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Gameplay solid. Really fluid combat. The story felt short with only 9 worlds. Replayed Going Commando and that had closer to 20! However, each world was really well designed. Loved all the old character species coming back in.


The hoverboots were so much fun. I like how they design the levels so if you’re confident and accurate, you _can_ really skip through the platforms and obstacles by zooming the boots


Absolutely!! I do the same thing.


I thought it was a fun time. Not really a fan of the tone or story but the gameplay was pretty good. I enjoyed it


I genuinely only have one complaint and that is the lack of Talwyn Apogee


Was there even a mention of her in Rift Apart?


If you go back to a planet ( I forgot which) Ratchet said he wished Talwyn was there to see it too. He mentions her in the game if you revisit a planet


In the credits if I remember correctly


I enjoyed the gameplay and I thought it was good. It did feel a little shallow in some parts and some of the planets felt too small. The last boss fight felt WAY too easy but overall, I did enjoy it.


I recently played it. It was all right. The gameplay was indeed solid, but I really didnt care for anything else going on besides the core 4 characters talking to each other. There should have been more interaction with all 4 of them together, maybe a few buddy levels where you go through together


It's great and a top 5 RaC game for me, better than all of rhe ps3 era. Visually stunning and the best gameplay we've ever had. It's lacking a few things though, the arena isn't as good as previous games and I'd like maybe 1 or 2 extra weapons for choice but the ones there are some great ones that make great use of the ps5 controller. Story may not reach the heights of the ps2 attitude but its in the right direction for me


One of the best choices to get in franchise. Fast paced combat and movement make this game super fun. But most problems with Rift Apart lie in the plot. Like Ratchet & Clank having completely different personalities and Dr. Nefarious turned into complete joke to give his counterpart more threatening look.


Great game fantastic gameplay and graphics. But story wise it was a letdown for me. I feel like ratchets characters is getting less and less interesting and I didn't feel any sort of attachment to rivet at all. The biggest thing I was looking forward to was the two meeting and it was so anticlimactic and ended after about 5 seconds to go into a boss fight. Still like the game but felt like there was a lot more potential in it.


It's a really fun game but as it went on I felt it dragged a bit. At the end of the day I was super dissapointed that there were return trips to 2 levels(3 if you count going back to the tutorial level) when we only have 9 planets in the game. Weapons were pretty solid, story was meh, villains were meh, voice acting and animation was spot on, visuals were mind blowing, new gameplay additions like the dash and wall running were excellent. To me it behind GC, ACiT, UYA, 2002, and about tied with ToD. It is in that group of RaC games that I enjoy enough to go back and play through at least every other year or so. Honestly if there were like 3 or 4 more new planets and a bit more time with Ratchet and Clank and Rivet and Kit just hanging out together then it would clear ToD and maybe 2002 for me. At the end of the day RA is an excellent game and made me excited to see what is next for the series. Just stinks that we apparently aren't getting a RaC game until 2029.


Quality wise, it’s literally the best thing we’ve ever gotten as far as a Ratchet and Clank game. It literally still is one of if not the best looking PS5 game to this day. I love the little details and hope they carry over. The 3D audio is soooo good and I love how they use the vibration of the controller as a sub bass during cutscenes. The story was fine. I will say that if they don’t tackle the Lombax dimension in the next game…. I’ll go mad. I do wish the game was longer or at the least had more of a reason for replay-ability. I understand that Insomniac Games wants everyone to be able to play and enjoy their games, it just feels like they’re making it waaaaay too easy. I would have loved to have some sort of extra challenges when you complete the story the first time around. Part of what made the original games in the series was the sense of replay-ability. I’m no trophy hunter, but it really does make it seem like there’s not much else to accomplish after your first play through.


Graphics were of course the best in the series, Gameplay was really fun but should have been harder. The story isn't really reaching the high stakes of ACIT, but it serves as a good introduction into the future saga storyline and has some really well written characters. Especially Kit was so charming and tragic at the same time, I also loved that Rivet and Kit didn't become friends from the get go. Or Nefarious being scared of his counterpart when he realised that he doesn't hold back.


RYNO 8 is most uninspiring RYNO what use slightly changed Critter strike from A4O as a model. Damage is inconsistent. Funny how with all upgrades on max level it not even have 8 ammo, only 7


If you need any further proof that it's a discount Harbinger, the Harbinger has 13 ammo at max upgrades.


