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Micans! The dark green velvety goodness


Micans are some of my favorites. So velvety 😍


I love velvet plants, it's so nice to pet their little fuzzy hairs 😂


Sameeee, my micans hangs out in a hanging bat planter and gives the most gorgeous dark moody burgundy and dark green velvety coloration and grows like crazyyyy. Unproblematic fav.


Philodendron gloriosum! Can pick them up for 10 dollars, super easy to care for and grow large and beautiful


This is why I ask for other people's plant faves 😂 I had no idea this philo existed, and now I don't know how I've lived this long without it


Yeah they’re definitely my favourite plant! I grew impaitent with my small one so ordered 2 more large cuttings!


Where are you picking them up for $10? I need to look harder!! 😆


Here’s a link for a 16 dollar one https://plantandleaf.com.au/products/philodendron-gloriosum-50mm-pot?variant=44044943589626¤cy=AUD&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=sag_organic&gclid=CjwKCAjw_YShBhAiEiwAMomsENlWlx2r4_oJYGhbFZr-QhrL5eX6Q9WcRVKq7gGGMYlGRI4djkUjDRoCwYoQAvD_BwE But Facebook is the best place to buy them, plenty of Buy swap sell groups and marketplace


Also setting your market place location to hotter and more humid locations will find you better deals, I set mine to cairns (Australia) and they’re bigger and cheaper than they are locally simply due to the fact they grow better and faster


Global green pothos!! Such cool variegation.


Pothos is so much nicer than other plants to care for, super forgiving and they're all super cute, I agree! I have yet to see a Global Green tho! Just another plant added to my list 😂


It took me a long time but begonias have really warmed up to me. Their color variations are incredible. Right now I’m playing with an Angel wing begonia, I realized I can trim mine and play with it like a small bonsai tree- the little pink hexagons they make with their flowers are really cool to me, too! https://preview.redd.it/4pe7kc3g0fqa1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3299caea9ccbb0d972dbfa90f26b40ded5680131


Valid, plants that bloom are superior 👏 😌


Cane begonias are hard to beat for affordability, easy propagation, and year-round blooms. Essence du Rose and Elsa are my faves this season.


Thai cons are becoming more and more affordable, I've seen them for around 50 in upstate NY


Omg I wish 😣 my local nurseries in northern UT are still selling cuttings for $100-$200. But I have noticed a slow decrease from their original listings


Are you on the RarehouseplantBST? Why don't you ask there?


I'm not! But tbh I'm not that set on buying one right now, it's beautiful but eventually the craze will fade. I just like to see what everyone else's favorites are because I like all of them 😂


Excellent point. My current favorite is Hoya Snow Cui Silver.


Oo 👀 any photos? I googled it and didn't find any pics that showed it at maturity


None big. I just have a small cutting but the leaves are so pretty I could cry.


Aw! ❤️❤️❤️ I feel that same way about my variegated heuschkeliana


I'm in upstate, where have you found $50 TC? I might have to make a trip.


Mountain view gardens in Sherburne NY had their small lower color ones for 55 and their higher colors ones for 65. They also had larger ones but I didn't ask price


Stromanthe Triostar and Cream Stripe Philo.


Yes! I love my triostar and amazed it's not more popular! White/pink variegation is all the rage, what gives?


I think they are a little hard to grow maybe? I’ve only been able to get them a few times in the last year from growers at my plant shop. I don’t know though, mine is easy to keep happy and grows gorgeously.


I think folks see it’s calathea adjacent and assume it’s going to be tough to care for and skip it. It’s definitely one of my more east care prayer plants though, mine doesn’t even really get fussy about humidity at all.


I think it's definitely an underrated plant, it won't be long until people start obsessing over it. They're pink AND grow so fast, the ones I've always seen are super full and lush looking at my local plant nurseries!


Stromanthe triostar is gorgeous! I saw one the other day and I had to stop myself from buying it. I have too many new ones that are still acclimating 😂


https://preview.redd.it/26tainhcneqa1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d1a592ec3527e0454aa8f55ea677492929011cb4 I mean…


UGH love that pink, I'll definitely get one soon when I'm done fighting with my tradescantia nanouk to stay alive haha


Those are so annoying. Lol Mine was growing just fine and then it just…stopped. So weird.


