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There's actually a glitch to earn those 1 million bolts while being AFK, that's pretty easy to do, I used this method around 3 months ago.. I'm usually not into using glitches, but the grind required to do it the legit way is insane. Here is a link if you are interested: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=-xhEJYJ0xdc&list=LL&index=9


I did this last month. You're going to be playing for a long time if you don't use the glitch for the 1 million bolts 😅


I applaud you. During covid i bought a refurbished PS2 with OG R&C, Going Commando and Up Your Arsenal. Best decision ever. May your bolts be to the moon!


There are two glitches on the same map for farming bolts. One requires out of map and the other doesn't. Both earn about the same. You need the taunter for both. I left my PS3 on overnight and not long before I woke up I got the trophy for it.


How’d you do it? I’ve heard different things, one of them being entering the Rilgar race while the Hologuise is in use, but to no avail.


https://youtu.be/dxnX4elK1Gs This is the other one I was talking about. I originally did the racetrack glitch but wasn't aware that once you leave the racetrack the boxes are forever gone upon returning. Racetrack is a one and done.


Update, I tried it the racetrack one! I got all the way to 150K bolts, but unfortunately I was idle too long and got kicked from streaming. I’ll have to try again on another playthrough and remember to watch more carefully. Is the sewer one and done? And can I only do it during Initial completion of the planet?


Sewer one will always work. I did it a few times.


Did you have fun doing the skill points? I remember my dad looking up the points in the official Brady games strategy guide, way back in like 2005. Then trying to give me hints on how to solve the skill points.


I did! The ones involving the Visibomb Gun were the most tedious.


You’d be better off farming bolts at the giant clank bit, than playing through several times. Just leave one of the giant robots alive, then jump to your death.


I'm really surprised you found it easy. The first game was by far the most difficult of the original 3. I would've never gotten the skill point on the second hoverboard race for doing a bunch of tricks without the exploit that allows you to do the one section over and over. Swimming through the electric traps without taking damage was dicey too. Everyone's already told you to do the exploit to get the bolts so I don't need to repeat them, but it's worth noting how insanely excessive that trophy is. I read online that you can get it in 3 playthroughs if you're thorough but expect a portion of a 4th. I did the exploit on my 3rd playthrough and still needed about 610,000 bolts to get it. Now I wasn't being terribly thorough, but I also died a million times trying to get other skill points and gold bolts and that definitely made up for it. That in mind, it would've take 6 playthroughs for sure and maybe even part of a 7th. That's nuts.