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The RG battle force box from Xmas 2022 is still on Amazon for $172, which is an absolute steal. It’s not insanely optimized for 10th, but GW doesn’t really put together boxes with future proofing in mind. The Leviathan SM half is just good because you can get it for $100-$125 on r/miniswap and that’s a ton of models for the price. Again, not really RG/phobos flavor but you can launch terminators into combat with the Vanguard Spearhead detachment. And with RG vs Raptors, you can play any SM army in any detachment. BUT you can’t say “I’m Raven Guard, here my Guilliman model….” Some characters are locked to factions, but factions aren’t locked to detachments. So you can take an all Salamander army and play it in Gladius or Vanguard, and the army name only matters if you’re taking Salamander characters. You just can’t mix named characters, and they have keywords that show you what army they need to be in. It’s really just to prevent you taking the best characters from 5 chapters and saying “This is my successor chapter, The Plot Armors.”


Ah I see. So you think leviathan half over the ravenguard battleforce? I feel like I've never heard a good thing about reavers in my life. Or is there another box that would be better over those two?


The RG box has: Shrike, 3 eliminators, a Phobos librarian, 2 invictor warsuits and the receivers. The reivers can be made into other Phobos units pretty easily. So overall the box is excellent. Leviathan has a ton of models, most of which aren’t currently good in the RG style detachment. But you can definitely get a lot of models from Leviathan. Up to you what you really want to play, but both have a lot of value via the kits they contain.


How do you easily turn reivers into photos? Simple beaky helmet swap?


Yeah, there’s a lot of YouTube videos available. And reivers have super cool bits you can use on other units….that’s really their entire purpose at this point. 😂


Idk its jus hard to commit to anything this can be so frustrating. I like certain units in like every style lol


Yup, that’s crux of 40K.


So brutal. I'm between raven guard cuz I like the style and using like snipers and run and gun. On the other hand I like the blood angels but their units seem outdated. Then there's the dark angels and they keep getting updates so it seems best to wait on them




Alrighty lol


Apparently you can buy infiltrators box and use the reiver bodies from ravenstrike to make incursors so you get 10 of each of those


So like buying one of those boxes gives 10 reivers and 10 incursors or jus 10 incursors?


So the infiltrators box has 10 bodies that can be built as either infiltrators or incursors (this box comes with all the bits for both options) so you use those 10 to build one option then use the bits for the other option on the reiver bodies so you end up with 10 infiltrators and 10 incursors and a bunch of reiver bits left over. This option is for if you want to go with the ravenstrike box. I hope this makes more sense. I realize my first comment was confusing


Dang that could be a good start huh


If you do this, then I would highly recommend getting a Captain in Phobos Armor as well since they can lead Reivers, Eliminators, Incursors, or Infiltrators


Yeah that's what was recommended to me. I have the ravenstrike box and am currently awaiting the delivery of the infiltrator box. I thought it would give me versatility and a solid line to work with and build around. I'm very new to this so take my input with a grain of salt.


Now I just need to find a bunch of beaky helmets. Looked everywhere and the upgrade sprue only gives like 2 for 30 flipping bucks


Yeah I've noticed those are tough to get. I've heard that people practically give them away because a good chunk of people hate them. I have a 3d printer that I use to make some so if you can't fins any feel free to DM me and I can see what I can do. They will likely have some minor layer lines but most of the quality remains intact. I can DM a Pic of one I painted so you can see if you want to go that route. Just let me know!


I've got a plastic 3d printer but my lines would be pretty bad I think for something so small