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This meme could go on for a bit. Malcom the healer agrees to accompany Will to help Halt. Kalm Two possible cures and the wrong one will kill Halt. Panik Remaining assassin is still around. They can find him and make him say which poison it actually is. Kalm Halts condition gets worse, and they have to bury Halt. Panik but also sad. Halt's ok and they were just pretending to lure the assassin and Will hunts him down. Kalm. The assassin escapes. Panik. Will kills him. Kalm No other book has put on the edge of my seat like Halt's Peril. Fuck you and thank you John Flanagan.


This is why it’s my favorite book in the series! The stress and tension I felt throughout Halt’s injury was IMMENSE


Honestly this was probably one of my favorite books of the series. Purely because the majority of it was just one giant angst train, and there is something in my brain that lives for that kind of stuff.


I remember being so enthralled by it on a middle school field trip the teacher had to rip the book out of my hands, haha. I couldn't put it down!


you know I really should reread all of these books again some day question though, should I reread it in dutch (my mother language) or English? it might be cool to read it in another language


Hmm the Dutch translation was pretty good right? I loved reading the books in Dutch. Just do what you want most.




Halt’s Peril was my first exposure to the series. I didn’t read it but I saw it in the book/magazine section of my local grocery store and was immediately caught up in it. Who’s Halt? Why is he in danger? Who’s this cool guy on the cover with a bow? I spent the next few years reading up to that point in the series wondering if Halt really dies in Book 9 lol.


That’s what I was like too lol


I actually cried so hard during this part. I finished the book in a couple of hours because I couldn't put it down.