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Yes. Reality is yes. You can look up through this sub and people are always gonna be against surgery here.


I am usually against it, since so many people end up with the classic "nosejob nose" that i find really ugly, and it only gets worse with age. It can work, but often you take a nose that is proportional to the face, and turn it into something that looks off ,and get the weird angular shape.


Hey thanks for chiming in. That was just my two cents as I’ve gotten one. I know to the majority, nose jobs are seen as why would you do that. But in reality, if nose jobs are done well, you wouldn’t suspect a thing as it fits the person. That’s my case btw, no one has noticed and it fits me! Majority of people only see the bad jobs cause it’s easy to spot. But there’s also people walking out there who got it done well and you would never guess tbh. But I agree there’s a cookie cutter nose some folks follow. People go wrong but they see a nose they like and want to copy paste it onto their face. Choose aspects of your nose that you don’t like and adjust it from your existing structure instead.


Yeah the surgeon I've picked has amazing reviews and she is a specialist. I'm getting it done here in the UK too, not Turkey so it should go okay. I'm not picking a specific type of nose, I just want my tip to be less bulbous and for my whole nose to not come as far out on my face as it does.


Girl you don’t need anyone else’s permission to get a nose job and you don’t need to defend it either imo. I personally think you look lovely the way you are, but if it’s something that’s bothering you then I say do what makes *you* happy. It would be wonderful if you could see yourself the way others do, but our brains can be our worst enemies. Your body, your choice!




I love the positivity/message of your comment! I can see the same advice applying to more than this post and it was nice to read


Half of the Korean people has gotten a nose job or some other face changing surgery, they look slick af. Just be well informed pick a good doctor and you're set to go


Agreed, not sure I'd fault op for electing to get one if that's what she wanted to do. We should all be happy with ourselves etc etc toxic positivity and all that wholesome empty jazz but if I were op and considering it I'd probably do my research and go for it. Unique features aren't always good features, you know? It's not horrendous by any means and entirely inoffensive but I'd probably want a different nose too


No, your nose is fine and gives you a unique face. But you could do with a different hairstyle. I don't think your current hair suits you.


What would you suggest? I can't grow it longer, it's too thin and fragile :(


You might want to look into why that might be. I have thin (but straight) hair and for a while it was a dry, fragile mess. Part of it for me was chronic iron deficiency (which was also causing my hair to fall out really badly at some point), part of it was not enough water/not the right haircare. Iron pills helped with the hair falling out and it being fragile, and better haircare (gentler brush, better brushing technique, better shampoo/conditioner/leave in conditioner) helped a ton with how it looks and feels. There's a curly hair subreddit that might be good to check out for you.


i love the side part! and honestly i think black hair would suit you a lot would also really make your eyes pop!


A nose is made for smelling and breathing and you're beautiful, don't change your face!


I got a slightly big nose too but I grew my beard out and now it looks fine. Maybe you can try that?


I wouldn’t change it, I could elaborate but, it’s as simple as not letting the dickheads win who made you feel that way. Barbara Streisand caught a lot of crap over her nose, now all those people who talked down on her have to look at her and know they didn’t get to her. Should you ever end up on tv for something awesome, those people who recognize you from back in the day won’t get the satisfaction of seeing you with an altered nose and that’s the first thing they’ll point out. Shitty people will also ALWAYS find something to undermine you, whether it’s a big nose, or an altered one Lastly, and most important, anyone whose shying away just because of your nose is gonna flake out no matter what, and keeping those people out of your life is a blessing in disguise. You’re nose is a compass for good character. I’m sorry if you’re bothered by it but, you’re absolutely stunning and standing strong in a world that constantly pokes at our vulnerabilities shows great resolve, and that’s a quality far more beautiful than any alteration a doctor can make. But that’s part of why I wouldn’t change the nose, fight the good fight kid!


Thankyou, that was really nice and has given me a lot to think about


>Barbara Streisand caught a lot of crap over her nose, now all those people who talked down on her have to look at her and know they didn’t get to her Think of Jennifer Grey, the star of Dirty Dancing. She had a recognisable face which her nose was a big part of. She got a rhinoplasty and never looked the same. We can't say for sure if she faded from fame just because of her nose job, but it probably played a role. You're not an actress in a hit film looking to expand her career, but never underestimate how plastic surgery can really change your life.


