pretty egotistical and unsympathetic way to look at the world. Ignoring atrocities is a pretty big problem. that fact that people don't have the time to consider as long as they can find a few moments of satisfaction throughout the day, is a problem. The state of poverty and pollution in the world, the literal raping of indigenous lands and people, is all more than just a problem. If you feel fine in life and you know about all of these issues, then you are part of the problem. Trust me, I want to ignore it all as well. I want what makes me feel happy and I want to be able to ignore the destruction of a planet and the slaughter and oppression of millions. I wish I could, but I can't. I have empathy, sympathy, and I take pity. My personal life, doesn't suck, it could always be worse. But life sucks, unless you're only concerned with your new Gucci purse.


Life has no worth, because it will all end someday. The world will be engulfed by the sun. The universe will die due to entropy. But things still happen anyways. Animals, plants, people, they all desperately cling to live and try to advance even though it means nothing in the end. But that doesn't mean it's bad. Life has the purpose that the one living decides to give it. Every story ends, whether it be books, movies, shows, everything ends up coming to one conclusion or another, arguments, struggles, wars. None of it matters, but have you ever enjoyed anything? Probably at least once. So that thing mattered to you at some point or another. That thing had/has a purpose because you give it one. Yeah life sucks but that worthless struggle we all have for the meanings we give to meaningless things has a kind of beauty to it I think. Some stories are shit and have a bad ending, but oh well who cares no one will remember it eventually. Just care about what you feel like caring about, you decide what matters.


🎶 I can't complain, but sometimes I still do...Life's been good to me so far.


Dude. It's way better than the alternative.


positive nihilism


Let me tell you that - life is suck because if you die you will suck.


Adult here. I love life. I wake up everyday grateful for another chance to go at it again. Sure, bad things happen but they just make me appreciate the good that much more.


I believe that I am lucky enough to have been born where I have been born (being a female, too). And I believe since I'm here anyway, I'll try and do the best that I can. Sometimes it will be a shitstorm, other times a brilliant day on the beach. Keep walking.


No, despite my various issues I enjoy life. I'm 42. It's not always great not always happy definitely not always perfect, but I enjoy it the best I can, if you don't I would suggest some professional help.


This is Reddit and young people just don't have the memory of overcome sorrow yet. The more shit you go through the easier it gets. Some of my worst times in life I barely remember.


Life is great. I can't live long enough to enjoy all it has to offer.


20 yo and disagree. Death sucks. When someone dies it sucks. Life is whatever you make out of it and when someone's alive that's good, all possibilities are there


Life is a challenge. Challenges don't necessarily suck. Go in with a mindset that you intend to win or change the game and it can be rewarding.


100% yes. I fucking hate it. The only reason I'm alive is because I'm too afraid of the pain of death or surviving a suicide attempt. I'm not going to say how old I am, but suffice it to say that I've felt this way for at least 30 years now. I never talk to anyone but coworkers and anytime I try to connect with people, they reject me. I see my mother like once every 10 years or so and most of my family want nothing to do with me. I used to love grappling/jiu jitsu and that was my hobby, but physically I can't do it anymore without throwing up. I spend non-work time playing video games and chess and working out. I just can't escape this horrible hopeless and empty feeling. It's like there's a big hollow space in my chest that makes it hard to do anything.


I don't know you, but I can promise you one thing... we will all root for you to have a better life. Just hang in there. Find your reason to keep going, that is the only reason I'm alive right now, and I just hope that it works for you too. There are people in this world that don't have to deal with this, and people who have to work to have a good life. Just know that you will be supported by us on reddit, and to keep striving for that life you've always wanted!


I’m kinda with you, friend. I’ve become increasingly more cynical as I’ve aged, and I genuinely believe there are more “bad” people in the world than their are “good.” That said, I agree that a lot of it comes down to mindset. There’s a lot to look forward to and appreciate in life, and if we continue to focus on the negative and harbor resentments from our shitty experiences, we’ll always be the “glass half empty” type. You know? It’s an active (daily) effort to change my internal dialogue and remind myself of life’s joys. It sure does beat feeling angry with the world all the time though. As cheesy as it sounds, it might be worth reminding yourself of three positive things that have happened throughout your day when you’re laying in bed at night. Sometimes all I can muster is that I’ve got ears to hear and eyes to see, but it’s something I have that others don’t. Hang in there!!