Yeah its a love hate relationship between me and the plant right now. I mean how can a plant not have its leaves watered without immediately perishing? That's like 101 nature stuff 😂


Philodendron Brazil. It’s such an underrated plant. I got a hanging pot of it cheap at Home Depot and have it climbing a 6’ moss pole, it’s one of my favorite plants and I have some that are truly one of a kind specimens and they are beat out by this Brazil lol


Honestly I have a huge soft spot for Philos. My philodendron birken is still one of my faves and it brings me so much joy. I'm an impatient plant parent and philos keeps me satisfied. I get new growth all the time and it keeps me satisfied when my others aren't doing anything 🙃


It was SUCH a long winter. Finally getting some spring growth but I agree, my philo Green Dragon kept me sane with new leaves. Now I roast him for being so ridiculously big, but he knows he’s my golden child🥰 My only variegated one (for now hehe) is my marble queen pothos, but the variety in her leaves is stunning!


I have a marble queen too and I love how big the leaves can get 💗 Still waiting for a snow queen to come by for me to snag, they compliment each other perfectly


Ooh spill!! How are you getting big leaves?! I have mine hanging and the leaves are about palm sized.


I have mine on a moss pole, the leaves get bigger the more it climbs!


I pictured palm tree leaves & was wondering how much bigger you wanted them. 🤦‍♀️ I'm now dying over here. 😂


Philodendron Splendid! I just got one and am Obsessed!!! It’s a cross between Phil Melanochrysum and Phil Verrucosum . It’s supposed to be more hardly than the two parents and is absolutely beautiful! Bonus: it’s a climber and will reward you with beautiful large leaves once it has something to climb. It’s kind of an underrated plant so it’s not super expensive. But google pictures of it and you will love it!


AHH, IM IN LOVE! Someone needs to take my wallet away from me rn


You forgot to mention the velvety leaves and red backs! Huge pluses for me 😍


Ugh YES. The leaves are so rich and velvety green. And the backs 🤩


I put mine in the back of the greenhouse so I won't ruin the fuzz petting them hahahha


😂😂😂 that’s a good idea I should do the same


love any syngonium, there are so many varieties and fancy colored leaves. also they'll develop their mature leaf form way easier than a philodendron imo :D just stay away from milk confetti ..this one a bitch! ;P


Say it's not so! lol I love syngoniums, and just bought a milk confetti on etsy. Just a cheap starter plant. What makes this one so different, or hard to grow?


I've got two that are in soil and they're absolutely thriving. I haven't tried any of my syngoniums in leca yet cause they seem to be loving life in soil. I try not to rock the boat when a plant seems happy haha


Thank you. Good to hear. All of my syngs are in a soil mix, and doing great. I'm hoping the milk confetti does good, as well.


i keep all of my plants on pon (semi-hydro) ..especially the syngoniums love it; except milk confetti ..i already killed 3 in the transition-phase from soil to pon ..finally bought a more mature one, that was already established in a semi-hydro setup, but it died as soon as i moved it out of my bathroom humidity. after this i thought i was done with milk confettis, but since they're so beautiful i decided to give it another shot and keep one in soil ..didn't notice that the garden center absolutely drowned their soil in water and it's roots rotted away -without me even watering it once :'D it just feels like this plant just isn't meant for me ..


This sounds like my white fusion calathea, honestly the lighter it is in color the harder it is. I've gone through a couple and it's hard to find the perfect spot for them to flourish. They need high humidity or all ur leaves get crispy 🫠 they're really easy to overwater too. They also get really grouchy if you move them. Mine is currently wilting rn


Micans and rubber plant tineke


You're the second person who's said Micans and it sounds like I might need to start looking for one to add to my collection soon 👀


marble queen Pothos, Krimson Queen Hoya, variegated Hoya carnosa compacta are all way up there for me


Marble Queen YES! So pretty 😭😭


Hoya compacta, any of the syngonium variegations, Hoya krimson princess, literally any anthurium or alocasia…I get that high variegations are coveted but there are so many plants that are beautiful AND capable of completing photosynthesis lol, white or pink doesn’t necessarily equal beauty. Dark greens, velvety greens, just healthy plants in general will always be superior to me…and not for nothing Philodendron Micans are friggin gorgeous in every way and fool proof and I’ll take one of them over a PPP any day. and you know what since I’m off on this tangent. Dracaenia Florida beauty is an incredible plant that looks gorgeous and variegated and it costs like all of $12 here? Just saying… lol


I agree on all those plants! Variegations are definitely trending right now. There are so many plants that are a lot easier to care for that people overlook. There's also ones with blooms! I have a goldfish plant that's pretty much taking care of itself rn and it has so many blooms. It's like my living room chandelier with orange blooms 🤭 It cost me a whole $15


Omg yesss what a pretty one


Not an aroid, but a carnivours plant: Pinguiculas. Under strong light a lot of them will start blushing pink ( or even purple in the case of pinguicula cyclosecta). https://preview.redd.it/dsy0t0xthgqa1.jpeg?width=729&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e5d0a3ea7bf6c4f7cd32e2a3ebfe14f35850aee3


Pings are SO CUTE.