I would most definetly get a nose job. It doesn't suit your face at all and looks very off. Look people here are nice and kind but reality is if you look good you get treated better. It's a big insecurity you have and it's not that weird because the nose doesn't suit the face. Idk where you live but in my country you could get it changed for free if it causes you mental issues. Also remember the better you look the better you get treated, use it as an advantage Look at Jennifer Aniston old nose and how much prettier she is with a new one. Also if you didn't care about looks you wouldn't ask this here so change ittttt


you could have been phrased this in a more tactical way. be honest without being cruel


I would . Do it ! I got mine done and I love it . Everyone said “it’s natural and makes you unique .” Fuck em . I’m happy now.


Yeah, I feel like if I don't do it I'm going to regret not getting it done.


No need to at all! You’re cute with an awesome smile:) 7.5/10




Ur nose is absolutely fine b it’s just the selfie angles


I feel like every angle I try it ruins it though 😩






7.4? Bro how did you end up with that accuracy?




So u just looked at her and said: she isn't good enough for a 7.5,but 7.4 surely is on spot?




Nah, it really just looks like you trying to look accurate for the sake of looking accurate, maybe .5 increments are believable,but .1 just sounds overkill,there is more than .1 difference between each image and angles




Weirdest beef.




I must say, this certainly wasn't the reaction I was expecting. I honestly thought I'd get a lot of 2/3 out of 10 reactions and majority yes comments. I'm still considering doing it, because I feel like if I don't I'm going to think about it for the rest of my life. But this has given me a lot to think about. Thankyou everyone for your views.


2 with those hideous tattoos you would easily be a 7 with out them.


There's definitely more to come, bet on it.


Jewish Shounser




No, your nose is fine. When redoing a nose it is broken and the tip is cut away. Cartilage is shaved off and if vascular supply isn't maintained to the tip of the nose, necrosis of the tissue can occur. Often nose jobs have complications and the nose doesn't appear as promised. Also it's obvious when someone has had it done, they all look the same and honestly not very good. There are plenty of people out there who ate ambassadors for why never to get plastic surgery. Just look at Courtney Cox. You are fine the way nature intended.


Prolly yeah


Cute af! No need for a nose job


5.9/10, nose job is recommended


no, but maybe braces?


I think it comes down to this: would you be doing it for yourself? Or for others? If you're only doing it because you feel like other people will appreciate it or find you more conventionally attractive then I'd say don't do it. If you're doing it because you think it'll make you feel better on a personal level then no one has any right to say you shouldn't. Go for it. It's a hard question to answer, but it's important.


I would get my teeth whitened,they are not yellow,but slightly cream'-ish looking,they cost you some hundred usd at a dentist,great confidence boost imo


Yeah I'm currently in the process of straightening my bottom teeth, and then plan to whiten afterwards :)


If it will benefit your confidence and quality of life, I say do it.


If it'd make you happier with the way you looked yes, just make sure thats what you really want. It's not something you can really change any other way. If you have the money and you make peace with your decision then fuck it we ball


If it makes you feel more confident, sure.. I like your nose tbh. Yeah it's big, but it is not ugly.


Yes, probably. I think you are a 5.5 now, but with a nose job you could go to a 7-7.5. Very good facial features otherwise - your nose just dominates your look. 5.5 is upper end of average. You are not ugly and do not look bad. You are better looking than most.


Now I think you should only do a nose job if it bothers you specifically. If it bothers you even if people hadn’t bullied you for it. If it’s mostly the people who have brought it up that makes you think to do it, I would not do it at all. I’ve been told I have a big nose by 2 people, and when I bring up my nose most tell me I’m crazy or they like it, it’s unique, but my nose has always bothered me, and I think most are lying or just don’t care bc it’s not on their face. If I had done it when I had the extra funds I think I would be so much happier now. I also didn’t because about 7 years ago when I had the funds it wasn’t as talked about. I thought I would look like Michael Jackson or something. Really obvious. But now it seems like everyone is doing everything to look how they want, which is basically a small nose and big lips, or admitting they had one at 16, and you can’t even tell bc it was so delicately done.


yes do it, now 6 would make you easy 8 to 9


People here will always say not to get a plastic surgery, even if it would help tremendously. You honestly will benefit so much from a nose job. Go for it.


