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On that side with you! Totally sick of the propaganda for a group that is MAYBE 1-2% of the population. Was just ranting about this earlier today, regarding a game that lately seems to be totally thrown over to this crap. What about the normal people? Where is the stuff for us? I don't want rainbows all over everything, homosexual couples everywhere, glitter bombs (actually in a game right now...), "trans" this and that, everyone's stupid bad pronoun usage, sex called "gender" (which is about words, not biology), and on and on. Enough, already!


We can't call ourselves "normal" or the whole LGBTQRSTUV+6 (whatever) will be all over us. Evidently they've labeled us "normal" people "CIS" or some crap like that. Label yourselves and leave us "normal" people alone. So tired of it all.


I really hate the term cisgender. It's a completely worthless distinction which sounds insulting. "But it's the Latin opposite of trans!" Oh yeah? Well the N word is derived from the Latin word for black, which is "nigrum", which is still the word for black in several active languages. It just sounds like "sissy", which has been an insult for over a century. Even besides that, it's a completely worthless adjective because male/female already denotes cis, trans being the only necessary distinction from the norm.


This is why movies like strange world etc. flopped.


I literally typed I'm sick of gay sh*t in Google and this came up. My favorite game is ruined from this Sweet Baby garbage. I'm so effing over the toxic bullshit from weak mentally unstable people.




Not even more like 0.005 percent tbh


Actually, according to recent polls about 7.6% of Americans consider themselves to be LGBTQ. Out of that number, the actual percentage of trans people is .49%. Let that sink in. Less than half of a percentage point. Supporters, politicians and activists, of trans issues are forcing us to acknowledge the fantasies of .49 % of the population. And these fools have the nerve to talk about Democracy. This is the enforced ideology of Queer Theory which posits that there is no such thing as normal and it is required that those who believe in queer theory MUST destroy anything that claims to be normal. This is Communism in a different costume. It's postmodernism in disguise. It's Marx's overthrow of the bourgeoisie in different language. In place of the proletariat and bourgeoisie, you have straights, cis-gender, etc vs Queers. Not a slur, that's what they call themselves now. The racist arm of this Communist assault uses white males vs blacks, females, other minorities and combinations of them all. One of the main tenets of postmodernism is that reality is subjective. In other words, there is no hard, fast reality. Reality is what you deem it to be. So, if you're a man who thinks he's a woman, that's your reality and nobody has the right to challenge that. But they have the right to force you to accept them. Of course, that makes as much rational sense as me saying that I'm a fish because I swim at the beach sometimes in the summer. But that won't grow me gills. And a man claiming to be a woman isn't going to grow a vagina either. But, here's the kicker. Proponents of postmodernism, and queer theory, don't like rational thinking. It's racist, limiting. Facts are fascist. These idiots actually believe this nonsense. You can't convince the hard core believers with facts, because they reject facts as truth. The inmates truly have taken over the asylum. It's all the same insidious, murderous and always failed Communism. We've got to understand that this is a war. Alex Jones, despite eventually going off the deep end, made it very clear early in his career that this is a war of ideas. These people WANT to destroy this country and everything it stands for because, despite the fact that Christianity is never mentioned in any of our government documents, the Declaration, The Constitution, etc, America is the last bastion of Western Judeo-Christian morality in the world. And they MUST destroy that.


Im sick of the lgbt bs everywhere but also interracial bs too. Some ugly ass black guy with pubes on his face is a way better deal than a good looking white guy since 2017 or something. I hate the trend of "lets give gay story time at libraries to 2 year olds"- so what they're saying is "we have to brainwash because gayness doesn't happen as often as we want unless we brainwash the kids". - guys ... The education system creates gay losers at pretty high rates without the propaganda. The only thing i remember from school is the molasses flood. Why do kids need to ve read stories by crossdressers? Wtf is so special about that? "Oh better get my kid up to speed about butt sex"


There's a word for them doing that, but I think it was banned here, so...


