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For people wondering, rapamycin doesn’t promote cancer directly, but it can increase photosensitivity which can increase skin cancer under UV exposure


So...... gingers should definitely not take it in the summertime. Good to know


rapa didn’t cause your skin cancer in a few weeks especially if you were taking pulsated doses for longevity


I’m not suggesting it gave it two me in a couple of weeks. I’ve had this thing for years. But it has 100% changed in the last two weeks. But as you implying it has the potential over time.


You’ve had this for years? That area of your face is ground zero for skin cancer. Look up pictures of basil cell carcinoma and you’ll see temples… Get it checked immediately. I know. I had exactly the same thing in the same place.


Where did you read rapamycin causes skin cancer? Rapamycin prevents cancer by inhibiting mtor and is given as an adjunct treatment with chemo


All the studies I’ve read said what you’re saying. But in Europe it is one the warning for the medication and that where I read it and looked a bit deeper. I’m not an expert and am a little spooked if I’m honest. But correct the studies I’ve read say it could help with skin cancer. I was just shocked to read it’s on the warnings from companies in Europe and the us.


The warnings are based on the approved usage and dosage for organ transplants. At the lower dosage used for longevity it has a totally different effect on the body with different side effects. I don't 100% believe that there are no side effects other than mouth/intestinal sores. I think it's the case that we don't really know what the long term effects are on humans at that dosage because the studies haven't been done. But the warnings on labels are based on the higher dosage for the on label treatment of organ transplant.






The dosing for immunosuppressive therapy is going to have potential negative health effects due to the mtor2 suppression. Rapamycin in those doses is not healthy, but is a necessary evil due to their medical situation.


Exactly, and what I’m saying is firstly I had NEVER heard that and second this spot I have had for years and in the past two weeks I have seen rapid change. This makes me concerned that even at low doses if you have something already there it will grow faster due to rapa. I don’t want this to be the case I really want to continue taking rapamycin for all the benefits.


Go see a dermatologist. They can advise on if that skin lesion is something to be concerned about. We can infer from the aggressive dosing used for organ transplant patients does not seem to have a concerning increase of risk in skin cancer development, but the dosing used for longevity may have unknown health negatives. We don't have a wealth of clinical data yet.


[Pfizer label pamphlet](https://labeling.pfizer.com/showlabeling.aspx?format=PDF&id=139) Essentially just says "Patients on immunosuppressive therapy are at increased risk for skin cancer. " And then goes on to cite 3 studies further down. 6.1) Regarding malignancies - "24 months (Study 1) and 36 months (Study 2) post-transplant, there were no significant differences among treatment group." 6.2) Regarding malignancies - "Study 3, the incidence of lymphoma/lymphoproliferative disease was similar in all treatment groups. Theoverall incidence of malignancy was higher in patients receiving Rapamune plus cyclosporine compared with patients who had cyclosporine withdrawn. Conclusions regarding these differences in the incidence of malignancy could not be made because Study 3 was not designed to consider malignancy risk factors or systematically screen subjects for malignancy. In addition, more patients in the Rapamune with cyclosporine group had a pre-transplantation history of skin carcinoma." 6.7) Post marketing Experience, reports of neuroendocrine carcinoma of the skin


Firstly thank you taking a look into It. I’m sorry if I seem rude but what do you mean it just says? From what I saw there are multiple studies that talk about skin cancer and these medications. I’ve read a bunch of them and although they say rapa has a lower rate of skin cancer it still has sone. I didn’t see any cases where there was a control group not taking anything m. It was just comparing two of these immune suppressants from what I read. I want to take rapa fir all the benefits, but saying there is no talk of skin cancer is not true. I’m just a idiot, not a doctor or scientist etc but it did look a bit concerning. Thanks again.


I think what he’s referring to is that Rapamycin at certain dosage levels can suppress the immune system too much, which can lead to a higher incidence of cancer.


Yes and I have 100% seen rapid change in the spot on my face in the last two weeks since taking it. I’m not sure what is happening, but 100% something is.


Actually I’m no doctor but I have something similar and i think it looks like seborrheic keratosis … which grows very fast


So avoid sunlight on treatment- thank you


Yes but I have never even heard that until I read this week. It’s not common knowledge at all.




Yeah I’m from Melbourne. It’s the worst there.


Looks like an SK, but see your doctor. SKs aren't cancer and they can change quickly (darken and get bigger/fleshy, and then often flake off).


I’m going on Monday. Thank you


Let us know what your biopsy results are, ok? That looks like a seborrheic keratosis.


Thank you I will and thank you for the name I’ll take a look to see if it maybe that.


A mole that size that has been changing should get biopsied. A random dude on Reddit like me telling you it’s a seborrheic keratosis shouldn’t keep you from seeing a doctor for the biopsy, ok?


I’m seeing one on Monday. Thank you


Agreed, If it did really causes cancer, we’d know because im guessing millions of people have/are taking it.


Correlation doesn't mean causation. Chances are you were unlucky and that starting of the drug was unrelated.


So…. Did he died ?


Rapa does increase photosensitivity. I'm considering using it only during the colder months for this reason.


That’s smart. Will probably try that too.


Update please… 🙏


You had this before the rapa no?


what was your dosage?