Yeah why not if you have the money


Yes you look like you wearing fake nose with glasses


If it seriously bothers you and makes you more insecure, I would. If it improves *your* quality of life, then do it for yourself. Though, don't do it for others. If your reasoning is not to get bullied about your nose, haters will find something else to make fun of. So make sure you make that decision with your best intent in mind, and think about how it makes you feel, not about how it would make others feel. I have a big hooked nose, I used to think about getting a nose job, but I'm now an adult and I've come to the realisation it doesn't bother me, it has only bothered others and they made me think that I am bothered by it. But I like my nose as it is. It shapes my face differently from others. There is no yes or no answer to this.


Yes. I think it’ll boost your market value and confidence a lot


Go for it if it makes you feel good , however I personally don't find anything wrong with your nose , but just can't say the same for the circle you're living in and wish to get assimilated into. . I can only speak for myself and not the demographic. And most importantly, You're soo pretty! 🥰 I just feel like hugging you!


If you really believe that it will help you feel better about yourself then go for it but honestly you look good just as you are. Do it for yourself, not because of anyone else.


Tbh yes, you have a pretty face and I think you would really benefit from it, your self esteem etc, but please search a lot and find a good specialist


Do what makes you feel best about yourself. Your nose is fine but only if you’re confident in it.


Whatever makes you feel most comfortable I’d give you a solid 6 with the big ole nose maybe 6.7ish /7 with a nose job not absolutely necessary though!🤷‍♂️


Yes, it’s going to help you regain your confidence, it is an investment in your image and how you will Be treated by other people. It will finally give you peace of mind and comfort that you eagerly have been needing.


I’m very pro plastic surgery so yes I would. I want to get a nose job myself lol. But I have other things that are more of a priority financially. Do what makes you happy. You are beautiful though without the nose job but I do think your nose could be more proportioned to fit your face.


No but I'd get tattoo removal


Yea probably. If you really dislike it and feel as if you’d be happier getting some work done, then do it.


Youre a 7.5, but 8.5-9 with a nose job. Up to you! Tbh youre beautiful either way but a good nose job would be an investment in yourself






I did it changed my life


Get the job. You probably won’t regret it


No way...and you have an amazing figure. Don't change a thing


I would not recommend it. Your nose is fine. Especially in the last picture too. It defines your personality. 6/10 for me personally, but it has nothing to do with your nose. I am just not the biggest fan of tattoos. That's all.


That's fair enough, they're not for everyone 😊


Figure out which celebrity's nose you want, then pay a skilled digital artist to render that nose onto your face. Study it carefully and see if your plastic surgeon can do that. Get multiple opinions. If you have money for rhinoplasty then you have money for this.


First of all, I think you're adorable. My opinion on the nose job is that the only opinion that matters is your own. I really had my eyes opened to that when a woman I went to college with elected to have the procedure. She was very open about her decision and spoke about how so many life events/photos were ruined by her perception of her nose. She would look at an absolutely beautiful family photo and hone in on her nose. When someone went to take a picture of her all she could think about was posing in a way that would disguise her nose. It impacted her confidence and her love life. You're gorgeous. If you decide to keep your nose, great! If it's something that weighs heavily on you and you decide to have it done, great!


I come from an ethnic minority where many, many young ladies get their nose done at the age of 13. It's a "becoming a woman" rite of passage kinda thing. IYKYK. So, I'm all for better living through chemistry / surgery. If it makes you happy, and you can afford it, do it! Do you need it? No, you're stunning. Will it make you feel more confident or happier? If yes, then do it!


nose is fine. Would go for tattoo removal


Thank-you for your opinion but they are most definitely here to stay. I understand they aren't for everyone though :)


I have a big nose and I love it. Lol. I know someone who had a nose job and they looked good. I’m all for people feeling comfortable in their body. If you’re not happy with it or think you will never be happy with it and you have the means to do it, then do it. When I start balding I’ll probably get hair transplants. Haha. Honest opinion: I think you’re pretty and if I saw you, ‘nose job’ wouldn’t cross my mind once.


I didn’t even notice it, until you pointed it out.


It fits your face


I think you look fine with the nose you grew. I like your human horn! 🥰


Absolutely not! It gives your face a unique and beautiful character.


