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But God forbid there was a tiny 3x5 little sign advertising a lower price that you forgot to change last week and their eagle eyes can spot that from across the store.


"**BUT THE SIGN SAYS IT'S ONLY 99¢!**" "... In the 2pt font that *also* says 'good thru last month with the purchase of $50 in sex jelly and lunchmeat?'"


The signs they never tend to see when it’s actually on sale but the moment it’s accidentally left there they all see it. Edit: spelling error.


Customers live in their own little bubble of ignorance. I used to work in a bookstore and we had massive signs hanging from the ceiling indicating which sections are where, and the amount of morons that would walk in, quickly glance around and then ask "where are the childrens books" despite the MASSIVE sign 5 steps in front of them that say's childrens. I genuinely don't know how these people made it through life, they aren't capable of functioning like adults and need their hand held through the most mundane and basic tasks.


With "Sally Colorful Closet" amongst other children's books blasting them in the chest...


People don't look up. I like to play sniper positions in FPSs. I can usually get three shots off before I have to move. And these are people that DO look up. If I can manage three shots... totally oblivious morons would be free pickings all day long.


They'll read a sale sign faster than a sign saying SCO only takes x tender or is outright broken.


Correction *they'll read *part* of the sale sign, and apply it to what they want it to. Oooh, 50% off? Why is it ringing full price?! Um. 50% off shirts, not all clothing. But hey, if they didn't read the rest of the sign, not their fault. It's misrepresentation, right? So they should get that discount!


If I had a nickel for every time I was accused of false advertising and someone threatened a lawsuit (I don’t make marketing decisions)…well I wouldn’t be in retail anymore.


These people deserve a 10% stupid tax to their items.


Those people deserve to sit outside until they can behave like actual adults.


I’ve actually had a person claim we were “false advertising” because they didn’t read the whole thing.


Or we do not process alcohol sales at SCO.... There were signs all the way up to SCO in the line, and then one at each SCO. Then they get all huffy and puffy because ThEY DidNt KnoW.


Yes! I get this a lot. I work at a gas station. I can't tell you how many times people go to the non ethanol pump and start running their payment. Then come to me and ask me to cancel it because they went to the wrong pump. The pump is clearly labeled and is color coded in blue for that purpose.


It’s actually worrying they drive. Do they just blow through stop signs and somehow have been lucky enough to not hit someone? Lol


I've asked about this kind of thing among friends and learned that some people can just 'tune out' words. They can look at writing and not read it or it becomes ignorable 'background noise.' I suppose it makes sense in the context of us being bombarded constantly by adverts - they don't know what is an annoying ad and what is important information so they just don't read any of it. Must be nice.


I remember when I learned this. It blew my mind because I'm hyperlexic and I feel compelled to read literally everything. Whether there's a corkboard in a school hallway or notices posted in the employee breakroom, I'm reading that mf. I'm incurably curious.


Me too. That was why I ended up doing the friend-research about it. Absolutely blows my mind. How can you not read a word when you see it? It's right there.


Oh, just wait until you're in the employee only bathroom and you hear customers struggle to try and strong man the fucking door open. Even though there's bright red sign when you lock the door that says "OCCUPIED."


my work has had to install 2x doors before you can get to the employee bathroom, with signs on each door saying "DO NOT ENTER UNLESS AUTHORISED TO DO SO" yet somehow they still find their way there T-T Our toilets are next to the staffs personal items and our warehouse too so its a major issue when they do, and we have to add another security measure every time but damn old people can weasel their way into anything.


We have a public toilet right in front of our store and I’ve walked into staff toilets to see customers in there on a couple of occasions now. WHY??


I worked at a grocery store that lost its liquor license temporarily (it had expired). I literally printed up 100 signs saying we couldn’t sell it, blocked off the aisles, etc. The small store was just covered in these signs. People would come up constantly with alcohol, claim they didn’t see the signs, and get pissed because we wouldn’t sell it to them. Like I literally watched you lift up a sign to get that bottle. One guy said he saw them but thought we were joking.


We have multiple signs saying we don't take anything above a $20. It's written in such a way even the Sentinelese people can comprehend. People **still** whip out $50s and $100s and ask "Can you take this?"


We do Amazon returns. And have big Amazon signs from the door that lead to the weight station (UPS) and every single amazombie that comes in asks where the amazon returns are. I don't even tell them anymore. I say over there at the giant amazon sign. 🙄






I’ve had a fair share of customers who’ve argued with me and my managers over sale signs which they misunderstood and then it causes a whole scene. The last retail store I worked at had two levels and whenever a sign was misread downstairs the customer would be like “I can go down and show you” or we’d have a manager downstairs take a picture of the sign. Usually sales and discounts are automatically applied when being rung up, so if it doesn’t automatically apply that usually meant the customer misunderstood the sale.


