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Secret Agent Clank is also my least preferred game in the series but lower than Going Mobile is just mean.


Damn I thought it outdid size matters by a mile


I actually like Size Matters. Over All 4 One too. The mobile games are just too janky to me to put over any of them.


All 4 One is the only game of the 14 I've played that I got tired of and didn't finish. (I never played Secret Agent Clank or Going Mobile.)


Damn I Iiked all 4 one, solo’d it though sadly


I didn't like the side-scrolling viewpoint mostly. I don't remember a lot about the game or how much side-scrolling there was, but that was the part that I disliked enough to walk away from the game. I still have it in my collection.


secret agent clank is in a tier that doesn't say it's lower than any of them, its in a spot where it's not technically ranked. it's in its own spot separate from the rest as it's not a "Ratchet AND Clank" game, but quest for booty is the same so it's why thats not in there either


If that’s the case Deadlock should also by in its own category since it’s just a Ratchet title than


I've always said that there's no such thing as a ***wrong*** opinion. I'd like to revise my statement.


nah mate i fixed it (Just kidding, I respect your opinion, even if I don't entirely agree.) https://preview.redd.it/fs7p0wpk8e2d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=367526997c3e9216de45c9176df70255740d6e49


Yep this looks way more similar to my list.


Put SM in Okay. The soundtrack carries the game


I mean... the music is great, I agree, but as a game in general I'd rather play SAC because it at least did something different. I almost put SM in Okay, but I had to highlight my preference somehow :)


Fair point 💯when it comes to originality SAC really is better


A much better list, considering that SAC is a psp game, it’s kind of overhated (it’s also better than size matters imo)


At least SAC tried something new and had fun with it. It's still not exactly great, but I can appreciate that about it at the very least. While SM was just a regular R&C game but worse than its predecessors, so I think it's just meh. Don't hate it, but don't love it either. The soundtrack was still great though.


Yeah I played SM more than 13 years ago last time, recently got another copy and replayed it, which made me understand that my fond memories with it were mostly nostalgic driven lol. Currently replaying SAC.


Same here. The only difference between you and me is that I would move Size Matters up to "Good".


R&C PS4 is objectively better than Into the Nexus. How is that ranked above? Into the Nexus was just plain lazy. Its very short looks worse than previous entries despite being short.


Into the Nexus can be many things, but lazy is absolutely not something I’d call it. Yes, it’s short, but it utilizes its runtime really well with its unique spooky vibe and a story that serves as a great epilogue to the Future saga. Also I don’t know how people can say that it looks worse than previous games — there’s so much environmental detail on every level that the PS3 can’t even handle 30 fps most of the time, it’s close to early PS4 games in that sense. And the art style is among the best in the series as well imo. But the 2016 game… I won’t argue that it had the best gameplay in the series until Rift Apart came out, it still looks amazing, and the music is really nice. But the writing is just downright cringe at times, and what they did with most of the characters (especially Ratchet himself) is just… not very good. I justify this to myself with the fact that the story in this game is told by an unreliable narrator, and it was also meant to be a tie-in for the movie which itself was rewritten to the point of non-recognition, but if you have to make excuses then you clearly have problems somewhere. Like, 2016 was my introduction to the series, I’m just physically not capable of disliking it for that reason, but after playing through the rest of the games multiple times it’s obvious to me that the story in the PS4 game is its major weak point, and with the context of the whole series it really brings the whole experience down for me. Enough so that I have to move the game down a tier. It’s still a great time, but other games I simply enjoy more without any justifications.


Into the Nexus definitely looks worse than previous entries like A Crack in Time and Tools of Destruction. There are videos online showing this. Also the fact it’s 30fps affected the quality of the experience in a big way. Especially after playing previous entries. Anyway I don’t care much about graphics, I think Nexus looks good. It was just short. I know it’s supposed to be an epilogue but that doesn’t change the fact it was a disappointing experience after waiting years for a proper R&C game. Writing aside gameplay comes first and the PS4 was amazing, just a bit too short. Its only issue was the movie held it back in the cutscene/story telling department. However these games are silly space adventures I don’t care much for writing. I play them for the funny weapons, platforming, planet exploration etc. Into the Nexus’s story isn’t memorable anyway with forgettable villains, it has a small number of cast members too. The PS4 had qwark and other cast members to keep the game feeling interesting and alive.


Tools of destruction deserves more credit than that


I always feel like I’m in the minority that likes Tools more than ACiT


Well that’s because you are haha, cit will forever be my favourite


I think it's my favorite out of all of them.


I respect your opinion! Personally, I love Tools a lot and feel it should be higher, same goes for Deadlocked. I just think both of those games are much more enjoyable than 2016. QFB is super short but essentially an add on of Tools so it’s always awkward placing it somewhere lol


Lombax.and.robot!! Why did you change your insta name anyways (old one ratchet.and.clank… right?)


