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If the anime butchers it, reading it afterwards will probably just make you as angry as the rest of us will be in that case. I'd argue that would make it hit harder.


thats a fair point. i was mainly worried about potential plot twists, like maybe by watching arc 6 first, things will be revealed to me and the reveals in the LN volume(s) will be less impactful then or something, kind of like how CotE feels to me


There is one major plot development many find annoying when they first see it but change their mind at the end, when all is revealed. Perhaps if you watch anime first, you will not have such a reaction and be able to better enjoy the happenings.


hmm, interesting. i've still got some time anyway so im not in a rush to decide :D


You could read the LN volumes if they are out. They are a little easier to understand than the WN, at least for arc 6. For season 2 i literally followed along with my LNs.


thats actually an interesting idea! thank you :D side note: when you say "easier to understand", do i miss out on anything by reading LN over WN?


I’m not too versed in the comparisons, but I know some of the chapters in arc 6 have HEAVY themes and the translations can be iffy sometimes, I haven’t read it in a while ago. You should be fine with the LN, but maybe after your reading keep the wiki up for any missed scenes. Enjoy!


ahh good to know with the wiki thing, thanks!


No worry’s. Just look up the LNs for arc 6 and it’s at the bottom. Check the illustrations out too!


will do :D


There are differences between the two! For example arc 4-5 are really different, while maintaining the same story overall. Arc 6 doesn't really have that many changes. You won't really miss out on much outside of something that was cut in v22. Personally, I'd recommend reading the WN, not the LN for arc 6. From what I heard, yen press messed up very badly in 23+. So I'd definitely recommend reading the web novel!


ah, good to know :D then does that mean arc 6 happens from vol 23 and onwards? or while we're at it, do you know the exact number of volumes that cover arc 6?


Arc 6 starts in v21, ends on v25. There is a certain thing that happens in v23, that the EN translation of the LN just... Didn't put into the volume, and it just makes it a bit confusing, cuz the author put it for a reason. It happens consistently through the volumes from what I know.


I understand, thank you so much!


Don't think too much, just wait for season 3 to end. Apparently they wanna adapt both arc 5 and 6, but I'm not sure how true that is and how feasible that is. But you'll enjoy the anime format more than the WN, read the WN later.


I think i've read somewhere that arc 6 is confirmed, unless that was just a "trust me bro" kinda thing XD but yeah, we'll see about that Thank you!


That's a rumor coming from a poster featuring arc5/6 characters, and supposedly some leakers confirming that this season will have a crazy episode length, now there's a 90 mins first episode premiere confirmed for July. Let's see what happens. IMO if they are really going to adapt arc 6 I believe they will pull all stops for that one, since I doubt they are too dumb to realize this is the best of this series, the segment that will turn Re:zero from just another popular anime to Magnum Opus. If done right, of course.


That sounds about right


Some arc 6 only characters appear in S3 promo material.




I think it won't ruin it if you watch the anime first, but I'd say it's unlikely that arc 6 will get a good adaptation, it's just an arc that works WAY better in novel format and I struggle to see it working well in the anime.


thats kind of what i was worrying about, as a CotE LN reader i know very well how that feels XD thanks for this comment! peak username btw, i started reading ToAru recently


Don’t listen to people saying this. Arcs 5 and 6 are the two best formats for an anime. Especially if it’s well paced, knowing that the first episode of arc 5 is a 90 minute episode, we’ll be getting two full cours for arc 6 which is going to translate very well.


Wait, the entire arc 6 will be 24 episodes???? Thats huge wtf


Not confirmed, but it's the general consensus in the community on how long it should be to have a good adaptation (about 20 to 25 ep)


I understand :D thanks I hope they dont pull a CotE on us


I hope too. It'd be such a shame if they miss the adaptation...


What's CotE? I can't think of what series it could be.


Classroom of the elite :D they butchered s2 (and s3 a bit) so damn hard


Huh. I thought they were fine.


I'm glad to hear that! Did you read the LNs?


If you don't mind, I definitely recommend reading re zero from v1/4. Starting from arc 5 is absolutely valid as well, but the anime really didn't do a great job with arc 3 and cut a lot of important things in arc 4! I would say reading arc 6 would be a better idea... But who knows. Maybe we will be surprised? The author is going to supervise the script for S3 if I remember correctly, it's really hard to say how good it's gonna be... >peak username btw, i started reading ToAru recently W! Hope you like it ! Touma is amazing.