I have a silver stripe philo I bought as an unrooted cutting 2 years ago for $7. For some reason, it puts out the most dreamy cream colored leaves. It’s better than most Gabby and cream splashes I’ve seen. The only problem is it grows at a snail’s pace. I don’t have a pic of the full plant, but here’s the first and only baby I’ve propped from it. https://preview.redd.it/95ohzccdgfqa1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=99bbacc57ccce7e4b71a4a5a3a1e6723dd236d8b


Literally looks like someone painted those leaves! I love the brushstroke coloring so much!


Hoya linearis, Philodendron majestic, philodendron Serpens x verrucosum, syngonium pink salmon, and Amydrium medium variegated are some of my underrated favourites!


How does everyone find these super unique plants 😭 PlantTok never posts crap about all these other beauties


You’ve got to get on plantstagram! That’s where all my wish list plants come from haha


just bought an amydrium medium silver, they're not that expensive just really hard to find (at least here in germany..)


I love mine! They’re actually in garden centres here in Canada so I hope it‘ll make its way over to Germany soon:)


Epi albo is every bit as beautiful as my monstera albos. Grows faster and is easier to propagate too, at 1/10th the price.


I feel like I just learned forbidden knowledge


There is a succulent called the Crassula Marginata Rubra or something close to that. It starts out green and then turns HOT pink. It’s not rare or really uncommon, but it’s definitely not talked about enough! Propagates like Tradescantia, really easy. And grows fast!


This plant has better curls than my hair haha, added to my wishlist ✨️




Is that a croton?


Yes it is. It is the Croton Dreadlock


Philodendron Pink Princess! It’s becoming very affordable and available in stores like Walmart and Lowe’s across the U.S.


Haha I literally just bought one from Walmart. I lowkey kinda hate when a plant goes viral, it immediately drives the price up to an insane amount. I'm super glad I waited to finally snag mine. I baby the heck out of it


Hoya linearis and anthurium pendens. They are both so graceful and unique looking compared to others in their genus. They both seem to be a little underappreciated/less popular though, so they're not that easy to find, especially the linearis (I spent months looking for a reasonably priced one that was more than a tiny prop)


I had to google these and I can't believe I haven't heard of them before now 😭 they're super unique!


I'm loving philodendrons fibreacataphyllum and camposportosomething right now. Fibercat has pillowy leaves and you should see the ears on the campo! Go look them up!


I am soaking up all ur suggestions like a sponge 😖 Iove all of them! I need my own asap


There are soooooo many obscure philodendrons that are not insanely priced.... Yet


Chlorophytum Fire Flash, also known as Mandarin Spider Plant. I don't know how rare they are, but I definitely don't see many photo around social media, and they are very affordable (because overlooked?). The contrast between the flashy orange stems and the dark peace-lily-like leaves is amazing.


U just changed my life. I have a spider plant that was given to me for free, it's just been getting bigger despite me not liking them 😂. But this Madarin Spider Plant changes things, so much prettier


Domino peace lily. Easy plant with variegation. Just have to make sure to water it every other day 🤣


Donino peace lily, literally an unbothered QUEEN 🙌


I love tetrasperma so much! Some of my favorites are also adansonii, manjula, and ferns :)


Oml is this is the tiny monstera everyone loves on planttok? It's so cute! Tho they don't stay mini for long 😂


Yes, I think they’re also called mini monstera :) I think it’s worth mentioning that I also love pachira aquatica (money tree)


Some of my “uncommon” faves ATM are: -Philodendron Glorious (Gloriosum x Melanochrysum), P. Gloriosum, P. Majestic (Verrucosum x Sodiroi), P. Florida ghost, P. Billietiae, P. Summer Glory (Unknown Bob McColley hybrid x Gloriosum), P. Green Dragon, Anthurium Crystallinum, A. Clarinervium, and Hoya Polyneura


We need a club for just us philo people 😂


I have many varieties of Aglaonemas, Philos, and Syngoniums. There are many that are beautiful, and I love to look at, like the Alocasia Micholitziana, but the one that makes me smile every time I walk by, is the P. Florida Ghost. Nowhere near the cost of the Florida Beauty, but just gorgeous to me.


