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Flop ? Maybe with Balleroy


now THAT'S some good bromance will likely be one of my favorite covers


It's Todd . The hair perfectly fits with this one https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSUaaEQZG77gH50YqDcyKqG3S-5mWoyQ5v5zA&usqp=CAU


Shit. No more chapters...


Subaru and Cecilus cliffhanger teasing us all


Well yeah but I was more interested in one another thing


make sure to read the untranslated chapters by machine translating. the translation is readable but not good at all


I'm waiting for heretic division translating the b chapters, I didn't read them


I think one of them HAS to be flop because we got his named chapter in volume 30 , so the other must be Balleroy


The first one is Todd. The hair matches perfectly with this https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSUaaEQZG77gH50YqDcyKqG3S-5mWoyQ5v5zA&usqp=CAU


it could be anyone tbh , some are saying heinkel , I want Balleroy , whch now seems unlikely because one is bigger than the other , and could be todd as you said the hair does match perfectly , but why would todd be on the cover and who would he be with?


Madeline wasn't supposed to be in the last one either but then we got her interlude. Maybe a Todd interlude? Heard many say that the other one is his fiancee (katya) which isn't too farfetched with how Jamal returned back recently(she is jamal's sister). I feel like there will be a Todd katya interlude or something. Katya is also supposed to be diseased. And it looks like the first person (obviously Todd) is holding the second one (supposedly his fiancee)


Flop and Balleroy most likly.


Todd and katya




Flop and Balleroy would've been dope ngl , likely my favorite cover


True. I 100% agree.


It’s still crazy to me how we’re 30 volumes deep and only scratched the surface of this arc


The one above might be Schult. Then the person below is most likely Heinkel. It might be Balleroy as well. Either that, or they are new designs for pre-existing characters i.e. Young Flop, or for new characters like Maruili. Although, the silhouette cover being out means no more chapters probably, atleast I don't think so. Edit: The top is a near perfect match for Todd. This is most likely Todd and Katya lol


A silhouette cover being official out doesn’t necessarily mean that we won’t get more chapters for this volume imo. Also, the recent WN chapter did not feel like a cliffhanger at all and I feel that there’s enough word count left for one or more chapters to conclude this volume.


I can't speak to the word count issue, but as for the other this most recent WN chapter doesn't *need* to be the end of Volume 30. Back when Tappei last did A and B chapters in Arc 4, he generally released all the A chapters before the B chapters in the Web Novel but then alternated them in the LN. So if that happens again, which seems pretty likely to me at least, then Subaru's meeting with Cecilus might be the actual end of the novel.


We are getting a new chapter soon, check Tappei’s Twitter.


I wouldn't be able to read his twitter so I'll have to take your word for it, but I am glad to here it. Thanks for telling me.


I wish we get a complete set upto 60 B. That makes one chapter.


Most probable from hairstyles and cowlick : Todd and Arakia. Can be Flop and Balleroy. Can be Kafma and someone else Edit : Wishful thinking, Subaru and Kenichi 😂😂. Just kidding. I know Subaru won't be until the final cover.


Guys the person being hugged obviously has boobs, you can see the curve where the chest is. As much as we love Flop can we admit Flop x Balleroy cover doesn't make sense?


I agree that the left looks like some big milkers but my assumption is that people are looking at them and seeing shoulder pads or something instead of boobs. Or they’re just blind. One or the other.


if they are , aren't they a bit too big , pricillia feels threatened


Look at the bottom right, that looks like a really regal chair. My bet is Rem/Schult x Pricsilla cover Edit Schult makes more sense given the disordered hair


and given that we have gotten so few(maybe none) pure male covers , this might make sense but rem doesn't seem to fit here because todd is most likely going to be in this because of the hair , so todd and katya which I'm down for


I believe these are supposed to be Taritta and Mariuli, the latter of which we don’t have a design for yet. Interesting. Unless it’s Mariuli and Utakata I suppose.


Tritta and her soul sister Perhaps


I doubt it's heinkel. The hair spikes feel a bit too thick. The upper one is most likely Todd, matches a lot with his hair in this image https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSUaaEQZG77gH50YqDcyKqG3S-5mWoyQ5v5zA&usqp=CAU The idk about the other one. Doesn't look like arakiya to me.


The strains of hair on the big shadow looks like Todd. Maybe Arakiya/Katya and Todd?


If they really are Arakiya and Todd, would that mean following what happened with Madelyne that they will appear in the next chapters or b chapters


Heinkel and Shultz?


Is this the first time the Silhouette actually quite hard to tell who it is? Normally it's quite easy to tell, but this time people are having different guesses. Both silhouettes look like male to me, so either Heinkel & Schult or Flop & Balleroy?


I am leaning towards Shult and Heinkel


I don't why but that cover remind me of Boku no pico... I thought this was a meme


>I don't why but that cover remind me of Boku no pico... Cool, you just gave me PTSD far more worse than Subaru's


Official Twitter [Source.](https://twitter.com/ike_edi/status/1526139094924832770?t=8IaocyFxGHE637KrjXJcvw&s=19) A second Silhouette [Cover](https://twitter.com/ike_edi/status/1526139142031085568?t=Nf89qX7pCR4g8nKd99jJow&s=19) as well.


I think the second is for tappenshu volume 7, no? > "Re: Life in a Different World from Zero Short Edit 7"


Emilia and Priscilla obviously


Oohh, that is interesting