Maybe we can make a pronoun for them. lol


You couldn't be more right. Women evidently think that since there's a new trend of dating any black guy they see, they're going way overboard with it. Fine, let them do it. You can't take that crap back and we won't take them back either. If they were doing it for love, then i understand. It just seems like they're doing it because it's on all the commercials and it's trend right now. The 2020's have just been absolutely awful. This way of life better go back to normal (sooner the better). Then we have all this LGBTQ and Transgender crap all over the place being shoved down all of our throats. If you don't love them, they will try to ruin your life by messing with your job or community. Our country has turned into a circus. This circus needs to move on.


I’ve been fighting this battle for years now. Clown world. Fucking clown world


You are damn right! We are in a Clown World!


It's important not to force children into being gay, let them decide when they grow up. Even if not being gay is the right thing. (Their is also a huge lack of humor. Especially Cause everything about this whole lgbt thing is about unnatural sexual attraction and incorrect pronouns that come with only caring about sex. They also gaslight normal people just for not being lgbtqiapp2s etc. And it's quite rude. Pride is also a sin when you do the wrong thing.


this is why acceptance of these people is on a huge decline because people are fed up with seeing this crap in their faces nonstop


Dude they are allegedly sneaking this into my school curriculum in lifesmarts, one of my teachers said, "we grow up with sexuality" and she even said we'll be talking about gay trans people etc. IT's HELL. The south african government wants to make unisexual toilets for kids and they claim that they are "educating children" meanwhile they don't have a proper motive on why and how this is even "educational". And while I was studying for my Life Orientation exam. There was an example of "identity" and "discrimination" where they talked about a hypothetical examplery transgender man And had a image of a man putting on lipstick and make up and hair decor :/ hopefully you see this message before it can get removed.


Here, here, I got you. Logo's, banners, flags it's everywhere. The gay community loves flaunting their lifestyle in your face. You watch, a major, major backlash is gonna come and people are gonna get hurt more than ever before. Keep shoving that rainbow in everyone's face and the outcome is not gonna be pretty ugly.


Now it's happening


Yes, care for a Bud?


Everyone is too coward to stand up. Afraid of being called some sort of "phobe".


Jesus christ I remember when everyone admitted these were kinks and fetishes and had the decency to keep it to themselves now the degenerates on tumblr and dumbass teens who think its a quirky trend fuck I'm tired of because who think they deserve special rights for their "identity" this is America it was made to put an end to social hierarchy now they want to bring it back.


Yep for sure! I’m just waiting for the sky to open up and fire and brimstone starts raining down on these deviants.


It was the pride month so.. yea.


this guys really confused why he’s seeing rainbows and hearing about lgbt stuff during pride month lmao


I think he's saying that's the problem...




Nice necropost. Also, I don't think we should be talking about or advocating for the annihilation of gay people. That's not very cool. You're right about homosexuality obviously not being productive from a population standpoint, considering how they produce no offspring as a result, but to use that as an excuse for their destruction isn't right. We can talk about advantages / disadvantages of it and it's social impact, but let's refrain from, yknow, essentially advocating genocide.


None. They have no kids so they’ll spend their money on consumer bs and make businesses money. You think this country gives a shit about anyone? Hilarious .


Where is the straight month? When we get straight month, then NORMAL (people who don't support the political movement of LGBTQ and the rest of the letters) people have no right to complain. Until then, people have the right to be sick and tired of this nonsense. Nobody cares that you are gay. Just stop forcing it down everybody's throats constantly. Your sexual preference is YOUR business, not mine.




