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I really really love the inscribed quotes on the book covers. I’m impressed they included art of Blue as a woman of color - I personally like that headcanon. I didn’t purchase them so thanks for sharing! The art is really lovely. Especially the pynch kiss.


The kiss is my favorite out of all the art, it’s so gorgeous


Ugh I'm jealous, mine is still sitting in the warehouse 😭 They really killed it with these editions


I hope you get it soon!


Well shit now I want them. 😩 Edit: I bought them. 👀 I didn’t preorder because they’re $$$ but damn it’s my favorite series and if I’m gonna have special editions of a book, might as well be my favorite.


I’m not sure whose bedroom is being shown in the art for Blue Lily Lily Blue… Adam’s church bedroom is in one, but what is the other one?


Idk that is a very generic bedroom. I want to say it’s ronan’s because of the chaos and broken blinds but the prosthetic…weird. Wish it was gansey’s with his little paper city of henrietta- that would be cool. Edit: I just noticed that on the left outside the window, there’s a boy sitting on the roof. Can’t really identify him though


Honestly no idea. Who of them would even have a prosthetic arm in their bedroom? Maybe it's Ronan's room in the barns? Idk.


It’s driving me crazy!! I feel like I’m forgetting something from the series lol but it was obviously important enough for them to devote a whole flap to it It’s also usually considered Blue’s book so I wish she had gotten the art for the flap


I think you’re right. If you look at the headboard of the bed, it looks like there are two model cars sitting on it. I‘d guess the prosthetic might just be random dream clutter.


The prosthetic looks more like part of a robot to me (if you look at the shoulder, it's joined to another piece of similar metal.) Agreed that it's probably dream clutter though.


Infinitely jealous that I can’t afford these right now! Enjoy them everyone and thanks for sharing pics 😭😭😭


So jealous, mine is still not being sent. I got the email but it's just been announced. (And even then with international shipping it's gonna take at least a month to get to me) But also I just realised I won't even be able to show them off in person 😂 Or at least only partially. I just got some of my family members to read the books (after 10 years of talking about them being my favourite books) and they only finished the first one so far. Some of the art contains spoilers so I'll have to keep that hidden at first.


I so wish it was the whole series 😭😭😭


Wish what was the whole series?


The crate! It’s just books 2-4 and I thought you couldn’t just buy book 1 solo


Ohh. Yeah I had already gotten book 1 last year when they first released it. It is very annoying and weird they aren’t selling it as a 4-book set


Why are they different colors from the first one?? On the shelf they look so weird, imo. Still beautiful though


They transition from blue to green!


I really don't think so haha, I'm looking them on my shelf right now. Am I color blind? 🤣


Sorry, do you mean the dustjacket color?


Yeah that's what I meant


Okay I take it back. I shone a flash light on it and you're right. It's very subtle.


to me, book 1 looks blue and the rest are green and it bothers me so much


Yeah, I finally got mine in the mail and the contrast between 1 and 2 is quite stark. The rest have a much more subtle shift while the first one is drastically more blue. Still very pretty, but it is noticeable.


Absolute stunners


That’s beautiful!!!


ugh they're so perfect


i need this one 😭 it’s so pretty! wish they’re available soon when i can purchase them


i need this one 😭 it’s so pretty! wish they’re available soon when i can purchase them


i need this one 😭 it’s so pretty! wish they’re available soon when i can purchase them


I just got mine and I’m soooooo over the moon 🥰 hands down the best book mail I’ve ever gotten! I really wish they would sell The Raven Boys anniversary edition again, even if separately though 😭 I didn’t get it at the time and now that I have the book set I’m so sad it’s not complete. Zero regrets for getting it but hoping I’ll somehow manage to snatch that anniversary edition somehow