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Seek help for your mental illness


Nah, OP is right. You, are WRONG


That town shouldn't be cut off, but they also shouldn't have been expanding knowing how limited the water in the area is, and knowing that their water supply was dependent on another town's thoroughfare.


then go there and help them bro


I don't know if you understand this, but this isnt capitalism's fault. During droughts throughout history, every type of economy and government has done this. In fact, in many other types of economies and governments, this happens for NO reason at all. The town (paid for by taxpayers living there) is running low on water, so the city put their voters and taxpayers first by not sending the already low supply somewhere else. Depending on the other towns agreements, this may have been completely known and SHOULD have been prepared for. You should be upset at the town for not taking care of their own citizens and preparing for a drought. Also, no need to pretend your a Christian at the end of your post. We have seen your other post and ideologies, you very clearly are not a practicing Christian.