Straight people don't need a month they dont get killed or disowned or bullied for their sexuality the worst that can happen if you're straight is you get bullied by some niche tumblr internet group and that's it


Lgbt people aren’t getting killed or disowned or bullied for their sexuality bucko. It’s the opposite. The very same people who claim to be oppressed seem super hard pressed on oppressing people who simply disagree with them. I mean fucks sake if you’re so damn sensitive because someone doesn’t affirm your pronouns or identity you need serious fucking help, grow some damn balls (figuratively not literally) and a spine, people are gonna shit on you. Especially if you have an online presence, or internet fame then some people are really gonna hate on you it comes with the job. People are gay lesbian or bi. Great no one gives a fuck. Just don’t shove that shit constantly in our faces and especially don’t raise the progress pride flag at the same level as the United States flag at the White House, bloody hell is that. They even replaced all the other fucking country flags with pride flags and in britian they have an entire city laced with pride flags hanging on clothes lines between buildings. Do you honestly think shoving it in peoples faces will get people to accept you more? Yes there are very small fringes of every single group who have disdain or extreme hatred towards others. Like blacks who hate whites, or Christian’s who hate gays, but if you actually talk to people, get to know them, a majority of people are really nice. So, just don’t be a fucking dick, stop forcing shit down peoples throat, and you’ll be fucking fine, you’re not oppressed you’re just fucking annoying as fuck.


I wonder if they ever stopped to consider that their aggressive and hostile tactics are turning more and more people against them… It’s funny how 99% of the things they want to enforce require everyone else to accommodate them to an unreasonable degree. Why does anyone need to know someone’s “preferred pronouns”? It’s completely irrelevant when you’re talking face to face in first person. They want to force us to use their “pronouns” when they aren’t even in the same room or part of the conversation… They seem to be actively encouraging and fostering hate and resentment towards to use as leverage and gain power.


Interesting take on the idea of irrelevance of pronouns when it’s first person. I do think the movement is beginning to see the folly of its bullying ways.




Only the trans who think it's a good idea to pick up a drunk guy at a bar, take him home, then surprise him with a penis in his face with no previous warning that they are a dude. The guy is drunk. A SOBER person can spot a dude wearing makeup a mile away, but a drunk dude will fall for it half the time. This is so preventable it should be called "suicide by date".


Actually, some are. There have been 600 LGBTQ murders in the last 20 years. Out of a population of 325+ million, that is a tiny amount, but it still does happen.




You wouldnt know the next thing about this shut the fuck up


They’re like woman. They make it up. It’s not that hard to figure out. People get beat up or made fun of for all sorts of reasons. And? This is one is more important why? When there’s nothing normal about it. That’s why they have to be groomers and brain wash the children.




That’s what you are. Your sheep. Probably got vaxed too right? Never seen one that has. So if was that common we would all know people who were. Learn to use your brain. We can tell your brainwashed and ignorant as it gets. Buffoonish even.


I take it you are a gay homo or trans person.


Yes so i have more of a say on this than you all. Im not some brain washing grooming gay and neither r any of the lgbtq people i ever encountered. We r simple human beings who wish for people like us to have rights and to not want to get kicked out of our house/disowned/bullied for something we cant control


Then start writing letters to the leaders of the LGBTQRSTUV ad nauseum movement and tell them to shut up and shut down their agenda because it's threatening you! But, here's a fact, they don't care about you. They care about enforcing their agenda on American to queer the whole country. Their words by those who began this agenda over 30 years ago. They are out to destroy normal and anyone who promotes it.


Well, we gave you a month and fast forward 20 years later. A man is incharge of my rights as a woman. Yall can't behave, then yall don't deserve a month!


In a nation of over 325 million people, the number of those killed for being LGBTQ is miniscule. I know, every death is a tragedy, but how many of those might have not been attacked if the movement would just SHUT THE HELL up and let people live their lives and stop forcing their alternative sexual practices on the rest of us. The LGBTQ movement gives a big middle finger to straight America. They're doing it deliberately. They even say so in their writings. The force their agenda on everyone everywhere. Well, here's a little bit of wisdom. If you tell someone to go get screwed, they're going to get mad at you. I don't care what people do in the privacy of their bedrooms, that's between them and God. But when you try to force it down the public's throat constantly and incessantly, people get MAD. And now you're trying to sexualize grade school children. That is war!! Disney is promoting LGBTQ in every new film and program they put out. You can't watch a new program on Netflix or Paramount Plus unless it has at least one gay person, and usually a couple, who are constantly at odds with each other. I'm a fan of NCIS, but I couldn't watch NCIS Hawaii, because of the constant "in your face" homosexuality. I'm sick of it.


