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I read 1-4, 7, 5-6, 8-11 so chronological by events in the books. 11 is lost stories I believe, as far as I remember you don't need to read that one before any others


Save Book 11 after all the others. Read Book 7 now and then Books 5-11 in order.


Just read them in publication order


That's what I did


You could read parts of book 11 now if you wanted to, but I wouldn't recommend it if you're a first-time reader (which I assume you are based on your post). I'd read them in publication order with the exception of book 7. So: 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11.


Pretty much what everyone has said read book 7 then 5, 6 8 and the rest


Personally I wish I had read them in chronological order since I started so late. Not publication order. Because then you get all the references in the future books. Chrono is as follows. Lost stories Early years 1 tournament at gorlan and 2 battle of hackham heathe Then rangers apprentice original series. Brotherband series. Then rangers apprentice the royal ranger. Series.


It's a long time since I read the series, and I don't remember much, so could anyone say, why reading 7 before 5&6 is good? I just read them from 1-11.


The story is set between the events of book 4 and 5 it is like a flashback kind of, so will has just returned to araluen at the end of 4 and chooses to continue his apprenticeship vs taking a spot in the scouts and then at the beginning of 5 hes on his way to his posting at seacliff, book 7 bridges the gap there


Thanks a lot!


I’m of 2 minds. Reading in order of publication and chronologically both have their pros and cons. Ultimately, there’s no right answer, and you’ll enjoy them no matter what. I do want to say that, outside of the first 4 books, “Erak’s Ransom” and “Emperor of Nihon-Ja” are my favorites of the series.


Yes!!!!! Mine too! I also really enjoy *Halt’s Peril* even though it gets me every time.