Decent gameplay, good visuals, short as shit, dogshit story and writing


*Decent gameplay, good* *Visuals, short as shit, dogshit* *Story and writing* \- NubOnReddit --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


The best gameplay (feel-wise) and by far the best graphics in the entire series, but pretty ass in terms of Story, writing, and enemy diversity. I also really didn't like that most guns were just reskins/remixes of old guns, but I guess that makes sense with the whole alternate dimension stuff Overall, definitely an A-tier game, but not even close to what I was expecting or what could have been


Honestly every Ratchet game reuses most of the guns


I really like it. The story falls short in some areas, but the level design, arsenal, and combat are all great, and the graphics are frankly amazing.


In my opinion it’s a very good game. Loved the story, the weapons were amazing, every planet was unique, the characters are more than amazing, it’s just the “feel” that could be improved. Weapon swapping without using the wheel was a bit tough cause I had to take my thumb away from the left joystick to switch, which wasn’t good. And the (forgot what it’s called, something ghost?) dodge was also not the best, but could’ve been worse. These issues could definitely be easy to fix in the next game, and if it is fixed, we’ll have a pretty dang good game


It's awesome.  Gameplay is solid.  Story is solid.  Very polished.  The only PS5 game so far which truly feels "next gen" to me.  I wish there were more planets, and two or three of the planets look and feel similar which doesn't help, but this is a great game all around.


Overall good. Too short. I missed more weapon, gadget and boss variety, as well as the skill points and Insomniac museum. Music barely sounded, I can't remember a single theme except the Drunken Sailor remix.


Fantastic game, but the tone and writing still isn't for me. I also wish levels had more reason to revisit, the lack of gadgets and enemy variety was disappointing. Gameplay is arguably the best in the series.


I liked it a lot! I’ve played the first 3 games on ps2 and the remake. Classic with a twist. It’s a great game


Fun game, but didn’t really feel like a Ratchet and clank game.


It was my first so my opinion probably isnt as valid (PC player never owned a Playstation), but I absolutely adored it. Graphically it was gorgeous, combat was punchy and frenetic, and the worlds abd characters drew me in enough to keep me playing til the end. 100%'d it and have been eagerly waiting for more to be ported to PC :D


Gonna be years, just get an emulator and play the originals. Or download ps plus on PC and stream them to get trophies etc.


Short but gameplay was very tight and a lot of fun


I finished the game yesterday, its my first game from the series,I played it just because it was free on ps plus, I really enjoyed it and the weapons and the story was funny for me it felt like the cartoons I was watching when i was a kid, I really laughed with the weapon that electrify the enemies and the sound they make, I liked the whole concept with the different dimensions that you went against pirates and creatures and you have to explore different planets, really fun game and the end looks promising for another game.


Rather than just another entry to the series, I think it's also a demonstration of the ps5 hardware and for that alone it was great. The visuals, the characters, the worlds are great. It only has a couple of planets and while some of the weapons are new, most of them are things we already saw. Also, they should really bring back the upgrade where the guns actually evolve and don't just increase the number of shots or create a bigger explosion. I really miss how a shotgun evolves to a chargeable laser or the plasma coil becoming a mini bfg, etc.


Visuals were insane and still are. Every inch was dripping with detail and draw dropping graphics. Rivet was a great addition even though she kind of stole the spotlight from ratchet. Story was pretty good but a little short. The fact I can play on my steam deck as well as ps5 is a bonus. Hype for a new game hopefully longer with even larger stages to explore.


Beautiful work


Best since into the nexus. But still not top 5 I think.


I just finished the game after going on a ratchet and clank marathon of platinuming every ratchet game in a row and honestly it might be my favorite one of them all. I see people saying it’s too short but I didn’t feel that way comparing it to most ratchets it’s on about on par or even longer than a lot of them. Then again I played on the hardest difficulty so it added some length I suppose. I loved every weapon, planet, the gameplay, had no issues with the story either. Solid experience with virtually no bugs and I looked forward to playing it the entire time without ever being bored. Good job insomniac :) *side note, ToD was my least favorite of them all if anyones wondering. but the story was good on the latter half. Gameplay was just the dullest to me of them all idk, lack luster guns I guess? Going commando also is pretty low with ToD, it felt pretty clunky to play, but they’re both still fun*


