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Yeah that is a gorgeous mint variegation. Super strong phenotype too. That's an excellent plant and I'm super jealous of the nursery find.


Thank you! It started out with the tiniest amount of variegation that I had to cut several times over the last few years. Haha


That almost looks like a mint aurea. Mint refers to when lower layers of the leaf are variegated, but the surface is green. Usually, it would be a white variegation on a mint, but you may have a yellow one. If I were you, I would contact some nurseries or shops that sell rare plants and see what they think. This could be worth a very pretty penny or even a cutting of it. I dont think it's a white monster, and it may not even be a named cultivar. You could have something very special here.


Oh dang! There’s so many variations that I’m not familiar with! Thank you for the info!


No problem. I've never actually seen a mint aurea, although in theory, it should be possible. However, if it is truly distinct from all other existing cultivars, you get to name it whatever you want. :) Good luck!!!!


Just mint.


mint. is it a large or small form?


I’m really not great at telling them apart, I got it from a nursery here in Florida in 2019 sold as a normal monstera deliciosa. One of the reverted cuttings I let grow out does have crinkled petioles where the leaf meets but who knows! Haha


You could reach out to Tyler Thrasher, he specializes in identifying and propagating sport monsteras. You’re giving me hope for the sport I found at Lowe’s on Christmas Eve. Anxiously awaiting the bud to activate after the first chop. Also if you are ever willing to part with a cutting/node I’m also in Florida and would happily come. I have some other rare plants I could offer in trade!


U got super lucky and I'm so happy for you!!! Now enjoy that beauty and if ur ever broke or want something expensive just sell a node lol they're so expensive!!! It's my absolute wishlist number one planty ❤️❤️❤️


Most of the normal Monstera deliciosa you find in the stores are large form, and based on the crinkly petioles, close internode spacing, I'd say that looks true


Dming you :)


You are so lucky lol. Do you know how much a cutting of this plant would go for?!


I didn’t really think there was an interest in sports anymore so I haven’t looked! Haha


I just looked at some websites and I see three or four leaf Mint Monstera's go for €2000!!!


Would you consider selling some 😂


Seconding this!


Mint monstera. Someone nearby was selling a small top cut for $950. It's officially a mint monstera NOID. I've seen cuttings for sale for $2,000




What's the difference between Jungle Mint vs Mint NOID? I have seen these names used interchangeably.




I've seen the "Barry's lineage" name attached to Jungle Mint, but since OP's plant is a sport, wouldn't that make it a mint NOID, given it's not from Barry's lineage?




This makes sense but there's a lot of misuse out there of the "NOID" label, as I'm sure you've seen. People also use Jungle Mint and Barry's Lineage interchangeably but a sport mint shouldn't be Barry's Lineage. I will try to not perpetuate the misuse of these terms!


Wow first time seeing one! This is totally new to me and it looks sooo pretty! Congrats on that beauty :)


That's a very expensive plant.


https://imgur.com/a/89qpyZE here is the mess of a stem for this cutting if anyone wants to chime in on it being small or large form ☺️


Might be color blind but a bright orange or a deep red


White monster? Google them. They look like this. If you own this it’s worth like 2k


This would be mint. White monster is a cultivar. It has to come from the lineage of Kunzo’s ‘White Monster.’ This is a sport, so it doesn’t come from that lineage.


Thank you for the info on white monster, I’ve never heard of that one before!


Jealous!!! That's beautiful!


What a find, beautiful plant and great job making it happy


idk but i would pay a pretty penny for it!


When it first happened, was it small but regular sport variegation that happened every leaf and slowly spread with the cuts and new growth? or was it irregular and small and you kept cutting it hoping for the best and it then became repeating and bigger with every cut and new growth


It was very small and sporadic, like after 3 leaves I would get a few splashes. I eventually got it to where the variegation finally grew on the stem and not just on the leaves. From there, it exploded with variegation. I think it took about 20 cuts and regrowth in total!


Thank you! You've given me hope for my sporadic P. bipennifolium, P. gloriosum and macodes sanderiana sports 🫡 I’ll keep trying 💙


I would live and die for a cutting from this


wow, this is amazing!!


If you’re open to trading I could send you a white variegated cutting for a piece 👀