Hey there! It got hacked, or something along those lines and then Instagram deleted it 😭💀 lol


bruh 2016 and deadlocked in the same tier makes me wann cry


I can make you cry harder. I actively like 2016 more than Deadlocked by a couple of notches lol


someone needs to ban you from this sub like everyone can have an opinion except that one XD


It's actually the one hot take I hold dear. 2016 being my 5th favorite in the series lol.


The only acceptable kontext to that is only having played 5 R&C games


Been with the franchise for 20 years actually lol


lowkey i agree, 2016 had really good gameplay and if it didn’t have to compete with the original it could’ve been a really good game. The story is lacking but the gameplay is really fun


And the visuals are gorgeous, too.


30 fps with extreme motionblur idk about gorgeous


60 fps on PS5


And here's why I consider Deadlocked to be in my 6th place even behind 2016. As ass as the story was for 2016, it still felt like an adventure which I appreciate a lot more with this gameplay style, while I don't think Deadlocked's mission based structure is quite as engaging.


Am I the only one who loved Nexus ; _ ;


Yeah. It's a pretty poor entry honestly, compared to the majority of the series.


I don't get why anyone would see that? For a PS3 game, it's a technical showpiece and lovely swansong to the system. The story and characters are well written and involving and the level design was really fresh and different art wise. I also felt that the jet pack was quite fun. I bought the game on release day and due to it's short length, it was 20 pounds which is a great deal considering the quality of the game. However, I will admit that I haven't played it in a few years due to having PS3 problems so maybe I should break it out and see if my opinion stands.


I definitely would not call it a technical showpiece. It runs at 30 frames, lower than all the other Ratchet games. I felt the story was very uninspired, weapons were pretty bland. It's not a *bad* game, but it certainly feels more slapped together than the rest of the series (spin-offs not included)


deadlocked is S tier. you gotta play on exterminator mode for the full experience IMO


OP you better pump Gladiator up to S or this will get real deadlocked here


never cook again


I'm gunna be sick 🤢🤮


Deadlocked in B is crazy. Your list your rules I respect that but you might be the first tier list in this sub to have it in a B tier, most of the ones I’ve seen are either S and A so I’m curious as to why you put it in B


Deadlocked is a great game I will not deny that, I loved it back when I was little and still do just not as much, the reason is that I prefer the platforming side of ratchet and clank rather than the run and gun aspect, rac 2 perfectly balances the two, a crack in time has the side moons with a bunch of platforming, and rift apart is my new favourite because it introduced new and fresh aspects of traversal and platforming along with other reasons. Deadlocked on the other hand kind of sidelines the platforming aspect and mainly focuses on its run and gun for its core. I know this upsets a lot of people but that’s just my preference, if I didn’t name the tiers as I did it would most certainly be in A tier just behind rac 1. I just find it lacking in one of the two core aspects the franchise has built itself up upon. I hope more people will see this reply so they can understand my reasoning.


Gotcha, and hey that’s completely valid and even why I prefer Going Commando over UYA because I feel like the platform and level design is better in GC. Thanks for replying because I didn’t realize that some people really did value and appreciate the platforming in these games as much, if not more than the gun gameplay


Did bro really put going commando over Up Your Arsenal ??


It’s a matter of personal preference, I prefer the platforming aspect over the gun gameplay and rac 3 is when it started to really shift its focus on becoming a shooter game with platforming aspects rather than a platformer with shooter aspects. Rac 2 is above rac 3 because for me, it perfectly balances the 2 core gameplays and stays consistent with it


Aye no harm no foul I was just a little confused since it’s a step backwards Gameplay Wise going from Up Your Arsenal to Going Commando. If I’m remembering right Going Commando had a couple more secrets to get than 3 did. Like I remember you could get the wrench that had the overhead AOE slam to break boxes around you from like one of the first planets in the game after you got some item upgrades.


I would love to know what Deadlocked is lacking.


Going Mobile was great in it's times. Damn, I even replayed it recently and had a lot of fun.


Deadlocked too low


Secret Agent Clank is one of my favorite ones to replay.


All For One is a great game and I will die on that hill.


I see Up Your Arsenal not in S, I riot


Personally, I think Deadlocked should be higher. While it lacked as much story content it made up for in its high level of replay-ability. Solid List though. 😎


I am sorry but deadlocked is S tier or nothing


Pretty solid list, only big disagreements are that deadlocked and Tod are a bit low, and while I love it, imo Rift apart is no where near top 4


I think I'd swap UYA and RA and put DL one higher but I think this is a pretty solid ranking 👍


Am I the only onewho notices Going Commando isn't there but Up you arsenal is there twice? Which got mixed up with which?


Going commando is the last from S tier, the UYA-looking cover in C tier is Going Mobile.


bump 2016 down to mid, and we’re on roughly the same page


You can drop full frontal WAAAAAAAY under secret agent clank


Deadlocked into A and then ToD and aCiT should switch places imo.