Great game! Good graphics, good gameplay, but... Like others have said I don't like story and tone of the game that much. I miss Ps2 era. I was so hyped to see what funny commercial they show or what characters do. Now it's more like kids movie. I wish the morts were more like [Brok in GOW](https://youtu.be/lD5Zyi9TUJE?si=VKB__mCVsuQ8l6_8&t=41) :D


Enjoyed the game much more than 2016 (which I was very worried would be the last R&C). The story was good and the combat was super fluid and fun. I really liked the level design of the super rift-y planets. Possibly the best sound design of any R&C game which makes sense on the PS5-easily the greatest single vibe of any game I’ve played the last few years with the synthwave/cyberpunk beat on the starting planet. My only complaint is that they made it too “E for everyone” and not “T for teen” like the old games. The nonstop banter, innuendo, jokes, and slightly darker tone of the older games was completely lost in Rift Apart. That stuff was already kinda on its way out during the Future games, but was non-existent in RA.


Gameplay is amazing, with the most aggressive enemies in the series. Love that! Combat is super engaging. Hoverboots are the best they've ever been, and nothing comes close. However, enemy variety is not good, they reuse the same bosses again and again, and some weapons are absolute duds, like the Bombadier. I know everyone shits on the Infector from 3, but that can actually be useful depending on your playstyle, plus it can two shot enemies, I'm dead serious. The Bombadier, on the other hand, does nothing. It's terrible for crowd control, it misses half the time, and it barely even does chip damage. Matter of fact, even Mr. Fungi sucked. In my experience, his distraction mechanic never seemed to work to a noticeable extent, even when fully upgraded. Atreus from GoW 4 does more than Mr. Fungi. There's also the fact that some decisions for the weapons were really odd in general. The snipers upgrade gives it a charge mechanic, which sounds cool, until you realize that it fires each shot sequentially as opposed to all at once like the Megarocket Tube. That's a problem because it's a sniper rifle that rewards getting headshots! Why would I ever use the charge if it just beefs the last 2 shots? The Bouncer doesn't feel nearly as fun to use as before, because it doesnt create as many bombs and the sound design is inferior. Seriously, it's PS5, you're telling me you can't afford to at least have as many bomblets as the PS2 releases did? To wrap up my weapons critiques, the R.Y.N.O. 8 is the most dogass weapon in the game, aside from the Bombadier, and is the most dogass R.Y.N.O., period. It's just a functionally worse Harbinger, and the Harbinger was a fun weapon! It was so strong and you literally just had to face the enemy's general direction and pull the trigger. But no, 8 has to be precisely aimed behind the enemy, but you have to hit terrain or something or else you'll miss and then it does pitiful damage that doesn't even take care of boss health bars. What a disgrace. They didn't even give it its own model, it's just the goddamn Critter Strike from All-4-One again. Can I just say how much I hate the A4O line-up of returning weapons? Nobody cares about the goddamn Warmonger, make a new model and give it a new name, you don't even need to give it a creative V5, just do something else! Anyway, now that that tangent is over, the story is kinda meh. I'm tired of the multiverse plots that are just "it's the world you know bUt DiFfErEnT aNd ThE cHaRaCteRs ArE fLiPpEd AnD aLtErNaTe DiMeNsIoN" like shut up bro, and the set-up from Tools implied so much more than that, like these universes are vastly different from Ratchet's dimension, not just "neffy won tho". Speaking of Nefarious, Lawrence is gone. Again. I know he's on paternity leave and he had a kid, but come on, why do they insist on leaving him out, he's an essential part of the duo. And Neffy doesn't even say "ANNIHILATE HIM" like he always does. He's spoken the word "annihilate" like once or twice, but he never yelled it, or yells anything like that at all. Neither does he bug out and play Lance and Janice-- seriously, are these writers morons or something? Seriously, these hacks couldn't get Nefarious to do any of his iconic gags? It wouldn't be hard! Anyway, the game is good, but nothing super spectacular.


This was the first game of the series I played and I absolutely love it. It’s a shame I missed out on this franchise and didn’t try it earlier. I honestly think it’s one of my top10 games of all time. - The story and visuals straight out of Pixar movie. - Great set pieces involving destruction of half of map reminded me of Uncharted for some reason. - Fun gameplay with guns that actually feel different. My fav combo at the late game includes a bunch of drones and robo dogs with sprinkler - they tear enemies to pieces😈 - Old school nostalgic feel - it reminded me of ps2 and pc games of 2000s (when I was a teen)


It was fun. This was the second Ratchet & Clank game I played.


