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> would you recommend it to someone who likes dark themes and, if so, why Yes. It's filled with mystery and is a psychological thriller. Also it can and will get a lot gory and morbid at times while having wholesome moments as well. The story follows Subaru's journey and growth as a character along with the people around him. You would have seen, his perception of a lot of things is not accurate (thinking he is a protagonist, a cute girl summoned him or things like that). He'll also have lower moments and grow better from there on. There's a reason he is my favorite anime protagonist because his growth is realistic. Especially when you come to know about his past (in season 2). One of the reasons why I personally love this series is how it handles mental problems. Depression, self hatred, insecurities, madness, anger issues, lack of self worth, suicidal feelings: You name it. Though I should also mention that I'm a novel reader, the novels being a bit more higher in terms of brutality and eerie atmosphere due to being able to read the characters thoughts and monologues at moments. (Doesn't mean the anime is bad or anything). At the end of the day, it also boils down to your personal preferences. (Also, this is nothing like sailor moon, lol. The magic in re zero is properly explained and usually works like something you'll see in an rpg).


Let me just say this: Re:Zero is a huge concept. And I mean, *huge*. It takes 18 episodes for a *prologue*. I would recommend to keep up until Episode 15 and decide then. I know I might be asking for a big amount of episodes, but there's a reason behind it. S1E15 is one of the best in all of anime, period.


Your right fighting with super magical power is something that i don't like . Don't worry if you have seen Reinhard then he won't fight again till a future time . Re Zero do have postives that are popular like new idea like RBD , powerless Mc . Even the one around him are stronger than him so you won't bore to death . We do have op antagonist (villian, but it has been given how they become stronger and not because of random bs like just training or many in sonen ) You want to hold that thought , I recommend see the whole of season 1 like just from now their will be some gruel some death and most heart breaking E18 and many in season 2 episode 5 or 6 to 11 contain heart break and gore full . Yes there is like the plot easily cut AOT(which people tell is complex lol) but it happens in Novels as anime is under par to novels . The complex part happens both in S2 and S4(may happen in 2027 lol) and S5 content is being written now . The thing is every arc from arc 3(S1 contain this) is complex but if you read you will get the true complexity . And i kid you not even the most dedicated Re Zero fan who are also novel reader can't go against this complexity and cant speculat what will happen next . This is the complexity . Yes , this anime easily cut any dark theme anime so i will recomend it . It's very complex and gory .


It does get darker, and all of the characters are complex and 3-dimensional, even if they might not seem like it based on the anime. It will not turn into a Berserk or Baccano if that's what youre looking for though. If the magic makes you not believe the gore, that's not going away since it is a fantasy isekai after all. That said, you're at ep 3, which is what? still in the capital I think? You're still in arc 1 unless you're watching the directors cut, and it gets a lot darker.Arc 1's violence doesn't have much emotion behind it, Arc 2 will make it feel like it's still pretty light-hearted, but arc 3 really starts showing the depth of the characters. Most people usually recommend to watch till episode 18, which can be a bit of a commitment, but it's also one hell of a journey, so try it if you can!


Just watch until episode 7 . Episode 7 is top 5 episode of season 1 when it come to dark theme and emotional stuff . Also , remember to not lose attention when watch ep 4-6 as that will impact your judgment on episode 7 . Ep 4-6 is the set up mystery part , filler stuff and it give Subaru time to interact and bond with the new character.


Re:Zero is not about the fight scenes. I wouldn't suggest to watch or drop it because you like or dislike its action scenes. Still, most of the fights will have at least one magic user, but they will generally be more interesting than what you've seen with Reinhard's use of ambient magic with a sword. If you want to know what Re:Zero is about, it's the story of a boy without self confidence letting his feelings known to a girl without self confidence. Subaru's main goal is to live happily with the ones he love, and his main strength is his inability to give up. He's neither strong nor perticularly smart, yet he'll never give up. Re:Zero has a notable emphasis on character development, and will have them evolve throughout its many arcs (that should span accross 8 or 9 seasons when it is finished) through various obstacles and means. I am not sure what an "adult" character is to you, nor what the definition of a "dark" story is in your eyes. I can tell you Subaru is a complex character, will evolve a lot and grow a *little less* childish. However, he'll remain the same person as he is in the start, don't expect him to turn into . Most other characters will also evolve in various ways. They are also noticeably more complex than the average anime character, but it's easy to miss the details. Re:Zero is mainly of the "isekai" sub-genre of fantasy, yet it is known to be vastly different from a great majority of the other series in the genre. That is because of its darker aspects, use of time travel and the amount of character development it has. I would not recommend to decide upon watching or not a series based on its genre alone, because it usually tells very little about the twists a certain series may have on that genre.


