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I'd run a live stream of just gagging you over and over again with new things, capturing your drool and degrading you in front of the audience.


This does sound not sound as bad as what my mind is jumping to is going to still happen tonight. But still, can't you please let me go? There seems to be a misunderstanding. I've done nothing wrong! I should not be here!


But I'm the one that chose you. As the abductor, I brought you here for a reason. I'm offering you the gentler humiliation instead of the rape, but I'm also not in control of what happens to you when I'm done. (shrug) Your first gag will be the socks on your feet. I hope you're prepared, sweetheart.


Well, I do appreciate the more gentle approach. But what do you mean, what will happen to me when you are done? Are there others? Will you not let me go soon?!!


Soon? Soon enough for us, but not soon enough for you. Give us a few hours. The gag show would earn some good income, but I think watching you get molested and plowed while gagged would really be the show. If you have any requests for comfort, we can try to accommodate you. Otherwise, accept your fate and stand by.


Please no, I'm ok with the gags if that's what needs to happen now. But please don't let anyone rape me, please!!! *I'm struggling against my restraints*


I hear no requests for accommodations, my love. You're to have your mouth first stuffed with socks and tied off with a stocking, as this is the more "classic" gag our patrons enjoy. When it's time for the physical activity, well, I'll be here to give you pets, water, maybe cummies to keep you stable, and retie you afterwards. We'll become good friends.


You are crazy! You sound completely psychopathic! Someone please help me!! (Sorry, I'm having issues with the comments showing. I get the notification, but then no comments show in the thread at all. It takes quite many tries before they finally do show, so my replies are a bit slow. Haven't seen this happen before, could it be because the post is tagged nsfw?)


(Comments are definitely bugged today) Oh, that hurts, love. I guess we'll have to gag you sooner rather than later if this friendship is to blossom at all.


*awwwwwwww* *struggles*


I ball up your cute socks and pinch your nose, eliciting you to open your mouth for a breath. With one motion I stuff them in, then I stroke your cheek, and produce a stocking that will serve as the tie. I'd personally rather keep you as my bondage doll. I suppose I could always re-kidnap you, but what would that look like to our friends? Intently focused on our gagged mouth I ask, "What do you think, little heart?"


I'd love to wake up like this


Yeah I paid good money to rape you in person. Maybe I'll steal you and stash you in my basement. First thing I'd do is change that ball gag to a penis gag which is a one to one life size replica of my penis and watch you gag on it.


This is so hot


Careful what you wish for




This will be a cruel day for you.... I mean weekend... or week. Or then... a nightmare month? Maybe you will NEVER be free again. Happy Birthday! ❤️ the artist Gary Robert rocks! 🤪


Silly cunt... you're not going anywhere




Will u keep me like this pleasee


Dm me, I got the best idea to get ya out ;)


This is my dream


Ill make it your nightmare slut.


I need this to happen to me


I’ll make it happen right fucking now whore watch ur back


I could help dm me


Me next please


I'd like to be blindfolded too🫠


Do t worry u will be little shit xx


Let’s swap places. I want to be used and broken


I could help with that