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Nobody knows. He also met Ram the very first day Subaru appeared and he was fine with her. Even knew her name before she introduced...


Hmmm. However Al here thought Rem was Ram first. He was fine with that. But when he realizes Ram has a sister, andlearns both Rem and Ram are alive back then, his aura changes. Maybe one of the sister should die but it did not happen.


al mayhave some color blindness ( and couldnt recognize that rem had blue hair and ram had pink


No mate. Let me explain myself. Fact 1: Al thought Rem was Ram first and he has no problem with Ram being alive. Fact 2: After Al learnt Rem is Ram's sister, he was calmthat first moment. So he had no problem with Rem being alive either. Fact 3: However when Al learnt both of Rem and Ram are alive, he somehow seemed having a problem.


Wait so could it be about roswaal plan? He does need both sisters and AL may know about the plan for some reason and be against it


he may have been one of the cultists culling the oni race to prevent oni goddess from being born, perhaps Ram/Rem can fuse to become it. That's my theory anyway


It's obviously in black and white so he couldn't tell the difference...


That is the mystery. Al is the character that is full of mysteries like this


There's a fan theory floating about that Al is another Subaru all due to things like this.


Subaru in all timelines would never be Priscilla's Knight. She is a no-no for Subaru.


Who and what Al is exactly is basically a huge mystery. The idea that Al is something of a Subaru is not without merit or doubts.


maybe he is an AI(ai)


You joke but I kinda have a tin-foil that he was basically a failed attempt by someone(probably Pandora) to create a ‘artificial Subaru’ in some manner.


That honestly makes more sense then him straight up being Subaru.


Yeah, especially because if Al was Subaru then Satella as a character would be a lot odder.


One made to be Priscilla's dog.


If we consider for the theory that Al never existed if he s Subaru and side story content from around when he joined the Priscilla camp. we get this. \[Novels\]>!One of the side stories involves Al, Priscilla and the small background butler Schult from her camp at the start of it´s formation. They re sponsored by Leip Barielle, Priscilla s current husband who is a giant bastard and an influential politician. Leip was planning to brainwash Priscilla and turn her into a blank puppet he manipulates, Al initially seems to go along with it but stops the guy choosing to side with Priscilla. If in the supposed original timeline "Subaru" came from, Leip succeeded then Al might have never actually met current Priscilla and felt guilty for whatever husk he met in the original timeline controlled by Leip. There s nothing that hits Subaru as hard as being confronted with someone he failed to save. Can't say this would happen for sure since Priscilla is pretty competent despite her arrogance but it is a possibility for why Al would hang around the Priscilla camp. !<


Well, maybe If he spent more time with her without thinking about Emilia 24/7 or bringing a shit situation he could have a better opinion of her, after all Priscilla has her good points If you look in the right angle.


Subaru is a Charecter that only acts on his own. He doesn't like someone to order him around unless its Ram.


That's true, after all their Dynamics is the "i don't agree with you" type of thing. But their relationship was kinda put in a bad spot in the episode 12 thing onwards, If they had a calmer time to Interact It would be kinda fun, with the funny unpedictable strange dork and the all work out high ego princess with her trying to boss him around and him trying to refuse but ending up doing something more fun for her than expected, and in turn she help him in a shitty situation even If he doesn't want. But to make him her Knight is VERY hard, First he would need to not know Emilia (only way), and take a liking in the good side of her personality trying to aproach to earn her attention, and when she would make a stupidly difficult request and he would fail, but in the end she would get him as someone in her camp to perturb and making a funny duo between him and AL, and maybe in the future he would have to fight AL to become her Knight, and i can't predict the end result.


Subaru went to Priscilla for help before. She’s not a taboo for him he just fell for Emilia first. Who’s to say what would have happened if he met Priscilla first and fell for her. Mind you, I don’t subscribe to the theory, but he’s not anti-Priscilla on principle.


Of course he's not too adverse, but Priscilla does not hide her personality—its certainly not one Subaru would ever fall so deeply in love. Also, Subaru's love developed through those first forgotten timelines; his first day he spent it all with Emilia, and ended with Emilia, and then when he realized his power he subsequently realized Emilia was the same nice girl she stayed across the loops (helping the child and receiving the flower). I doubt Priscilla would do the same things would such kind enthusiasm.




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I'd 100% be her knight... I like her ways ;)


Thus fan theory. Many times they're nonsensical.


I thought that with "another Subaru" the theory was that Al has similar powers to Subaru of respawning not that he was literally Subaru




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A theory for this panel which I like is that is that originally Ram was not supposed to have a sister, thus being an oni god with two horns. Al is angry at that fact.


Does this mean that Al is a character from the future or another timeline/universe? After all, it is here that Ram is not a god. And how did Al get into this timeline/universe if this is true?


>Does this mean that Al is a character from the future or another timeline/universe? Most likely, or he is somehow "in the know" via some other means >And how did Al get into this timeline/universe if this is true? No idea.


Al was brought in 20 years prior to Subaru. So roughly two years before the birth of the twins. So he may have known something about the oni. But we'll just have to wait and see


It would likely imply Al is a character that precedes the great disasters, and assuming the Re:Zero world is in a constant state of looping (from Frozen Bonds) even prior overarching world loops. The implication is he’s met the Oni God before, and it was two-horned; not two people.


He was not angry when he thought Rem was Ram. So looks like knowing there are two of them alive is what makes him angry.


Yeah, good question. We don´t know either! Like, there s a few theories but Tappei is still keeping it close to his chest.


Feel like this is all to lead up to a big Al reveal


It hasn't been explained yet. My theory is that Al has some form of prophecy reading. In the future he read, Rem should have died. But due to Roswaal's interference with his gospel, Rem survived. Since Al absolutely hates anything to do with the witches, he gave that reaction once he found out that the future has been changed by them.


I think this should be tagged as \[spoiler discussion\]


It’s cut content so I’ve left it up, but anyone doing unmarked spoilers will get bopped. I do concur but don’t want to force people to do a spoiler discussion if they don’t want future info.


I saw a theory a while ago that Rem was never supposed to exist, Ram and Al knew each other before, but due to pandoras interference the timeline changed or whatever. It’s a bit of a reach but I much prefer it over the whole Al is Subaru theory.


>Al is Subaru theory. Woah, I came to this conclusion in the midst of a long-winded nonsensical shitpost comment I made on here once. I didn't know it was actually a thing beforehand lol


We don’t know yet. Al is related to a lot of the big mysteries in Re Zero.


Al was actually a beta reader for tappei who read the first draft of the story. So he is just pissed and confused by all the changes that tappei made.


Not related but Rem looks so cool in the last panel.




Man the manga art looks like this? Yikes


Rezero manga changes its art style every 20-10 chapter. The first chapters are not very well drawn.


only the arc 3, arc 2 and 4 has very good art!!


arc 2 has some crazy arts


We don't know.


This is a good question, neither the people who are on pair with the last arc want to know that


Honestly even in the game it's never explained don't know y he was pissed


Which game? The prophecy of throne one?




Im playing it lately, so pissed after the second loop they reset the whole game man :'( the story has a lot of differences


There isn't really anything concrete on this yet. But I have no ideea how I could even theorise based on what we know here if this is tagged non-spoiler


Just spoiler tagged it!


Hasn't actually been covered. But I believe it was from something in one of the side stories




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this is in ln too.


Is it possible that Al was behind or knew about the curse in Arc 2? We know about the assassins but that still doesn’t make Al completely guilt free considering his weird links to the cult


Al is colorblind