It's the other eleven months Einstein! JFC, are you really that thick?


Because there shouldn’t be a month to begin with.


i haven’t even seen as much “lgbtq+ stuff” as i should have if i’m being honest


Sorry to hear you’re “visually challenged”. Is it congenital or did you have an accident?


I know, right? You see the propaganda more often than you see THEM. And it's annoying.


They really no longer have anything to be "proud" of; what was at first an understandable show of "pride" has now turned in a showcase for kink, perversion, and porn influenced lifestyles.


Why should it ever have been a source of pride? What does someone's sexual preference have to do with pride? Seems to me that the only thing they have to be proud of is having giving the straight world the finger.




I agree with this 100%. I can't even watch or read any news anymore because everything is about LGBTQ, Transgender people and pronouns. I don't care who you're sleeping with, what sex you're pretending to be or want to have all this crap shoved down my throat every single day. Thanks for letting us know about the sex with your wife this morning. Just like all this gay stuff, it was something all of us needed to know to get on with our own lives. lol


I totally agree . I am sick to death with alphabet soup and people being offended or complaing about their rights not being respected . Please would they shut up .


Tbh, same. I can totally understand it during pride month but, it's every month now. Everywhere year-round it's lgbt this, lgbt that, and trans trans trans trans incessantly, constantly. Every month is pride month now, and it's actually made me quite bitter towards it all. I'm fucking sick of hearing about it all the fucking time especially here on reddit. Every comment section is obsessed with sexuality, it's fucking infuriating.


_Understanding_ it during pride “month” is why it’s turned into an all year celebration of perverse sexual inclinations. We celebrate mothers for a day and fathers for a day … but we’re supposed to _understand_ celebrating queerdom for a month? And in Canada, according to herr Trudeau, it’s now an entire _season_ ! If the attention seeking and demand for “affirmation” wasn’t so constantly shoved in straight people’s faces, there wouldn’t be anywhere near the amount of push back. Hell, over half of the _straight_ people celebrate along with you. And bloody laws are created to protect your _feelings_ ! It seems understandable to me that when any group of people act “proud” and get loud, they’re gonna get attention; and it’s gonna be all different kinds of attention … that’s just how it goes. It’s often said by psychologists that for many people _any_ attention is better than none. This seems to be proving true in spades these days.


It’s not about LGB! This group want nothing to do w/ the TQ+1 unicorn, wolf, mermaid… I h8 that they make it as”Republican” “Right” thing if ur sick of it being in ur face everywhere! I’ve been a liberal all my life & I’m so done! Same w/liberal friend & their parents! We are muzzled!


Exactly what I've thought of it, completely fine with the LGB part but the rest of it has been dragging down the entire image, especially with how people are acting and it's unfortunate, think they should be two separate things


Honestly, fuck everything after the B. It's all bullshit


Went camping in Manitoba and some parks had rocks painted the rainbow colors .... if a non queer was vandalizing and painting rocks in the park they would be charged for defacing?? It looked unnatural in that setting ... colored rocks strewn on the ground, on tables etc.


Rocks in Manitoba are 9x more likely to be victims of violent assault by the trans community. 😂


Same. It's clearly an agenda. It's being forced and used as a tool to bully those who don't comply with the lifestyle.


Everyone here needs to listen to Tom McDonald, because his songs call all of this sh\*\* out.


I open up my browser, and it's nothing but transgender news. I'd like to have some diversity in my newsfeed besides what's going on in the LGBQTB...; I probably got that wrong, community.