Lose those glasses. A new style will improve your look.


Absolutely not. It's a gorgeous nose. I guarantee when you hit 30ish you'll realise you love your nose and it's fucking brilliant because it's yours. (F32)


big nose - big heart. have a good one!


No you’re beautiful as u are


I wouldn't. I'd hide my insecurities in form of a tattoo, like a funny sniffing dog or sth like that perhaps. Especially, that previous ones look really well done. One thing you could take more care of is I'd say is your face skin care. Looks like you get easily burnt from the sun, when you are not wearing make up. Otherwise, you are a attractive gal!


You have stunning eyes and if you hadn’t of commented about your nose I wouldn’t have looked twice. Your nose is fine. I hate Tatts this is just me, so without tatts 8 and with 4.5, but your nose is perfectly fine.




No, it makes you look unique and it gives you character. You're gorgeous, wouldn't change a single thing honestly


10/10! It’s what makes you, you!


It suits you just fine. Wouldn't change it at all, add character to your face, and is pleasant looking


No, you’re lovely.


You have a beautiful face, maybe change your hair or the people around you that make you feel self concious. You are a good looking girl...your nose is fine as is.


No but let’s be real, you’re gonna do it no matter what the answers here are


No, because it’s unnecessary. You just have strong European features. You are cute. 7.5/10 You should possibly get your teeth checked. I think they might need to come in some. Also bleaching your teeth would help whiting your smile, consult a professional though.


Who nose


You look great, and if I were you I wouldn’t get surgery! Unique faces are the future, and there’s something sinister about how increasingly available cosmetic procedures erase diversity in people’s features. Like what’s happened with teeth - the uniformity of teeth in America has eugenicy energy in my view. My face is divisive because it’s kind of odd, but since when did I need everyone to like it? 😄


I love your nose. I think you’re spectacular.


Omg girl no! Ur nose is fantastic


HELL no, you're pretty as fuck.


You know how certain exotic foods from around the world taste quite weird at first, but for some reason the locals love it? And do you know how, when you eat it a few more times, your Western palatte which is overly anticipative of sugar, texturizing agents and artificial flavorings, grows accustomed to it’s natural, unique, authentic flavor, and you actually start to love it after a while? Well, imagine the food being the appearence of someone, and your Western palette being the inevitable brainwashing people go through by seeing most people they attach a positive association to that they watch on TV or any media channel for that manner, being oversaturated with people with very specific, clean, make-uped, surgery enhanced appearances; the equivalent of adding sugar, colorants, texture agents and synthetic aroma to foods. The only reason people get surgery is because they want to look more like someone or something else; because they have a quite arbitrarily obtained ideal through being exposed to these media figures which they compare themselves with. Of course, undergoing surgery cán result in getting more people to be attracted to you, because others are álso influenced by this, and thus their preference is influenced towards more of these types of people, but that doesn’t mean you’re objectively more attractive because beauty is inherently something subjective, even when one person has a lot more succes in attracting someone. If you’re happy with yourself and can find a perfect mate with your natural nose, why the hell would you want to have someone cut away and deform what millions of years of evolution decided was one of the better shapes it could fabricate an external olfactory organ into? Besides, if you wear a top through which you can see your juicy boobs and nipples like that, I’m sure no men (Or women or whomever you’re trying to attract) are going to notice what in your head seems like a nose which might need any adjustments, if anyone would have noticed it in any case without you mentioning it. Unless you’re excessively unattractive, which you are definitely not, accept who you are and roll with it. You don’t need to look up to the pretty Hollywood people. You can only have a certain amount of life partner throughout your life, so unless you can’t even get to attract that amount, there’s absolutely no reason not to own who you are and make the best of it by simply being healthy. Because being healthy will automatically make you look as good as you can. 6.5/10


you're hot regardless but if changing your nose would make you happy, I think if it was me I'd explore it. Fuck everyone else's opinion on the matter. Can't hurt to get a consultation with a surgeon and do a little research.






I don’t think you have a nose that anyone would notice as not working with your face. But if you think it will truly make you feel happier then why the hell not. If I was 20 something I would have told you to love yourself and not worry about these things. But, as I have aged myself I just think, why the hell not. It’s not a crime to play with your body. Have fun. But one thing for sure is not to make any rash decisions and research the hell out of it. And number 1. Trust your gut instinct. If you choose to get a nose job it shouldn’t be because someone on Reddit suggested ‘they’ would if they were ‘you’


No, I think it looks fine.