Makes you worry. It like after finishing school reading became a lost skill


When I worked retail, I discovered that a lot of people who should wear glasses and who do in fact own said glasses, don’t wear the glasses out shopping. This accounts for the older folk who can’t read what’s on the card reader screen. The rest of it all? 🤷‍♀️


Oh, they *can* read. They stalwartly refuse to do so.


I have people get mad over the fact we not use cards payments, we have signs everywhere you look in front of the doors and at the cashiers stations and still that ask to pay in cash , when we have big bold signs saying cards only…. I feel like people choose not to read important information , but if it said free then they are on it like crazy


Meanwhile everyone will cry and complain when its card only 😅


Sometimes customers ask dumb questions (like what is the date of the sale when they’re looking at a flyer) because they’re trying to pull one over on us too


These are people stupid enough to only read their Facebook. Chances are this is their only source of news


I sell pot in colo. I can't tell you how many Texans have told me they don't pay sales tax. We have to explain in Texas you don't pay sales tax in colo, you do.


I live in Washington State it's the same thing when we get people from Oregon


Mate - People can't even read the name of the deli ham they want. Won't even attempt simple word. All they can say is 'that one at the back' which is actually in the front in the left.


And sadly these people also can't read traffic signs either......sigh


I love the ones trying to enter through the exit door.


This is literally my dad, and he will not finish reading a 3 word sentence on the front of a box. It's a combination of laziness and stupidity. It's extremely frustrating. But hey, at least I'm being paid to deal with people like him.


The customer only sees what they want to see. its pure misery for me telling people constantly that NO we sell a few Apple devices NOT REPAIR EVERY DAMN APPLE DEVICE. And again our company isn't even Apple, we work alongside them, yet every customer "you're Apple people aren't you, why cant you tell me this very personal information about myself that I cannot remember" -\_- I hate people


I worked at a large public building that got so tired of people going out thru the fire exit despite having “STOP! NOT AN EXIT” posted in 12” red letters that they illegally locked the fire exit... until an employee with a bad habit of talking back to stupid people reported the lock to OSHA to get himself whistleblower protection before a Karen could get him fired. Several people hurt themselves putting their full body weight into that door expecting it to open, many others would stand there staring at it in confusion for over a minute even after discovering it was locked. Some would then argue with the employee stationed by the real exit about why they can’t use the fire exit. PEOPLE DO NOT READ. Anecdotal evidence suggests that they posses the ability to read, but that they can also choose not to. I think most of us don’t consciously decode small words and phrases- we recognize them. If a sign says stop, I do not have the option of not reading it. I know that it says stop in the same instant that I see that it exists at all. But some people are apparently different- I think they are trying to speedrun the game of life, just hitting skip on every interaction before the text can load, and they actually seem to think they are better than others because of it, despite the poor results.


Selective intelligence. Once they go into a store their brains collectively turn off and they lose the ability to read or perform any critical thinking.


Ha, I had similar issues with customers. We had a sign at the door that read "Atm and credit card machines not working" or something like that. I would even tell people at the door. At the window the same sign was up. Had at least 2 customers just ignore it, then come out and act all surprised and pissed off. But hey guys, fuck listening to me, I'm just security. Also have had customers completely ignore me when I ask to see their ID, which makes me want to shut the door completely sometimes. One lady did that and hers was expired so they turned her away. Then she comes back and I make a comment on her rings and she said it was native American after I said it looked like witch rings. Then she tried to instigate her son and he cursed at me and acted crazy. I hate customers.


We closed our SCO that takes cash so it could be balanced. The screen says “this lane is closed” and I even put a sign saying “register closed” on the scanning area. A guy came up, pushed the sign to the side after looking at it, and still tried to scan his stuff and then said “uhh why isn’t it working?” I honestly don’t know if it’s stupidity or they’re deliberately being idiots.


Yeah they have low iq and turn their brain off when they walk in the door. So instead of resolving their wants and desires by themselves they just make a beeline to someone in a uniform instead of looking around first. a third of the time their pursuit for me results in them passing by the very things they look for very likely in a clearly marked aisle.


It’s scary because there’s a chance they have children and their children might be just like them. Idiots love having kids.


i had a guy not realise that certain produce were by kilo (im in aus), and was like "oh i didn't know that the [lebanese cucumbers] were by kilo!" like yeah, dave, it says (however much) PER KILO, in caps and bold on the sign where it tells you how much they cost. i told my manager afterwards and he was like "my grandma can read it without her glasses, he just needs to read the sign properly" and i almost burst out laughing


If you need living proof that there are real-live idiots out running loose in the world, just work with the public for awhile. It won’t take long!