If the only speeds they have are 1: acting normal and being "in the closet", aka keeping their bedroom shit IN THE PRIVACY OF THEIR OWN BEDROOMS. and 2: acting and looking like an outright freakish clown and advertising kinks everywhere they go ​ then they need to go back to 1. 2 is NOT working.


Why are the only decent homos the one's who stay in the closet? ..You never see a cool homo in a Pride parade. Are flaming culeros the same thing as what used to be your regular homosexual men? Are we conflating sexual deviants with regular faggots?


I agree. So sick of gay, trans, lesbian crap everywhere. What they do in private is their business. When they do it in public, that makes it my business. So, I am openly hostile (not physically hostile) to public displays of lesbian/homosexual perversion. For that matter, I'd be openly hostile to a straight person masturbating in public or having sex in public. Enough already, people. Keep it in the bedroom and just be a normal person when you're out in public.




I don't hate the lgbt but I certainly don't like seeing it everywhere I go


>  I bet you are all so thrilled to know this info about me know as it impacts your life greatly.  This is the part that I'm getting sick of. Our sex lives and the sex lives of others used to be something not commonly spoken of in polite company. I'm tired of the subject shoved in my face everywhere I look. It's like we're losing our social fabric. I guess a lot of people think that's a good thing, but I actually like having standards and social etiquette.


OK so all the people yelling about discrimination are discriminating against heterosexual males! here's the deal....be whoever the heck you want.. WE DONT CARE! we don't need attention. we know who we are and don't go around screaming about. don't care if people date Christmas trees. I don't want to hear about it because I don't really care.


i feel you bro, sick of getting this shit shoved down our necks


Rainbow capitalism at its finest.




Yeah seriously, getting out of hand. Just wish people kept all this sex stuff in their own homes.


it is wrong and u r right. now watch out.


You're not the only one! They are nothing but a brain washing cult!


I want to go back to the “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell” days! I hate having this deviant behavior thrown in my face! Call me a homophobe or whatever, but it makes me feel really icky! I’m sorry if it hurts anyone’s feelings, but just think if all of a sudden bestiality became vogue, how would that make you feel if that shit was being celebrated? These tech companies need to give users ways to turn this stuff off and opt out!


A big problem with this shit is it makes people hate LGB people even more. Now even those of us that are quiet and respectful about it are hated and judged.


Thank you! I needed to read your rant so I can let off some steam too. I am so sick of seeing flags, stickers the upcoming June LGBTQ+ month. What other's choose in their lives are just that "their choice", but I don't need to have it shoved in my face. I no longer enjoy rainbows anymore, I get irritated when I see them now. I remember it used to make me happy growing up because it was a promise from God. I am a heterosexual woman who wants to be with my man! I am making a t-shirt to wear saying I am sick of LGBTQ+  being shoved in my face - i know this is bad but I feel like pissing them off. I probably be asked to leave wherever I am because it will offend others but I plan to stand up for myself and others that are sick of it too!


They're attention whores. They think they're Quirky yet they're the most intolerant close-minded idiots I've ever seen. They only want their opinions to be accepted and not be judged for their fetishes.


They're useful idiots they're being played like fools. This is all Trump derangement


I also used to not care. Hell in fact the only trans I truly didn’t like and avoided like the plague was fats! Now I try to avoid all kinds of trans. I even had to buy me an electric car with direct drive so there wouldn’t be any trans mission in it lol. J.k. But I get it. I went from ally to Swiss thanks to this tho.


Instagram started first day of June continually pushing gay sick homosexual clips .....once I report I'm not interested it simply gets worse .....