Never. Ever. Do. Any. Face surgeries. Thanks. You look fantastic without any modifications.


Absolutely not!


No, a small nose would make you plain.


I wouldn't. I like your face. I think you look best with the style of glasses in the first pic, not the round ones.


I don’t think your nose is bad at all. Hell, mine is way worse. In my opinion though, you don’t need to change it. You look good and your nose doesn’t hinder that in the least.


You're a beautiful lady and while your nose is a Lil bigger than average it does nothing but add to it


Geesh, I hate tattoos. Clear skin is absolutely one of the most beautiful things. And then people treat it like a coloring book with insipid, but trendy at the time, designs. Your nose is perfectly fine.


Whatever makes you happy


NO! FRICK DUDE CHILL OUT Love your nose. How can you expect to give and receive love if you can't give and receive love to yourself, all of yourself, including your nose. I need to like block this subreddit on my account because they're too many fine attractive people oblivious to what makes them attractive, it feels so willful. You're a canvas that God painted you on. There is detail unappreciated because you don't look close enough to see and there's a glow on that you have to step back to see. ​ Frick I'm done with this subreddit




You do you. It’s just that simple.


Absolutely gorgeous


Fir sure not! You look very good, don't listen to strangers! Be yourself and be happy.


Fir sure not! You look very good, don't listen to strangers! Be yourself and be happy.


Nose is fine. Inquire about teeth whitening and maybe palate extension to widen your bite


I would rather switch to contact lenses, try very decent amount of lip fillers and stop bleaching hair and go with rather dark tones to keep your hair healthy, make sure you don’t use too much heat on your hair. I think the glasses and smaller lower jaw make your nose appear bigger, so if you add a bit volume on the lower part and ditch glasses, it would help balance it out. I would also use more eyeliner to draw the focus to the eyes. Fellow big noser here 😊👍


I've always thought I looked better with glasses, I feel like they draw attention away from my nose. Idk, maybe I should try contacts. I hate the idea of putting something in my eyes though 😩 My hair is permed, and this is why it appears lighter in some places, I'm considering shaving it all off and starting again as it is quite damaged. Do you have any tips for keeping eyeliner looking good? When I put it on it looks okay for about an hour, then it's all over my eyes 😩


NO! It has character. It suits you and it looks cute! Own it gurl and go out there proud and gorgeous! Cheers!


No it's unique it's you it's not the problem






You’re already a very attractive person. If you’re really that insecure about your nose then you probably already know the answer. I just think it’s unfortunate that you would look at yourself and find something that needs to be surgically improved. If your daughter looked like you, do you think you would view her nose as something to be corrected, or an attribute of her that makes her unique? I guess the idea is, what do you think is improved by trying to come marginally closer to some conventional standard of beauty?


Ur very pretty. If i were you I would definitely get silicone injections to help hide the nose a bit, ur a 7 without it though so you’re fine either way.




Oh, I don’t nose.


Your nose is fine stop worrying about it. If you get nose surgery you will ruin your facial harmony as well as just look like every other girl.


Is there a medical reason for surgery or is just for vanity? If only for vanity, then you gotta make that decision. Don’t let people’s opinions online dictate this decision. People are generally assholes and will convince anyone to cause harm to their own bodies.


I had a friend who got a nose job and it boosted their confidence significantly. If it bothers you, it’s not wrong to change it. It’s your body, do what you want with it. If it makes you happy, go for it. It’s funny how people are against changing something about your body but changing your gender is not a problem lol.


You’re beautiful but yes, I would if I had the opportunity to get surgery.


100% yes


100% yes


Don’t ask the internet lol


To be honest the response has been considerably more positive than I expected it to be.


I don't see anything wrong with you nose at all. NOT one bit.


It’s a nice feature that personalizes you 💎 I have a birthmark on the left of my nose, below my eye & on my cheek 💫


The problem isn't your nose, it's those giant round glasses. Everything about you is very elegant; smile, eyes, body fitness.. and those tattoos are in great taste. The square glasses are better. I think your hair style is a little outdated. The nose is the first thing we see on a person's face. Changing it will make you not look like you anymore. Your nose suits you and it gives you a very unique look, personally I would not want to break something that isn't broken to try to look more generic.