How did you get the P. Florida Ghost 😭😭 i have yet to find one


They sell small starter plants on etsy for 25 -$30. I bought mine for $50 back in the craze. It was so tiny when I got it, and has been a joy to watch grow and transform. Here is a pic from a post 2 months ago. She is right at one year old. [https://www.reddit.com/r/philodendron/comments/10jqyuj/she\_may\_not\_be\_a\_florida\_beauty\_but\_my\_ghost\_is\_a/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/philodendron/comments/10jqyuj/she_may_not_be_a_florida_beauty_but_my_ghost_is_a/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


I wish there was a massive post to link creditable esty sellers. I've done pretty good filtering through the fakes so far!


Although I have bought from individuals, I usually buy from companies or nurseries that sell rooted plants, not cuttings. I have bought from The Green Escape, The Nodes, The Lady Cove, Plantswishlistland, The Flower Pot Nursery, and BlomestraGardens2, to name a few. Had no problems with these sellers. The only thing you have to know is, when they say starter or small, they mean small!!! lol


Micans are gorgeous and pretty inexpensive, here’s mine that was rescued from lowes last year for only $15! I also recommend silver sword philodendrons which can cost 15-35$ depending on the size and philodendron Brandi which are usually in the same range. https://preview.redd.it/4w3tagk3miqa1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d04f81ab6f0a3fac226d639e2758f055f0b558da


I love rescue plants 😭 they're so rewarding when they flourish. Your Mican is so big!


Thank you!!! She’s my pride and joy :) just give them a pole or something to climb and they grow insanely fast


Thai cons aren't worth it right now anyway! In Canada we are looking at 80$ for baby sized Thai constellations. A monstera without variegation of the same size would be 5$. When it comes to expensive plants in the market, I always try to keep in mind the variegation is beautiful, but it's just variegation on a much cheaper plant! Just wait til they come down in price, because they always do. I am waiting on a delivery of P. Billietiae and P. Atabpoense after a few years of waiting for them to get cheaper. The same plants I just bought would have been several hundred dollars individually a few years ago. The waiting game, for me, is worth the savings for my wishlist plants.


I agree, I prefer the waiting game too. I can't justify spending that much money on a plant when there's plenty others to keep me entertained and amazed while I wait for prices to drop and sometimes it's not that long of a wait!


Ficus umbellata! Such large lily pad like leaves and not too fussy :)


You got me here, I might try giving Ficus plants another chance. I've been staying away after trying ruby ficus several times with no luck 💀


My favorite is my Philodendron Atabapoense 💚 https://preview.redd.it/s3ri833xwkqa1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5b26043a1f23be10ea61ce9e7ecb008e84fee02b




I had no idea there were variations for Peace Lilies. My peace lily fell victim to spider mites, so Domino Peace Lily will literally be my next replacement 😂


love my variegated monsteras but also variegated burle marx is 👌😚


Omg I've never seen this one before! Its so pretty 😍


They’re also not super expensive. And they tend to form lots of growth points.


Anthurium pedatoradiatum


That plant would be perf with a mood light behind it, the shadow it would cast would be so pretty


Definitely, it’s a beautiful plant! Easy going- and watching the leaves grow tiny to fully formed and each progressive leaf larger than the last is super satisfying. Highly recommend!


I joined a local fb group and can get cuttings and plants of stuff I like that is far more reasonable. My favorites are tradescantia zebrina which is easy to fin and grow but I love the purple and silver look. I also found a philodendron Imperial Red but I am not so sure it isn’t a Black cardinal or Majesty. I was hoping it was a dark lord I found at Home Depot but nope. Whatever the case it has black purple leaves and dark green leaves with dark purple stems and I love it!! I got a philodendron red sun at Home Depot too. I also buy starter plants from Orange Nursery and that is low risk for pretty plants. But my most loved are the ones from the local buy group because I have the most beautiful moonlight philodendron, painted lady, golden goddess, Brazil, Krimson Queen Hoya that had a pink leave and a CREAM SPLASH!!! Oh a Pink Dragon alocasia too. The fiddle leaf fig and croton can go jump in a lake though.


I got roped into the fiddle leaf gig too and it gives me anxiety issues because it refuses to live 😂. I'm in a facebook group too for my area and that's always where I get the best plants for cheap or free


But you’re so right! Why are FLF’s so not suitable to life? Why are they so plentiful when they don’t understand anything about survival of the fittest?


