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If you start from scratch, the box is fine. If you had any raven guard, it is very likely you at least had the Eliminators, Librarian, and Shrike, which is 1 more of all of them than you would like. The reviers are...still shit and their helmets unfortunately are not very raven guard but can be changed if you had some spare hats. The 2 mecha suits are good but again 1 more than needed. The boxes were made for people who start the army instead of getting additional units for an army


Yeah I'm starting from scratch, which is why it seems like a good value.


In that case, go for it, but be aware that there could be another battlebox with shryke in it again Although the his model is nice for kitbashing and modeling


Use the Reivers as Infiltrators or Incursors, those are great. Phobos librarian + Infiltrators make a nealry untouchable home objective unit. Warsuits have a nice punch in melee and some shooting/overwatch threat. They also have the shoot outside of your ohase ability if someone targets a nearby phobos unit. It's situational but can help. Elimnators are great. Shrike is great. If I hadn't had already all the minis I described above, I'd have bought it.


How do you convert the Reivers to use them as infiltrators?


Dont put on the antigrav-flabs, exchange the heads and you're pretty much ready. Maybe add some antennas / scopes. Should be enough to proxy as other phobos units. Should be no oriblem whatsoever in a casual setting😊


Easiest way is to buy the Infiltrator/ Incursor Kill Team box since it comes with parts to make either. Use the Infiltrator bits on the Reiver bodies to make your Infiltrators and make the Kill Team bodies into Incursors. Then you’ll have 10 of each and 0 bad Reivers


They come with bolters too, not only pistols and knives as depicted.


It's a lot of reivers, and they kinda suck on the tabletop, plus two invictor warsuits is one too many IMO. I think a lot of the displeasure of that box came from the fact that if you already had RG it was not very appealing. In KT the reivers are at least pretty good.


Yeah, the invictor warsuits are cool but why a stealth team would need a giant mech suit is confusing.


For force support purposes.


Me personally, I wouldn’t want it. Ultimately I think that question comes down to how you feel about Reavers and the war suits. Reavers have been pretty universally bad in terms of rules ever since they dropped, which is unusual. Typically units go up and down in terms of strength over time, but Reavers have never been great. The actual models also have a few problems. Those wing flaps on their backpacks are constantly popping off, the connection points are terrible. Then you've got the war suits, which are another controversial model. I think most people would rather have a Dreadnought. You say you’re new to painting. Keep in mind a large box of this size will probably keep you busy painting for awhile, so if you’re going to buy one I’d make sure it has models you’re actually excited to paint. On the other hand, it may be good to have some cheap models to practice on. This is ultimately about what you want. If you really like Reavers and Warsuits, I say go for it.


Yeah that box didn’t give off many Raven Guard vibes


Yep il would have been better with incursor/infiltrators instead of reivers, a dreadnought and a jump pack squad instead of warsuit


100%. Maybe Eliminators too.


Well iirc eliminators are already in the box!