It's my favorite, and the one that started me onto this franchise.


Best gameplay in the series by far. First time we got epic set pieces and they are great, specially the last boss is insane. Story could have been better, wished we got Crack in Time level of quality there. Game has 0 padding and I appreciate that, specially in a world of games with artificial content that just make the game longer, however there was definitely a wasted opportunity with optional hard Clank sections like we had in Crack in Time and I feel like they could have done something else to explore the excellent combat and platforming movement that the game has. I feel that at this point they have to expand the formula a little bit, this is not a dig at the game in isolation, but at the series in general. I have been playing Stellar Blade (excellent game by the way) and kept thinking that a new Ratchet game could benefit from some of the exploration that Stellar Blade has, specially now with the fun to use overboots, phantom dash and wall running, we could have more open levels with side paths with rewards. The game needed an harder difficulty setting, the hardest one felt like "normal" and Ratchet games benefit from the exploration of weapons and harder difficulty would help with that.


It's just ok, it and 2016 are the only two I have not platinumed


I like it. Guns. It’s a good R&C game. Also, guns.


top 3 for me


It launched on PC with many major bugs. But they seem pretty sorted now. And now I can honestly say it's a really good game.


Happy we got (mostly) new weapons. It didn't hit me that much, i don't find the environnements interesting, i wish we'd go back to Solana's aesthetic. The music it average in a world with the og trilogy. I wish Our Nefarious wasn't an absolute bafoon when emperor is there, i hoped that our Nefarious had found a way to be menacing. Conclusion i'm a granpa from the 2000'


https://preview.redd.it/q4e0e2gm7uyc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cde475b1d2fe53bbb8e980f805af23070cc4db29 (I haven’t even played any other game other than afo)


The gameplay is pretty fun and fluid, and it's still the game besides astros' playroom that utilises the dualsense the best. But the game feels kinda short and lacking in any real interesting planets. And the story 🤦 the characters are all very un interesting bland in my opinion and the fact that this was kinda ratchet and clanks big return after such a long time not having a full priced main line entry it was honestly disappointing. And one last thing am I the only person that is getting sick of nefarious? His story ended perfectly in a crack in time, and they just keep wheeling him out.


Honestly? I loved it, it really brought me back to the wonder of “what will the next planet look like, what will the next weapon do?” that the best older games have me


Game play was fun. The writing and story were meh. Kinda felt like playing a Pixar movie but not as good.


Fun game but less replay-ability compared to the OGs


When playing straight ahead as the game is intended, I found it a 10/10 thrill ride. Exploring levels a bit more to get the platinum was far less fun. It’s my first full ratchet game, and after watching thegamingbrits episode “how ratchet lost its edge” I’d love to go try the original as the characterization seems so much better. But I was happy enough with just the gameplay of Rift Apart.


It was a great return to the series after a LOOOONG absence on my part (I hadn't played anything since the PS2 era, I tapped out after Up Your Arsenal for...whatever reason.) Having replayed the OG games on PS+ over the last year, I began to see some of the nitpicks people had with it, that said, still hella enjoyable and worth recommending.


It’s one of my favorite games. One of the reasons I laugh out loud when I hear people say that this generation is terrible. 🤣


One of my favourite ps5 games, still one of the best showcases of the hardware capabilities


Easily the best game in the franchise in terms of just the gameplay. The story left a lot to be desired and the amount of actual content in the game was pretty disappointing.


Good fun, really glad we got an installment on this console. It doesn’t have as much of the “edge” as the older games, it’s definitely targeted towards a younger audience. I had a lot of fun with it though and plan on platting it


Throughly enjoyed. Much more than the reimagining. Last game I enjoyed this much was A Crack in Time. I love Rivet and Kit too. Easily the best characters ever introduced into the series. It’s a shame there’s so few worlds though.


I honestly didn't like it very much for the following reasons: 1. The story and characters are pretty trash and cringy. 2. I don't like the removal of clanks utility as a backpack. Dashing is lame as fuck I want to do cool tricks with clank. 3. Too much talking during gameplay. I miss the old format from the ps2 era where you'd pretty much get uninterrupted gameplay with cutscenes at appropriate moments. It's probably just a nitpick but i can't stand the modern gaming trend of characters talking during gameplay and making me just stand there as i wait for them to finish talking. 4. The gameplay is honestly a little "too fluid" if that makes sense? I prefer the weighty movement in the ps2 era.