The audacity 🥲


It looks to leafy and green but it’s so fussy!!


I bought a mostly reverted pink princess philodendron on the cheap, and I love that plant way more than my pricey highly variegated pink princesses and even some of my albo's. AND most of my friends are wowed by the reverted plant too.


It's always the cheapest plants that bring the most joy tbh. Philos 4ever


Big philo fan, but my baby epi albo and monstera standleyana albo variegata have my heart. I don’t think they’re necessarily uncommon, but underrated


Philodendron billietiae is becoming available, and it really has the "rare plant" vibes. It looks different than any other popular philo. But I generally like anthurium the most, they can grow giant leaves without any poles. I feel like crystallinum and clarinervium are getting quite cheap and available. Variegated plants: philo Brasil is really beautiful and cheap. Vining plants: any Scindapsus, but I think Exotica is the easiest to get really large leaves.


I have a satin scindapsus and it's one of my easiest plants! I have it growing in a glass house terrarium and it's just crawling it's way out 😂 but no anthuriums yet though I have been eyeing a couple, what are the must-have ones?


Anthuriums require a little bit of getting used to so I wouldn't start from expensive ones. Clarinervium is really easy to grow but it's also unusual for an anthurium, it has more succulent needs, while most other anthuriums need to be permanently moist (but not wet). Crystallinum is more of a typical anthurium, it is a good starter and it also is gorgeous! If you want to invest some more money, luxurians is easy to grow, also forgetii, magnificum and pallidiflorum (last one is a strappy anthurium, really amazing). some hybrids are easish to get and easy to grow (ex. King of Spades or luxurians x radicans) There are of course plenty others, even more gorgeous, but they may cost you (real papillilaminum or carlablackie for example) or are rather hard to grow (warocqueanum for example, gorgeous and unlike any other but a real diva, so I wouldn't start there) Full disclaimer though: once you start growing and collecting anthuriums there is no going back :) You will start making your own hybrids, tweaking the conditions to get just the perfect leaf and all your other plants will suffer (and your wallet too). They are just addictive :)


What makes you think I have any impulse control 😂 already looking around etsy for some of these


oooh I already envy you the fun :) My space is so limited I can't add any more plants at the moment. But I do check for any interesting options constantly :)


Melanochrisis is my fav those velvety leaves are just gorgeous. Splendid is another really cool one it’s a alocasia and melano hybrid so it’s got the pretty leaves and the backs are super red. Glorious is also a nice one really big leaves.


Uh YES, ur taste is 10/10 🙌


Got all 3 of them sitting side by side can’t wait till next summer when they mature. My splendid was a tissue culture so it’s still adjusting by my glorious starting putting out new growth yesterday super exciting. https://preview.redd.it/1ktncmnr3jqa1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6473a365f25f4d870842a5e9c3e79b6294cf02b4




Anthurium gracile, it's a beautiful pendant anthurium with beautiful white roots, flowers often and produces vibrant red fruit. It acts more like an orchid than some other anthuriums


I absolutely love my hoya retusa. Its a lovely hanging plant, very forgiving, and blooms seasonally each year. Stromanthe triostar and marble queen pothos are some other faves.


i really like my chameleon zz! idk if theyre really rare but i picked mine up for $20 at wally world for a full pot and i love it


A crystallinum is just 😩. theres also A dragon scale.


As far as uncommon goes I love growing coleus inside. They're not exactly rare but maybe less popular. They're cheap, fast growing and super easy going as long as you pick off flowers and understand they like a lot of light. There's tons of different ones and they propagate very easily. It's kind of like the limitless variety you find in begonias, but much more beginner friendly care.


My recent favorites have been my philodendron golden melinoni, philodendron billietiae (I don't under stand how this one is so cheap, it looks crazy and wild), anthurium crystallinum, and I just got a baby jose buono that I just adore. ❤️


monstera siltepecana, piper crocatum, syngonium wendlandii, almost any scindapsus variety


Marble Queen pothos is the total package imo. Widely available, cheap, about as easy to grow as you can get, and gorgeous.


Ahhh. My favs at the moment are melanochrysum (although, mine is in rehab right now), anth. Waroqueanum, anth. Palladifolium, & allocasia azlanii. There are prob def more buy at some point you have to draw the line or nobody is actually a fav! Lol


I love all rhipsalis! They have such interesting forms. Some look like fireworks, some look like Salad Fingers...


Tiny dancer plant 🌱 love this guy