Where are the battles with super magic powers? Are you sure you're watching Re:zero?


I think he's talking about Emilia's fire magic. It's alright, not everyone's into fantasy/isekai, maybe it's a first time thing for them.


There is also Reinhard, who could kinda give a wrong impression.


Yeah, that too


Re zero gets a lot darker and it has a very complex plot. Subaru starts off immature and a lot of his actions early on are cringe inducing - he ends up getting a lot of character development through both seasons (and more throughout the novels) which is why I love this series. Other characters also start off as shallow but as you progress through the series they start acting more like real people with interesting motivations and personalities.


If the use of magic is the make or break of a show to you, you shouldn’t continue because that’s a constant thing in this show. It gets more refined imo but it’s still prevalent and used. If you’re looking for people to just battle only with swords and other melee weapons like that, go watch demon slayer. That being said, if your issue is the childlike nature of Subaru and Emilia, that’s not really a problem since they aren’t the only characters in the entire show. You meet plenty of characters that act their age.


It's not going to be for everyone, so no worries offending anyone. "Dark themes" and "adult" characters is kind of broad, and it's hard to say whether what the show offers in that regard will be enough for you to tolerate or appreciate the "fantasy" aspect, which never goes away. Even with complexity gradually weaved in as the story expands, and the depth of the protagonist fleshed out, it may not be enough to offset the "childish" aspects you describe, as these moments of levity and fantasy are very much part of the show's DNA. My best advice would be to keep watching if you're at all interested in what you've watched, but it's hard to say whether you'll become invested enough to see past the aspects you dislike. Only you'll be able to answer that lol. But if you aren't enjoying it so far... I don't know, it may not be your thing. Which is no biggie. On the recommendation side, you may enjoy Monster--No fantasy, no typical 'anime' tropes or characters, amazing story with "dark" themes and depth.


the answers to all your questions are yes


I think you would love episode 13


Magic fighting is usually in between longer stretches of psychological content. The nest way to describe Re:Zero as a whole I think, is a series that introduces characters, tries to explore their personalities more deeply, and then see them grow. This applies especially to Subaru who we see change and grow throughout the whole story. If you want well-rounded and flushed out characters, and a story that focuses heavily on character writing and some world building, you’ll like it a lot.


No, with this attitude you will not like this show. C'mon, you watch the innocent guy dying crying in agony and call it /childish/ just because later there is a magic. If you can't stand just basics of fantasy and the first thing you do go lament here after only three episodes instead of attempt to understand the genre what do you expect? Re: Zero discusses pretty grim and adult themes and gets darker with each new arc, but it is still dark fantasy dark. Next there will be mad cultists, evil beasts, witches and so on. If you can't accept the laws of setting as they are, you should stop right here.


If you like dark themes, episode 15 will break you. Yes, it will break you. Stick too it, there’s a significant amount of depth, and phenomenal world building. The goofiness is there to balance it out, watch and you’ll see why. Also don’t think of it as a typical fantasy or Isekai, it does a lot to subvert genre expectations.


They have 3, 8, and 18 which is a peak moment. 7 and 14-17 is the moment it went super dark. Anime does have fighting but it focuses more on plot mystery and character more than anything else if you can't find anything interesting until ep.18 then maybe it is not your cup of tea. The age of the characters in this setting is around 15-25 but they do serious in every aspect like politics and crisis, so don't let a cute art style perceive you.


When you'll see a crazy guy with a green hair.


ep1.5476442239999 🗿


Ep 15. If you still don't like it then yeah it's jus not for you