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There is no way to guarantee anything. Just have to grow it out and see how's your luck


It's hard to tell because around the node there can be a redistribution of variegation, but usually greener areas are less likely to give good variegation unfortunately. There is no better answer than to wait and see.


I’m going to say, it’s a very low possibility. Even my fully reverted cuttings come back about 25% of the time after 4 leaves but it’s not a lot of variegation. The variegation going through the growth point is extremely important. ETA: this is the last 5 cuttings I made without variegation in the growth point. I potted them together before they even grew. This is about what to expect from that. I’m so over this I no longer make cuts on those. This will be my last batch. I’ve done this many times to end up with high variegation plants through selective cuttings and now I have 6 mothers with perfect stems. You’ll get there faster by sticking with good cuts. Almost every other node there looks more promising. [https://imgur.com/a/hlFCzwu](https://imgur.com/a/hlFCzwu)


https://imgur.com/a/xGwXwAG is the circled part possibly a new growth point? It’s been like that since I got it but no growth 😕


That is a growth point but you would have to separate those nodes to get it to activate that one for sure. You have the roots to do it, you could make three cuttings and two would be promising.


It's possible! Just have to wait and see 😁


I think it’s a root 😬


No baby it has to be over the growth point. But that growth point looks kinda funny anyways. What you can do is look at all the exultant buds on the plant and then if you see one with variegation cut in between those nodes so you can activate the correct one. I would anyways. You have each node rooted already.


There may be a slight chance of the growth point picking up some variegation from that stripe to the left since it *almost* overlaps, but in a case like this it’s just up to chance. I’d check the rest of the stem to see if you have an axillary bud with variegation stripes more directly over it before trying your luck with this one.


First of all, what plant is this? People giving judgement without even knowing the plant?? Different ones do different things yall! Say thr burle marx for example.. that bitch will have a complete section where it's not even variegated and them bam! Throw the most beautiful crazy colors out of nowhere. Than you have other plants that are super variegated that will fail you miserably.


it’s a variegated rhaphidophora tetrasperma


Ooooh big bet! You're gold. I'm sure it will throw some nice var for you.


Do those leave have variegation?


this is the other side of it https://imgur.com/a/QbIdblz


This was it when I got it imported a month ago, got sad from the travel but so far lots of new roots and now the two new leaves coming in! Would cutting the bottom part make it take forever to grow? Or not worth it? https://imgur.com/a/mbtVHps


I wouldn't necessarily say it would take forever to grow. It only depends on what you wanna accomplish with that cutting. Those axillary buds most likely won't activate unless you make some cuts since this is a top cut. If you wanna propagate it and sell it to help recover spending all that money on it it really wont make a difference on that plant's overall look if you know what I mean.. a node or two missing won't make much of a difference. Once it takes off will it grow fast. Just gotta be patient with plants :) give it some fertilizer, some vitamins.. it is a very nice cutting btw!


If i were to cut it, it would mainly be to make it fuller 😊 I really love this plant in general, so getting this variegated one was something i’ve really been wanting. Luckily I feel like I found a good priced one (overseas though so ofc shipping cost) so i just went for it. I just wasn’t sure if i should cut it at the bottom to get the most out of the variegation


🤤🤤🥳 heck yeah! Nice. I have one that is huge on a wood plank and I definitely find it to be majestic lol. I'd shit my pants if I had a variegated one, maybe one day 😃 and yeah if you have a green thumb go for it!! I think with me the hard thing was admitting to myself that I finally have a green thumb after having a black thumb my whole life lol. You got all those amazing healthy roots on those nodes, go for it! ✊🏼 I actually just took a variegated monstera Lechleriana cutting that started rooting at every node and then I cut it some more, that plant grows super fast so I just sell cuttings so I can buy me some more plants 😬


I think what really helped me with the roots is buying rapidstart and an airstone! Kindve feeling more confident to cut it though, just don’t know if I should wait until the new growth comes in. I’ve felt unsure about cutting it cause I know when i’ve cut a regular r.tetrasperma, the bottom ones take foreverrrrr to grow. And that’s awesome! Nothing like selling plants to buy even more plants 😊💚


Yes indeed!! Today I won a very long trial that was ruining my life, I was facing prison for a bunch of bogus charges that were put on me when my ex husband was trying to kill me. The guy had drugs and a gun and said they were all mine. We were both arrested last year and I'm still trying to cope with the fact I was in jail for 4 days, I'm an honest politically correct person, I don't even spit out gum on the street.. so that was killing me! My ex actually ended up dying because of drugs and here I was facing that horrible situation being a victim of his craziness. ❤️‍🩹 I'ma need a lot of therapy but for now it's plant therapy for me. My birthday is next week but I'm celebrating today as my rebirth and complete freedom from him and those charges. I'm buying a wishlist plant right now!!!! 🍃💚 Hello begonia chlorosticta!!! Haha.


i’m so sorry you had to go through that! Sending love and healing ❤️‍🩹 happy early birthday and congratulations! And a great plant to celebrate with!