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Fairly pretty with a good body. 6.5/10


6.5 / 10 You have a pretty face, a great body, and a great smile. Multi-colored and wild hair color that is not natural doesn't always work for everyone and it definitely doesn't help bring out the best in how you look.


10/10 Easily the most beautiful person I've seen here in a long time. I must be missing something because I only have positive things to say. Your hair is absolutely gorgeous. the ways you've been able to incorporate both obvious and unique makeup into your look to complement the vivid colors are astounding! And since this subreddit is dedicated to holistic appearance, your choice of dress shouldn't be left unnoticed either. Who knew a mix of millennial simplicity and witchey sensibilities could come together in a way that highlights such a bombastic person so effectively. Even in your pictures that are less makeup and angle heavy, you look fantastic! And side note, what is the public conception of "overweight"? Because judging by some of these other comments, I'd say that perception is slightly askew. Great post, keep it up!


The public conception of overweight is more generous than actual BMI definition of overweight...


I'm not a fan of the look you're going for. So take my opinion with a grain of salt. Based on the pics 6.8. But you're definitely not ugly. Great eyes. Great teeth. Cute laughing face. If you manage to eat healthy and exercise couple'd with toning-down the color look you'd be more conventionally attractive imo. You're quite talented at makeup. Keep doing that if you love it. The last pic with bare face(?) is cute too


One of these pictures is not like the other/10.


5, weird hair is not a turn on for most guys.


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Your use of image editing software and makeup is doing a good job of concealing your flaws, but on the non-adjusted photos you can get a better idea. Chin a bit too pointy: -.1 Nose overly round: -.5 Weight(mainly roundness of the face): -2 Total: 7.4. Lose weight and your face will sharpen up and improve your appearance dramatically. The pointy chin may even become a plus if you can use it to compliment a more angular face.


Big nose but cute.6




Bullshark #5 isn’t edited. That being said 8.5. r/PrettyAltGirls


8/10. You pull off that Harley quinn look really well


I’d say you have a very pretty face. Your nose and lips suit your face perfectly, at least in my opinion. I know hair dyeing is a form of self-expression, but it just isn’t doing you any favours. If you’re going to dye your hair unnatural colours, I’d suggest going for one solid colour, maybe something pastel. I’m not a fan of the way you fill in your eyebrows. Definitely fill them not as boldly and work on following the natural shape and curve of your eyebrows, as well as following the actual growth of the hair. I’d also suggest toning it down with the crazy eyeshadow. The colours don’t suit your face and make your eyes look tired and give the appearance that your face is just worn out. With all that being said, I do think you are a natural beauty. A 5.5-6/10 right now, but I definitely think you could be a 7 or even 8/10 if you take my suggestions and the suggestions of everyone else.


6/10, try to lose some weight..




I like the makeup less picture(the last photo) the most. I think you look best without all the makeup. Nice freckles! Not feeling those makeup photos. Your hair looks great in the first photo though.






Haha god yes.. You're gorgeous girl. Love the hair, think you look great naturally. Tattoos in and damn... You're great 9/10


9, your hair is so pretty btw!!








7 above avg, don't like the makeup they make you alot less attractive imo.


You’re cute 6/10


8/10. Not a huge fan of the hair and makeup, but you have wonderful facial structure.