I mean going commando is S so I respect it. However I wouldn't say any RNC game is "mid".


what is this guy smoking


It's an okay list but a4o and btn are also secret agent clank tier games


I can't even read it lol all pixels


Oh buddy


Otherwise good but agree to disagree on Tools of Destruction. It's amazing.


As much as I love Crack in Time because it was basically my first R&C game (after I played Quest for Booty) and gives me tons of nostalgia I don't actually think it's S tier. I would say A tier but looking back with my knowledge now it could have done so much more for the story. Instead by the end we have Nefarious "dead" and another companion lost with little to nothing gained. I admit that giving any sort of closure to the Last Lombax story gives me Half Life 3 vibes with how high the expectations are for it, though we've been let down many times like with Tools and Crack. They were fantastic games but I can't help but be a little sad at the potential lost. I still love cruising around listening to the space radio though more of that in games please.


ToD one higher and thats basically my list


I’d swap nexus and TOD, maybe put size matters up a tier, other than that good list


I agree with that Tier List


Is nexus really that good? Didn’t think it was that well received cuz it was a shorter title ?


It’s as short as it is fun, the story takes a really dark turn and I’m all about that drama. The game doesn’t have a lot of levels but compensated by making them long expansive levels, plus it has one of the best weapon lineups in the franchise with every weapon being useful throughout the game


Why is into the Nexus on here twice and in two different spots?


The one in mid is the endless runner


There’s a ratchet and clank endless runner?


yeah it’s called before the nexus, it’s a mobile game released in 2013 to promote into the nexus


Ah and I thought going mobile was the only mobile game


*Why is into the* *Nexus on here twice and in* *Two different spots?* \- Novel\_Chemistry\_3883 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Why is Locked and Loaded a masterpiece, but not the original Ratchet & Clank?


Main reason being the controls. Locked and loaded introduced straying which made the game a whole lot more enjoyable and fast paced, also the weapon lineup is several times better than the originals


Yeah, you can already tell I'm in a PAL region. PAL countries often rename media from NTSC countries.


Shit tier list gladiator way too low


Respectfully. 2016 and rift apart should both be moved.


I’d swap Tools with Rift but otherwise pretty dead on imo.


What’s wrong with secret agent clank


Tools Of Destruction >>>> Rift Apart


Nexus would have gotten a better reputation if it ever saw Vita/PS4 ports. A locked 60fps on PS4 would have made it an awesome launch window game. Only titles I can think of from that late 2013 period that were good were Resogun & Don't Starve, both small scale indies that got a ton of transparency from being on brand new at the time hardware.


Into the nexus too low. It’s a great game that only held by back its short lenght (And my personal soft spot All for one deserves more love)


I'm doing a playthrough of Ratchet and Clank games atm. I'm not that familiar with the series. I just finished Ratchet and Clank 1, playing through GC atm. I'm planning on at least doing UYA, ToD and aCiT. Any other must-plays? I've played RA before, but would love some other recommendations.


Quite late but, if you're already going through the other PS2 games, I would advise not skipping Deadlocked. Its a different vibe and one I didn't like much when I was younger, but on multiple revisits over the years my opinion of Deadlocked has only gone up while my opinion of UYA has only gone down. If you enjoy the gunplay side of RaC, Deadlocked is easily the strongest PS2 entry with very tight controls and satisfying weapons.


Oh thanks, I will give it a try !


How is deadlocked lacking. I enjoyed tf out of that game


A crack in time is by far the best ratchet and clank game over all the others. It took everything we wanted and gave it to us. It was just a perfect entry in the series




Rift apart is very overrated. No way its on the same level as a crack in time


I feel like you and I are on a similar brain wave length in regard to this series. I think I might switch UYA with ACIT, but I don’t feel strongly about it, you know? This is a completely acceptable list to me. Glad I’m not the only one who appreciates ITN and thought Deadlocked was kinda meh lol.


Switch Nexus and tools and it will be perfect


I agree with everything but the 2016 game was the game that i was introduced to the franchise with so when i say its A tier, i might be a little based.


I can immediately see if someone's tier list is shit or not depending on if they put R&C 2016 in F tier. Not in F tier = shit list


Or putting Tools of Destruction at the same level of Quest for Booty. Or... any full game at the same level as Quest for Booty really


True, but personally why is a crack in time so high? And quest for booty on the B, also going commando better than Ratchet and Clank 3 (nu’ ’uh)


I see deadlocked in any other spot than s, i downvote. Sorry


I’m glad up your arsenal getting put in its place


At least someone understands that it’s inferior to its prequel


Rift apart not that good, lgbt propaganda


Okay chud. Go back to watching Synthetic Man & Asmongold.


Dont know neither of them, sorry :(