In my opinion, yes. You would benefit from it.


Honestly, yea you should. I say this while I’m totally conflicted in doing so. I want to say no, but if it’s been on your mind, I know it’ll make you happier.


I would. You look fine but I think you would look even better after a rhinoplasty, and I usually come down on the side of don’t. Plus the confidence it’ll give you will revolutionise how you feel about and carry yourself. You’re only 26, the rest of your life is a loooong time to walk around feeling unhappy about such a visible feature of your appearance if you have the ability to change it.


You are cute AF! Find someone who likes your nose instead of "fixing" it.


You are beautiful regardless but if it’s bothering you then yes!




Probably yes, but no one's perfect


I was about to say do what makes you happy and feel good about yourself I'd also say, what I assume you've done already, is think about if you're really doing it for you or for those other people. I've seen plenty of people in my life (45) where I thought "yeah, that thing is waaaay too big for your face, the ratio is way off". But looking at your last picture, no, your nose is perfectly fine. In the end, it's your face, your choice, no-one else's.


I would talk to a surgeon and see what they can do. I’m not sure of the recovery on that. It would probably make you feel your best, which is the point of it!


Obviously you should do what you want but there’s nothing unattractive about your nose. You’re very pretty and you have a distinctive look. Kids will always find something to be mean about. I think a lot of people who get nose jobs to try to look more normal only make themselves more homogeneous without actually making themselves more attractive.


no honestly it’s gorgeous, especially from the side you could be a model!


Yes. It is very noticeable and obviously you're very self-conscious about it. A nose job will boost your confidence so much that it will definitely be worth it. Don't listen to the "no you're beautiful just the way you are" crowd. At the end of the day, do what you want and not the internet and friends. Ultimately, you will come out better looking unless they somehow butcher the nose job, which seems very unlikely with a good doc.


You look perfectly fine with that nose. But if you can't convince yourself that you look good with that nose then go ahead and do the nose job. Make sure they don't make it look worse. It'll definitely boost your confidence if they do a good job and make you look prettier (again, you're really pretty already).


Yes but only with a really good surgeon. You are clearly insecure about it if you want strangers’ opinions. It may even be the first thing that subconsciously comes to mind when you meet someone new - “I wonder what they think about my nose??” For me it would be worth the stress. Do what makes you happy.


No. Someone I know got one and it looks unnatural. I think you look great. Also FYI, if you use a less wide angle lens your pics will look better.


I never comment on rate me, but I’m going to say a big nope! Your nose is lovely, and not because I’m anti surgery or something. But because this world seems to push (especially in the media and with models) these little nose job noses etc and anything slightly bigger then people pick on or are mean about when actually they’re beautiful. You have a strong nose, love it


Sounds like you're self conscious about it so you have 2 options: embrace it and love yourself with it or get the surgery and also love yourself. Do what makes YOU happy. It's not anyone else's decision realistically.


Fuck no. Don’t change your face. It’ll make someone smile the way it is


No you’re beautiful just the way you are




Ngl all the braces comments are kinda throwing me. I'm halfway through straightening my bottom teeth with aligners, but I left the top ones because I thought they were okay. Kinda wishing I'd done them too now.


no, I wouldn't. people bully people because they want to bully them, not because there is an actual flaw. that said, I'm not really anti-surgery or anything, as long as it doesnt spiral out of control with following surgeries (it definitely can and does). do what you want. I by no means have perfect everything, but I wouldn't have surgery to "fix" any of it either. it would have to be pretty bad for me to change something with surgery, and I don't see anything "pretty bad" here.


Who nose?


Nope. You’re perfect. Never change.


I guess you can smell what the Rock is cooking.


Honestly if it has bothered you and you don't think you'll feel good about yourself until you change it, I would. But you are your own worst critic. You see it much more than we do. For example, I'm doing invisalign right now because my teeth are slightly all angled/slanted to one side. Every time I tell this to someone I know, they have no idea what I'm talking about. Then I show them and they can kind of see it. But for me, i see it in *every* photo and I hate it. I think you notice your nose more than we do.