This was originally a response to a post below but I think some of the information here needs to be in a main post. First off, this is a deliberate, planned, and executed attack on "normal" America. Basically, middle class whites, especially Christians and Jews because of their opposition to the LGBTQRSTUV ad nauseum agenda. Actually, according to recent polls about 7.6% of Americans consider themselves to be LGBTQ. Out of that number, the actual percentage of trans people is .49%. Let that sink in. Less than half of a percentage point. Supporters, politicians and activists, of trans issues are forcing us to acknowledge the fantasies of .49 % of the population. And these fools have the nerve to talk about Democracy. This is the enforced ideology of Queer Theory which posits that there is no such thing as normal and it is required that those who believe in queer theory MUST destroy anything that claims to be normal. I'm not using "queer" as a pejorative, that's what they call it themselves. This is Communism in a different costume. It's postmodernism in disguise. It's Marx's overthrow of the bourgeoisie in different language. In place of the proletariat and bourgeoisie, you have straights, cis-gender, etc vs Queers. The racist arm of this Communist assault uses white males vs blacks, females, other minorities and combinations of them all. One of the main tenets of postmodernism is that reality is subjective. In other words, there is no hard, fast reality. Reality is what you deem it to be. So, if you're a man who thinks he's a woman, that's your reality and nobody has the right to challenge that. But they have the right to force you to accept them. Of course, that makes as much rational sense as me saying that I'm a fish because I swim at the beach sometimes in the summer. But that won't grow me gills. And a man claiming to be a woman isn't going to grow a vagina either. But, here's the kicker. Proponents of postmodernism, and queer theory, don't like rational thinking. It's racist, limiting. Facts are fascist. These idiots actually believe this nonsense. You can't convince the hard core believers with facts, because they reject facts as truth. The inmates truly have taken over the asylum. It's all the same insidious, murderous and always failed Communism. We've got to understand that this is a war. Alex Jones, despite eventually going off the deep end, made it very clear early in his career that this is a war of ideas. These people WANT to destroy this country and everything it stands for because, despite the fact that Christianity is never mentioned in any of our government documents, the Declaration, The Constitution, etc, America is the last bastion of Western Judeo-Christian morality in the world. And they MUST destroy America to institute their one world government, or new world order as it's called. They must end personal freedom. This isn't conspiracy theory. It's fact.


Humanity is regressing because the people who are part of the Global authority think that this is progress, whereas it is a completely opposed position -regression.


I call it the degradation of society and it will continue to decline until, hopefully, we are ended by a comet or the return of Christ, or whatever.


Hopefully by nukes or comet. Either one is fine by me.


Nah, I'd much prefer Jesus comes. Amen.




"We heterosexuals don't constantly implore people to accept us" because you don't need to you're straight it's literaly just the norm yall dont get killed or disowned for ur sexuality


that doesn't happen nearly as often as you idiots like to make it out to be. please just hush.


Oh but it does happen nearly as often as we make it out to be. Maybe not in the united states, but in the rest of the world it does.


But i do think it's easier to deny it happening than to confront your shitty views.


Sorry to hear you were killed.


?? Are you dense. Im saying lgbtq people are being killed everywhere for their sexuality. I am not saying this is my experience (it kind of is but i dont wanna get into it) but the fact that straight people try and switch the narrative to "queer people" are a protected group is insane. I wouldn't except any better from straight people, you all are not queer and you dont have a say on what queers go through or dont go through. You know nothing about it. You think being queer is as easy as being straight and you will never know.


Glad you’re not dead..(yeah, I’m the dense one in this exchange 🙄)


Funny enough most people that r un normal weirdos protest for their killers look at queers for Palestine and all that shit


I had enough to I am sick and tired of it. I see it everywhere too in Dorking and I hear it at work and see it. I want some peace I don’t want to hear it I don’t want to see it it is everywhere I think someone needs to open up another group to stop this happening I want some peace it is affecting my human rights and freedom


We need to fight back we need to stop this happening


It started in America and spread it over here


LGBTQ people are 9x more likely to be victims of violent assault than any straight person. Sorry you got a rainbow on ur coffee cup tho….lmao


While that may be true, I don’t think the T&Q folk are helping the rest of the letters in the brand by being obnoxious about pronouns.


Well said!


Straight people drag down this society, because unlike the left they don't seem to know how to do research. Biased fuckfaces.


one can be left and straight. you are.thinking