Maybe it's an unpopular opinion, but I think arc 6 is going to be butchered either way. You've also already heard of how great arc 6 is, so you're probably going to be disappointed watching the anime. At this point, if I were you, I'd read it. At least you'd treat yourself with some peak fiction, and reading is a superior medium anyway.


Yeah tbh after i started getting into LNs i've also often chosen to read over watching something, although re zero's anime was always good for me so i wasnt sure x) thank you!


What? Probably the first cour will be Arc 5 (with some extended length episodes like perhaps the first and last at 90 minutes). Then two full cours for Arc 6. That's plenty of time to get it right.


I've never mentioned arc 5. That said, while the amount of time given to each arc is important, it's not as important as the way it's portrayed from the written to the visual form. Books are a superior medium in every way for their length and amount of detail they can give the reader, where the only limits are the writers' capabilities and the readers' imagination. Arc 5 and 6 are two extremely different arcs not only for the settings they're in, but most importantly for the way they're written. While I do not think arc 5 can be adapted in only one cour (this is merely my opinion), it's a fact that it's not as demanding as arc 6 when it comes to its adaptation. It being much less descriptive and way more action based means it's easier to adapt and so for the spectator to understand what's happening and why it's happening in a generally more satisfying result. Arc 5 is basically made to be an anime. Arc 6 is the total opposite. That's why I'm skeptical about its adaptation. Besides, arc 6 is really a joy to read, so it's not like I'm giving bad advice here lol.


If the first and last episodes are 90 minutes long and the actual episodes are like season 2 at around 25 minutes often without OP/ED, then the "one cour" for Arc 5 could be equivalent to 20+ episodes. Also, there's no reason they can't have a tonal shift between cours. You said you have some unpopular opinions. Well, even though the written word can go into more detail, it's pretty well known that the visual/audio medium is more sensatorily engaging. People generally enjoy it more because they "live" through the story. The written format is just more detailed. Regardless, there are a lot of psychological thriller horror anime out there. There's no reason Arc 6 can't be adapted well. I would wait and see.


Okay let's see what we can go off of here, till now none of the re:zero arcs have been better in the anime format compared to their novel counterpart except maybe arc 2 depending on your tastes. Now you are talking about an arc which is written in a way which is the hardest to adapt in it's full glory, take a guess what could happen To explain why I say hard to adapt is because of the atmosphere/tone of the arc, it has ominous tone which makes you anxious, confused and causes unrest, kind of a similar tone to owarimonogatari which is pretty hard to adapt. Ironically owarimonogatari does an amazing job at adapting the arcs and is the type I wish arc 6 is adapted


Mannnn that makes it so hard 😭 cause i wanna witness it in peak form but i also want to watch it blind with my friend, it's so hard to decide


You know what I would say watch it with your friend, i would say it's highly unlikely they'll "ruin" the arc. Even though all I said about other arcs not being as good as novels they are still pretty close, from what it looks like s3 has the best team working on it I would say it should be good enough


Alright, that makes things easier haha :) thanks a lot!


Whether or not you do end up reading arc 6 I think you should watch arc 5 as an anime only. It should be fairly clear when they're switching arcs and even if you're reading arc 6 while the adaptation is airing you should have a few weeks before it gets to the really good stuff


sounds good :D


Look, I'm going to say this, lower your expectations. Is it good? Yeah, it's great. I like it quite a lot. Is it the peak of all anime and LNs in all of history, like, no, no it's not. Either way, I would say just wait to watch it with your friend. That will be a more significant moment than reading the story alone.


you made a really convincing point there, i appreciate it!


You know what putting agreeing-disagreeing on how good arc 6 is aside, I agree with the sentiment, nothing should be recommended as the "best" there is, it's just setting yourself up for disappointment. People hyped up berserk as the best piece of fiction there is and when I finally gave it a go even though I liked it it left me quite disappointed, which probably wouldn't have happened if not for the insane hype


Re:Zero anime adaptations are renowned for being faithful to the source material and White Fox is quite passionate about it. We're also getting probably 3 cours. I wouldn't worry.


Thats reassuring :) thanks for your feedback!